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1、中考英语补会对话专项复行/lo卢啜 01CONTENTSlo题型解读实战演练实战演练/7卢drPart 1题型解读T?/05Exam Analyses心补全对话是2023年包头市初中学业水平考试英语试卷新增题型,主要是以书面形式考查学生在真实情境中灵活得体地运用语言的能力和口语交际能力,培养跨文化沟通和交流的意 识,提升思维品质。命题形式补全对话:分为两部分,总计15分。(第一部分,共5小题,每小题1分,共5分;第二部分,共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)下面是手机群聊的界面,请根据聊天内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空 白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余项。(Thr

2、ee friends are talking alntu!a sffeech compel il isn.)命题形式混癖第一部分选择补全型为客观题,考查形式七 选五;要求从所给的七个 选项中选出最符合语境的 应答补全对话,其中有两 项为多余选项;(2)黑龙潘牡丹附:(B)Complete the dialogue with proper sentences.A:Hello?This is Jingjing.B:Hijingjing.Ils Tongtong here.(26)?A:Prcily good.You know the 4ih Tounsm Industry Dcvclopmeni

3、Conference in Heilongjiang Province(旅发大会)will be held in our city.I was chosen to play the violin in a cclebraiion.B:Really?I guess you need a lot of practice.(27)?丹江 2021A:Every day.Wc practice in the school hall after school.的:设B:Well,I think the celebration must be exciting.(2X)?A:Sure,it is in A

4、ugust.We will have a dress rehearsal tomorrow.(29)?B:OK,Td love to.I can also take photos for you.A:Great!Thanks a lot.B:(30).See you tomorrow.A:Sec you.第二部分填空补全型为主观题,要求根据 情境要求,在空白处填上 一个适当的句子,使对话 的意义连贯、完整。Part 2复习指导f/5Review Guide复习指导话题归纳幺022辽宁抚顺中考真题T2.How much 诵 it?B:Its 80 yuan.A:I want to buy aT-

5、shirt,too.3.?B:I bought it at aclothes store on Green Street.A:Where did you buy it4.?B:Yes,Id love to.I can go We can,No,it isn 7with挽闻:Jt则豌世的诩龈馋:5.walk there.A:Youre wearing a new T-shirt today.It looks nice on you.B:Thank you I bought it last week.A:题呈t期复习指导2.归纳总结功能相同的句型X HAPPY、1)邀请类及其回答:XWould y

6、ou like to.?一Sure!/Sounds great./Yes,Id love to.一Id love to,but Im afraid I have no time.一Sorry,I have to take care of my mother in the hospital.XMay I invite you to with me?一That is very kind of you,but I wont be free at that time.一That would be nice.C CYD2)建议与劝告类:一You had better/You should/You nee

7、d to.一OK,I will./All right./Youre right.Shall we do.?/Lets do sth.OK?KWhat about/How about doing.?XWhy not do.?/Why doif t you do.?X Would you like some?J d七3000。I 3 0 0 0!M*2.归纳总结功能相同的句型 xThis is.Is that Peter?3)打电话类打电话方:May/Can I speak to,please?wl5d like to speak to.(speaking).XCould you ask him/

8、her to call me back?Could you please take a message(for me)?xCan I leave her a message?Sure./No problem3)打电话类接电话方:XYes,this is.(speaking).Who is that(speaking)?XHold on,please./One moment,please.!!afraid)hes not in at the moment/now.Can I take a message?典践呈现(2021河南中考模拟 根据对话内容,选择方框内最佳选项完成对话,其中有两项为多余选

9、项。Linda:Good morning.Moonlight Middle School.Susan:This is Susan Lee,1.Linda:Im sorry,but he isnt in the office now.Susan:2._Linda:No,he wont,He is away for the rest of the day.Susan:3._Linda:Im afraid not.4.Can I take a message?Susan:OK,thanks.I have a meeting with him next Monday,but I cant make i

10、t.Linda:I see,5.SusanrThank you very much.飞二二p诙J尚膏目 一A.Will he be back soon?B.Who is callings please?C Id like to speak to Mr.Thomas.D Ill tell him when he comes back.E.When will Mr.Thomas come back?F.Is there any other way I can reach him?G He has gone out of the town on business.朝题I星飘Linda:Good mo

