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1、英语专业英语教学法教案4(专业教学法技能)屐K将部曲婴.Reading 01dli.Listening.Language skill.Language ekill2锦丈栽辔教学目的通过讲解、示范和练习,学会课文教 学技能了解整体教学课型的特点和模 式,掌握英语课文的一般方法和技能教学内容、步骤和方法复习思考题:复习思考题 1、课文教学有哪些常用方法?2、初中高年级课文教学应如何进行?3、高中课文教学应如何进行?4、任选一篇课文,运用整体教学法进 行模拟教学或说课。(教学内容和方法)、,刖百 整体教学课型的特点 整体教学的模式 课文整体教学的教学方法课文教学技能评价参考标准英语课文是依据课程标准

2、规定的教学目的编写的。它综合体现语音、词汇和语法,是用作对学生进 行听、说、读、写技能训练和语言知识教学的综 合材料。课文是中小英语教科书的核心,学生学 习语音、语调、词汇、句型、语法等知识是围绕 课文进行的。课文作为一个含有完整的情节、具 体的人物事件及思想内容的语言材料,多角度、多方面地训练学生“听、说、读、写”及英语理 解和思维的能力,因此搞好课文教学将有助于学 生进一步学好英语,课文教学的方法是否符合语 言教学的规律,也在很大程度上决定英语课堂教 学的成败。整体教学是当代外语教学界的共识。中学英语教 学大纲明确指出:“课文首先应作为整体教学”。张思中教学法更明确地把课文整体教学作为基本

3、 课型之一。旧式的语言教学往往着眼于孤立的词 汇或语法的讲解、分析和运用上,而课文整体教 学体现了现代语言教学方法中语篇整体教学的思 想,把语篇作为教学基本单位,从课文的整体出 发,把握感知、理解、记忆、和运用的几个环节,使学生在整体语言情景中学习语言,将语言知识、语言功能、和语言情景结合起来。通过教师的引 导和学生的活动,既对整体课文透彻理解,又同 时进行语言知识的概括总结和言语技能的训练,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。IH课整体教学课型的特点(1)学生整体。整体教学法把学生作为文 化的一员,是知识的创造者。认为教师不 是传授知识技能给学生,而是与学生共同 合作创造、发现知识、技能。故教学要以

4、 学生为中心,使学生的学习活动成为一个 整体。课整体教学课型的特点教材整体。教材整体技巧的基本形式,是让材料能使学生从事真实而有意义的言语活动。国际流 行的任务教学法(Task-based approach)其取材就属 教材整体。教材整体的技巧主要体现在把课本中一 课或几课的语言材料作为教学活动的基础内容,从 而在教材处理上保持篇章话语整体,而不分割语法、单词、课文,也不把听说读写拆开。中学教材中 Unit内容安排也正是语篇整体教学思想的体现。课整体教学课型的特点 3)理解整体。理解整体是落实教、学整体材料的技巧,也是材料整体的目的。它 指输入的语言材料是整体的,储存的材料 也是整体的。理解整

5、体并不排斥把整体化 为部分而加以操练,只是不主张在未整体 输入之前就分析,且在操练部分材料时要 求照顾到与整体的联系。不要误以为部分 相加即为整体,因为整体之功能大于各部 分功能之和。整体教学课型的特点k整体语言材料的线索?概括起来有四类作法:其做法是划分段落或按自然段逐段理解,然后加合 各段的意义掌握整体。O其做法很多:有的是由教师提出关键词,让学生串 通去键词而抓住整体材料的线索,更多的是教师提问,学生答,问题 本身就是线索。最常见的作法是由教师介绍背景和主要情节,也可 利用图表示情节,还可通过逻辑推理摩握线索及其发展。这是可能理解较多整体因素的技巧,其作法是 快读快听而“读书不求甚解”。

