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1、专题十并列句和状语从句5年高考3年模拟2009年高考题组决胜高三赢在531.(2009 l l|东.28)T lie little girl who got lost decided to remain she was and wait lor her mother.A.where B.what C.how D.who2.(2009 ill东,32)Shall we have our picnic tomorrow?it doesnt rain.A.Until B.While C.Once D.If3.(20()9匕京,22)Y ou may use the room as you like

2、you clean it up afterwards.A.so far as B.so long as C.in case D.even if4.(2009 江苏,31)_unemployment and crime are high,itbe assumed that the latter is due to the former.canA.BeforeB.Where C.Unless D.Until决胜高三赢在5.(2009 令国1,1()All the dishes in this menu,_otherwiseslated,will serve two lo three people.

3、,A.as B.if C.though D.unless6.(2009 福建,33)She had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday.A.when B.while C.after D.since7.(2009 浙江.8)T he medicine works more effectively you drink some hot water after taking it.答案A.as B.until C.although D.if8.(2009 if

4、j*.30)It just isnt fair I was working as a waiterlast month,my friends were lying on the beach.答案A.whenever B.though C.for D.while9.(2009 安徽,22)I wonder how much you charge for your serv-匾年决胜高三赢在53ices.-T he first Iwo are free the third costs$30.A.while B.until C.when D.before1 0.(2009 上海,32)Y ou ca

5、nl borrow books from the school library you get your student card.A.before B.if C.while D.as1 1.(2009 湖南,34)the police thought he was the most likely one,since they had no exact proof about il,they could not arrest him.A.Although B.As long as C.If only D.As soon as1 2.(2009 重庆.27)P eter was so excit

6、ed he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing.A.where B.that C.why D.when年决胜高三赢在531 3.(2009 P M J11,1 2)Owen wouldnt eat anything _he cooked ithimself.A.until B.since C.unless D.while1 4.(2009 江西.35)Some of you may have finished unit one.,you can go on to unit two.A.If you may B.If

7、 you do C.If not D.If so1 5.(2009 陕西,1 3)My parents donl mind whal job I do I am happy.A.even though B.as soon as C.as long as D.as though1 6.(2009匕京,21)John plays basketball well,his favorite sport is badminton.A.so B.or C.yet D.for20052008年高考题组决胜高三赢在531.(2008 山东,22)H e found it increasingly diffic

8、ult to read,his eyesight was beginning to fail.A.though B.for C.bul D.so2.(2008 ill 东.31)Y oud belter not leave the medicine kidscan get at it.A.even if B.which C.where D.so that3.(2008 辽宁.32)1 used to love that film I don feel il that way any more.1 was a child,butA.once B.when C.since D.although4.

9、(2008 个IN I,25)T he lawyer seldom wears anything other than a年决胜高三赢在53suit the season.A.whatever B.wherever C.whenever D.however5.(2008 仝卜 I I.31)H ave you got any idea for the summer vacation?I dont mind where we go _ theres sun,sea and beach.A.as if B.as long as C.now that D.in order that6.(2008 北

10、京,23)Did you return Freds call?-I didnt need lo I,ll see him tomorrow.A.though B.unless C.when D.because7.(2008 天津,1)Well have a picnic in the park this Sunday it rains or its very cold.A.sinceB.ifC.unlessD.until/家8.(2(X)8 卜海.31)Are you ready for Spain?-Y es,I want the girls to experience that they

11、are young.A.while B.until C.if D.before决胜高三赢在539.(2008 重庆.32)T he artist was born poor,mained all his life.poor he re-A.and B.or C.but D.so1 0.(2008 重庆,33)All people,_ they are old or young,richor poor,have been trying iheir best to help those in need since the disaster.A.even if B.whether C.no matt

12、er D.however1 1.(2008 福建,28)Nancy enjoyed herself so much she visited her friends in Sydney last year.A.that B.which C.when D.where1 2.(2008 明川非延皆区,6)T here were some chairs left over everyone had sat down.A.when B.until C.that D.where1 3.(2008 江西,34)Animals suffered at the hands of Man _they were d

