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1、初二英语单元测试改错练习题学校名称:班级:学号:姓名:1.下列各句中各有一处错误,先出并订正.()1.She is born in 1 982,in Shanghai.()2.I wash my hand and face every morning()3.Di d you helped your motherclean the house yesterday morning?()4.M y mother was busy to do her houseworkall day yesterday.()5.N ow I can speak a few Engl i sh,but she can

2、t2.下列各题的划线部分均有一处错误,请指出.36.P lease not come here!G o to the blackboard!3 7.He wants to buy some breads because he i s hungry.38.These are Engl i sh teachers.O ne of the teacher i s Ameri can.39.Can you tell me the different between the twin sisters?40.You usual ly haven t breakfast at eight,right?3.改

3、错1.()How delicious sankwiches we had thismorning!2.()I dont like winter because its too muchcold.3.()I think the weather will be very bettersoon.4.()_There is_ nothing in the room,isntthere?5.()I usually read a book for some t i meafter I go to bed.4.改错句:()1.There is going to have a sports meet in o

4、urschool next month.()2.Our Engl i sh teacher i s nearly forty,but shelooks more younger than she is.()3.工 t i s time for go to school.()4.When he reached home he turned on the radioand 1isten to the weather report.()5.She usually washes her clothes,cleans the floor,and keeps everything to clean and

5、 tidy on Sunday morning.()6.Must I clean the room now?No,you mustn t.()7.Everything are much lighter on the moon than onthe earth.()8.In winter it is much colder in Beijing thanFuzhou.()9.She had a swim this morning,had t she?()10.1 11 go to play with you if I am going to be free tomorrow.指出并订正在横线上)

6、5.改病句(每句只有一处错()1.Please let me calling your names.()2.Look!Mike is runing with the nice kite.()3.I have your names in this piece of paper.()4._Lucy and Lily look 1 ike the same.()5.What s he doing?He i s writes on theblackboard.()6.The two men are playing the basketbal 1 overthere.()7.Does Wei Fang

7、have a long ruler?Yes,she has.)8.This is our the first lesson,so Idon,tknow al1 your names.)9.)10.Mrs.Green is doing housework.Mr.Greenis reading and writes.He doesn5 t has his lunch at school.6.改病句(每句只有一处错,指出并订正在横线上)1.Do you often read books?No,I usual ly see TV.2.I want go shopping.Would you 1 ike

8、 to go with me?3.He often helps Uncle Wang does housework on Sundays.4.Look,there are many woman over ther under the tree.5.It s a fine day for a walking.That s right.6.It s time for go to school.Let s go.7.Everyday he leaves home at about seven thirty.8.Mr Green doesn,t reading.He is writing.7.改病句:

9、(每句只有一处错,指出并订正在横线上)()1.He got a new work here,so his family moved here._()2.Uncle Wang enjoys to making kites for the students._()3.He bought much meat and vegetables on his way home._()4.How far it is from the town to the city?()5.B ecause I have a lot of homework to do,I didn t goto see him yester

10、day.()6.M y teacher gave me two pieces of paper with answerson it.()7.Did you get home half past ten ago yesterday?()8.Yesterday I went to Jim,s home and find he was ill inbed._8.改病句:(每句只有一处错,指出并订正在横线上)()1.The students go to work on the farm the day after tomorrow.()2.P lease be carefully to climb t

11、he ladder.()3.You must finish your homework today and take it here tomorrow.()4.You d better look after you and keep healthy.()5.-When do you start this lesson?-About ten minutes ago.()6.Do you enjoy living in the P aris?()7.(am sorry coming late to school.()8.(go to the P eople,s P ark with my fath

12、er two days ago.()9.There are many apples in the box.Some of them is bad.()10.You had better don t let him go.9.改病句:(每句只有一处错,指出并订正在横线内)()1.We all go to work in the factory last week.()2.L ucy and L ily helped the farmers with the rice harvest inSaturday afternoon.()3.When did you gave him the beauti