6、在初学阶段,可由教师在听读前给少 数关键词。这是一种可以倡行的抓整体线索的技巧。课整体教学课型的特点(4)课堂活动具有多样性。课堂活动突出 整体教学的思路,通过各种教学活动,紧 紧围绕课堂的教学目标,一环扣一环,把 课堂的学习活动推向高潮。课文整体教学的模式(1)一分为三,三步三整体模式。从三个角度 把课文分为三个整体,一步攻一个整体。第一步:通读或泛读,形成整体的模糊印象,犹 如不进门看一幢房子。第二步:慢读或精读,形 成整体的清晰(部分)印象,犹如进门逐间看一 幢房子。第三步:快读或复读,形成整体完整的 形象,犹如由内而外、又由外而内反复地细看房 子。每次都看了整个房子,但由简而繁。课文整

7、体教学的模式(2)“合分合”或“景问用”模 式 先创设情景,呈现课文,进行整体了 解,再通过问答、讨论去理解课文的各个 部分或者分块听说读写、串讲,最后整体 巩固,综合运用。课文整体教学的模式(3)“预习一阅读一讲练一讨论小结”模式。这是一种语文教学模式的移植。.(4)“复一改一变一问”模式,从大到小 的模式。复,为复述/介绍课文;改,指简 化或扩展课文;变,为变换课文的表达法、词序、语境、情景;问,为质疑提问或检 查提问。课课文整体教学的教学方法视听说教学阅读法教学视听说教学)课文教学(教学内容和方法)课文整体教学课程标准明确指出,在入门阶段,课文教学 宜采用从视、听、说入手的方法。这种方法

8、比较 适用于对话型课文。具体的教学步骤如下:(1)介绍教师通过提问,启发或有目的的展示,利用 学生已掌握的词汇和句型向学生简介对话的内容 或与对话内容相关的背景知识,然后给学生设计 一两个简单浅显的问题,并要求学生带着问题听 对话录音。这一步骤既吸引了学生的思路,又培 养了学生的听力,有助于理解课文内容。视听说教学)课文教学(教学内容和方法)、1、,乂品平I(2)细节理解 学生根据听到的信息回答问题,检验他们对课文的整体理解程度。教师围绕课 文内容,再设计一些细节问题,反复播放 录音二三遍,使学生进一步留心对话中的 信息,完整回答教师的提问,加深学生对 对话的理解。课文教学(教学内容和方法)课

9、文整体教学视听说教学)(3)难点处理 打开教科书,教师总结知识点,在对话 理解的过程中处理新句型、新语法、新词 语。课文教学(教学内容和方法)、I I 、“r r r乂 TF vr视听说教学)(4)朗读为了加深学生对对话的理解,可以让 学生跟读、朗读、分角色朗读,从整体上 再一次掌握理解语言知识,同时,还可以 纠正学生的不良发音及语调,使他们的语 音、语调和语气接近生活中的对话效果。课文教学(教学内容和方法)、m/j 、/乂整1平数,子视听说教学)(5)巩固在前三个步骤的基础上开始进行综合 性的复习实践及巩固活动。教师要设置新 的 语境,鼓励学生发挥想象力,善于 使用新知识,勇于尝试新知识,使

10、学生进 一步灵活运用英语,创造性地进行言语交 流活动。课文教学(教学内容和方法)乂整1平数,子阅读法教学)阅读法教学适用于短文类的课文。这种方法主要是从阅读入手,培养学生听、说、读、写的技能。步骤如下:(1)要求学生带着问题以较快地速度默读 课文(默读课文可以在课上进行也可以事先 预读),然后找出问题相应的答案和本课的 新词汇。课文教学(教学内容和方法)课文整体教学阅读法教学)(2)阅读之后要求学生回答问题,以检测 他们对课文的理解程度,并鼓励学生根据 上下文猜测生词的意思,允许使用词典或 书中词汇表及课文注释。这一步骤培养学 生用脑思考和使用词典的技能。课文教学(教学内容和方法)课文整体教学

