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1、Response to Response to OffersOffers 回应报价回应报价第1页第2页第3页梅森先生:梅森先生:多谢贵方多谢贵方2 2月月1919日就我方日就我方询盘报价,供给批量草纸板,并惠询盘报价,供给批量草纸板,并惠寄样品。寄样品。我们认真考虑了贵方报价,我们认真考虑了贵方报价,并赞赏你们产品良好品质。不过,并赞赏你们产品良好品质。不过,贵方报价大大高于以前我们所购同贵方报价大大高于以前我们所购同等质量草纸板价格。所以很遗憾我等质量草纸板价格。所以很遗憾我们只好决定从别处订货。们只好决定从别处订货。第4页Letter 1(Declining an offer)Dear M

2、r.Mason,In answer to my enquiry you were kind enough,on February 19,to quote for the supply of a quantity of strawboards and to send us a sample.We carefully considered your proposal.We appreciate the good quality of your products,but your prices are much higher than those we have previously paid fo

3、r strawboards of the same quality.Regretfully,we have decided to place the order elsewhere.第5页 烦劳报盘,谨表谢忱。烦劳报盘,谨表谢忱。我们将继续订购这类产品,我们将继续订购这类产品,而且今后会继续邀请贵方报价。而且今后会继续邀请贵方报价。采采购部经理购部经理XXXX谨上谨上第6页Thank you for your trouble in this matter.We shall continue to place orders and will invite your quotations on t

4、his line in the future.With all good wishes,Sincerely,(signature)Buying Manager第7页王先生:王先生:贵方贵方8 8月月1818日传真及惠寄棉内衣日传真及惠寄棉内衣样品已收悉,谢谢。样品已收悉,谢谢。我们对这些服装产品良好品质十我们对这些服装产品良好品质十分满意。但遗憾是,即便是这种质量服装,分满意。但遗憾是,即便是这种质量服装,贵企业报价似乎也有点偏高。假如接收贵贵企业报价似乎也有点偏高。假如接收贵企业报价,我们销售将利润微薄,因为我企业报价,我们销售将利润微薄,因为我方市场上需求主要是中等价位货物。方市场上需求主

5、要是中等价位货物。第8页 Letter 2(Counter-offer:Request for better terms)Dear Mr.Wang,Thank you for your fax of August 18 and for the samples of Cotton Underwear you sent us.We appreciate the good quality of these garments,but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side even for garments of this qua

6、lity.To accept the prices you quote would leave us with only a small profit on our sales since the principal demand in our market is for articles in the medium price range.第9页我们观赏贵企业产品质量及你们回应询盘方式,我们观赏贵企业产品质量及你们回应询盘方式,也希望有机会同你们合作。我方可否提议贵方在也希望有机会同你们合作。我方可否提议贵方在价格上惠予折扣,方便你们产品打人我们市场价格上惠予折扣,方便你们产品打人我们市场?

7、如贵方难以做到,恐怕我们将不能接收当如贵方难以做到,恐怕我们将不能接收当前报价。前报价。盼复。盼复。采购部经采购部经理理 卡利卡利 谨上谨上第10页 We like the quality of your goods and also the way in which you have handled our enquiry and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you.May I suggest that you could perhaps make some allowance on your quoted prices

8、 that would help to introduce your goods to our customers?If you cannot do so,then I am afraid we have to decline your offer as it stands.We look forward to your favourable reply.Yours sincerely,(signature)Molly Carrie Buying Manager第11页卡利女士:卡利女士:贵方贵方8 8月月2323日传真函收悉,很遗日传真函收悉,很遗憾地得知贵方认为我们价格太高。在不牺憾地得知

9、贵方认为我们价格太高。在不牺牲质量情况下,我们一贯尽力把价格降到牲质量情况下,我们一贯尽力把价格降到最低,而且为此不停探索新生产方法。最低,而且为此不停探索新生产方法。考虑到所供产品质量,我们认为考虑到所供产品质量,我们认为我方报价并未超出合理水平。来自其它客我方报价并未超出合理水平。来自其它客户大量订单也证实我方价格是可行,户大量订单也证实我方价格是可行,第12页Letter 3(Revised offer)Dear Ms Carrie,I am sorry to learn from your fax-letter of August 23 that you find our prices

10、 too high.We do our best to keep prices as low as possible without sacrificing quality and to this end we are constantly enquiring into new methods of manufacture.Considering the quality of the goods offered,we do not feel that the prices we quoted are at all excessive.They have been proved workable

