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1、Lesson 332800 Years of Sports第1页Words&expressionsBCathletecompeteOlympiamarried公元前公元前n.运动员运动员n.竞争;比赛竞争;比赛奥林匹亚奥林匹亚adj.结婚;已婚结婚;已婚第2页 Words&expressionshostOlympicamazedspiritrepresentv.主办;主持主办;主持 n.主人主人adj.奥林匹克运动会奥林匹克运动会adj.惊奇;诧异惊奇;诧异n.精神;精灵精神;精灵v.代表;象征代表;象征第3页This is Olympic第4页奥林匹克运动会(简称奥运会)是国际奥奥林匹克运动

2、会(简称奥运会)是国际奥林匹克委员会主办包含各种体育运动项目林匹克委员会主办包含各种体育运动项目标国际性运动会,每四年举行一次。奥林标国际性运动会,每四年举行一次。奥林匹克运动会最早起源于古希腊,因举行地匹克运动会最早起源于古希腊,因举行地在奥林匹亚而得名。奥林匹克运动会现在在奥林匹亚而得名。奥林匹克运动会现在已经成为了和平与情谊象征。已经成为了和平与情谊象征。第5页1.Have you ever watched the Olympics on TV?What did you watch?2.Do you think the Olympics are important?Why or why

3、not?第6页Objectives1.To understand the conversation.2.To learn some useful words and expressions about the history of the Olympics.第7页Words:athlete compete married host Olympic amazed spirit representExpressions:compete against take placeevery four years be amazed atGood point.第8页Read the lesson and m

4、atch the questions with the answers.1.When did the Olympics begin?2.Where did the ancient Olympics start?3.When did the first modern Olympics begin?4.When were the Beijing Olympics?5.Was this the first time for China to hold the Olympic Games?In 1896.In.Yes,it was.In 776 BC.In Greece.第9页Listen to th

5、e passage and fill in the blanks.The Olympic Games are _and _.The ancient Olympics started in _BC and lasted for more than a thousand years.They took place every four years._could not compete in the ancient Olympics.In 1896,a _ started the modern Olympic Games.He believed the games would help bring

6、_and fair play to people all over the world.Now there are _and _Olympics every four years.newold776WomanFrenchmanfriendshipSummerWinter第10页第11页1.Yesterday I asked you to do some research on the history of the Olympics.昨天,我让你们对奥运历史昨天,我让你们对奥运历史做一些研究做一些研究。do some research on 做一些关于做一些关于.研究研究She suggeste

7、d that college graduates do some research on the salaries of people in this industry.她提议毕业生们她提议毕业生们做一些做一些该行业工资情况该行业工资情况调查调查。We are going to do some research on the pollution of the Pearl River.我们将我们将做一些关于做一些关于珠江污染珠江污染研究研究。第12页2.The ancient Greeks wanted to have the best athletes compete against each

8、 other.古希腊人想让最优异运动员进行比赛。古希腊人想让最优异运动员进行比赛。compete 动词,动词,“竞争;反抗;比赛竞争;反抗;比赛”。compete for/to do sth.为为/做做.而竞争而竞争Several companies are competing for/to gain the contract.几家企业正几家企业正为为一项协议一项协议而竞争而竞争。compete against 和和竞争竞争I do not have you compete against your classmates.我不会让你们我不会让你们与与同学同学竞争竞争。第13页have the

9、best athletes compete语法结构为语法结构为:have sb.do sth.让某人做某事让某人做某事The teacher had all his students run fast.老师让全部学生加紧速度跑步。老师让全部学生加紧速度跑步。She had him wait at the gate for 10 minutes.她让他在大门口等了她让他在大门口等了10分钟。分钟。第14页3.They held the event every four years in Olympia.他们他们每四年每四年在奥林匹亚举行一次运动会。在奥林匹亚举行一次运动会。every four

