1、Unit9TeachingListening第1页Outline o1.Listening problems and English situations o2.The characteristics of the listening processo3.The principles and models of teaching listeningo4.The common activities in teaching English第2页I The importance of teaching listeningoListening is one of the four basic skil
2、ls of a language.oListening is becoming more and more necessary to understand spoken English in many situations:oface-to-face conversationsotelephone callsobusiness meetingsoLecturesoSpeechesotelevision第3页Task 1 oDifficultiesencounteredoReasonswhyitisdifficult第4页DifficultiesencounteredoCannothearthe
3、wordsocanhearbutcannotunderstandoQuicklyforgetwhatisheard.oNeglectthenextpartwhenthinkingaboutmeaningoUnabletoformamentalrepresentationfromwordsheard.oDonotunderstandsubsequentpartsofinputbecauseofearlierproblems第5页ReasonswhyitisdifficultoDifferent speakers produce the same sounds in different ways.
4、(dialects and accents,stresses,rhythms,intonations,mispronunciations)oThe speed of the input of spoken material can not be controlled;oSpoken material is often heard only once.And the listener cannot pause the speaker to work out the meaning.oBackground noiseoDo other tasks,such as note-taking,writi
5、ng down directions or messages from telephone calls.第6页ReasonswhyitisdifficultListenerNeglect its importancedistractedPoor vocabularyLack of practiceSpeakerSpeaking waysspeedvolumeListening materialUnfamiliartopics&wordsBackground informationlength第7页2.What do we listen to in everyday life?Task 3:Si
6、tuations where Chinese people may need to listen to English:(P138)第8页3.Characteristics of the listening process(P139)oSpontaneityoContextoVisual cluesoListeners responseoSpeakers adjustment第9页 2)Context The context of listening is usually known in real life.The situation usually helps us predict wha
7、t we are going to hear.1)Spontaneity We often listen to people speaking spontaneously and informally without rehearsing what they are going to say ahead of time.第10页3)VisualClue While listening,the speakers facial expressions,gestures and other body language will provide us visual clues which can he
8、lp us understand and predict what we hear.4)Listenersresponse Most of the listening allows the listener to responds the speaker,whether they understand or not.5)Speakers adjustment The speaker can adjust the way of speaking according to the listeners reactions.第11页Principles for teaching listeningo1
9、.Focus on processo2.Combine listening with other skillso3.Focus on the comprehension of meaningo4.Grade difficulty level appropriatelyo 1)type of language usedo 2)task or purpose in listeningo 3)context in which the listening occursoTask 5(p.140)第12页Principles(shortened form)for selecting and using
10、activities(Oxford 1993:210)(p141)oThe activities must have a real,communicative purpose.oThe activities must use authentic language normally used in everyday life.oPre-reading-tasks must be used to stimulate the appropriate background knowledge&help Ss identify the purpose of the listening activity.
11、oThe content is personally interesting and motivating.oThe speaker must be visible whenever possible.oThe activities must offer many environmental clues to meaning.oThe whole text should be given,and then divided into parts that can be repeated.第13页Principles(shortened form)for selecting and using a
12、ctivities(Oxford 1993:210)(p141)oAt the end,the text should be given again,and the Ss should have the opportunity to discuss their hypotheses and so on.oThe activities must require listeners to respond in some meaningful fashion.oThe activities must be fashioned for listeners with normal knowledge t
13、o be able to understand the topic.oThe text must be typical for its own speech type.oThe classroom climate must be non-threatening and positive,and simple affective strategies should be used to reduce anxiety if any.第14页4.TheNatureoftheListeningProcessandtheListeningClassotop-down and bottom-up proc
14、essing operate simultaneously in the listening process(Anderson&Lynch,1988;)-Interactive model第15页a.Thebottom-upprocessolistening is a process of decoding the sounds that one hears in a linear fashion,from the smallest meaningful units to complete textsophonemic units are decoded and linked together
15、 to form words,words are linked together to form phrases,phrases are linked together to form utterances,and utterances are linked together to form complete meaningful texts第16页b.Thetop-downprocessothe listener actively constructs the original meaning of the speaker othe listener uses prior knowledge
16、 of the context and situation within which the listening takes place to make sense of what he or she hears 第17页topbottom第18页5.ListeningStrategiesoListening strategies are techniques or activities that contribute directly to the comprehension and recall of listening input.第19页oTop-down strategies are
