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1、Unit 1 How do you study fbr a test?(一)学习目标(Language Goal)1.Talk about how to study.学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。2.Find out your suitable learning methods.找出适合自己的学习方法。()语言结构(Language Structures)1.Verb+by with gerund by十动名词短语 表示“通过途径,方法”2.How questions have引导的特殊疑问句(三)目 标语言(Target Language)1.How do you study for test

2、s?你是怎样准备考试的?Well,I study by working with my classmates.哦,我和同学们一起学习。2.Have you ever studied with a group?你曾经参加过学习小组吗?Yes,I have.Ive learned a lot that way.是的,参加过。通过这种方式我学了许多。3.1 dont have a partner to practice English with.我没有同伴可以练习英语。Maybe you should join an English club.或许,你应该参加一个英语俱乐部。4.What about

3、 reading aloud to practice pronunciation?大声朗读来练习发音怎么样?Why dont you join an English language club?你为什么不参加一个英语俱乐部呢?(四)Key words and phrases(重点词汇)1.flashcard n.抽认卡2.frustrating a.令人沮丧的3.memorize v.记忆,背诵4.aloud adv.出声地、高声地ma n.逗号6.pronunciation n.发音7.solution n.解决办法8.not at all根本(不)全然(不)9.endup结束,告终10.m

4、ake mistakes 犯错11.later on以后;随后12.be afraid to 害怕去做13.laugh at sb.笑话;取笑(某人)14.take notes做笔记,做记录15.enjoy doing sth.喜欢做乐意做16.native speaker说本族语的人17.make up组成、构成(四)重点、难点:(Key points and difficulties)l.by介词,表示“通过方法或途径”的意思,译成“靠、通过”by后面可以加名词或动名词短语eg.(1)The house was destroyed by fire.房屋被火烧毁了。(2)travel by

5、air(land,sea)航空(陆路、航海)旅行。(3)go by train(boat,bus)乘火车(船,公共汽车)去(4)shake sb by the hand 和某人握手(5)I study English by watching English movies.我通过看英文电影学英语。另外,by做为介词的含义有很多,我们也已经学习过一些用法,总结如下(1)在旁边、靠近eg.There is a power station by the river.河边有一个电J。(2)沿着、经由e by the highway由公路来(3)由于 eg.by mistake由于差错(4)被、由 eg.

6、some articles written by Luxun.一些由鲁迅写的文章(5)(表示面积)eg.a room 5m,by4m 一间长五米宽四米的房间(6)逐批 eg.One by one 一个接一个(7)表示方法、途径 如上2.HowquestionsHow引导特殊疑问句,有两种含义(1)表示问候eg.How do you do?How are you?Hows everything going?(2)表示“怎样”eg.How is your new house?你的新房子怎么样?Ifs great.它太棒了。How do you learn English?你是怎样学英文的?I le

7、arn English by reading lots of English magazines.我通过读大量英文杂志学习英文。请同学们注意how和what引导的疑问句是不一样的,不能混淆。how通常对程度或方式进行提问,意为“怎么样”,回答通常做状语或表语,what常对 动作的发出者或接受者进行提问,意为“什么”,回答通常主语或宾语。试比较:(1)How is your summer holiday?It is perfect.(表程度,表语)(2)How did you travel around the world?I travelled by bike.(表方式,状语)(3)What

8、do you learn at school?I learn Chinese,English,Maths and other subjects.(学习的科目,做宾语)3.在这一单元中出现的话题是“讨论如何学习”。这个话题既有趣又实用,既能锻炼我们 的口语表达能力,又能使我们学到一些实用的方法,对自身的学习大有帮助。如何向别人请 教学习方法呢?又如何回答呢?请诵读下面的目标句型:How do you study English?(运用特殊疑问句)I study by listening to cassetts.(听录音带)I study by studying with a group.(和小组

9、起学习)by watching English programs on TV(看英语 电视节 目)by enjoying English songs.(听英文歌)by taking part in English classes after school.(上课夕卜英语班)by getting an English tutor.(请英语家教)by reading English magazines and newspaper.(读英文杂志、报纸)by surfing the internet.(网上冲浪)by making flashcards.(制作单词认读卡片)by reading the

10、 textbook.(读教科书)by asking the teacher for help.(请教老师)by making vocabulary lists.(列单词表)by taking notes carefully.(认真记笔记)by having the English class carefully.(认真上课)by finishing my homework seriously.(认真完成作业)Do you learn English by,?(用一般疑问句)Yes,I do./No,I dont.Have you ever studied with a group?(用完成时态

11、)Yes,I have.Ive learned a lot that way.What about listening to cassettes?用 what about+动名词 提问I do that sometimes.I think it helps.4.学会评价各种学习方法的优劣(Commentonthe ways of learning English)看到了上面各种各样的学习方法,有些眼花缭乱。其实,并不是所有的方法都适合自己。我们要学会判断、评价,然后才能选择最适合自己的用哪些语言才能表达自己的评价呢?请看下面的目标句型:I think studying English by.i

