1、Today,I will introduce a person.E31314037Computer science第1页第2页He is a compere第3页He is a writer第4页He is a folk singer郝云万晓利Rosie Thomas赵雷宋冬野第5页BesidesHe is also a Backpacker(背包客)Oil painting painter(油画画师)Zen disciple(禅宗弟子)第6页他是大冰!作家电视主持民谣歌手老背包客酒吧掌柜油画画师手鼓艺人禅宗弟子黄金左脸第7页He is a compere(主持人)收视率连续六年位居山东卫视之
2、首The rate of this program has been got the first for instant six years and awarded coutless rewards.第8页第六届图书势力榜获奖作品中国图书势力榜年度十大好书The second one obtained the reward of Annual Ten Good Books In the Influence of Chinese Books Ranking List in and so on.第9页创作歌曲背包客假如我老了在大昭寺广场晒太阳乌兰巴托夜(蒙语翻唱版)陪我去可可西里看海第10页川藏线
3、、滇藏线,他都用脚步丈量过!He is a backpacker!Sichuan-Tibet line and Yunnan-Tibet,he has walk along the railway lines第11页大冰是一个有着奇特魅力人,没有些人比他身份跨度更大,他所经历那些人和事都是活生生.他好像永远都搂着手鼓,鼓声贯通一直,不停息。-万晓利世界上还有另一个人,他们能够朝九晚五,又能够浪迹天涯,比如大冰。小鹏Da Bing is a person who has special charm.No one is bigger than him in identify span what h
4、e has went through.He seems to hold a hand drum forever and the sound of it never stops.There is another kind of people.They can work from 9 a.m to 5 p.m and also can roam,just like Da Bing.第12页不要那么孤独,请相信,这个世界上真有些人在过着你想要生活,愿你我带着最微博行李和最丰盛自己在世间流浪。大冰乖,摸摸头Dont be lonely,Please believe,in fact,someone in this world are having lives you want.I hope you and I can take the least package but richest ourselves and then roam in society.第13页From:新浪微博搜狐娱乐昵图网新浪博客baidu百科百度音乐好搜图片乖,摸摸头第14页The EndThe EndThanksThanks制作by浅滩惊涛第15页