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1、第1页 eat 54 hotdogs in 12 minutestalk with animals第2页 make the bus move with his ears第3页第4页 strange 奇怪奇怪第5页Each stone is about kg.pyramid第6页第7页 polar bear snailostrich panda mouseIt is/has/lives/likes/第8页100g130kgA.100g B.500g C.3 kg D.5kg第9页 a kind of mouse in Africa第10页ostrich the biggest bird cant

2、 fly can sleep for 3 yearshas more than 10,000 teeth snail第11页Most polar bears are left-handed.polar bear第12页The world is full of _ things.unusual strange great wonderful interesting surprising funny excitingamazing第13页a Japaneseeats 54 hotdogs in 12 minutesa girl in Britain4 years old,cant talk wit

3、h but can talk with a manmakes a bus move with his earsflower the biggest,smells badmusic&vegetables helps grow faster and biggerpyramid millions of stones,kgpanda be born:100g;grow up:130kgmouse a kind of mouse in Africa eats catsostrich the biggest bird,cant flysnail sleep for 3 years,more than 10

4、,000 teethpolar bear left-handed第14页A:Is there anything amazing in the world?B:Yes,there is.A man can make a bus move with his ears.A:Oh,really?B:Isnt that surprising?A:Yes,it is.Do you know the ostrich is a kind of bird but it cant fly.B:How strange!第15页a Japaneseeats 54 hotdogs in 12 minutesa girl

5、 in Britain4 years old,cant talk with but can talk with a manmakes a bus move with his earsflower the biggest,smells badmusic&vegetables helps grow faster and biggerpyramid millions of stones,kgpanda be born:100g;grow up:130kgmouse a kind of mouse in Africa eats catsostrich the biggest bird,cant fly

6、snail sleep for 3 years,more than 10,000 teethpolar bear left-handed第16页1.What does Eddie think it is in the sky?2.Is it a real UFO?No,it isnt.He thinks it is a UFO.第17页Homework:1.Read the dialogue on page 60 and the sentences on page 61.2.Try to find some more amazing things you like.Make a poster about it.3.Complete the exercises.第18页Ostrich,an amazing animal Ostrich is a kind of bird.Its head is very small.It runs fast.Ostrich is the biggest bird in the world but it cant fly.How amazing!第19页

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