11、阅读法教学)在学生整体理解课文的基础上,教师领读、讲解生词和习惯用语。这里的讲解可以 是教师直接加以解释,也可以鼓励学生推测 意思,培养他们用脑思考、独立阅读的能力。(4)围绕课文进行多样化的听、说、读、写 的综合训练,以阅读带动听、说、写能力的 发展。课文教学(教学内容和方法)、m/j 、/乂整1平数,子阅读法教学)进一步复习课文,使学生熟练掌握语言 结构。在这一步可以组织学生根据课文进行 角色表演、填空练习、复述、转述等活动,培养他们用英语表达思想的能力。“侧重培养学生阅读英语的能力”是中 学英语教学的目的之一,课文教学恰恰能够 做到这一点,而且也有助于培养学生听、说、读、写等技能,因此搞

12、好课文教学意义重大。课文w课型示例一、Teaehlnig I Unit 20 Lesson 77 Aims:1.Enable the students to talk in English about the development of printing in ancient China.2.Review the passive voice.3.Get the students to be proud of beingChinese and try their best to do more for the people.Teaching aids:a multimedia computer

13、Teachi课型示例课文W、Step 2 Presentation 1.Talk about the four great inventions in ancientChina:paper&paper making,gunpowder,compass and printing.Teach the new word:printing.2.Let the students watch the video and find out:What are Susan and Mrs.Zhu talking about?3.Tell the students:Today we are going to le

14、arnabout printing in Chinese history.课文教2课型示例、Step 3 Dialogue 1.Ask the students to read aloud the dialogue.Then ask them:What are the two ways of printing Mrs.Zhu talks about?课型示例一、Go through the dialogue with the students,and get them to talk about how people used rocks/wood for printing.Deal with

15、 difficult language points or new words.Ask:a)How many steps did people take when they used rocks for printing?b)What are these four steps?c)How many steps did people take when they used wood for printing?d)What are these four steps?课文教课型示例一、3、Show the class a copybook(a rubbing from a stone inscrip

16、tion)and a seal.Let them think:Are these characters printed in the first way or in the second way?课型示例一、i:ep 4 Tactice Play the tape of the dialogue for the students to listen and repeat.Then let them practice in pairs.If time permits,ask some pairs to read the dialogue aloud.Step 5 Oral practice fo

17、r revision 1.Ask:How did people use rocks/wood fbr printing?2.Get the students to retell the two methods of printing in the passive voice.3.Let the students practice SB IB Lesson 77,Part2 in pairs.课型示例、6 Discussion Get the students to discuss the following questions in groups of four:1.What was the

18、problem of using wood for printing?2.Has this problem been solved?(Who?How?Now)Then a picture,which is made with the computer is shown to get the students to know the advantage of Bisheng!s way of printing.Tell the students:We Chinese people are clever and great.课型示例、Consolidation Tell the class:Tod

19、ay we talked about the development of printing in China,like the way of printing by using rocks or wood.And now people have found a better way of printing by using computers.But there is no end of the development of science.So all of us are supposed to try our best to work hard.I believe that some b

20、etter ways of printing will be found in the future.There is a long way to go.Where there is a will,there is a way.课文教课型示例、mework:Write a passage about the development of printing in China.a课文rI课型示例二、H Unite 20,Lesson 77知识目标:A、词;:tonight,real,vegetable,chips,pork,beef,peas,carrot potato,cabbage,tomat

21、o.B、掌握日常交际用语:I know.What shall we.?P ve no idea.What about.Let Good idea!C、语法:继续熟悉一般将来时用法。3课文教与课型示例、二、能力训练目标:通过带着任务聆听整 个对话,提高学生听力理解能力;通过聆 听、分析、讲解课文中的要点及重点、操 练、练习等活动,使学生就生活中一些食 物做简单的问答。课文W课型示例k 口1、Warmup and lead in(3 minutes)(1)Ask the following questions to contextualize the students into the theme

22、 一 food.Do you like the food at Me Donalds?Do you sometimes help your mum do the cooking?Do you often eat chicken at home?Review the use of the future indefinite tense.(2)What do you usually eat at you birthday parties?Guess,what shall I eat this evening?Guess,what will.(SI)eat this evening?课型示例二、2、