12、s.because.如:I think studying English by working with a group is a good way because you can askothers when you have questions.I think surfing the internet is a bad way because you have to use a computer and always waste your time.这个句型较长是个复合句,出现了由because引导的原因状语从句。进入初三后,我们 在写作表达时,要避免再使用仅仅由because引导的句子,

13、而要写完整的句子。如:不能写Because I slept late,意思不完整,不清晰要写成I missed the early bus because I slept late.这样,有原因,有结果,才是完整的句子。5.找出自己在英语学习中的困难(Find out your own difficulties in learning English)要选择适合自己的学习方法,还必须清楚自己的困难所在,然后才能有的放矢。learning English can be difficult.What things are difficult for you?我们如何来表达自己学习与遇到的困难呢?如

14、何给出建议呢?请诵读下面的目标句型:说出困难:I have a problem.I cant remember the new words.I cant pronounce some of the words.I cant understand spoken English.I always make mistakes in grammer.I read very slowly.I dont know how to speak English well.给出建议:You should read English aloud.Listening can help.Why dont you join

15、 an English language club to practice speaking.Would you mind remembering new words by flashcards.Please try to talk with your friends in English as much as possible.(请注意不同句式的运用)6.选择适合自己的学习方法(Choose your suitable learning ways)通过以上各个环节的学习,我们终于可以完成最后的目标一一选择适合自己的方法。如何表达呢?目标句型如下:(注意要给出原因,练习使用because)I(

16、dont)think I can study English by.,because.(1)1 think I can study English by listening to English songs because I love music too.(2)I don t think I can get an English tutor because I want to learn by myself at home.找到适合自己的方法,写出至少五句。(六)3a in Section A疑难解释1.eg.He asked his mother to buy him a new bicy

17、cle.他请求他母亲给他买一辆新自行车。2.Many said they learnt by using English.许多(学生)说他们通过使用英语来学习。Many在这里是代词,而不是形容词,意为Many students.Many is a large number of something.例如:We can put away many of these plates.We don,t need this many.我们可以把许多盘子收起来,用不着这么多。3.eg.I felt frustrated at that time.那时,我觉得很沮丧。请同学们在学习中注意收集4.not at

18、 all根本不,全然不eg.My brother did not like the scarf at all.not经常可以和助动词结合在一起,at all则放在句尾5.get excited变得兴奋起来 get是系动词,有“逐渐变得”的含义get+adjeg.get mad 生气get clear变得清楚了The long journey got the children all tired.长途旅行使得孩子们疲惫不堪。6.end up doing sth 终止做某事,结束做某事 后面加动名词短语/目当于 finish doing sth.但要注意与stop doing sth的区别eg.W

19、e had to stop singing because somebody knocked at the door.另外,end up with 以结束The party ended up with her singing.晚会以她的歌唱而告终。7.在3a中,出现了大量的动名词。我们有必要了解动名词的结构及用法,动名词即动词 的ing形式,相当于名词,在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语定语等。eg.(1)1 think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of learning.doing为动名词短语,做从句中的

20、主语,而listening做定语,修饰practice.(2)r m enjoying learning English.(动名词短语做宾语)(3)Seeing is believing 眼见为实(Seeing 做主语,believing 做表语)(七)3a in Section B疑难解析1.First of all,it wasnt easy fbr me to understand the teacher.首先,对我而言,听懂老师的话并不容易。first of all 首先It is(was).for sb to do sth.在这个句型中,不定式做真正的主语,it是形式主语。2.一些词

21、组laugh at sb嘲笑某人take notes记笔记enjoy doing sth乐意做某事be impressed深受感动的3.在这篇文章中,出现了许多表示顺序或承接的连词或词组。这些词使全文流畅、生动、层次清晰,条理清楚。在写作中,正确使用连接词,会使文章增色不少,提高档次。在文章 中,出现的词有:first of all 首先to begin with 开始later on后来、随also也、而且(用于肯定句)either也(用于否定句)so因此then然后【模拟试题】I.翻译下列单词或词组1.令人沮丧的3.出声地、高声地5.解决方法7.结束做某事9.害怕做某事11.笑话某人13.