13、ful photo?()4.She rang up him and told him the news.()5.I wrote it down in a piece of paper.()6.We are going to play the football this afternoon.()7.There are two big photoes on the wall.()8.They need hand in their homework on time.A B C D()9.Did you have good time on the farm last week?ABCD10.改病句:(

14、每句只有一处错误,指出并订正在横线内)()1.B ruce s brother(ikes to go swimming on summer.()2.We always put on hats in winter.()3.In autumn the leaves turn to brown.()4.Which book do you(ike best,this one or that one?()5.Jim and his friends went to help the farmers in last month.()6.He never works in a hospital,doesn;t

15、 he?()7.The five month of the year i_s M ay.()8.Some of them went to the farm by bus.The others students went there on foot.()9.That s a small village is not far from Sydney.()10.It often rains,sometimes quite heavy.11.改错()1.He never works in a hospital,doesn t he?()2.It s cold.You d better putting

16、on the coat.()3.The,sun shines bright.()4.Would you like come to my supper.()5.In_ autumn the leaves(叶子)turn to brown.12.改错句:()1.There is going to have a sports meet in ourschool next month.()2.O ur English teacher is nearly forty,but she looksmore younger than she is.()3.It is time for go to school

17、.()4.When he reached home he turned on the radioand 1isten to the weather report.()5.She usually washes her clothes,cleans the floor,and keeps everything to clean and tidy on Sunday morning.()6.M ust I clean the room now?N o,you mustnt.()7.Everything are much lighter on the noon than onthe earth.()8

18、.In winter it is much colder in B eijing than Fuzhou.()9.She had a swim this morning,hadnt she?()10.I 11 go to play with you if I am going to be freetomorrow.13.改错:()1.he has to do a lot of works in the garden every day.()2.If you want to be thinner and healthier,you heve to eat fewer food.()3.I thi

19、nk M ikes cake is bigger than Jim.()4.G ranny Huan often hears the radio after supper.()5.1m afraid theres wrong something with your watch.()6.What must he have to do if he wants to be a good student?()7.Im very hungry.P lease take me something to eat.()8.M y uncle reached to Fuzhou early this morin

20、ig.()9.I dint catch the train,so I had to wait the next one.()10.I aftaid English is going to be difficult for me.14.下列各句A、B、C、D中有一处是错的,请把错误处的字母标号写在括号内,并在横线上改正。()1.This is my the first day in this school.()2.The children are having a fun playing games.()3.N ow let me call you names.()4.P lease give

21、my best wish to M r Wu.()5.一 Do you think English is quite different with Chinese?一 Yes,I think so.15.改错:以下各句均有一处错误,请把错误处的字母标号写在括号内,并改正在横线上。)1.The Chinese people eat mooncakes in that day.)2.Thank you to give me so much help.)3.She often meets her teacher,M iss G reen,on her way school.)4.The M id-A

22、utumn Festival usually comes in Septemberand O ctober.)5.Would Kate and you like to eat mooncakes with us this evening?)6.Do you like the mooncake?It has sweet something inside.16.下面各句均有一处错误,请把错误处字母标号写在括号内,并在横线上改正。()1.There are going to have more trees in our townnext year.()2.M r L i is walking slo

23、wer than M rs L i.()3.Kates parents grow rices and tomatoes in the country.()4.John always goes fishing there in the summer.()5.I think live in town is more interesting.17.改错:下列各句均有一处错误,请把错误处字母标号写在括号内,并在横线上改正。()1.M iss M ott is going to visit to our city next week.()2.M r John neednt an umbrella bec

24、ause it,s very dry.()3.Did you hear Jim talked to his teacher just now?()4.1 looked at everything she does carefully.()5.Do you know the answer of the question now.18.改错:下列各名句均有一处错误,请将错误处字母标号写在括号内,并在横线上改正。()1.It,s not cloudy but very suny today.()2.L ook,how beautiful pictures they are!()3.There wil

25、l be snow at the night.()4.一 How many children are playing games in theplayground?一 There are ten.)5.He says he is going to study in B eijing the next year.19.改错。下列各小题A、B、C、D中有一处错误,指出并改下。()1.You must look after yourself and keep health.()2.1 dont like winter,because there is very much snow.()3.What