13、estroyed by people to make way lor agricultural land to provide food for more people.等案决胜高三赢在53A.in which B.for which C.so that1 4.(2008 7.苏.27)It is often said that the joyin arriving al your destinationA./;butB./;ori _ inC.not;orD.in that of traveling is _the journey itself.家D.not;but1 5.(2008 江西,

14、22)My English teachefs humor every student burst into laughter.A.so as to B.such as to C.such thatwasmakeD.so that1 6.(2008 安徽,31)Do you have a minute?Ive got something totell you.答案OK,you make it short.A.now that B.if only 1 7.(2007 山东,29)impressive.A.As B.SinceC.so long as D.every time1 really don

15、t like art,I find his work答案C.IfD.While年决胜高三赢在531 8.(2007 辽宁,32)We had to wait half an hour we had already booked a table.A.since B.although C.until D.before1 9.(2007 全国 1,28)We all know that,die situation willgel worse.A.not if dealt carefully withB.if not carefully dealt withC.if dealt not careful

16、ly withD.not if carefully dealt with20.(2007 北京,33)Leave your key with a neighbor you lock yourself out one day.A.ever since B.even ifC.soon after D.in case21.(2007 天津,8)Il is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life weve actually had that lesson.A.until B.after C.since D.when决胜高三赢在5322.(2007 卜一海,

17、33)P op music is such an important part of society it has even influenced our language.A.as B.that C.which D.where23.(2007 福建,29)Y ou will he successful in the interviewyou have confidence.A.before B.once C.until D.though24.(2007|JL|J1 1,29)P d like to study law at university mycousin prefers geogra

18、phy.A.though B.as C.while D.for25.(2007 湖南,33)Most birds find it safe lo sleep in the trees,but they have eggs or young chicks,they dont use a nest.A.why B.how C.unless D.where决胜高三赢在5326.(2006 全国 I,28)he has limited technical knowledge,the old worker has a lot of experience.A.Since B.Unless C.As D.A

19、lthough27.(2006 全国 0.1 3)We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall,in fact,there were 40.A.while B.whether C.what D.which28.(2006 市庆,23)In time of serious accidents,we knowsome basic things about flrsl aid,we can save lives.A.whether B.unlil C.if D.unless29.(2006 福建,25)H ow long do you th

20、ink it will be China sends a manned spaceship to the moon?P erhaps two or three years.A.when B.until C.that D.before30.(2006 湖南.23)A man cannot smile like a child,_ a childsmiles with his eyes,while a man smiles with his lips done.A.so B.but C.and D.for答案答案答案答案答案决胜高三赢在5331.(2006 江西,27)In peace,too,t

21、he Red Cross is expected to send help there is human suffering.A.whoever B.however C.whatever D.wherever32.(2006 I*川,23)Mom,what did your doctor say?H e advised me to live the air is fresher.A.in whereB.in whichC.the place where D.where33.(2005 全国 1,28)T hey wanted to charge$5,000 for the car,we man

22、aged to bring the price down.A.but B.so C.when D.since34.(2005 全国 U,9)I always take something to read when I go to the doctors I have to wait.A.in case B.so thatC.in order D.as if35.(2(X)5 天津,5)H e tried his best to solve the problem,difficult it was.A.however B.no matter C.whatever D.although答案决胜高三

23、赢在2009年全国模拟探究题组训练并列句和状语从句1.(北京朝阳,模)一Did Jack come back early last night?一Y es.Il was not eight oclock he arrived home.A.before B.that C.when D.until2.(东匕:校联号)I have some sympathy for them,I dont think they are right lo do so.A.As B.If C.While D.When3.(哈尔滨六中一模)Im not sure whether I will have anything

24、 elseto do tomorrow,the party.A.Even thoughC.If so,1 will try every possible means to come toB.AnyhowD.Instead4.(河北衡水中学调研)H e is a nice listener,lime is right he will give you his thoughts.he feels theA.untilC.ifB.after whichD.and when决胜高三赢在535.(|1|东淄博阶段检测)Its really dangerous to work on the roof.,y

