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1、名词性从句陶以旬在的以倒雨圜结名词性从句的种类 1.When we will start is not clear.主语从句 2.Mrs Black won5t believe that her son has become a thief.宾语从句 3.My idea is that we should do it right now.表语从句 4.I had no idea that you were herfriend.同位语从句The man inRope the por ox?riso n asked a new co mer why he was sent there.The ne

2、w co mer answered,u I am o ut o f l uck,I think.A few days ago I was wal king in the street when I saw a piece o f dirty ro pe.I tho ught so bo dy wanted it so I picked it up and to o k it ho me.”“But it is no t against the l aw that a man picks up a piece o f ro pe and take ho me!”I to l d yo u I h

3、ad bad l uck.didnJt I?”the man sighed,“The tro ubl e is that I didnt no tice there was an o x at the o ther end o f that ro pe.”II.语序问题l.The photographs will show you.(MET89)A.what does our village look likeB.what our village looks likeC.how does our village look likeD.how our village looks like 2.Y

4、ou can hardly imagine when he heard the news.A.how he was excited B.how was he excited how excited he was D.he was how excited3.He asked fo r a vio l in.(MET92)A.did I pay ho w muchB.I paid ho w muchC.ho w much did I payho w much I paidIl l.名词嵯从句的建猱得一、语柩句1.塔晅I that(无兔X丕作成分.不能省 略);whether(是否,不用if.Tha

5、t he wil l co me and hel p us is certain.Whether we wil l succeed is stil l a questio n.整意:已端定的争卡3引导,没决贡的净由引导,2.连接代词what,whatever,who,who ever,who se,which,whichever 等.What he is has no thing to do with yo uWho se ticket this is has no t been fo und o ut;273.连接副词when(ever),where(ever),why,ho w(ever)

6、,ho w l o ng,ho w o ften,ho w so o n,ho w far,ho w many/much 等.When the test wil l be given is no t yet decided.Ho w much we can spend must be agreed oil特殊句式It wo rried her a bit her hair was turning grey.(MET92)A.whil eC.ifB.thatCan yo u understand them?例:It is wel lkno wn/repo rted/tho ught/said/.

7、that It is cl ear/necessary/certain/true/do ubtful/that.It is a pity/a shame/an ho no r/that.It do esnt matter whether.e/It seems that.It happens that请你1?为了使句子保持平衡,常用上来代替主语从句或宾语从句,而把主语 从句或宾语从句放到后面,尤其是 连词that引导的主语从句常用于此种句 式中,但what,whatever,who ever,whichever引导的主语从句一般不后置。二.宾语从句1.由逡祠that引导:that布可省略。I t

8、old him(that)I would come back soon.造:并列第二个包上的宾语从句,我才插入语 时系怩甯略改枳,He said that he had finished reading this novel and that he would borrow another one.用it作形式宾得,that引导的真正的客语双句 及后面时,that系省略.He made it clear that he objected to the plan.2.由wh引导周引导。We fully understood what he meant.Do you know whether/if

9、 she is coming?whether与if彳时可血族用,供下列情 苑只犍用whether,1.介洞后的客乂.Everything depends on whether it is fine tomorrow.2.whether.or not的宾M.I dont know whether or not shell like it.3.复合不定式只能用whether.Tell us whether to go or stay here.三.表语从句表语乂句的引导祠鸟:笛乂句和客语 乂句相同,僧,that引导表错乂句时又饿蜀,z.if系域引导表语乂句,四.同位语从句同住将乂句一般龈点名祠fa

10、ct,news,promise,truth,belief,thought,idea,answer,information,knowledge,doubt,hope,law,opinion,plan,suggestion后面,用 Anyo neWho everBe The perso nD.WhoVI巩练习l.The questio n i s the fil m is wo rth seeing.A.if B.whatC.whether D.ho w2.One o f the men hel d the view the bo o k said was right.A.that what|B.

11、What thatC.that D.whether3.Dr.Bl ack co mes fro m either Oxfo rd o rCambridge,I cant rememberA.where B.thereC.which D.that4Energy is makes things wo rk.A What B.everythingC so mething D anything5.The reaso n I have to go is mymo ther is il l in bed.A.why;why B.why;becauseC why;that|D.that;because6.He do esnt think the questio n o f theyare men o r wo men is impo rtant.A,whether|B.ifCe which D.why7.1 t was o rdered that al l the so l diers to the fro nt.A.sho ul d send B.must be sent|C.sho ul d be sent D.must go8.Air is to us water is to fish.A.is that B.whatC whichDe that

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