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2、阅读与听力之间关系阐述不清或有错;语言上出现了较多错误以至于影响了解。第11页综合写作2分标准大段照抄阅读内容;听力内容有关键点以及细节,但假如遗漏(或写错)两个关键点得2分;阅读与听力之间关系没有阐述清楚;阐述自己观点;语言上出现了较多错误。第12页综合写作1分标准写了听力和阅读内容中只言片语。第13页综合写作0分标准写不是英文;写不是正常人类能够看懂字符;写内容跟阅读和听力完全没相关系。第14页Jane Austen(1775-1817)is one of the most famous of all English novelists,and today her novels are m

3、ore popular than ever,with several recently adapted as Hollywood movies.But we do not have many records of what she looked like.For a long time,the only accepted image of Austen was an amateur sketch of an adult Austen made by her sister Cassandra.However recently a professionally painted,full-lengt

4、h portrait of a teenage girl owned by a member of the Austen family has come up for sale.Although the professional painting is not titled Jane Austen,there are good reasons to believe she is the subject.First,in 1882,several decades after Austens death,Austens family gave permission to use the portr

5、ait as an illustration in an edition of her letters.Austens family clearly recognized it as a portrait of the author.So,for over a century now,the Austen family itself has endorsed the claim that the girl in the portrait is Jane Austen.Second,the face in the portrait clearly resembles the one in Cas

6、sandras sketch,which we know depicts Austen.Though somewhat amateurish,the sketch communicates definite details about Austens face.Even though the Cassandra sketch is of an adult Jane Austen,the features are still similar to those of the teenage girl in the painting.The eyebrows,nose,mouth,and overa

7、ll shape of the face are very much like those in the full-length portrait.Third,although the painting is unsigned and undated,there is evidence that it was painted when Austen was a teenager.The style links it to Ozias Humphrey,a society portrait painter who was the kind of professional the wealthy

8、Austen family would hire.Humphrey was active in the late 1780s and early 1790s,exactly the period when JaneAusten was the age of the girl in the painting.第15页 题材不确定听力电脑打字第16页结构构式笔笔记 Structured NotesSummaryComparison第17页Team responsible for plan/get work done free-ride people not do muchrecognition R

9、eal contributionnot recognized attitude opporeading not move quick take long consensus many meets the other 无结构无结构 无关系无关系漏观点漏观点第18页L M1.Ex2.Ex3.Ex:R M1.Ex2.Ex3.Ex:第19页Reading以词为单位第20页LR M:hyd FC promis/alteradvan1.hyd ava/renewEx:多多gas/2.solve pollu Ex:H2Oprodu no CO23.¥/Ex:effici/少少 enerM:1.Ex:2.Ex

10、:3.Ex:第21页Reading 够用即可以词为单位观点是重点第22页LR M:hyd FC promis/alteradvan1.hyd available/renewEx:plentigas/2.solve pollu Ex:H2Oprodu no CO23.economi/Ex:effici/less energyM:1.Ex:2.Ex:3.Ex:第23页例子和解释是重点尽尽可能详细以以词为单位位Listening第24页LR M:hyd FC promis/alteradvan1.hyd available/renewEx:plentigas/2.solve pollu Ex:wat

11、erprodu no CO23.economi/Ex:effici/less energyM:hyd not solut to pollut1.not easily avail Ex:liquor statedifficult storecooling not practi2.not solve probl-cars produ hydpollut Ex:coal/oil burn pollut factorypollut 3.expensiEx:made of pexpen effortreplanot success第25页综合写作听力用缩写表示名词概念、动词、部分形容词用符号替换逻辑关系

12、结构:1、2、3因果:转折增加或降低大于或小于第26页The sea otter is a small mammal that lives in waters along the western coast of North America from California to Alaska.When some sea otter populations off the Alaskan coast started rapidly declining a few years ago,it caused much concern because sea otters play an importa