11、rning.Moonlight Middle School.Susan:This is Susan Lee,1._Linda:Im sorry,but he isnt in the office now.Susan:2.Linda:No,he wont,He is away for the rest of the day.Susan:3._Linda:Im afraid not.4.Can I take a message?Susan:OK,thanks.I have a meeting with him next Monday,but I cant make it.Linda:I see,5

12、._Susan:Thank you very much.AA.Will he be back soon?B.Iio is calling,please?C.Id like to speak to Mr.Thomas.D.Ill tell him when he comes back.E.When will Mr.Thomas come back?F.Is there any other way I can reach him?G.He has gone out of the town on business.are you going to do?/s your plan?/do you pl

13、an to do?do you want to be when you grow up?are you going to do that?will we stay there?复习指导3.熟记“问”字句型*1交通方式:do you go there/get there?一 I ride my bike/take a bus/walk.=I go there/get there by bike/by bus/on foot.X does it take to get there?一It takes about 15 minutes/an hour.一 is it from your home t

14、o school?一Hs only about two kilometers/five minutes5 walk.飞蓝、:oooo,力-X;.j 3 0 0 0 IhL.Ig G;:3!;,“儿-W I_ _ 1复习指导3.熟记“问”字句型Whats the weather like today?How is the weather today?What飞 the price of the book?How much is the book?问感受:mWhat do you think of the film?How do you like the film?复习指导3,熟记“问”字句型Wh

15、ats wrong?/Whats the matter?/What5s up?How are you feeling now?Whose schoolbag is it?Whom does it belong to?Why do you like it?ODDODDHA:The winter holiday is coming.B:Yes.1.W/iere are yon goinRWhere do you plan/want to 典oA:I want to go to Sanya.B:Great.If s a beautiful city.2.are you going with?A:Im

16、 going there with my parents.W/zonz will you go withB:How are you going there?A:3.Ry train.If s safe and cheap.going there by train.B:Thats true.4 How long will you stay there?A:For two days,Feb.lst and Feb2nd.I can visit lots of places of interest there.B:Thats OK.5.Have a good time/trip!“Thank you

17、.复习指导通过练习加以巩固,熟练掌握答题技巧,在具体的语境中灵活运用所学句型来解决实际问题。Part 3解题攻略5Useful skills问答类:1.给问句,写回答。陈述句2.给答语,写问句。一般疑问句或特殊疑问句其他类:陈述情况;感谢;同意(否定)观点;礼貌寒暄;感叹等;标点定句式01上下文定问句02927陈述句分为以下情况:L上问下陈(回答上文疑问句,问什么答什么)2.上陈下陈(上句为非问句,根据语境回答)陈述句1.上向下陈:上文疑问词确定所问内容(问句)下文给出答语提示(陈述句或词组)A:Good idea.What can I do for him?B:You can buy a p

18、air of sports shoes.His sports shoes are too old.50 必。AC I 4.陈述句A:Good afternoon,Tom.Where are you going?B:m gning tn h】y hacks A:Oh,to buy books?You are out!Why not go to the Readers Room?陈述句1.上向下陈:上文疑问词确定所问内容(问句)下文给出答语提示(陈述句或词组)A:Er,its a special day today,isnt it?B:Yes,it is Its Fathers Day.Tip:对

19、反义疑问句回答:根据实际情况回答(事实是肯定的用yes;事实是否定的用no)陈述句2.上陈下陈:上句非问句,根据语境回答A:I think communicating with each other is a better way.You can have a good talk with your mother.B:gccd/Gsit/Gccd id-Thanks for your advice.Qp回应对方溟北上陈下陈:回应对方建议上句提建议方式I think you can./How(What)about.You should.Why not.?/Wl dont ym.?下句回应对方建议

20、:That sounds good,/Sounds great.Thats a good idea J Good idea.陈述句2.上陈下陈:-回应对方观点:I dont think so./I disagree./1 dont agree.til think so./1 agree./Sure./Certainly./Of course./All right.A:Because she thinks listening to music is not good for my studyB:I dont think io./1 disagree.I also love music.It ma