26、nice present.I like it very much.()4.Thank you for come to see us.()5.Read the story and find out the answer for the question.20.改错()66.He s borrowed the book since two weeks ago,hasn t he?()67.F d like to buy two air tickets for N anjing.()68.Everything there were very beautiful,we enjoyed it very

27、much.()69.I used to drinking some tea before going to bed,but now I don t doit._()70.He was ten minutes late for school because the bad traffic.21.下列每句有一处错误,找出错处并改正,c,said,is flying AT、,,next month1.Sheshe to N ew York-ABC2.L astc,says,would take,Saturday M arcia-she-some photosA Btheviolin C3.L ana

28、4.L iza5.L anasaid,cant play theviolin-she-.-A B Ctold,favourite is T,.-us her-actor Jackie Chan.ABCsaid,was nt interesting.-she-to it.A BC22.下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中有一处是错误的,请找出错误并在横线上订正。1.Im afraid I can t come because I have to finish to draw the picture.()_2.Where were you play basketball yesterday?()3.T

29、he radio says the cloud will lift very quickly.()4.M ore than five thousands people watched the basketball game yesterday.()_5.This dictionary is much more cheaper than that one.()23.找出下面句子里所含有的错误,并在横线的地方加以改正。M r G reen is busy to sell computers to many countries.1._He travers a lot every month.L as

30、t Tuesday he was in the L ondon 2.Three days before he was in B eijing.Yesterday he was in Shanghai 3.N ow he has back in his office in N ew York.M r G reen thinks 4.his work is interesting but exciting.5._24.下面短文每行均有一处错误,请指出并改正。O ne day the teacher found a piece of paper on1.the teachers,desk.She p

31、icked up and found there2.was a sentence on it:”I loves my mother3.better then my father.The teacher read it again and4.again.After some times she smiled.She wrote the5.sentence on the blackboard before the class began.6.Then she said with the class,“Just now I wrote7.a sentence on the blackboard.Wh

32、o could tell me the true8.mean of the sentence?”M any students tried,but they9.couldn7 t speak the true meaning of the sentence.Do10.you know the meaning?25.找出下列各句错误的地方,并将其字母代号填入括号内并改正。()86.He watchTV every day。()87.M y mother(ikes sing and dancing()88.X am thiner than she 运.()89.Sometime we take a

33、walk by the sea.()90.Where does he go yesterday.26.短文改错An old man travels with a wolf,a sheep and a basketof cabbage.He wants to go cross a river.B ut he has a 1.problem because his boat is too big,He can only take one of 2.the three things each time.He thinks hard.If he leaves the wolf together wit

34、h the sheep,the wolf may eat the sheep.If he leaves the sheep together with the cabbage,the sheep may eat the cabbage,How can he take them to another side of the river?Can you help him finding a way?4.I m sure it s easy for you to do that.That 11 be ok if he brings the sheep first.5.27.改错题1.Eddie,ha

35、ve you see my food?()_2.I have known his sister five years ago.3.I real dont know where he is.()_4.It has become more difficult seeing my old friend.()_5.L enjoy chating with you.()_28.改错Swimming is very popular in summer.P eople like swimming in summer because of water makes people feeling cool.If

36、you like swimming and swim in a wrong place,it may not be safely.These years,more than nine hundreds children died while they were having a good time in the water most of them were students.29.找出错误并加以改正71.L ets do something help poor students return to school.72.His sick grandfather was took to the

37、hospital yesterday.()73.Everyone should make great contributions to look after animals.()74.I finished my homework already.I can go climbing with you.()75.The room was very small for us to live in.()30.短文改错Yesterday Timmy helped his father in the 1garden.Timmy is youngest in the B lake 2family.Timmy

38、 and his father dug two hole.3They planted two trees.O ur garden looks 4very beautifully,“Timmy said.5It s filled of weeds(草),w his father said.6It s the nice garden in the street,Timmy said.7“The nicest ones?”his father asked.8“Yes,Timmy answered.N obody grass 9is longer than our.”1031.改错()1.What(A

