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1、Unit5 Nelson Mandela-A Modern Hero第1页Guessing gameWho is he?第2页1.He is very famous among teenagers,especially among girls.He wrote a lot of pop songs for himself and for other pop singers.He is quite good at singing the songs in a low and unclear way that most of us cant distinguish what he is singi

2、ng.His English name begins with J.2.3.4.Jay 第3页Norman Bethune1.He died during World War II.2.He saved a lot of soldiers on the battle field.3.He worked in China,but he was not Chinese.He was Canadian.4.He was a doctor.Norman Bethune(1890-1939),Canada 白求恩白求恩第4页Sun Yat-sen1.He founded the first Republ

3、ic in China in 1911after many years fighting.2.He strongly believed in the three principles(三民主义三民主义):nationalism;Peoples rights;peoples livelihood.3.He is thought as the Chinese peoples“Father of the Nation.(Sun Yat-sen(1866-1925),China 孙中山孙中山)第5页1.He gave up a rich life for his ideas.2.He fought f

4、or his country India to be free from the UK in a peaceful way.3.He was thought as Indian Peoples“Father of the Nation.”Gandhi第6页1.He is an astronaut(宇航员)宇航员)in China.2.He is the first astronaut piloting a spacecraft(航天器)航天器),traveling in the space on board Shenzhou-5 in.Yang Liwei第7页1.He comes from

5、Shanghai,China.2.He is the best basketball player in our country.3.He enters the NBA in America.Yao Ming第8页Nelson MandelaSouth Africa1.He fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years.2.He helped the black people to get the same rights as white people.3.He was the first black presid

6、ent in South Africa.第9页Do you think a famous man Do you think a famous man is same as a great man?is same as a great man?Why?Why?famousfamousgreatgreat第10页Great persons are important in a long history.Famous persons are important in a certain time.第11页Is he a great Is he a great person?person?第12页Wh

7、o can be Who can be called a great called a great person?person?As far as I knowTo my understandingI feel thatA great person is someone who is breavehelpfuldevoted to helping others 第13页What qualities do you think a great person should have?第14页Qualities of the great peopleselflessdeterminedgenerous

8、kindeasy-goingwarm-heartedhonesthard-workingbraveconfidentdevotedhelpfulindependentresponsible第15页Great Person Do you think a great person is far away from our life?Great Person Do you think a great person is far away from our life?第16页Skimming to get general ideas第17页Eliass StoryGreat personOrdinar

9、y person?Reading strategies:Make a guess according to title before reading Whats the connection between them?A.strangersB.FriendsC.Father and sonD.Teacher and student第18页Fast ReadingPart1 Paragraph()the life of Elias life before he met Nelson Mandela Part2 Paragraph()the change of Elias life after h

10、e met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did1-23-5Please read the text quickly and divide the partsPlease read the text quickly and divide the partsPlease read the text quickly and divide the partsPlease read the text quickly and divide the parts according to the main ideas.according to the main ideas.

11、according to the main ideas.according to the main ideas.第19页Intensive Reading(I).1940 .1946 .1948 .1952 .1963.He was bornHe began schoolHe left schoolHe was 12 and met MandelaBiography(人物人物 传记)传记)The time of orderThe time of orderPlease read the passage carefully and try to finish timeline of Elias

12、lifeHe helped Mandela He helped Mandela blow up some blow up some government government buildingsbuildings第20页Intensive Reading(II)Please read the text carefully and finish the True or False questions and tell why.Please read the text carefully and finish the True or False questions and tell why.1.E

13、lias met Nelson Mandela at school.()1.Elias met Nelson Mandela at school.()2.Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer.()2.Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer.()3.Elias was unable to read or write because he was lazy.(3.Elias was unable to read or write because he was lazy.()4.Nelson Mandela helped him keep h

14、is job.()4.Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job.()5.Elias was happy blowing up government buildings.5.Elias was happy blowing up government buildings.()6.Nelson Mandela believed that black people were being treated 6.Nelson Mandela believed that black people were being treated as well as white peo

15、ple in South Africa.as well as white people in South Africa.()()7.Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to 7.Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people.help black people.8.The government were happy with Nelson Mandela and the ANC.8.The government were happy with Nel

16、son Mandela and the ANC.()()F F T TF FT TF FF F(F F)F F第21页Questions:1.Why did Elias support Nelson Mandela?-Group12.What problems did the black people like Elias have?-Group23.Why did he support violence when he did not agree with it?-Group34.What can we learn from the text about Nelson Mandela?-Gr

17、oup 4第22页1.Why did Elias support Nelson Mandela?(Group1)Because Nelson Mandela used to help him in Johannesburg.And Elias joined the ANC Youth League which was organized by Nelson Mandela.2.What problems did the black people like Elias have?(Group2)Black people had no vote and could not choose who r

18、uled them.The parts of town where they lived were places decided by white people.They could not get jobs they wanted.The places they were the poorest areas in South Africa.No one could grow food there.Possible answers第23页3.Why did he support violence when he did not agree with it?(Group3)Because he

19、wanted to realize their dream of making black and white people equal.Possible answers4.What can we learn from the text about Nelson Mandela?(Group4)Helpfulness Bravery(勇敢)勇敢)Persistence(坚持不懈(坚持不懈)Kindness(亲切,仁慈(亲切,仁慈)Determination(坚定)(坚定)第24页Discussion:How to be a great person?(3m)(First,a group of

20、3-4 students discuss together;Second,the group leader make a brief report of your groups discussion)第25页Do their bestHow to make a great person?pay more timenever give upnever give upintelligentNever lose heart when in great trouble set up an aimget on well with othersinsist on what they pursuehelp

21、othersbe active in society activitiesBe willing to do public serviceunselfishdetermined第26页New words and expressions1.devote1.devote2.law2.law3.continue3.continue4.fee4.fee5.gold5.gold6.vote6.vote7.voliance7.voliance8.stage8.stage9.equal9.equal10.accept10.accept贡献贡献法律法律继续继续费用费用金子金子选举选举暴力暴力舞台舞台,时期,阶段

22、时期,阶段平等平等接收接收第27页1.Worry about1.Worry about2.Youth league2.Youth league3.As a matter of 3.As a matter of factfact4.putinto prison4.putinto prison5.blow up5.blow up6.out of work6.out of work7.lose heart7.lose heart担心担心青年团青年团实际上实际上把某人投入监狱把某人投入监狱使爆炸,充气使爆炸,充气失业失业失去信心失去信心第28页Reading Elias Story第29页How ma

23、ny parts can we How many parts can we divide the text into?divide the text into?第30页Part IElias life before he met Nelson Mandela.Part IIThe change of Elias life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.(Para.3-5)(Para.1-2)Main ideas of each partMain ideas of each part.第31页1.Elias went to se

24、e Nelson Mandela when he was in trouble.2.Elias left school because the school was too far from his home.3.Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job.ScanningReading ComprehensionTrue or false第32页4.Elias trusted Nelson Mandela and he joined the ANC Youth League.5.Elias was willing to blow up government

25、buildings.6.Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people.Scanning第33页 1.Preview the new words and expressions.2.Think of a person you admire and respect!Write a passage describe him or her with the title-“My hero”.Homework第34页Qualities of the great peopleselflessdeterminedgenerouskindeasy-goingwarm-heartedhonesthard-workingbraveconfidentdevotedhelpfulindependentresponsibleReview第35页Thank you第36页

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