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1、 随堂训练 1 What do a volunteer and a tourist have in common? 1. But can you be a volunteer and a tourist at the same2? Absolutely. Voluntourisma trend combining volunteering with tourismis becoming more and more3, with more and more people looking for opportunities to4others while visiting interesting

2、places. Many organizations in the world5voluntouring projects. Earthwatch, for example, is a non-profit organization focusing on bringing science to life for those6about the Earths future. It offers opportunities for people to7their teams of scientists on a diverse range of projects. It has also set

3、 up “teen teams” whereby young people aged 16 to 17 can8with, and learn from leading scientists. On the other hand, Habitat for Humanity, a voluntary agency well known for9houses for the homeless, has developed a voluntouring package for participants to help out in their projects across the world. T

4、hey provide10housing for the poor. Jimmy Carter, the former president of the USA, is a regular11in Habitat for Humanity projects. You dont have to12building skills to be part of its volunteering team; you can give a hand13you know how to hold a paintbrush or a hammer. But just like in any other14, t

5、here are always black sheep that exploit(利用)the15of voluntourists. They may come up with phoney(虚假的)programs. Would-be voluntourists should therefore be16and check out the organizations before17their programs. It is not18, though, to figure out which organizations are genuine and which are phoney. G

6、enuine voluntourism operators have long-term goals and they19assess the success of their projects. These are the ones that you can20if you are thinking of a voluntour for your next vacation. 1. A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything 2. A. stage B. age C. level D. time 3. A. useful B. popu

7、lar C. important D. promising 4. A. know B. change C. help D. understand 5. A. introduce B. share C. prefer D. provide 6. A. concerned B. disappointed C. sorry D. uncertain 7. A. recognize B. interview C. join D. watch 8. A. play B. work C. compete D. study 9. A. choosing B. buying C. building D. re

8、pairing 10. A. beautiful B. affordable C. splendid D. expensive 11. A. operator B. participant C. advisor D. organizer 12. A. apply B. practice C. possess D. improve 13. A. even though B. as far as C. so that D. as long as 14. A. field B. farm C. company D. country 15. A. faith B. goodwill C. confid

9、ence D. courage 16. A. cautious B. anxious C. practical D. eager 17. A. making use of B. taking part in C. keeping up with D. looking forward to 18. A. quick B. necessary C. possible D. difficult 19. A. occasionally B. instantly C. regularly D. casually 20. A. find B. believe C. accept D. expect 【解题

10、思路】 第一步明对象顺脉络 本文是说明文, 介绍了融旅游和志愿活动为一体的公益旅游。首段引出话题, 第二段提出说明对象voluntourism, 并介绍志愿者组织Earthwatch, 第三段介绍另一个志愿者组织Habitat for Humanity, 最后两段指出公益旅游领域真假并存, 提醒如何去伪存真。 第二步品原文析选项 (一)部分答案直接选 以下题目, 在第一遍阅读时即可选出; 你能写出它们的答案吗? 2. D; 5. D; 7. C; 13. D; 14. A; 17. B (二)逻辑题目细推断 1. 根据下文的But一词可知, 这两者没有什么共同点。故选A。 3. 根据下文的介绍

11、可知, 公益旅游越来越受欢迎。故选B。 10. 根据下文的the poor可知, 该组织为穷人提供能住得起的房子。故选B。 12. 根据下文的hold a paintbrush or a hammer可知, 参与者不需要拥有盖房子的技能, 只要会拿漆刷或锤子就行。故选C。 15. 败类和善意构成对比。故选B。 16. 既然有虚假的活动来欺骗人们, 那么准备参与公益旅游的人们在参加活动前必须谨慎。故选A。 18. 根据下文提供的方法可知, 要辨别真假也不难。故选D。 20. 既然是真的, 那么当然可以信赖。故选B。 (三)依照语境词义辨 8. 既然要帮忙, 自然要参与其中, 和科学家一起工作。故

12、选B。 19. 真的公益旅游经营者会有长期的目标, 并定期评价活动成功与否。故选C。 (四)重复词汇直接选 9. 本段最后一句中的building与本题是原词复现, 故选C。 11. 本段第一句中的participants与本题是原词复现。故选B。 (五)搭配题目填一填 6. concerned与about搭配, 意为“关心, 关注”。故选A。 (六)依据常识选答案 4. 既然是和volunteering有关, 自然是帮助他人。故选C。 2 Communication is an important part of any relationship. Many of us are1to sha

