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1、单元主题阅读与写作 Go with Transportation!Unit 6第1页 伴随交通工具发展,人们出行方式也发生了很大改变。学生们上学方式也各种多样。面对着校门口水泄不通交通情况,你想到了什么?我们应该选择什么样方式去上学呢?单元主题阅读与写作单元主题阅读与写作佳篇品读佳篇品读阅读下面短文,完成相关任务。How do students around the world go to school?In North America,most students go to school on the school bus.Some students also(1)_(步行)or(2)_(骑

2、自行车)to school.In other parts of the world,things are different.第2页In Japan,most students(3)_(乘火车)to school.In China,it depends on where you are.In big cities,students usually ride bikes or take buses to school.And in places where there are rivers and lakes,students usually go to school(4)_(乘船).That

3、must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.Most students like to ride bikes because they think riding bikes is an easy and convenient way.And another reason is that they can also go to school together with their(5)_(同班同学)Most students like cars because they are(6)_(safe)and faster if the traffic is no

4、t so heavy.第3页任务一:依据括号中所给提醒填空。1._2._3._4._5._6._任务二:把文中画线句子翻译成汉语。_任务三:回答下列问题。Why do most students like to ride bikes?_任务四:找出文章主题句,并写在下面横线上。_世界各地学生都怎样去上学?世界各地学生都怎样去上学?How do students around the world go to school?walkride a bike/ride bikestake a train/take trainsby boatclassmatessaferBecause they thi

5、nk riding bikes is an easy and convenient way.And another reason is that they can also go to school together with their classmates.第4页 结合以上所完成阅读任务,请你思索:上面这篇文章中每段主要都讲了什么?第一段:_。第二段:_。第三段:_。写作指导写作指导用问句点明主题用问句点明主题叙述各地学生上学出行方式叙述各地学生上学出行方式叙述学生选择出行方式理由叙述学生选择出行方式理由第5页 假如你是张雷,你们班英语课上正在以“交通方式”为题展开讨论。请你依据以下信息,

6、写一篇英语短文,向大家介绍你当前上学交通方式和理想交通方式,并说明理由。写作实践写作实践第6页思绪构建思绪构建步骤构思列纲1开篇点题,介绍自己上学情况。Now Ill tell you something about how I go to school.2写出自己对当前交通方式看法。I dont like to take a bus to school because 3写出自己理想交通方式和理由。I want to invent a special bicycle.第7页自我展示自我展示_ _ Now Ill tell you something about how I go to sch

7、ool.My home is about 10 kilometers away from my school.I usually go to school by bus.I get up at six twenty every morning.Then I leave home at 7 oclock.It takes me about thirty minutes to get to the school.I dont like to take a bus to school because the bus is slow and crowded.It takes too much time.I want to invent a special bicycle.I do not need to ride the bicycle.It uses the sun energy to move.It goes as fast as a car.I will go to school on this special bicycle.第8页

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