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1、单元基础知识过关基础知识清单基础知识迁移Unit 8 Countries around the world第1页基础知识清单基础知识清单单元基础知识过关重点单词 依据汉语提醒,写出对应单词 1邀请(v.)_2指;指向(v.)_3国家(n.)_4非洲(n.)_invitepointcountryAfrica第2页单元基础知识过关5首都(n.)_6伦敦(n.)_7语言(n.)_8法语(n.)_9方向(n.)_10东方(n.&adv.)_11西方(n.&adv.)_capitalLondonlanguageFrenchdirectioneastwest第3页单元基础知识过关12南方(n.&adv.)


3、_in the cornerthe sameasa map of China第6页单元基础知识过关4全世界_5have a lot of fun_6a long history_7Englishspeaking countries_8a list of_around the world/all over the world玩得很开心悠久历史说英语国家清单第7页单元基础知识过关9be/come from_10the capital of_11know about_12be close to _13point south_来自首都知道;了解离近指向南第8页单元基础知识过关重点句型依据汉语意思完成句

4、子,每空一词1伦敦是英国首都。London is the _ _ the UK.2美国在加拿大南部。The US.is _ _ Canada.capital ofsouth of第9页单元基础知识过关3感激你邀请我。Thank you _ _ me.4你来自哪里?Where _ you _?5袋鼠是澳大利亚国宝级动物之一。The kangaroo is _ _ the national _ of Australia.for invitingarefromone ofanimals第10页单元基础知识过关6在加拿大,人们讲什么语言?_ _ do people in Canada speak?7在

5、中国,人们说汉语。In China,people_ _8人们把英语作为第一语言来讲。People speak English _ their _ _What languagespeak Chineseasfirst language第11页单元基础知识过关9美国在中国什么方向?_ _ is America from China?10对中国你还了解什么?_ _ do you know about China?What directionWhat else第12页单元基础知识过关词汇串记用方框中所给词适当形式完成短文live,UK.,US.,country,lovely,Canada,southe

6、ast,speak,famous,lion第13页单元基础知识过关 Hello!We learn some 1._ in the world this week.Now I know the UK.is west of China but Canada and the 2._ are east of China.New Zealand is 3._ of Australia.I also know they all 4._ English as their first language.countriesU.S.speaksoutheast第14页单元基础知识过关 There are many

7、 interesting places in the world.I know Big Ben is in the 5._The Niagara Falls is a 6._ waterfall all over the world and the famous Statue of Liberty is in New York.There are many 7._animals in many countries.For example,the beaver is 8._ national animal.The 9._ is the U.K.s national animal.My favou

8、rite animal is the kangaroo.It 10._ in Australia.U.K.famousCanadaslovelylionlives第15页单元基础知识过关单词回顾 依据句意及首字母或汉语提醒完成句子1He _(邀请)us to his birthday party.2What is he _(指)to?A plane in the sky.3These _(国家)are east of China.基础知识迁移基础知识迁移nvitespointingcountries第16页单元基础知识过关4.Beijing is the c_ city of China.5D

9、o you know how many _(语言)there are in the world?6The _(叶子)in autumn look very beautiful.7Fathers father is g_ apitallanguagesleavesrandfather第17页单元基础知识过关8Big Ben is a very famous t_ all over the world.9S_ points down on the map.10Can you speak _(法语)?11Can you see the stars on the f_ of that country?

10、12Does your uncle live in _(非洲)?owerouthFrenchlagAfrica第18页单元基础知识过关.用方框中所给短语适当形式填空 come from,in the corner,the same as,a lot of,all over the world1My father travels to _ countries around the world.2The student over there _ Africa.短语利用a lot ofcomes from第19页单元基础知识过关 3Look!Whats that _?4Oh,my new bike

11、is _ his.5These people from _ are talking happily.in the cornerthe same asall over the world第20页单元基础知识过关.依据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1谢谢你果汁。_ _ _ your juice.2新西兰是个讲英语国家。New Zealand is an _ country.Thank you forEnglishspeaking第21页单元基础知识过关3咱们做个最喜欢水果清单吧。Lets make _ _ _ our favourite fruit.4长城在全世界闻名。_ _ _ is famous

12、around the world.a list ofThe Great Wall第22页单元基础知识过关5它们在中国什么方向?_ _ are they _ China?6关于这些国家你还知道些什么?_ _ do you know _ these countries?What direction fromWhat else about第23页单元基础知识过关句型突破按要求完成以下各题,每空一词1They speak English and French in Canada.(对画线部分提问)_ _ do they speak in Canada?What languages第24页单元基础知识过

13、关2The Palace Museum is famous around the world.(改为同义句)The Palace Museum is famous _ _ _ _3It has a leaf on Canadas national flag.(改为同义句)_ _ a leaf on Canadas national flag.4It is a great country.(改为复数句)_ _ great _all over the worldThere isThey arecountries第25页单元基础知识过关5The U.K.s national animal is th

14、e lion.(改为普通疑问句)_ the lion the U.K.s national animal?6It has a long history.(改为否定句)It _ _ a long history.7Pandas live in China.(对画线部分提问)_ _ pandas live?Isdoesnt haveWhere do第26页单元基础知识过关8Can you mark these countries on the map?(作必定回答)_,_ _9Canada is east of China.(改为同义句)China is _ _ Canada.10She is from Africa.(改为同义句)She _ _ Africa.YesI canwest ofcomes from第27页单元基础知识过关11Im 160 centimetres tall.Youre 160 centimetres tall,too.(改为同义句)I have _ _ height _ you.12Look at the map of our school.(改为否定句)_ _ _ the map of our school.the sameasDont look at第28页

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