22、喜欢、乐意做某事II.连词成句1.study,How,you,do,fbr,2.背诵、记忆4.发音(v.)6.根本不8.犯错_10.说本族语的人12.做笔记14.组成、构成2.by study listening to,I,cassettes3.you,do,by,learn,reading,English,aloud94.should,find,you,pen pal a5.cant,a lot of,I,new,words,memorizeIII.将下列方法及理由搭配起来,组成相应的句子Ways1.by memorizing the words of pop songs2.by readi

23、ng English magazines3.by using English4.by studying grammar5.by watching English movies6.by joining the English club at school7.by having conversations with friendsReasons:A.because we can practice more and study English well.B.because the native speakers speak too quickly.C.because it is a great wa

24、y to learn sentence structures.D.because we can get lots of practice and also have fun.E.because it is the best way to learn new wordsF.because we get excited about something and then end up speaking in ChineseG.because it can help us learn new wordsModel:(1)1 think I can study English by listening

25、to English because I love music.(2)I don t think I can study English by getting an English tutor because I will spend too much money.1._2._3._4._5._6._7._IV写作:谈一谈自己学习的情况,包括你遇到的困难,你的解决方法以及未来的学习计划。50字左右(使用网稿中提供的目标语言)My English learning(A)People living in different countries made different kinds of wor

26、ds.Today there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world.Each contains many thousands of words.A very large dictionary,for example,contains four or five hundred thousand words.But we do not need all these.To read short stories you need to know only about two thousand words.Before you leave sc

27、hool,you will learn only one thousand or more.The words you know are called your vocabulary.You should try to make your vocabulary bigger.Read as many books as you can.There are a lot of books written in easy English fbr you to read.You will enjoy them.When you meet a new word,find it in your dictio

28、nary.Your dictionary is your most useful book.Training Base(阅读理解练习)根据短文选择最佳答案:1.The number of different languages spoken is about.A.150 B.15,000C.500 D.1,5002.Before you leave your school,you11 learn.A.only two thousand wordsB.five hundred thousand wordsC.more than one thousand wordsD.three or four

29、thousand words3.To make your vocabulary bigger,you must.A.get as many dictionaries as you canB.read as many books as you canC.buy a lot of booksD.have a very large English dictionary4.You will enjoy.A.the books written in easy EnglishB.your dictionaryC.your new wordsD.finding new words in a dictiona

30、ry根据短文翻译下列句子:5.A very large dictionary,fbr example,contains four or five hundred thousand words.6.There are a lot of books written in easy English fbr you to read.(B)限时阅读Small children often laugh at the short ones or at someone who isnt dressed as well as they are.But as they grow up,they learn not

31、 to hurt peoples feelings by laughing at their problems.They learn to laugh at other things.Most important they learn to laugh at themselves.Suppose(假设)you re playing a game.You make a mistake and lose.Do you become angry?Or can you laugh at yourself and hope to do better next time?Suppose you are a

32、t a special dinner.You at times spill(溅)some food.Why keep worrying about how clumsy(笨拙)you looked?Why not laugh it off and enjoy yourself any way?If you can,its a good sign youve really grown up.Answer the questions()1.This article is mostly about.A.why laughter is good for your bodyB.what you shou

33、ld laugh atC.where you may laughD.who you may laugh()2.The writer says small children laugh at people who.A.have problemsC.dress wellB.not to be worriedD.play games)3.Next the writer shows how laughter could help youA.not to spill foodB.not to be worriedC.not to enjoy yourself D.to grow up()4.The mo

34、st important thing is to learn how to laugh atA.jokesC.childrenB.picturesD.yourself()5.The writer shows how laughter could help you not toA.make a mistakeC.become angryB.lose game D.try again【试题答案】I.1.frustrating4.pronounce7.end up doing sth9.be afraid to11.laugh at sb13.enjoy doing sthII.2.memorize

35、 3.aloud5.solution 6.not at all8.make mistakes10.native speaker12.take notes14.make up1.How do you study for a test?2.1 study by listening to cassettes.3.Do you learn English by reading aloud?4.You should find a pepal.5.1 cant memorize a lot of new words.(答案不唯一)III.1.1 think I can study English by m

36、emorizing the words of pop songs because it is the best way to learn new words.2.1 think I can study English by reading English magazines because it can help us learn new words.3.1 think I can study by using English because we can practice more and study English well.4.1 think I can study by studyin

37、g grammar because it is a great way to learn sentence structures.5.1 dont think I can learn English by watching English movies because the native speakers speak too quickly.6.1 dont think I can study English by having conversations with friends because we get excited about something and then end up

38、speaking in Chinese.7.1 think I can learn English by joining the English club at school because we can get lots of practice and also have fun.IV略V.阅读A.l.D 2.C 3.B4.A5.比如,一本大字典包含40万到50万个单词6.有大量的简易英语读物,你可以阅读。B.l.D 2.A 3.B4.D5.CUnit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark语言目标language goal:Talk about what you

39、 used to be like.谈论你过去的外表。学习目标Functions:1.学会陈述自己过去常做的事情2.学会陈述自己过去的爱好等3.能够表达自己现在和过去在外表、性格、娱乐等方面的变化4.能够表达朋友、家人等现在和过去的变化语言结构Target Language:1.1 used to be short when I was young.我年轻时个子很矮。2.Did you use to have straight hair?你过去是直发吗?Yes,I did.是的。3.一Did you use to play the piano?你过去弹钢琴吗?No,I didn,t.不,我不弹。