13、re our experiences or emotions with our friends. But when its our turn to lend a(n)2, we soon become bored or are short of ideas on how to3and offer advice. Thats because of what researchers call “listener burnout(倦怠)”. A friend might talk to us4, often complaining about the same5problems. When we o

14、ffer quick advice to6the situation, we may be unconsciously trying to7ourselves from burnout. However, good listeners8their natural tendency to solve the others problems hurriedly and to keep the conversation brief. To be a good9, you need to use “active listening”. It starts with the real10to help

15、others and think through their feelings. Dont11things. You can start by putting your phone12and sitting close to your friend. Let your facial expressions13what he or she is saying. 14you are able to fully understand, acknowledge the other persons15by reflecting them back: “That must be really hard f

16、or you. ”Use16words or even sounds such as “yes” “right”, and “hmm” to17the other person to continue. Of course, a18can be extremely hard if the other person is too critical. But dont get defensive. Effective listeners dont19negative criticism. Instead, they listen and understand what the person is

17、trying to convey20responding. 1. A. afraid B. hesitant C. shy D. eager 2. A. shoulder B. hand C. ear D. eye 3. A. respond B. explain C. argue D. quit 4. A. aimlessly B. endlessly C. deliberately D. cautiously 5. A. difficult B. old C. acute D. sensitive 6. A. fix B. discuss C. create D. describe 7.

18、A. forgive B. protect C. discourage D. prevent 8. A. follow B. display C. form D. overcome 9. A. reader B. partner C. listener D. speaker 10. A. demand B. habit C. desire D. ability 11. A. skip B. rush C. overlook D. postpone 12. A. away B. off C. out D. up 13. A. record B. restrict C. reflect D. re

19、place 14. A. Whether B. Since C. While D. If 15. A. suggestions B. purposes C. responses D. feelings 16. A. big B. tough C. strong D. short 17. A. force B. remind C. encourage D. convince 18. A. conversation B. suggestion C. problem D. lecture 19. A. give up B. make up C. leave out D. block out 20.

20、A. after B. before C. while D. once 【解题思路】 第一步明对象顺脉络 本文是说明文, 分析了倾听倦怠现象, 并说明了如何做一个好的倾听者。第一段是背景, 引入话题; 第二段介绍说明对象listener burnout; 最后两段介绍如何做一个好的倾听者。 第二步品原文析选项 (一)部分答案直接选 以下题目, 在第一遍阅读时即可选出; 你能写出它们的答案吗? 2. C; 16. D; 18. A; 20. B (二)逻辑题目细推断 3. 根据后文offer advice可知, 此处是不知道如何回应。故选A。 5. 根据空前the same推断, 这些问题以前就

21、提到过, 所以是老问题。故选B。 8. 根据However和good listeners可知, 好的倾听者能够克服前文提到的那种情况。故选D。 11. 根据前文说不要急于处理别人的问题, 以及后文把电话收起来, 靠近朋友坐着可以推断出, 不要匆忙地做事情。故选B。 17. 根据前文yes, right以及后文to continue可知, 此处是鼓励对方继续(说)下去。故选C。 (三)依照语境词义辨 4. 朋友可能会对我们说个不休, 抱怨同样的老问题。故选B。 6. 当我们很快提供建议来处理这种情形时, 我们会无意识地试图保护我们自己免于倦怠。故选A。 7. 当我们很快提供建议来处理这种情形时,

22、 我们会无意识地试图保护我们自己免于倦怠。故选B。 10. 积极的倾听开始于帮助他人和想他人所想的真正欲望。故选C。 14. 无论你能否完全理解, 你都要承认对方的感情。故选A。 19. 有效的倾听者不会挡住消极的批评, 而是在回应前倾听并理解别人所要传达的内容。故选D。 (四)重复词汇直接选 9. 本文主题是listener burnout, listener在文中出现多次, 故此处也是listener。故选C。 13. 下一句中的reflecting与本题是原词复现。故选C。 15. 本段第二句中的feelings与本题是原词复现。故选D。 (五)搭配题目填一填 12. put away, 意为“收起来放好”, 符合语境。故选A。 (六)依据常识选答案 1. 我们总是渴望与朋友们分享我们的经历和感情, 而不愿听别人的。这是人之常情。故选D。20 20

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