17、 listener based;the listener taps into background knowledge of the topic,the situation or context,the type of text,and the language.olistening for the main idea opredicting odrawing inferences osummarizing 第20页oBottom-up strategies are text based;the listener relies on the language in the message,th
18、at is,the combination of sounds,words,and grammar that creates meaning.Bottom-up strategies include olistening for specific details orecognizing cognates orecognizing word-order patterns 第21页6.Classroom Model of Teaching ListeningPre-listening activitiesWhile-listening activitiesAfter-listening acti
19、vities第22页Pre-listening:Help students prepare to listen;While-listening:Guide and help students to comprehend the text.Post-listening help them to integrate what they learned from the text into existing knowledgeThreeteachingstages第23页 Look at some pictures before listening to the passage.Read the l
20、istening comprehension questions before listening.Set the scene for the students before listening.Listen for the gist of the passage.Listen for specific information.Pre-listening:第24页Pre-listeningoTo spark interest and motivate students to attend to the spoken message:oTo activate or build students
21、prior topical and linguistic knowledge:oTo set purposes for listening:第25页PredictingoReadlisteningandcomprehensionoLookattherelevantpictures第26页Look at the relevant picturesoWhat do you see in the picture?oWhat is the girl doing?oWhat are they doing?oWhere are the boys?oAre they the classmates?第27页S
22、etting the sceneoWhy do we use this kind of pre-listening activity?oExercise:oWe are going to listen to a passage about Bin Laden Dead,how would you set the scene?Think about it?第28页AnswersoProvide some of his photos.oProvide the video or report about his death.oTell about his story.oDiscuss him in
23、group among the classmates.o第29页o拉登之死,全美狂欢第30页reporto美国总统奥巴马宣告,世界头号恐怖分子通缉犯、基地组织领导人本.拉登在巴基斯坦境内一座建筑被美军击毙。o星期天晚上,奥巴马在白宫发表全国讲话时说,一小队美国人在伊斯兰堡以北一个富裕地域阿伯塔巴德执行了这次有锁定目标行动。他说,美军在交火后打死了拉登,并掌握了他尸体。奥巴马将这一发展称为打败基地组织使命“最主要成就”。他说,本拉登死亡应受到全部信仰和平和人类尊严人欢迎。他说:“正义得到了伸张。”o在一次新闻公布会上,奥巴马政府称这次攻击是一个复杂、危险任务。一位官员说,美国并没有与任何其它国家
24、分享关于这次攻击情报,美国政府极少数人事先知道这个计划。一位官员称那个建筑备有“特殊”保安办法,其中包含两道安全门和三、四米高围墙,上面设有铁丝网。o本拉登被打死发生在基地组织组员9月11日发动灾难性攻击近之后。近3000人在那些攻击中遇难。o奥巴马说,本拉登不是一个穆斯林领袖,而是一个“屠杀穆斯林凶手”。奥巴马总统说,在巴基斯坦情报部门帮助下找到了本拉登,并在对一条情报线索追踪数月之后,他授权采取了这一行动。第31页ListeningforthegistExerciseoListening then answering the following question:oWhats this p
25、assage talk about?oAbout Bin Ladens death.第32页Listeningforspecificinformation第33页While-listening:Listen and tick:List some objects.Then ask students to listen and tick.Listen and sequence:Listen and number;listen and matchListen and act:“Simon says”,listen and point.Listen and draw:listen and color.
26、Listen and fillListen and find outListen and guess第34页While-Listening:Interpreting Speech and Constructing Meaning oTo foster students comprehension of the speakers language and ideas:oTo focus students attention on such things as the speakers organizational patterns:oTo encourage students critical
27、reactions and personal responses to the speakers ideas and use of language:第35页True of falseMultiple choice questionsAnswering questions Note-taking and gap-filling Complete the dialogue Post-listening第36页Post-listening:Responding,Reflecting,and Reconstructing UnderstandingoTo examine relationships
28、between prior knowledge and experience,and new ideas and information gained from the speaker or discussionoTo invite and encourage student reflection and response:oTo clarify and extend comprehension beyond the literal level to the interpretive and critical levels第37页listening ClassPre-listening act
29、ivitiesWhile-listening activitiesPost-listening activitiesIntroductionTitle guessingQuestionsDiscussionsKey wordsVisual aidsSyntactic problemsDiscourse problemsSocial problemsCultural problemsListening StrategiesWriting or reading activitiesComprehension check-upOral reproductionWritten reproduction
30、Outside listening Testing第38页listening ClassActivities for Pre-Listening StageActivities for While-Listening StageActivities for Post-Listening StagePredictActivate topic-related wordsSet the frameTell true or falseListen for a gistListen and tickListen and fillListen and sequenceListen and locateLi
31、sten and repeatAnswer multiple-choice questionsAnswer closed-ended or open-ended questionsDictationNote-taking and gap-fillingAnswer open-ended questionsReconstruct or summarize the passageDo a role-playWrite on the same theme第39页Pre-listening activities第40页Pre-listening activities第41页Pre-listening
32、activities第42页While-listening activities第43页Questions:o1.What are the principles for teaching listening?o2.From you experience what factors should be taken into consideration when a teacher is designing a listening activity?o3.Find one piece of listening material at your hand and try to write out a lesson plan.Please refer to the stages and activities in teaching listening that are mentioned in this lecture.第44页