10、years=every fourth year 每四年每四年every与基数词、序数词、与基数词、序数词、other或或few连用,连用,表示时间或空间间隔,意为表示时间或空间间隔,意为“每每;每每隔隔.”。He comes here every three days(every third day).他他每三天(每隔两天)每三天(每隔两天)来这儿一次。来这儿一次。第15页4.Good point,Wang Mei.说得好,王梅。说得好,王梅。good point 说得好;好主意说得好;好主意Do you have some details?Normally careful is a good

11、 point.能不能说详细点呢?通常来说认真是能不能说详细点呢?通常来说认真是优点优点。Thats a very good point.Shall I answer you first?这是个这是个很好观点很好观点。我先回答你么?。我先回答你么?第16页5.Married women couldnt even watch the games!已婚已婚妇女甚至都不能观看这些比赛。妇女甚至都不能观看这些比赛。married为形容词,意思是为形容词,意思是“已婚,有配偶已婚,有配偶”。She is a married woman.她是个她是个已婚已婚女人。女人。She married for mon

12、ey.她为金钱而她为金钱而结婚结婚。第17页6.The ancient Greeks would be amazed at how the Olympic Games have grown to become a world event.古希腊人会古希腊人会诧异于诧异于奥林匹克运动会已经变奥林匹克运动会已经变成了一项世界赛事。成了一项世界赛事。be amazed at=be surprised at 诧异于诧异于You will be amazed at the progress we have made.你将会对我们进展你将会对我们进展感到诧异。感到诧异。第18页amaze为动词,意思是为动

13、词,意思是“使使吃惊吃惊”。What you told me just now amazed all of us.刚才你说事情让我们全部些人都很刚才你说事情让我们全部些人都很震惊震惊。amazing为形容词,意思是为形容词,意思是“令人震惊令人震惊”。That news is amazing.这个消息这个消息令人震惊令人震惊。That is an amazing result.那是一个那是一个令人震惊令人震惊结果。结果。第19页7.They also represent their countries at the highest level.他们也他们也代表代表着国家最高水平。着国家最高水平

14、。represent意思是意思是“代表;象征代表;象征”,既能够表,既能够表达象征含义,也能够表示达象征含义,也能够表示“代表代表(某某人、某个团体人、某个团体)”。The dove represents peace.鸽子鸽子象征象征和平。和平。represent名词形式为名词形式为representative。There are three representatives in our school我们学校有我们学校有3名名代表代表。第20页 compete against take place every four years be amazed at Good point.do some

15、 research on和和.竞争竞争发生发生每四年每四年对对感到惊奇感到惊奇好主意;说得好好主意;说得好做一些关于做一些关于研究研究第21页Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words.The first letter is given.1.Although Guo Wenjun was m_ and had a baby,she still practiced hard for the Olympics and finally won a gold medal.2.Xu Haifeng won the first Olympi

16、c gold medal at the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984.Since then,Chinese a_ have achieved excellent performances throughout the world.arriedthletes第22页3.London is an old but m_ city.It was the h_ of the 30th Olympic Games.Over two hundred countries and districts c_ in the games.odernostompeted第23页Fill in

17、 the blanks with correct words.1.Do some _(研究研究)on what is more or less healthy.2.But the Olympics is the goal of every _(运动员运动员).3.Many businesses _ _(与与竞争竞争)each other for profits.4.Tonight she _(举行举行)a ball for 300 guests.researchathletecompete againsthosts第24页5.When you _ _ _(参加参加)any performanc

18、e,you get out as much as you put in.6.The meeting will_ _(举行举行)later this afternoon.7.When you respect yourself,youll be _(感到惊奇感到惊奇)at the opportunities the world presents you.8.It can _(代表代表)all the China.take part intake placeamazedrepresent第25页HomeworkThe Best Olympic Sport:Choose one Olympic sport,do some research on it and write a report.第26页1.Learn the words and expressions in Lesson 34.2.Underline the sentences you dont understand on page 88.第27页

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