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1、TMDL中MOS的确定方法及其在感潮河流中的应用的开题报告摘要:TMDL(Total Maximum Daily Load)是一种水资源管理工具,其制定需要对某些因素进行量化,其中MOS(Margin of Safety)是其中之一。本文研究TMDL中MOS的确定方法及其在感潮河流中的应用,主要通过文献综述和实例分析的方法进行研究。在确定MOS的方法方面,本文总结了基于不确定性的方法、基于生态安全的方法、基于工程设计的方法等三种主要方法,并概述了各方法的原理和适用场景。在应用方面,本文以北美地区的Salinas River为实例进行分析,即以感潮河流为背景的MOS确定方法。通过对水质目标的确定

2、、对感潮河流的特殊性质的考虑以及对MOS的计算,本文得到了Salinas River中MOS的最佳值,并且验证了所得结论的合理性。关键词:TMDL;MOS;感潮河流;水资源管理;北美Salinas RiverAbstract:TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) is a water resource management tool that requires quantification of certain factors, including MOS (Margin of Safety), among others. This paper studies the

3、 determination method of MOS in TMDL and its application in estuarine rivers, mainly through literature review and case analysis methods.In terms of determining the MOS method, this paper summarizes three main methods, namely, uncertainty-based methods, ecological safety-based methods, and engineeri

4、ng design-based methods, and outlines the principles and applicable scenarios of each method.In terms of application, this paper analyzes the Salinas River in North America as an example, that is, the MOS determination method based on the background of estuarine rivers. Through the determination of

5、water quality goals, consideration of the special properties of estuarine rivers, and calculation of MOS, this paper obtains the optimal value of MOS in Salinas River and verifies the validity of the obtained conclusions.Keywords: TMDL; MOS; estuarine rivers; water resource management; North American Salinas River.

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