40、4.1 used to be afraid of dark.我过去害怕黑暗。5.Tm terrified of the snakes.我害怕蛇。6.Did you use to be afraid of being alone?你过去害怕独自一人呆着吗?Yes,I did.是的,我怕。7.1 used to walk to school.我过去走着上学。主要词汇Vbcabulary:dark黑暗sure无疑,确实terrify 使害怕,使恐惧 on接通的,工作着的spider蜘蛛insect昆虫chew 嚼,咀嚼gum 口香糖right立即,马上 comic连环漫画hardly 不十分,简直没

41、有used to do sth.过去经常be interested in 对感兴趣 be on the swim team 是游泳队成员 be afraid of 害怕be terrified of 害怕 with the light on 灯开着做worry about 担心 chew gum 嚼 口 香糖these days 目前,如今 not*,anymore 不再词汇复习recycling:short hair 短发 curly hair 卷发long hair 长发 straight hair 直发tall高的short矮的(be)medium height 中等身高 thin 瘦的

42、heavy 重的,沉的(have/has)a medium build 中等胖瘦语法分析一、本单元语法重点内容是used to这个句型。1.“主语+used to+动词原形+其它”。在这个句型结构中used to的含义为“过去常常”。表示过去的习惯,暗示现在已无此习惯,请看图:Dave在过去几年中一直在factory(工厂)中工作,但现在他在Supermarket(超市)中 工作,所以Daveused to work in a factory.隐含的意思是:Dave worked in a factory before but he doesn t workthere now.如果用时间轴表示

43、的话,应该是这样的。2.我们可以说 I used to work/She used to have,/they used to be 等等,也就是说 used 这 个词没有人称的变化,to后面接动词原形。used tobe workhave play etc.bluestones2009-07-28 04:41 PM请看例句:When I was a child,I used to like chocolateI used to read a lot of books but I dont read much these days.Liz has got short hair now but

44、it used to be very long.Liz现在梳短发,但以前她是长发。They used to live in the same street as us,so we often used to see them.But we dontsee them very often these days.他们过去和我们住在同一条街道,所以我们经常能看见他们,但现在我们不能经常见到 他们了。Ann used to have a piano,but she sold it a few years ago.Ann过去有一架钢琴,但几年前她把钢琴卖了。used to 的否定形式是 I didn t

45、 use to-.When I was a child,I didnt use to like tomatoes.当我还是个孩子时,我不喜欢西红柿。问句形式是did you use to-?Where did you use to live before you came here?当你来这儿之前你住哪儿?3.used to这个词组只用于讲述过去,我们不能用use to来讲述现在 I used to play tennis.These days I play golf.(不说 I use to play golf.)We usually get up early.(不说 We use to g

46、et up early)二、anymore我们用anymore来表示情况或活动的变化。(We use anymore to show a change in a situation oractivity.)She used to live in NewYork,but she doesnt live there anymore.如果动词(或动词短语)相同,则第二个动词可省略。(If the Second Verb phrase has the sameverb,you can omit it.)She used to live in London,but she doesnt anymore.

47、anymore 可不与 used to 连用(You can use anymore without used to)She doesnt live in NewYork anymore.anymore只能和否定词连用 We dont go there anymore.They never talk to me anymore.No one likes him anymore.三、still我们用 still 来说明某人或某物没有变化。(Use still to show that something or someone has not changed)She still lives in

48、Mexico.still 应放在主要动词前面(Use still before the main verb)He still lives in New Zealand.still应放在be动词后面。He is still crazy after all these years.still应放在像can,may,should这样的助动词之后She can still play the piano.四、频率副词频率副词(如 always)在句中位置不同。(Adverbs of frequency can appear in di fferent positions in a sentence.)它

49、们的位置应是:在主要动词之前,在be动词之后,在助动词(will,can,have等)之 后,在 used to之前。I usually get up at six.,You were rarely happy.你很少高兴。You will sometimes hear from them.I have seldom spoken to her.They never used to dance.He always used to call her.五、词语辨析1.used to 和 wouldused to和would都可表示过去的习惯或行为,常可换用。When we were childre

50、n we used to/would go skatingevery winter.我们小时候每年冬天者E去滑冰。used to含有较强的“今昔对比”的含义,而would无此含义I do not swim so often as I used to我不像过去那样常游泳了。(不能用would代替)bluestones2009-07-28 04:41 PMHe would sometimes work into the night.以前他常工作到深夜。(不表示现在他不工作到深夜)用would时,有时应有时间状语来加以限制,而used to则可无时间状语He would go to see Moth

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