25、ou should take care of yourself.A.T herefore B.H oweverC.Otherwise D.Y et6.(山东 1 1 照模拟)H ow can you keep fit you smoke so much?A.as B.while C.when D.for7.(湖北荆州质检)H is children are well-behaved,_ those ofhis sisters are very naughty.A.and B.whereas C.thus D.so8.(I i海交大附中检测)T he police helicopter mana

26、ged to land on the roof and rescued all the people _ the fire burnt up to thetop of the building.A.after B.before C.until D.while9.(江西六校联 9)the Customs Office,he will have to declare this sort of things he carries with him to the customs officer.A.No matter who will come throughB.Who comes IhroughC.

27、No matter whom comes throughD.Whoever conies through1 0.(江苏苏中四市联号)We missed our train,and the next train was delayed,we had to wait for Iwo hours.A.on top of that;so B.as a result;thenC.what was worse;however D.because;therefore1 1,(江苏南通高:调研)H ow long do you think the computer company launches a new

28、 model?A.it will be before B.will it be untilC.will it be when D.it will be that1 2.(浙江嘉兴中一模)Y our article must be sent by e-mail it can meet the deadline.A.or elseB.so that决胜高三赢在53C.in caseD.for fear1 3.(云南玉.涣中期末)you talk to someone or write a message,you show your skills to others.A.At times B.Som

29、e timeC.Every time1 4.(安徽 合肥二次质检)Many people cannot learn any lessonsfrom the mistakesthey get hurt somehow.答案A.whether B.unless1 5.(湖南四市调研)Wh琐典 we all tried our best.C.ifD.whentight volleyball game!We lost itA.because B.thoughC.untilD.unless2007-2(X)8年全国模拟探究题组训练并列旬和状讲从句1.(2008 济南质检)Many people beli

30、eve we are heading for environmental disaster we basically change the way we live.A.but B.although C.unless D.once2.(2008 山东潍坊模拟)H ow long do you think it will be ihe computer company puls forward a new product?A.before B.since C.until D.that3.(2008 安徽合肥质检 1 1)Why not slay at home the road is so sli

31、ppery after the heavy snow?A.since that B.after thalC.then that D.now that4.(2008 安徽江南卜校)I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers il was too late totell them.A.as B.that C.until D.when5.(2008 福建质检 I),1 could not memorize the text.A.H owever hard did 1 tryB

32、.H owever hard I triedC.H owever I tried hardD.H owever I had tried hard6.(2008 杭州一次质州)I dont think Maria will be disappointed at the news,but 1 will see her _she is.A.as if B.so that C.in case D.even though7.(2008 仝国调研 1)If I were rich,1 should help them out._,I can do nothing.A.As is often 山e case

33、 B.As is itC.As the case is often D.As it is8.(2008 天津十二区联)During the reconstruction of the city,many modern tail buildings went up _ old shabby houseswere torn clown.A.where B.in what C.in which D.which年决胜高三赢在539.(2008 皖南八校联考)P lease leave your phone number we can get in touch with you in case of e

34、mergency.A.so that B.on condition thatC.for fear that D.so long as1 0.(2008 沈阳质检)Young he is,he knows a great deal bout advanced technology.A.as B.although C.so D.yet1 1.(2008 杭州学军中学模拟)Slop making so much noise my neighbour will start complaining.A.or else B.but still C.and then D.so that1 2.(2008 天

35、津南开中学模拟)H ow long do you suppose it is he arrived there?A.when B.before C.after D.since1 3.(2008 青岛质检)Y ou carfl attend the party tonight because it is stormy._,you still havent got over your high fever.A.T herefore B.H owever C.Moreover D.T hus1 4.(2008 大连高:模拟)T his study shows that languages may d

36、iffer,the order in which young kids iearn the parts of speech appears lo be the same across differenl languages.A.since B.so C.while D.but1 5.(2008 福州高三模拟)T here is little chance thal we will succeed in changing the law.,it is important that we try.A.ButC.OtherwiseB.NeverthelessD.T herefore决胜高三赢在1 6