13、nt ecological role in the coastal ecosystem.Experts started investigating the cause of the decline and quickly realized that there were two possible explanations:environmental pollution or attacks by predators.Initially,the pollution hypothesis seemed the more likely of the two.The first reason why

14、pollution seemed the more likely cause was that there were known sources of it along the Alaskan coast,such as oil rigs and other sources of industrial chemical pollution.Water samples from the area revealed increased levels of chemicals that could decrease the otters resistance to life-threatening

15、infections and thus could indirectly cause their deaths.Second,other sea mammals such as seals and sea lions along the Alaskan coast were also declining,indicating that whatever had endangered the otters was affecting other sea mammals as well.This fact again pointed to environmental pollution,since

16、 it usually affects the entire ecosystem rather than a single species.Only widely occurring predators,such as the orca(a large predatory whale),could have the same effect,but orcas prefer to hunt much larger prey,such as other whales.Third,scientists believed that the pollution hypothesis could also

17、 explain the uneven pattern of otter decline:at some Alaskan locations the otter populations declined greatly,while at others they remained stable.Some experts explained these observations by suggesting that ocean currents or other environmental factors may have created uneven concentrations of poll

18、utants along the coast.第27页Well,ongoing investigations have revealed that predation is the most likely cause of sea otter decline after all.Well,ongoing investigations have revealed that predation is the most likely cause of sea otter decline after all.First,the pollution theory is weakened by the f

19、act that no one can really find any dead sea others washing off on Alaskan beaches.Thats not what you would expect if infections caused by pollution started killing a lot of otters.On the other hand,the fact that its so hard to find dead otters is consistent with the predator hypothesis.If an otter

20、is killed by a predator,its eaten immediately so it cant wash up on shore.Second,although orcas may prefer to hunt whales,whales have essentially disappeared from the area because of human hunters.That means that orcas have had to change their diet to survive and since only smaller sea mammals are n

21、ow available,orcas have probably started hunting those.So it probably is the orcas that are causing the decline of all the smaller sea mammals mentioned in the passage-the seals,the sea lions and the sea otters.And third,the uneven pattern of otter decline is better explained by the orca predation t

22、heory than by the pollution theory.What happens to otters seems to depend on whether the location where they live is accessible to orcas or not.In those locations that orcas can access easily,the number of sea otters has declined greatly.However,because orcas are so large,they cant access shallow or

23、 rocky locations.And shallow and rocky locations are precisely the types of locations where sea otter populations have not declined.第28页The lecturer and the reading passage suggest two competing theories,thepredation theory vs.the pollution theory,to explain why the sea otter population is in rapid

24、decline.第29页The professor reasons that the absence of dead sea otters washed up the coastsuggests that their decline is not caused by sea pollution but rather by seapredators who consume their bodies after killing them.However,the readingpassage attributes the death of sea otters to pollution,which

25、is totally different from the lecture.第30页Furthermore,the lecturer argues that orcas are likely factors in thedisappearance of sea otters,because the scarcity of whales,their usual prey,has left them with no other choice but to start hunting smaller mammals like the otters for food.And this directly

26、 contradicts the reading passage that the pollution theory as the only explanation for the decline of small sea mammals.第31页Finally,according to the lecturer,the uneven pattern of sea otter decline corresponds to the distribution of the orcas;she argues that the fact that their population has declin

27、ed the least where it is shallow or rocky and orcas are most prevalent further validates the predation theory.However,the reading passage points out that changeable environmental factors better explains the varying pattern of sea otter decline.Therefore,the lecturer completely argues against the rea

28、ding passage.第32页表示反驳类单词differto,disagreewith,castdoubton,conflictwith,challenge,refute,confute,contradict,controvert,combat,talkback,re-examine,disprove第33页表示认为,提出单词pointout,present,state,think,believe,emphasize,demonstrate,assert,claim,stress,第34页阅读ReadingPassageReadingmaterialWriterAuthor听力Listen







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