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1、单元基础知识过关基础知识清单基础知识迁移Unit 5 Family and Home第1页基础知识清单基础知识清单单元基础知识过关重点单词 依据汉语提醒,写出对应单词 1摆放(餐具);放置;落下(v.)_2携带;搬运(v.)_3驾驶;用车送(v.)_4组员(n.)_setcarrydrivemember第2页单元基础知识过关5儿子(n.)_6女儿(n.)_7卧室(n.)_8(男)警察(n.)_9无线电;收音机(n.)_10正面(n.)_11篮;筐(n.)_sondaughterbedroompolicemanradiofrontbasket第3页单元基础知识过关12野餐(n.)_13纸;试卷(

2、n.)_14诗;诗歌(n.)_15玫瑰(n.)_16礼品(n.)_17字典;词典(n.)_18周末(n.)_picnicpaperpoemrosepresentdictionaryweekend第4页单元基础知识过关19软;柔软(adj.)_20平静;平静(adj.)_21努力;艰难(adv.&adj.)_22一起(adv.)_23在里面;在里面(prep.&adv.)_24在之上(prep.)_25三十(num.)_softquiethardtogetherinsideabovethirty第5页单元基础知识过关重点短语依据汉语意思,写出对应英文短语 1踢足球_2去野餐_3小心;注意_4摆放

3、餐具_play footballgo on a picniclook outset the table第6页单元基础知识过关5走着去上学_6努力学习_7准备好做_8与亲近_9在前面_10用警用对讲机交谈_walk to schoolwork hardbe ready tobe close toin front oftalk on the police radio第7页单元基础知识过关11在周末_12一篮子_13许多_14生日高兴_15史密斯一家_at/on weekendsa basket ofa lot of/lots ofhappy birthdaythe Smiths/the Smith

4、 family第8页单元基础知识过关重点句型依据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1你多大了?_ _ are you?2她是做什么?_ does she _?How oldWhatdo第9页单元基础知识过关3我没有弟兄姐妹。I have _ brothers _ sisters.4我能够和他无话不谈。I can talk _ him _ everything.5他们在做什么?What _ they _?noorto/withaboutaredoing第10页单元基础知识过关6我正在画一张我和奶奶图画。I am _ a picture _ Grandma and _7它(生日聚会)在我奶奶和爷爷家举行。

5、Its at my _ _ _ house.8她总是乐于助人。She _ always _ _ help others.drawingofmegrandma and grandpasisready to第11页单元基础知识过关9你旁边那个人是谁?Who is that man _ _?10那个小男孩正站在门后。That little boy is standing _ _ _beside youbehind the door第12页单元基础知识过关词汇串记依据短文内容及汉语提醒完成短文 Today is my 1._(爷爷)birthday.My parents are 2._(举行)a pa

6、rty for him.Look!My mother and Aunt Jane are 3._(制作)a birthday cake.My father,my uncle and my grandfather are talking and laughing.grandpas/grandfathershavingmaking第13页单元基础知识过关 My grandfather gets many 4._(礼品)He loves the one from usa birthday card.My cousin and I make it 5._(一起)We use 6._(纸)and cra

7、yons to make the card.And 7._(在里面)it we write,“You are a great grandfather and we love you.”presentspapertogetherinside第14页单元基础知识过关 My grandfather often tells us 8._(故事)Now he is 9._(讲)us a story about a big wolf(狼)We are 10._(都)happy.Happy birthday,Grandpa!storiestellingall第15页单元基础知识过关单词回顾 依据句意及首字母

8、或汉语提醒完成句子1The little boy is _(摆放)the table.2Can she _(驾驶)a car?Yes,she can.基础知识迁移基础知识迁移settingdrive第16页单元基础知识过关3How many _(组员)are there in his family?Five.4Now many people like reading _(诗)5He wants to buy two _(词典)6The exercise is h_,not easy.memberspoemsdictionariesard第17页单元基础知识过关7Two tall boys si

9、t in f_ of me.I cant see the blackboard clearly.8On his birthday,he gets many p_9How old is the little boys father?He is t_10My grandpa is sleeping in his b_ now.11My father is strong and he is a _(警察)rontresentshirtyedroompoliceman第18页单元基础知识过关12They are _(搬运)a heavy box.13How many _(篮子)do you have?

10、Only one.14Its warm i_ today.15The two girls are good friends.They often do their homework t_ carryingbasketsnsideogether第19页单元基础知识过关.用方框中所给短语适当形式填空 play football,on weekends,look out,a basket of,be ready to1_!Well get off the bus.2My brother is _ with his friends on the playground now.短语利用Look outp

11、laying football第20页单元基础知识过关 3Look!There is _ food over there.Whose is it?4_,I often go shopping with my mother at the mall.5Ted,_ you _ go?Hurry,please!OK,Im coming!a basket ofOn weekendsareready to第21页单元基础知识过关.依据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.在我家里,我与妈妈亲近。I am _ _ my mother in my family.2.这周末我们要去郊外野餐。This weekend,w

12、e will _ _ _ _ in the countryside.close togo on a picnic第22页单元基础知识过关3我父亲总是走着去上班。My father always _ _ work.4他们正在举行生日聚会。他们很高兴!They _ _ a birthday party.They are so happy!5他家房子前边有一棵苹果树。There is an apple tree _ _ _ his house.walks toare havingin front of第23页单元基础知识过关6格林一家来自英格兰。_ _ _ are from England.7汤姆非

13、常调皮,在学校不努力学习。Tom is very naughty.He doesnt _ _ at school.The Green familywork hard第24页单元基础知识过关句型突破按要求完成以下各题,每空一词1I have no brothers and no sisters.(改为同义句)I have _ brothers _ sisters.2The students are running on the playground.(对画线部分提问)_ _ the students _ on the playground?noorWhat aredoing第25页单元基础知识过

14、关3My grandfather is listening to the radio now.(改为否定句)My grandfather _ _ to the radio now.4Are their friends talking happily?(作必定回答)_,_ _5The little girl makes her bed by herself every day.(用now 改写句子)The little girl _ _ her bed by herself now.isnt listening Yes they are is making第26页单元基础知识过关6.A pict

15、ure is above the bed.(改为同义句)_ _ a picture above the bed.7.What is she?(改为同义句)What _ she _?8.His book is in his schoolbag.(对画线部分提问)_ _ his book?There isdoesdoWhere is第27页单元基础知识过关9I sit in a chair.(用now改写句子)I _ _ in a chair now.10His sister is fifteen years old.(对画线部分提问)_ _ is his sister?am sittingHow old第28页

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