39、)is the(B)time in(C)your(D)watch?()2.Who teaches(A)your(B)chemistry(C)this term(D)?()3.M an,like(A)animals(B)and plants,also need(C)sunlight(D).()4.M um often tells(A)me(B)don,t(C)stay up too(D)late.()5.His words(A)at the meeting made(B)all(C)of us very angrily(D).32.在下面句子的A、B、C、D处均有一处错误,请指出并改正。1.Wr

40、ite down them in your exercise book.2.Did you enjoy you at the party?3.I forgot my pen at home.4.She didnt look for her eraser.5.Its time for class.P lease stop to talk.6.The teacher let us to read the text.7.Tell them to not talk in class,please.8.L ook into the river.There is he.9.G o and take me

41、some food.33.找出每题中的一处错误,并改正:1.If it won t rain to morrow,we 11 go swimming.2.They enjoyed them in the park last week.3.The little girl began to sing and we sit down to listen to her.4.Could you see unusual anything in the lake?5.What a bad weather!I have to stay at home.34.改错1.L ast year the scienti

42、st invents a kind of robot.2.I want to get the airport a little earlier and go home.3.What did they talk about in yesterday afternoon?4.O ne of the singers aren t good at music.5.M any than twenty players started off a moment ago.35.短文改错(若对标,若错在原文错字下划线并改正于横线上;若多余:在原文余字上用、划去并在横线上写下该字也用划去;若漏字在漏处标八并在横线

43、上补上)M y uncle is bus driver.He goes to 73.work at a quartor to six in the mor-74.ning.Every day he is busy and get 75.to home very late.Sometimes he comes 76.back at 12 at night.He likes helping other bus drivers 77.do more work.He is first driver to e to the bus station and the lastdriver to leave.

44、36.找出句中的错误。()1.Hes to old to drive a car.()2.There are a lot of traffic at the moment.B e careful.()3.Wed better not to swim in the river.)4.M any people are waiting the bus at the bus stop.)5.)ts not right to laugh others mistakes.37.改错。下列各句划线部分均有一处错误,请将错误处的序号写在题前括号里,并在 题后括号里改正。()1.We must not laug

45、h others in trouble.()()2.They are standing in a line to buy the tickets.()()3.If you are late for school again,I tell your father.()()4.Youd better not to jump the queue.()()5.He couldnt finish the exercise.It was enough difficult for himto do.()()6.He is writing careful enough.()()7.Her son is ill

46、,so she must take care him.()()8.They are very friendly than you think.()38.改错76.There aren t any milk in the bowl.77.His father will playing golf next evening.78.There isn,t be any paper money in about 20 years.79.There had a party last evening.80.Will there more flowers in her garden?39.短文改错请对下面所给

47、短文的每一行做出判断,如该行多一个词,把多余的词用 斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉;如该行缺一个词,在空缺处加一个漏词符号(八),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词;如该行错一个 词,在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词,如该行没有错,就 不要改,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(J)。每行只有一个错误。O ne day,L iu M ei was in her way to town.She 71wanted to look a film in the cinema.O n the 72way she met an old woman.An old woman 73w

48、anted to see his husband.He was ill in hospital.74B ut she did not know the way of the hospital.She tried 75her best to help this old woman.She asks a policeman.76He told her to sit a N o.72 bus.L iu M ei went with the 77old woman to the hospital.When the old woman saw 78her husband,L iu M ei left a

49、way the hospital quietly.79She did not wait their thanks.What a kind girl she is!8040.改错()1.She oughts to drive to work.()2.M y best friend always shares my happy when I am happy.()3.Simon is so strong as Daniel i_s.()4.Dont late for class again,Tom.()5.It,s necessary cleaning the rabbit s hutch eve

50、ry week.41.改错。下列各句均有一处错误,找出并在后面横线上改正。()1.There were over two thousands people in the zoo on Children s Day.)2.I enjoyed to listen to the popular music very much.)3.The boy tried climbing up the tree,but he couldn t.)4.Don t read in the sun,do you?)5.He needs wear lots of warm clothes in winter.)6.It

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