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1、The service procedure of bellman行李服务程序1-1 Welcome the guest 迎接来宾Scene: A car pulls up in front of YongJiang Hotel and a bellman (B)goes forward to meet the guest(G) ,opening the door of the car for him.B: Good evening ,sir.Welcome to our hotel.G: Thanks, Good evening .B: (Opening the trunk ,taking o

2、ut the baggage and looking at the name on the baggage tags.) Im the bellman ,Mr. Bellow. So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?G: Yes.B: The Reception Desk is straight ahead.After you, please.1-2 Show the guest to the room引客上房(When the guest finished the check in , the bellman took the k

3、ey tag from his hand .)B: May I have your key , please? Let me open the door for you.G: Here it is.B: This way please, Mr.Bellow. I show your way .G: Thank you very much.B: Here is the lift. After you,please. Let me introduce our hotel to you. If you want to have Chinese food, you can go to Sunshine

4、 restaurant and Garden restaurant. If you want to have western food, please go to Lobby restaurant. Also available are a beauty salon, a barber shop, gym ,game room and Snooker room. You only need to show your room card to the waiter,you can get free of charge for Gym.B: Here is your room 1620, sir.

5、 (Knock the door three times, and open the door for the guest.) You first, please. Please insert your key here to turn on power switch. May I put your luggage here ? Please check your luggage again. By the way , May I open the curtain for you? You room faces south and commands a good view of the Yon

6、g River. G: Yes, how lovely it is. 1-3 Introduce the room to the guest 向客人介绍房间B:Here is a bedside control panel. It controls light, air-conditioner, TV and so on,here is the mini bar, you can get some beverage from it, and the price list is here. Here are some coffee and tea. It is free of charge fo

7、r the guest. You can enjoy it.B: If you want to watch TV. Please press the TVbutton, the TV remote control is here, you can choose the TV program. Our hotel Offer paid-movie service. If you would like to enjoy it, please press the moviebutton and choose your favorite movies.B: Let me tell you how to

8、 use the telephone, Sir/Madam. For room to room calls, please just dial the room number. If make local call, please press “9” first, and then the telephone number, if make DDD(Domestic direct dial)call, press “9”first, district code and the telephone number; if make IDD(International direct dial) ca

9、ll, press “9” first, state code, district code and the telephone number.B: Our hotel offers internet service for the guest. Here is a service directory of our hotel. I believe it is useful for you during your stay. We appreciate your precious suggestions about our service and facilities.B: There is

10、a safe box in the closet, you can use it. There is a piece of fire escape plan behind the door. The red point shows you where you are now.B:Let me tell you how to use the bath shower. Before you bathe, please put the bath mat into the bathtub, and it can prevent you from slipping. There is a string

11、above the bathtub, you can hang your clothes up.B:Good-bye, if you need any assistance, please contact us at your convenience. Our extension is “78” , we look forward to your calling. Hope you enjoy your stay with us.1-4 Check out 客人离店B:Good morning/afternoon/evening. What can I do for you? You will

12、 check out? Please wait a minute, I will go to your room with a luggage cart at once. Is all your luggage here, Sir/Madam? Lets go to Cashier. Cashier is over there. May I book a taxi for you , sir? Here is the taxi I arranged for you, I have put your luggage into the taxi, and please check it again

13、. Have a nice trip and hope to see you again. Good-bye.2-1 Store luggage 行李寄存 G: Id like to store my luggage? B: Of course, how many pieces of your luggage do you have? G: Just four. B: How many days would you like to store it? G: In three days. B: Ok, no problem.By the way, is there anything valuab

14、le or breakable in your bag? G: There are some potteries in this bag. B: Im afraid you have to take it out.,Its against our hotel policy. G: OK. B: Please sign here. Please keep the claim tag well, You shoule show it to the bellman, when you fetch you bag. 2-2 Lost the tag and receipt 遗失行李牌和收据 G:Im

15、sorry.Ive lost my tags and receipt. How can I do about it? B: I see.What is your baggage? And do you remenber the tag number or color? G: Its a suitcase. But Ive forgot the exact colour. Maybe it is red or something. B: Could you give me a description of your case? G: Its like this. Its square with

16、a leather cover. Yes,I remenber, there is a green string around the handle.Thats right. B: Ill check it for you Sorry to keep you waiting.Ive found it. Is this yours? G: Yes, it is the righe one. B: Will you show me your key card, please? G: Here it is. B: All right. Now you can take your case away.

17、3-1 Borrow the umbrella 租伞服务 B: You want to borrow a umbrella? G: Yes. B: Could you tell me you room number. G: 1620. B: Please sign here, I have to tell you that, Its free of charge for you to borrow umbrella. But if you lose it, you have to pay it for 50 yuan RMB. B: Thank you for your cooperation.

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