23、Lead in and present new words(10 minutes)(1)Discuss different peoples favorite food with studentsand present the new words.Meat:chicken,pork,beef Fruit:apples,pears,oranges,bananas Vegetable:peas,carrots,potatoes,cabbages,tomatoes Chinese food,western-food,real English food,fish and chips课文w课型示例二、(2

24、)Ask the following questions to get students familiar with the new words and phrases that will appear in the text:Guess,what will your mother cook for you this evening?What are you going to do tonight after dinner?Do Me Donald!s have fish and chips?Do you want to try it?Do you think you will like fi

25、sh and chips?Is hamburger real English food?What about Kentukey fried chicken?课文教与课型示例二、3.Presentation of whole text general understanding(5 minutes)(1)Introduce Ann Mum and Chen Hui with theirpictures.(2)Give students first listening task:Ann andMum are talking about cooking.(3)Why?课型示例二、课文教 4、Pres

26、entation of whole text for information(10 minutes)(1)Give students second listening tasksAnswer the following questions:Will Ann help Mum do the cooking?Does Chen Hui like English food?Does Chen Hui like chicken?Does Chen Hui often eat chicken at home?Is fish and chips real English food?对课型示例二、(2)Ch

27、eck answers(3)Give students third listening tasksComplete the following sentences:Ann:Mum_coming_.Mum:I know.You must help me_this afternoon.Ann:Certainly,Mum!What_we_?Mum:Does she like English food?Ann:_.Mum:_chicken?Ann:Oh yes!_ she quite often eats chicken!Mum:Let,s give her_to eat9 then.Some_!An

28、n:Something_?I know_fish and chips!Mum:!课型示例、(4)Students check answers among themselves.课文*课型示例5、Repetition and drilling(5 minutes)Class repetition of whole text(following the recording)Pair repetition of whole textDrilling by using the following blackboard drawingMum,_coming _.You must help me.What

29、!Likes English food?chicken?_quite often eats chicken at home.Let,s give something different to eat9 then.Some real English food!I know_fish and chips!课型示例二、Substitution drill.Tonight 一tomorrow English Chinese food Fish and chips dumplings课型示例二、课文教 6、Students read the dialogue(2 minutes)7、Continue t

30、o learn the vocabulary and exercise.(5 minutes)(1)不可数名词:chicken,pork,beef可数名词:pea,carrot,potato,cabbage,tomato,apple,pear,orange,banana 2 Practice on pronunciation of new words课型示例二、(3)Practice on using the new words by asking and answering questions or other activities e.g.Do you like to eat potato

31、es?Put the following words into boxes:pea,cabbage,potato,carrot,tomato,apple,pear,orange5 bananaVegetableFruitYou often see at homeYou often eat for mealsYou like to eat课型示例二、课文教8、Grammar and drill(8 minutes)(1)Make up sentences with the words given,following the model(oral,whole class)model:somethi

32、ng,different,eatLets give her something different to eat.Something,difficult,do something,new,eat something,easy,read、课文教课型示例(2)Pair work:Guess,what am I going to do this evening?A and B:Ask questions and also write your partners answers in the right boxes.This eveningTomorrow evening*yourselfYour p

33、artner课文教学 9、Sum up the lesson and assign homework(2 minutes)文 aK 说M1指标能综合体现语音、词汇和语法教学得分20满分23能对学生进行听、说、读、写技能训练和语言知识 教学教学模式合理、符合学生实际20204教学方法多样、灵活、自如205结合教学,行针对性地对学生进行思想教育20总分100 Teaching Aim:To teach how to stage a listening skills lesson.Teaching Key Point:Different listening skill Teaching Time:2

34、 periods.Teaching Procedure:stage 1 stage 2 stage 3Teaching Procedure:Stage 1:Improving listening skills The main sub-skills of listening are:1.predicting;2.listening for the main idea(s);3.listening fbr specific information.Teaching Procedure:Stage 2:Staging a Listening skills lesson Before Jisteni

