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1、Your bag is brokenYour bag is broken第1页第2页第3页请快速说出以下请快速说出以下单词反义词。单词反义词。第4页big small第5页tallshort第6页dirtyclean第7页newold第8页expensivecheap第9页longshort第10页heavylight第11页你能用以上形容词你能用以上形容词描述下面事物么?描述下面事物么?第12页This pen is_.第13页 This is_.第14页This.is _第15页I like the _ bag.第16页第17页本节课学习用英语对事物鲜明特征进行描述。主语主语+be+adj

2、ective第18页1.Whats wrong with Linglings bag?2.What will Ms Smart do?第19页1.Whats wrong with Linglings bag?She cant take it to China.Her bag is broken.坏,破坏,破第20页gooldbreakfastbrochicken ken第21页Look and say.This car is _.broken第22页Look and say.This window is _.broken第23页Look and say.These chopsticks _ _

3、.arebroken第24页Look and say.His leg is _.broken第25页Ms Smart will buy her a new one.2.What will Ms Smart do?第26页At the shop第27页1.How many bags are there?3.What are they like?2.What colour are they?打开书,听音并画出答案。打开书,听音并画出答案。第28页1.How many bags are there?There are 3 bags.第29页They are .2.What colour are th

4、ey?black,green and red.第30页What is the black bag like?This black bag is nice.Its big.But its heavy.第31页What is the green bag like?This green one is light.But its small.第32页What is the red bag like?It has got wheels.Itll be easy for her to carry.第33页carry 提,抱,扛,背,搬提,抱,扛,背,搬vHarry Pottervsadvcat第34页快速

5、反应快速反应Itll be easy for herhimit.第35页下周有几位明星要参加我校艺术节活下周有几位明星要参加我校艺术节活动动.Lets see whether itll be easy for them.第36页Itll be easy for _.her杨杨丽丽萍萍第37页Itll be easy for _.him贝贝克克汉汉姆姆第38页Itll be easy for _.themS.H.E第39页Its got _.The _ will be easy for you.bicycle2 wheelsmonocyclebicycle第40页wh li:-knee-meet

6、ee第41页How much is it?Which bag do they buy?What does Ms Smart say?第42页poundfoundHow much?多少钱?多少钱?英镑英镑find过去式过去式第43页Well take it.You cant take it to china.拿,拿走拿,拿走=buy第44页Read read read第45页This green bag is heavy.This bag is heavy.This bag is green.Itll be hard for her.第46页This red bag is light.This

7、bag is light.This bag is red.Itll be easy for him.第47页Its light.第48页The yellow pencils are broken.The blue pencils are new第49页The blue kite is big.The red kite is small.第50页The green bag is heavy.The red bag is light.第51页The white shoes are dirty.The orange shoes are clean.第52页Homework1.单词、词组、句子、课文写在作业本上。单词、词组、句子、课文写在作业本上。2.完成学案完成学案M5U1。3.介绍一下你喜欢物品,描述它们显著特征。介绍一下你喜欢物品,描述它们显著特征。第53页

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