11、 by the many orders received from other buyers.第13页不过考虑到贵企业业务特殊之处,对于贵不过考虑到贵企业业务特殊之处,对于贵方第一批方第一批2 5002 500件订货,我们决定给予件订货,我们决定给予4 4尤其折扣。我们这么做是因为我们希望在尤其折扣。我们这么做是因为我们希望在可能情况下与你们合作。不过我要强调,可能情况下与你们合作。不过我要强调,这是我们能做最大让步。我希望此次新报这是我们能做最大让步。我希望此次新报价可令贵方惠予订单。价可令贵方惠予订单。销售部经理销售部经理 王辉王辉 谨上谨上 第14页 But bearing in min

12、d the special character of your trade,we have decided to offer you a special discount of 4%on a first order for 2,500 pieces.We make this allowance because we would like to do business with you if possible,but I must stress that it is the furthest we can go to help you.At least I hope this revised o

13、ffer will now enable you to place an order.Sincerely yours,(signature)Wang Hui Manage of Sales Department第15页 麦科姆先生:感激贵方回应我方报盘,要麦科姆先生:感激贵方回应我方报盘,要求改变付款方式。求改变付款方式。我们赞赏贵企业与我们合作意愿,我们赞赏贵企业与我们合作意愿,MendsonMendson企业成为我们客户对我们也很有企业成为我们客户对我们也很有益处,与贵方合作可使我们打人新市场。益处,与贵方合作可使我们打人新市场。对于新客户起始订单,我们政策是须对于新客户起始订单,我们政策

14、是须以不可撤消信用证或银行汇票在交货时或以不可撤消信用证或银行汇票在交货时或交货之前付款。所以恐怕当前我们无法接交货之前付款。所以恐怕当前我们无法接收贵方付款条件。收贵方付款条件。第16页Letter 4(Answering a counter-offer)Dear Mr.Malcolm,Thank you for your reply to our offer asking us to revise our payment terms.We appreciate your interest in wanting to do business with us.Having Mendson as

15、 a customer would be beneficial for our company too.Working with you would allow us to enter a new market.For initial orders from first-time customers our policy requires payment by irrevocable letter of credit or bankers draft on or before delivery.Therefore I am afraid we cannot accept your paymen

16、t terms at the present time.第17页不过,对你们随即订货我们能够给予不过,对你们随即订货我们能够给予3030天天信用期。假如你们现在付款话我们将急速信用期。假如你们现在付款话我们将急速发货,这么贵企业就在我方建账,随即订发货,这么贵企业就在我方建账,随即订货可记到账上。货可记到账上。如有问题请给我写信或发传真,这页如有问题请给我写信或发传真,这页纸底部有我传真号。诚愿为您和纸底部有我传真号。诚愿为您和 MendsonMendson企业效劳。企业效劳。销售部经理销售部经理 XXXXXX谨上谨上第18页 But for all your subsequent order

17、s we would allow a 30-day credit period.If you would kindly make payment now,we would rush your shipment to you.This will establish an account with us,on which you can charge your subsequent orders.Please write or fax me if you have any questions.My fax number is at the bottom of the page.I look for

18、ward to serving you and Mendson.Sincerely,(signature)Sales Dept.manager第19页琼斯先生:琼斯先生:男式皮包男式皮包 我们接收贵方我们接收贵方3 3月月8 8日还盘,并高日还盘,并高兴地确认我们双方已就男式皮包买卖达成兴地确认我们双方已就男式皮包买卖达成交易。从我方厂家得悉,当前他们每七天交易。从我方厂家得悉,当前他们每七天可生产可生产3 3万只皮包。所以,请放心,贵方需万只皮包。所以,请放心,贵方需下月装运下月装运5 5万只皮包订单可如约推行。万只皮包订单可如约推行。第20页Letter 5(An acceptance)D

19、ear Mr.Jones,Re:Leather Bags for Men We accept your counter-offer of March 8 and are pleased to confirm having concluded the transaction of the captioned goods with you.Our factory has informed us that they can,at present,entertain orders of 30,000 per week.Thus you may rest assured that your order

20、of 50,000 for shipment next month will be fulfilled as contracted.第21页不过,我们想强调,贵方信用证必须在本不过,我们想强调,贵方信用证必须在本月底前开到我处。不然,将延期装运。月底前开到我处。不然,将延期装运。随函附上我方第随函附上我方第03M1503M15号销售确号销售确认书一式两份。请会签后寄给我们一份存认书一式两份。请会签后寄给我们一份存档。感激你们合作,相信我们产品会令你档。感激你们合作,相信我们产品会令你们满意。们满意。销售经理销售经理 XXXXXX谨上谨上 第22页However,wed like to emph

21、asize that your L/C must reach here by the end of this month.Otherwise,shipment has to be delayed.We enclose with this letter our Sales Confirmation No.03M15 in duplicate.Please countersign and return us one copy for records.We appreciate your cooperation and trust that our products will turn out to your satisfaction.Sincerely yours,(signature)Sales Manager第23页

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