37、.(2008 江苏市:点中学联 考)What a terrible experience!,you came back safe.A.Somehow B.Anyhow C.Somewhat D.Anywhere1 7.(2007 江苏南京调研,)For six or seven months in a year here nowork can be done the rainy season makes it impossible.A.when B.that C.until D.though1 8.(2007 ill 东青岛质检)Contrast may make something appe

38、ar more beautiful than it is when _alone.A.seen B.is seen答案答案C.to be seen D.having been seen1 9.(2007 海南调研)Lucy,the boy was frightened by the terrible noise from the next room.T ake him its quiet,I think.A.when B.where C.what D.before20.(2007 宁夏银川调研)Was it midnight you arrived home by taxi?一Im afrai

39、d so.A.that B.al which C.the lime D.when21.(2007 广东广州诊断)_her home,Mary helps her motherdo some housework.A.As soon as she returns B.On arrivingC.After she gets D.Directly she reaches22.(2007 1 1 1 东枣高三模拟)T his problem may lead to more serious ones if unsolved.A.making B.left C.remained D.keeping23.(

40、2007 山东临沂质检)Excuse me,did you notice whether the No.1 08 bus had gone by?Not _Ive been standing here.A.as B.when C.since D.while决胜高三赢在5324.(2007 宁夏银川一中三次)T hese stories expressed the same i-dea that all individuals,poor,were capable of becoming wealthy they were hardworking and honest.A.however;ever

41、 since B.no matter how;so long asC.whatever;in order that D.no mailer what;as long as25.(2007 山东济宁二模)Y ou can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting you dont mind taking the night train.A.provided B.unless C.though D.until年决胜高三赢在53决胜高三赢在53.A句意:那个迷路的小女孩决定待在原地等她的母亲。where引导 地点状语从句。决胜高三赢在532.D句意:明天我们

42、去野餐好吗?如果不下雨的话(我们就 去去until直到时;用于否定句时,意为:“直到(才)while 当的时候;once 一旦(就);if如果决胜高三赢在533.B句意:你可以任意使用这个房间,只要你之后打扫干净。s。far as 就.而言;so long as=as long as表示唯一条件“只要;in case以防,万一;even if即使,尽管。决胜高三赢在534.B句意:在失业率和犯罪率高的地方,可以想象得到,后者是由前者 引起的。A.Before在.之前;B.Where在.地方;C.Unless除非;D.Until直到。决胜高三赢在535.D句意:这个菜单上所有的菜,除非有特别说明

43、,会满足两到三人的 需要本题unless后省略了主语和be动词。决胜高三赢在536.A句意:昨天她刚做完作业,她妈妈就让她练钢琴。when在本句中 作并列连词,意为:and at that time。while作并列连词,表示“对比转 折”;after为从属连词或介词,意为“在之后”;since自从时 候,既然年决胜高三赢在537.D句意:这种药如果你热水送服,会更加有效。if引导条件状语 从句。决胜高三赢在538.D句意:这不公平:上个月我在做服务员时,我的朋友们却躺在海滩 匕while引导时间状语从句时,从句常用进行时态。whenever无论 何时,每次,引导让步状语从句或名词性从句;th

44、ough尽管,虽然,引 导让步状语从句;for因为,引导原因状语从句,三项均不符合句意。决胜高三赢在539.A句意:我想知道你要收多少服务费,前两次是免费的,但第三次的费用是30美元。while而,但是;until直到;when当,这时 候;before之前,才,就。决胜高三赢在531 0.A句意:在你没有学生卡之前不能在学校图书馆借书。根据常识,一个学生只有拥有学生卡之后才可以借阅图书馆的书籍。before在 之前;if如果;while当时候然而;as随着,因为。决胜高三赢在53II.A句意:虽然警察认为他最有可能是罪犯,但没有确凿的证据,他 们不能逮捕他0句子前后的逻辑关系为转折关系。决胜