21、kesme relaxed and helps me study better.陈述句Its my pleasure.A:Youre wearing a new sweater.It looks beautiful on you!2.上陈下陈:回答感谢:Youre welcome/Not at alL/Thats all right./回应对方称赞、赞美表示感谢:Thank you./Thank you very much./Thanks a lot.B:_Thank you/_.My sister made it for me.Thank you very much/Thanks a lot

22、5:A二三,二 二同理心表达B:I had a headache.My parents went on business,so I took some medicine and went to bed early.A:m sorry to hear that.How are you feeling now?陈述句解题总结:1.上问下陈上文疑问词确定所问内容(问句)下文给出答语提示(陈述句或词组)2.上陈下陈根据语境回答回应对方回应对方同意:I agree./I think so.)回应对方听到对方的不好消息(sorry to hear that.)听到对方 表示祝贺:标点定句式01上下文定问句

23、029得分技巧39般疑问句A:Of course.D。you often talk with her?B:No,I dont often talk with her.We often argue.一般疑问句变法:有be/情,提be/情,无be无情,找助do/does/did等帮忙一般疑问句贽门考点i:邀约句型问:Would you like to do sth.?答:肯定:Yes,Td like to./rd love to.否定:Um sorry,I cant.rd love to,but Tm afraid I have no time.A:Sure,she always makes th

24、ings herself.Im going to learn from her.Would yen like?B:Id love to.I just cant wait to learn with you.易错点辨析:Would you like/love to do sth.?你愿意去做.吗?表肯定回答:Yes,rd like to./rd love to.否定回答:Im sorry,I cantrd love to,but Im afraid I have no time.Would you like some.?你想要一些.吗?用于征求对方的意见。肯定回答:Yes,please.否定回答

25、:No,thanks.a 一般疑问句热门考点2:询问/征求建议句型A:I dont know.l.Can you give me some advice/suggestions?B:Let me see.You like drawing.I think you can draw a picture about spring.A:Do you have a plan?B:Not yet.2.Do you have ony ideas/plans?A:What about spending the day with my grandpa?a上:B:Good idea.What can I do f

26、or him?特殊疑问句答句不是Yes/No.寺殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+一般疑问句w家族H家族w+1hwho 谁-人what 什么-事物why.什么-原因where 哪里-地点when 什么时候-时间whose 谁的-所属关系which 哪一个-有范围的选择how 怎样-方式M常见复合特殊疑问词M复合疑问词What timeWhat colorWhat else复合疑问词What dayWhat dateWhat subjectWhat sizeWhat kind of什么种类周几How longHow soon多长(时间)多久之后日期几点什么颜色什么科目什么型号/大小 其他的什么How man

27、y/muchHow oldHow oftenhow farWhere elseWho else多少 多大年龄 多久一次 多远 其他的地方 其他的人A:Who is she?特殊疑问句怎么变(常规题):一找:看答句找对应疑问词二变:将剩余部分变为一般疑问句注意:第一人称变第二人称;some变any;and变or.特殊疑问句B:Shes my friend.She likes making friends.Shall I introduce her to you?;0 0 0、:qA:That sounds great!L Where is it?B:Its next to Renmin Hosp

28、ital,across from the City Park.A:Oh,its a little far.2.How can I get there?B:You can take No.7 bus.特殊疑问句A:I often play the violin when I am free.B:How often do you play it?A:Twice a week.When/What time and where shall we meetA:I agree.1.A:M现眦 Rd3nld而nil酗泌lys to learn English.B:2.?A:I learn English b

29、ydoing my homework early in the morning.二及 0 0 0 0!1A:0 0 0 0!7)?B:At the gate of our school at nine in the morning.A:OK.See you then.特殊疑问句注语A:Oh,did you go anywhere?B:Yes.I went to a farm with my classmates.A:Why did ym】gc thorn/Why?_?BJ Because we are doing an Experimental Education Project thisye

30、ar.一词搞定特殊疑问句Why-BecauseA:I need your help.Im planning for tomorrows Chinese class.Can we talk about it?标点定句式01上下文定问句020 0 0 0;A 啊。,得分技巧03一致原则5503?B:It takes us 30 minutes to()1.How soon will we getA:_go theFe?there?()2.How long will it take you to get there?()3.How long does it take us to get the近一致