35、ng activitiesDuring(While)Listening Activities-/!听力教学技能Teaching Procedure:Before-listening activities This stage is to prepare the learners for what they are going to hear,just as we are usually prepared in real life(fbr example,we usually have expectations about the topic,and even the language).You

36、 should not just tell the learners to listen and then start the cassette.Aim:a.Pre-teach vocabulary essential/or the completion of tasks b.Establish interest in the topic.Teaching Procedure:i Activities:Discuss a relevant picture Discuss relevant experiences Associate ideas with the topic Associate

37、vocabulary with the topic Predict information about the topic Write questions about the topicTeaching Procedure:During-listening activities This stage is to help the learners understand the text.You should not expect them to try to understand every word.For example,you may ask them to listen fbr thr

38、ee pieces of information the first time they hear the recording and to tell you about the attitude of the speakers after the second time they have heard it.Aim:1.A Listening fbr gist task 2.Listening fbr specific information 3.Listening fbr detail听力教学技能Teaching Procedure:During-listening activities

39、Activities:Identify the exact topic,or an aspect it Note two to four pieces of information Answer questions Complete sentences Complete a table,map,or picturei听力教学技能Teaching Procedure:During-listening activities Questions:how many people are in the story or dialogue;who the story or dialogue is abou

40、t;where the story or dialogue happened;when the story or dialogue happened.What are they talking about?How many people are talking?Which actors were in it?Did they like the movie they saw?Teaching Procedure:This stage is to help the learners connect what they have heard with their own ideas and expe

41、rience just as we often do in real life.It also allows you to move easily from listening to another language skill.Aim:A follow-up activity based on the topic.This could include listing and talking about the types of movie that they like,Their favorite actors,writing a review of a recently seen film

42、 etc.Teaching Procedure:Activities:Give opinions Make up a similar dialogue Relate similar experiences Role-play a similar interaction Write a brief report or notes Write a similar text Write a letter to newspaper or radio station.Debate a topicTeaching Procedure:Stage 3:Task Look at the following c

43、ourse book listening exercise.Consider how you would organize part of a lesson using the material.Think in terms of the three stages-pre-listening,whilelistening,and post-listening.Teaching Procedure:Your attention please for the/allowing announcements.British Airways flight 269 from London is now a

44、rriving.Passengers for Aero Mexico flight 129 to Cancun please proceed to Gate 6,where this flight is now boarding.American Airlines regrets the delay of its flight 409 to Houston with final destination Lima.This flight will now depart at sixteen hundred hours.1 Which flight is arriving?2 Which flig

45、ht is going to leave?3 What is the gate number fbr that flight?4 Which flight is going to leave late?5 What is the new time fbr that flight?pre-listening whiledistening postdisteningTeaching Procedure:Pre-listening _ You could begin establishing the context by asking questions about their illustrati

46、on.You could also ask who has flown,or accompanied relatives or friends to the airport,and allow learners to talk a little about their experience._ Then ask what kind of things they would expect to hear in an airport announcement.This might produce some essential vocabulary,for example,-flight:gate

47、delay board,and-depart.Teaching Procedure:While-listening _ Then you could substitute the course book task with a more realistic and active one.Tell a third of the class that they are going to Houston or Lima。Another third that they are meeting a friend from London,and the final third that they are

48、going to Cancun.You need to give them very clear instructions.Teacher:OK,so whos going to Houston?Raise your hands.Good!And Lima.OK.And whos meeting a friend from London?OK And whos going to Cancun?OK _ lucky people.Right,now listen carefully.When you hear your flight stand up.If the flight is late,

49、say-Oh,no!and sit down again.If it is on time,say-Good!and stay standing.Teaching Procedure:Check that they have understood:Teacher:When you hear your flight,you.Learners:.stand up.Teacher:If the flight is late.Learners:.say-Oh,no!1 and sit down.Teacher:If the flight is on time.Learners.say-Good!1 a

50、nd stay standing.Teaching Procedure:_ After you played the cassette once,check with several learners what the situation is with their flight._ Play the cassette again,and get the groups to note down just the information related to their own flight._ Play the cassette fbr a third time,and get everyon

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