45、高三赢在531 2.1)句意:当P eter的朋友邀请他来重庆时,他很是兴奋。此题考查 状语从句,只有when引导的时间状语从句符合题意。决胜高三赢在531 3.C句意:欧文只吃他自己做的饭菜。notuntil直到才;since自从.以来;unless除非,表示条件;while当.时候,而,虽然C决胜高三赢在531 4.D句意:你们中的一些人可能已经完成了第一单元,如果这样的 话,你们可以继续进行第二单元。本题主要考查so和not的用法。决胜高三赢在531 5.C句意:我的父母不在乎我从事什么样的工作,只要:我高兴就好 本题考查状语从句。as long as引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”。as

46、 soon as.就.;even though 虽然,尽管;as though 好像。决胜高三赢在531 6.C句意:约翰篮球打得好,券可羽毛球才是他最喜欢的运动。yet 这里作连词,表示转折。SO/由果;or表选择;for表原因决胜高三赢在53I.B句意:由于他的视力开始下降,他发现读书越来越困难了。本题 句子前后是因果关系。r的意思是“由于、因为“;though引导的是让 步状语从句,意思是“虽然但是M;but的意思是“但是”,表 示转折;s。的意思是“因此、因而“,在句意上不通。所以选B项。决胜高三赢在532.C句意:你最好不要把药放在孩子们能够得着的地方“本题考杳 where引导的地点

47、状语从句,本句相当于:Youd better not leave the medicine in I he place where kids can get at it.(此处 where 引导的是定 语从句先行词为the place;这也说明选项B不合适的原因。)决胜高三赢在533.B句意:当我是个小孩的时候我曾经很喜欢那部电影,但现在我再 也没有那种感觉了。A.一旦;B.当的时候;C.自从以来,既 然;D.尽管,根据句意可选B。决胜高三赢在534.a句意:无论什么季节,这位律师除r一套西装以外,很少穿其他的(衣 服)o whatever 引导让步状语从句,whatever the seas

48、on 即 whatever the season is。wherever无论什么地方;whenever无论什么时候;however无论怎 样,均不符合语境要求。决胜高三赢在535.B句意:暑假有什么打算?去什么地方都行,尺攀有阳光、大海和沙滩就可以了。as long as只要引导条件状语式扁;as if好 像;now that既然;in order that为了,不符合语境要求。决胜高三赢在536.1)句意:你给Fred回电话了吗?我没必要回,因为明天我 要去见他o though虽然;unless除非;when当.时;because因为。决胜高三赢在537.C句意:陟卞下雨或天很冷,否则我们将

49、在本周日去公园野餐。从 句子之间而应辑关系判断此处应为否定条件句,相当于if.not,故排除if,而选unlesso A项since表因果关系。D项until只能引导时间 状语从句,故排除。决胜高三赢在538.a句意:你准备好去西班牙r吗?是的。我想让这些女孩子趁着年轻的时候去感受一下西班牙。决胜高三赢在539.A句意:这位艺术家出身贫寒,并且一生都穷困潦倒,and连接两 个并列分句表递进;。“否则,要不然”,表转折;but“但是”,表转折;s。“因此,所以“。根据句意,两个句子之间应是递进关系。决胜高三赢在531 0.B句意:白这次灾难以来,所有的人,不管他们是年老的还是年轻 的,富有的还是

50、贫穷的,都在尽自己最大的努力去帮助那些需要帮 助的人。whetheror是固定搭配,意为“无论是还是,不 管是还是决胜高三赢在531 1.C句意:去年Nancy在悉尼拜访她朋友的时候,玩得很开心。本题 是when引导的一个时间状语从句,when这里意为“当.的时候“,B、D两选项可以从句意和句子结构上加以排除。但可能有些 学生会受so.that固定句型的影响,而选that,翻译成“如此.以至于“与语境不符,故选C。决胜高三嬴在5-31 2.A句意:虽然所有人都坐下了,但还有一些椅子剩下。when放在 句中时有even though之意。决胜高三赢在531 3.D句意:动物遭受着来自于人类的灭顶

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