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1、序CHINESEJOURNALOFAPPLIEDCHEMISTRY2024年1月应用化学第41卷第1期D0I:10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.240006生化分析专辑序言一助力疾病的临床诊断张书圣(临沂大学医学院,山东省肿瘤标志物检测技术重点实验室,临沂2 7 6 0 0 0)中图分类号:0 6 2 5文献标识码:A文章编号:10 0 0-0 518(2 0 2 4)0 1-0 0 0 1-0 2疾病的发生、发展与患者体内不正常生理活动产生的生化分子异常表达密切相关,例如,正常人体内三磷酸腺苷(ATP)浓度通常小于0.4mmol/L,而恶性肿瘤细胞的ATP浓度可达1.5 1

2、5mmol/L;又如血浆中组氨酸水平异常可能与癫痫、精神分裂症和肝硬化等多种疾病相关。多种疾病相关的生化分子已成为临床诊断的理想生物标志物,为疾病的早期诊断和及时治疗提供有力工具。然而,某些生化分子相对较低的丰度以及高度的相似性为其准确定量带来了巨大挑战,因此,发展出更快速、更灵敏和特异性高的生化分析方法,将疾病相关分子以光、电等多种信号形式呈现出来具有重要意义。本专辑为促进我国“生化分析”领域前沿创新研究的学术交流,邀请从事相关研究的学者分享最新研究成果,收录综述和研究论文共计13篇。专辑内包含8 篇研究性论文,报道了能特异识别组氨酸的小分子探针构建的光电化学传感界面,灵敏检测禁用药物的激光

3、雕刻石墨烯阵列电极,单细胞质谱成像装置,细胞葡萄糖实时动态检测平台,基于金纳米粒子聚集、基于上转换纳米颗粒与催化发夹组装信号放大策略的miRNA传感方法,肿瘤细胞内ATP、m i c r o RNA 响应型荧光成像与靶向治疗的多种探针等等。另有5篇综述文章,主题多样,涉及到近红外二区激活型小分子荧光探针、无机纳米酶以及固态纳米通道在分析传感领域的应用,和为进一步提高检测技术的通用性发展的多种便携可视化检测方法,包括多种比色探针的检测机理以及它们在实际样本检测中的应用。我们希望借助该专辑的出版,使广大读者更深入地了解生化分析的研究现状和发展趋势,进而以此为基础设计新颖、多功能的分析方法与手段,推

4、动相关领域研究的发展!衷心感谢对本专辑出版做出贡献的作者、审稿人和编辑人员!2024-01-04收稿;2 0 2 4-0 1-0 4接受*Guest editor,E-mail:第41卷应用化学Preface to Special Issue“Biochemical AnalysisAssisting Clinical Diagnosis of DiseasesZHANG Shu-Sheng(Key Lab for Tumor Biomarker Detection Technology of Shandong Province,Medical School,Linyi University,

5、Linyi 276000,China)The occurrence and development of the disease is closely related to the abnormal expression ofbiochemical molecules produced by abnormal physiological activities in patients.Such as the adenosinetriphosphate(ATP)in normal human body is usually less than O.4 mmol/L,while the ATP co

6、ncentration ofmalignant tumor cells can reach 1.515 mmol/L;abnormal histidine levels in plasma may be related to variousdiseases such as epilepsy,schizophrenia,and liver cirrhosis.A variety of disease-related biochemicals havebecome the ideal biomarkers of clinical diagnosis,providing powerful tools

7、 for early diagnosis and timelytreatment of diseases.However,the relatively low abundance and high similarity of some biochemical moleculeshave brought great challenges to its accurate detection.Therefore,its of great significance to develop morefast,more sensitive and high-specific biochemical anal

8、ysis methods,presenting the disease-related moleculesin the form of light,electricity and other signals.In order to promote the academic exchanges of the forefront of innovation in the field of“biochemicalanalysis,scholars are invited to share the latest research results,including 13 reviews and res

9、earch papers.The album contains 8 research papers,which reports the optical chemochemical sensing interface built withsmall molecular probes that can be specifically recognized;laser carving graphene array electrodes;single-cellmass spectrometry device;cell glucose glucose real-time dynamic detectio

10、n platform;MiRNA sensing methodbased on gold nanoparticles,based on upper converting nanoparticles and catalytic hairpin assembly signals;theATP and microRNA responsive fluorescence imaging and targeted therapy for tumor cells,etc.There are fivereview articles,involving the application of near-infra

11、red region activated small molecules fluorescent probes,inorganic nanozymes,and solid nano channels in the biochemical analysis.To further improve the generaltechnology,a variety of portable visual detection methods have been applied in actual sample detection.We hope the publication of the album ca

12、n help readers understand the current status and developmenttrends of biochemical analysis,and develop more new,multi-functional analysis method to promote the research inrelated fields!I sincerely thank the author,reviewer and editor who contributed to the publication of thisalbum!Beceived.2024-01-04:ccented.2024-01-04Received 2024-01-04;Accepted 2024-01-04

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