31、原则注意时态、人称和逻辑的一致性A:Why?03一致原则注意上下文人粉(Student A and student B meet at the school gate after school)A:Hi,Liangliang.I called you at 9:00 last night,but you didnt pick up.What were you doing?|was still hnsy 分t th*t time B:For our school salerfiext week.03标点定句式01致原则上下文定问句0204语言习惯04Could you please tell h

32、er to call me back?A:OK,Tony.()I am Tony.()Thiafs Tony speaking.A:Sorry,she isnt in at the moment.Whos that speaking?B:_,Janes classmate.语言习惯不同场景的常月04语言习惯不同场景的常月A:Would you like to go to the movies with us?B:Sorry Jd love to,but my mother has a bad cold and I will go back to look after her.A:_S 1.1

33、am sorry to hear that.()2.She should see a doctor as soon as:Hello,Jack.1.Whaf曲ym】gQ】ng tc de tcmQrrQw TB:Im going to see Lisajomorrow.Shes in hospital.A:2.What happened tu her/What was wrong with her。)B:She had)1 traffic accident on her way to schooland was hurt.A:3.I am sorry to hear that ik there

34、 anything serious?B:Yes.There is something wrong with her leg.A:4.Can I qo tn see her with you?B:ure)Lefs go together.A:When and where shall we meet?B:WeH meet at the gate of our school at eightWhat about taking a bus?A:Good idea.o clock tomorrow morning.A:OK.5.How will/shall we get there9 解题步L通读对话,

35、把握中心将对话从头至尾通读一 遍,并根据对话所给的情景 判断出谈话双方的关系,谈 话地点,谈话方式,谈话话 题内容等基本情况。从而对 症下药,从头脑中提取所需 的习惯用语,为顺利地完 成此题做好准备。2.分析对话,试填答案根据通读全文所获得的信息,理清上下句之间的逻辑关系,寻找信息的连接点。试着猜 测所需语句。试填答案时问答一致并根据所学相关 方面典型句型试填。二要 注意对话的表达要符合西方 人的语言习惯。3.逐字细读,确定答案 9通读整篇对话,确定问答/是否一致,对话是否通顺,4 流畅,前后句子是不是符合|逻辑,是否符合习惯用法。,I首字母、标点是不是书写正I 确。4.复读全文,验证答案所有

36、空白都填好以后,还不 是最后完成,还要验证。这 时同学们要再认真仔细地阅 读全文,对所有的答案逐个 再做一次复检,细心审查,注意细枝末节,纠正包括大 小写、标点、时态、语态及 表达法等在内的任何错误。卢Part 45Examination/、7(2021贵;一实战演练LSBU根据对话内容,选择方框内最佳选项完成对话,其中有两项)A:Dad,how much do you know about China?B:(1)China is a big country that has about 5,000 years of history.It attracts many tourists from

37、 all over the world every year.A:Is that so?B:Yes.And many of them are famous,such as Mount Tai,Mount Huang and Mount Emei.A:(3)BB:There are many rivers in China.Among them the Yangtze Riveris the longest one and the second longest one is the Yellow River.(4)工A:Anything else?B:Sorry.Thats all I know

38、.If you want to learn more,you can read Guide to China.FA:ThanksI,Il read it.及 0 0 0 0,:啊。匕J/;3 0 0 0 0 u.A.Just a little.B.What about rivers?C.I dont know it at all.D.Are there any beautiful mountains?E.They re the birthplaces of Chineseculture.F.lf s a book which introducesChina in detail.G.You ca

39、n go there.实战演练2国圆I根据对话内容,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有i多城选项。A:Hello,Hainan Chicken Rice Restaurant.(1)B:Id like to order a takeout(外卖),please.A:Sure.B:Id like a sliced chicken rice,please.A:OK.Would you like some soup?B:What kind of soup do you have?A:Tomato and egg soup,salty vegetable soup and tofu soup.

