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1、Have you ever been camping?第1页What do we have to take when we go camping?第2页first aid kit第3页tenthammer第4页sleeping bagblanket第5页folding chair第6页flashlight第7页hiking boots第8页Lesson 27 A wet night第9页Listening Listening Where did the boys put up their tents?What did they do after a wonderful meal?第10页 Th

2、e boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.As soon as this was done,they cooked a meal.After a wonderful meal,they told stories and sang songs.But it began to rain,so they crept into their tent.However,two boys woke up and began shouting because the tent was full of water!So they had to leap

3、out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside.It was raining heavily.To their surprise,a stream had formed in the field and it wound its way across the field and then flowed under their tent!第11页1.Where did the boys put up their tent?What did they cook?(and)2.What did they do after their meal?Did i

4、t begin to rain or not?Did they creep into their tent or not?(but.so)第12页3.Did the boys wake up in the middle of the night or not?4.Was the tent full of water or not?Did they rush outside or did they stay in their tent?(so)5.Where had a stream formed?Where did it flow?(and)第13页 True or FalseTrue or

5、False第14页1.The boys were going camping.2.The boys were too tired to cooked by themselves.3.The boys enjoyed their meal and played games together.4.They were so tired that they fell asleep soundly.6.At midnight,three boys woke up and found something wrong with their tent.5.It was sunny and clear on t

6、hat day and theres no rain.7.They were scared and asked for some ones help.8.The heavy rain had formed a river in the field.9.The stream flowed right under their tent.10.The place they chose for camping is not a good one.第15页an area of land,used for growing crops or keeping animals,usually surrounde

7、d by a fence to move slowly,quietly and carefully,usually in order to avoid being noticed(of how someone sleeps)deeply to make a large jump or sudden movement,usually from one place to another a road,path or river follows a route(especially of liquids,gases or electricity)to move in one direction,es

8、pecially continuously and easilyfieldcreepsoundlyleapwindflow第16页field 1.田地,田野(大片)in the field 在田野里 airfield 停机坪(介词用on)football field 足球场 battle field 战场第17页field 2.领域 in ones field 在.领域 他是他所在领域内教授。He is an expert in his field.第18页field 接球动作(棒球,板球)第19页smell v.闻起来 smelled/smeltSmell +形容词 这块蛋糕闻起来很香。Th

9、is piece of cake smells good.蚂蚁跟狗嗅觉一样好。Ants smell as well as dogs.第20页感官动词+adj,本身有三单look 看起来taste 尝起来sound 听起来smell 闻起来feel 感到I feel ill.(心理感到)用手感受 The blackboard felt cold.人感觉第21页wonderful adj.极好Great!Excellent!Outstanding!Brilliant!Fantastic!Adorable!第22页campfire n.营火,篝火fire 1.火 火堆,火灾 countable 火焰

10、 uncoutable 2.射击,炮火,火力 Hold on your fire.保持火力。开火 他命令他士兵开枪。He ordered his men to fire.第23页creep v.(crept,crept)to move with your body close to the ground,to move slowly on your hands and kneescreep out 蹑手蹑脚(偷偷摸摸)climb 上下地爬 climb the treecrawl 平行,迟缓地爬We learn to crawl before we learn to walk.第24页climb

11、/crawl/creep1.Sam 正在爬树。Sam is climbing the tree.2.这个小孩在地上爬行。This baby is crawling on the floor.3.他偷偷溜出房子。He crept out of the house.第25页sleeping bag 睡袋动词加ing 变成形容词作定语有二个意思:正在.:sleeping dog 用来做.:sleeping baglistening materialwalking stickpassing plane 听力资料 拐杖 途经飞机第26页soundly adv.1.坚实地,牢靠地这栋建筑物牢牢耸立在那。T

12、he building stands there soundly.2.酣然地,香甜 我那一天睡得很熟。I slept soundly that day.3.彻底地,完全地=completely 那个国家被彻底摧毁。That country was destroyed soundly.第27页4.健全地,稳健地我们步伐稳健。We are walking soundly.5.重重地,严厉地妈妈严厉和我谈话。Mum talked to me soundly.sound 平安,毫发无损We are safe and sound!第28页leap 跳跃,跳起leap 跳跃,有距离,位置改变Look be

13、fore you leap.三思而后行。leap year/month 闰年/月jump 原地跳跃skip v.幅度小,或是抽象“略过”jump up and down第29页heavily 大量地,浓密地,繁茂地 rain/snow heavily smoke heavily这棵树生长得十分茂密。This tree is growing heavily.烟瘾重第30页 wind waind v.(wound,wound)注意与名词wind wind 读音不一样.wind ones way 蜿蜒而行 The river winds its way to the sea.第31页right ad

14、v.恰好right 做副词时强调后边形容词,副词,介词短语,不强调动词,可用just来替换 Right here.就在这儿 Right here waiting for you 此情可待假如后边是代词,只能用just.不能用 right代替 just you 就是你了.just like 恰好/just as 正如第32页stream 溪,川,river 河lake 湖sea 海ocean 洋第33页 Memory Challenge搭建帐篷搭建帐篷在田野上在田野上闻起来香闻起来香极好极好在篝火旁在篝火旁扑灭火扑灭火爬进帐篷爬进帐篷put up a tentin the fieldsmell

15、goodwonderfulby the campfireput out the firecreep into the tent第34页睡得很香睡得很香跳出睡袋跳出睡袋雨下得很大雨下得很大小溪小溪形成形成蜿蜒蜿蜒恰好恰好sleep soundlyleap out of the tentrain heavilystream n.form v.wind v.right adv.第35页1、A wet nightwet adj.湿淋淋(反义词是湿淋淋(反义词是dry)You are wet.2、Late in the afternoon,the boys put up their tent in th

