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1、卷首语/EDITORIAL城市绿地生物多样性的新机遇与应对主编2024年1月18 日,中国生物多样性保护战略与行动计划(2 0 2 3-2030年)的发布,使中国成为“昆蒙框架”通过后全球首批完成生物多样性战略与行动计划更新的国家之一。生物多样性是人类赖以生存和发展的基础,城市绿地生物多样性作为生物多样性的一个特殊组成部分,受到自然生境破坏与丧失、自然资源过度利用、环境污染、外来物种入侵和局地小气候变化等因素的不利影响,城市绿地生态系统、物种和遗传多样性均呈现不同程度的难以稳定甚至退化。新阶段发展背景下,中国生态文明思想为绿地生物多样性治理指明了方向,站在人与自然和谐共生的高度谋划发展;作为C



4、性是一个多学科研究领域,所以未来研究实践,还需要风景园林学科联合生态学、植物学、动物学、遗传学等多学科协同,推进城市绿地生物多样性常态化监测,将城市生物多样性保护提升融入城市功能修补、生态修复,以及城市绿地生态网络系统构建中。2024年3月12 日园林/2 0 2 4年/第41卷/第0 4期New Opportunities and Responses to Biodiversity in Urban Green SpacesOn January 18,2024,the China Biodiversity Conservation Strategy andAction Plan(2023-2

5、030)was released,making China one of the first countries inthe world to complete the updating of the biodiversity strategy and action plan afterthe adoption of the Kunming Framework,Biodiversity is the foundation for humansurvival and development.As a special component of biodiversity,urban green sp

6、acebiodiversity has been adversely affected by natural habitat destruction and loss,over-utlization of natural resources,environmental pollution,invasion of alien speciesand local microclimate change,which have made it difficult to stabilize or evendegrade the ecosystems,species,and genetic diversit

7、y of urban green spaces toVarying degrees.Based on the new stage of development,Chinas idea of ecologicalcivilization has pointed out the direction of green space biodiversity managementand planned development from the perspective of harmonious coexistence betweenhuman beings and nature;As the Presi

8、dent of COP15,China has taken the leadin green space biodiversity management through a series of initiatives;and theexpectations of urban residents for beautiful ecological environments and demand forhigh-quality ecological products and services have provided favourable conditions forthe protection

9、of urban green space biodiversity.As the intensity of human disturbance gradually increases from the countrysideor protected areas around the city to the central area,the spatial distribution of itsspecies diversity shows an obvious decreasing trend from the outskirts of the city tothe city center,a

10、nd the buildings,road density and other infrastructure in the processof urbanization result in the reduction of vegetation cover in urban areas,as wellas the decline and instability of the level of biodiversity of wild plants and animals.In addition,the scientific and systematic nature of the protec

11、tion and restoration ofbiodiversity in urban green spaces has yet to be explored,including the inadequacyof the monitoring system,the lack of uniformity in monitoring and evaluation methods,and the lack of a clear mechanism for correlating biodiversity in dfferent habitatsunder artificial disturbanc

12、e.The topic of this issue Biodiversity of Urban Green Space”focuses on typicalurban green space types,takes multiple types of biological species as researchobjects,and carries out research on the identfication and monitoring of biodiversityindicator species in urban green space,the influence mechani

13、sm of dfferent levelsof urbanization on the biodiversity of indicator species,as well as the constructiontechnology of urban ecological corridor network based on the conservation andenhancement of biodiversity,and so on.The method for investigating the biodiversityof advantageous species in urban gr

14、een spaces was developed,in order to providescientfic basis for the scientific evaluation of biodiversity levels in urban green spacesand the development and utlization of new and superior plants in newly constructedgreen spaces;A deep learning based bird sound data analysis and recognition sys-tem

15、was created to achieve automatic recognition of species information contained inthe target sound;The soil fungal diversity characteristics of urban park green spacesand road green spaces were analyzed,revealing the main composition factors affect-ing soil borne plant pathogenic fungal communities;Th

16、e impact of different habitatson biodiversity in urban ecological corridors was analyzed,providing new researchperspectives and technical support for biodiversity conservation and ecological spatialpattern optimization at the urban scale.Urban biodiversity is a multidisciplinary research field,and t

17、he future researchpractice needs the synergy of the discipline of landscape architecture with thediscipline of ecology,botany,zoology,genetics and other disciplines,to promotethe normalized monitoring of biodiversity in urban green space,and to integrate theprotection and enhancement of urban biodiversity into the urban function repair,ecological restoration,and the construction of urban green space ecological networksystems.Editor-in-ChiefMarch 12th,2024

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