40、B:AII right,then I would like a bowl of tomato and egg soup.A:Well,a bowl of tomato and egg soup.Anything else?B:Er,a cup of Cola,please.(3)A.The soup is free.B.How much are they?C.Whats your phone number,please?D.In half an hour.E.When can I get them?F.What can I do for you?G.What,s your address,pl

41、ease?A:One sliced chicken rice is 20 yuan and one cup of Cola is 4 yuan.Is that all?B:Yes,thats all.A:(4)GB:No.7 Ziyuan Road.And my phone number is 3130 7622.How soon can I get them?A:(旬D竽B:Tliaf s fine.JThank you.ooooz.I 0 0 0 0 G 6 mi:“小心应_ NV B!评分标准1、信息点正确,但单词拼写(包括大小 写),语法错误每两处扣0.5分或1分。2、答案不唯一,如果

42、写出的句子与情景相 符,符合英语表达习惯,且上下文意思连贯,表达无误,应当给分。断嚣g触加惠虢根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。实战演练3A:What are you reading/doing,Ken?B:I am reading The Old man and the Sea by Hemingway.A:Wow,you want to be a writer,dont you?B:(2)Ks,I do./Sure./Of courseJCertahilyGreat!(3)Hdiouraiw”u额的国电 toedp谅Well,Im going to ke

43、ep on writing stories.What/BjoytoahoaAfytiHBe/What are you going to be(4)?A:I want to be a doctor.B.I believe our dreams will come trueC if think so/I agree with youhard!ASf5):3 0 0 0:/-BeI实战演练苞二嘤画根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,完整。A:Youre wearing a new sweater.It looks beautiful on you!B:Thank you/Thank

44、s.My sister made it for me.A:Really?Shes so nice and different!B:Sure,she always makes things herself.Im going to learn from her.(2)Would you like/love to learn with me/from her?A:Id love to.I just cant wait to learm with you.(3)When will she come/When is she coming?B:Shes coming next Saturday morni

45、ng.A:OK.Was your scarf made by your sister,too?B:No.It was a birthday gift from Jenny.A:(4)Who is Jenny/Who is she?B:Shes my friend.She likes making friends.Shall I introduce her to you?A:(5)八 That sounds good/Soimds great/Of course Tm looking forward to meeting her、A oooo EB z 3 o o o o 6r。:3 也:?)根

46、据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一榷当实战演练5(2022黑龙江牡丹江申号)话恢复完整。A:Hello,Lost and Found.(l)What can I do for yu?/Can I help you?b:/st my sports bag!I must find it.A:(2).We can help you.Tell us Dont worry/Take it easy more about it,please.B:Well.I left it on bus No.10 this morning.A:(3)?B:Its black and white.A:(4)?B:I

47、got on the bus atXinhuatoaisaibout 7:30 a.m.A:What about your destination(目的地)?B:Wanda Plaza.I always do sports there.A:Oh.I see.When/What time and where did you get on the bus?B:Sure,my phone number is 426-0529.A:OK.We5ll call you as soon as we get anyinformation.Whats your phone number/May Iknow y

48、our phone number实战演练6侬心黑龙江齐齐哈尔)根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,附话恢复完整。A:Hi,Mark.I want to have a soccer game.A)I he蛆外值1/萼1111联加0,B:Fm glad to help you,Larry.(2)When shall/can we have itA:Tomorrow./When will the soccer game be(held)B:Tomorrow?琳设&111M郎侬射睢廉A:Let me have a look at the weather report.Oh,it wi

49、ll be rainy tomorrow.What a pity!B:(4)VWvnaft(hrt他ih 施眦 ittcnn 触揄nt出姗A:Good idea!We dont have classes on Saturday.By the way,canyou ask Mr.White to be our judge(裁判)?B:Mr.White?I dont know him.(5)What does he look like/What is he like?A:He is tall and thin with glasses.You can easily find him inthe teachers5 office.B:OK.til do油at right now.KX-cj 9 3 0 0 f _v;j 3 0 0 0 g 一L课堂总结1林全对话全攻略交际用语多多记,中西文化有差异。句型结构多留意,尤其各种疑问句。上下文中找呼应,试填结束须验证。标点回答要看清,时态一致记心中。

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