16、e middle of a field.late in the afternoon 黄昏黄昏early in the morning 清早清早put up 搭建(强调搭,如搭个草棚等)搭建(强调搭,如搭个草棚等)build 建(强调精心设计而且建造)建(强调精心设计而且建造)build a car 制造汽车制造汽车(普通不用普通不用“make a car”)make a desk 第36页in the middle of 在在当中,在当中,在中间(相对两边,中间(相对两边,既能够用于表示地理位置,又能够用于表示时间或在某既能够用于表示地理位置,又能够用于表示时间或在某个过程当中个过程当中)in

17、 the middle of the river 河中心河中心He heard someone shouting in the middle of the night.Mary was in the middle of reading when her aunt arrived.in the center of 在在中心,在中心,在中部中部/中央(相中央(相对四面,普通用于表示地理位置,腹地)对四面,普通用于表示地理位置,腹地)Alice Spring is a small town in the centre of Australia.第37页3、As soon as this was do

18、ne,they cooked a meal over an open fire.open fire 在野外生火在野外生火,篝火,盆火(指无遮盖、篝火,盆火(指无遮盖、没有围起来火)没有围起来火)第38页4、After a wonderful meal,they told stories and sang songs by the campfire.表示表示“在在之后之后”句式:句式:after+从句从句/doing/n.after I arrived=After my arrival=After arrivingAfter his arrival,we have a party.After t

19、he arrival of the flowers,I took them and went to my girlfriends.第39页At 在在旁边:旁边:at the door 门边门边,(紧挨着紧挨着)sit at the table 桌边桌边by 在在旁边,靠近旁边,靠近 (不会紧挨着不会紧挨着,但也不会但也不会很通常指距离非常近很通常指距离非常近)Come and sit by me.There are many trees by the river.next to He sits next to me./who is the next?(表示紧邻(表示紧邻着)着)the next

20、 door to my house(next door)beside=next to 与与相邻相邻next to/beside the village第40页5、But some time later it began to rain.区分区分 sometimes/some times/some time/sometime 分开是分开是“一段一段”,相连是,相连是“某时某时”;分开分开s是是“倍、次倍、次”;相连;相连s是是“有时有时”later表示表示“以后、以后、过后以后、以后、过后”He told me he would come again later.I met her again

21、a few days later.第41页6、The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent.put out 人为熄灭火人为熄灭火 I put out the fire.be out 火自动熄灭火自动熄灭 The fire is out.第42页7、In the middle of the night,two boys woke up and began shouting.in the middle of the night=at midnight开始干某事:开始干某事:begin doing/sta

22、rt doing/begin to do/start to do第43页一一 般来说,般来说,begin to do和和begin doing能够交换,但在以能够交换,但在以下三种情况下,用下三种情况下,用to do:1.主语不是指人,而是主语不是指人,而是it等。如:等。如:It began to rain.2.begin后接表示心理活动词。如:后接表示心理活动词。如:begin to know believe,wonder,think等。等。3.begin本身是本身是ing形式,为防止重复后接形式,为防止重复后接to do 即,即,beginning to do P.S doing 普通有

23、正在做意思普通有正在做意思 to do普通有正准备做意思普通有正准备做意思 所以所以doing 就是开始做了就是开始做了to do开始要做开始要做,还没做还没做第44页8、It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field.假如强调某东西自动形成假如强调某东西自动形成,则能够用主动态则能够用主动态,假如强假如强调某东西是人为调某东西是人为,用被动态用被动态在这里在这里river formed 河流是自动形成河流是自动形成When Im getting close to the door,the

24、door opened.(自动门自动门)The door opened.强调门自动开强调门自动开The door was opened.门被打开门被打开,强调人为强调人为第45页9、The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!wind表示表示“波折而行波折而行”时,既能够是及物动词,又能时,既能够是及物动词,又能够是不及物动词够是不及物动词wind ones way 蜿蜒而行蜿蜒而行The car wound through the village.right在此处表示强调,意

25、为在此处表示强调,意为“恰好、恰恰、就恰好、恰恰、就”,这,这种使用方法多见于口语中:种使用方法多见于口语中:I met him right here.He hit the man right on the nose.第46页【Special Difficulties】P132与与put相关短语动词:相关短语动词:put up with 容忍,忍受容忍,忍受 I cant believe that he can put up with this.put up 搭建,搭建;搭建,搭建;They put up their tent in the middle of a field.安排住宿,为安排

26、住宿,为提供膳宿,夜宿提供膳宿,夜宿 Its raining heavily.We must put them up tonight.雨下得很大,我们今晚必须为他们安排住雨下得很大,我们今晚必须为他们安排住宿。宿。第47页put out 扑灭扑灭 They put out the fire and crept into their tent.put on 穿上穿上 Im putting on my coat.put away 把把收好,放好收好,放好Your room is untidy,put your things away.I have put away all my clothes.p

27、ut off 推迟,拖延推迟,拖延 Dont put your exercises off until tomorrow.The meeting has been put off.put down=write down 记下,写下,统计记下,写下,统计下下 Have you put down the bosss words?第48页 Retell the storyRetell the story第49页Late in the afternoonThe boys put up their tent in the middleAs soon as,they cookedover an open

28、fire.They were all hungry.第50页The food smell good.After a wonderful meal they told stories and sang songs by 第51页But some time later it began to rain.felt tired,so put out.and creptsleeping bagwarm and comfortable,so they slept soundly.第52页in the middle of night,two boys woke up and began shouting.be full of 第53页leapt out of sleeping baghurried outsideraining heavily,formed streamwound its wayflowed right under their tent第54页第55页第56页第57页第58页第59页 Thank youThank you第60页

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