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1、电子商城在线支付服务协议商户编号:XX电子商城在线支付服务协议甲方:XX信息发展股份有限公司乙方:年 月 日XX电子商城在线支付服务协议甲方:XX信息发展股份有限公司乙方:鉴于:甲方为XX电 子商城的主体企业,向用户提供的电子商务应用服务。乙方为开展电子商务业务入驻XX电子商城的企业。甲乙双方本着互惠互利、共同发展的原则,经友好协商, 就共同开拓电子商务业务事宜签订本协议。第一条 服务内容甲方为乙方提供以下服务:(一)安全加密和身份认证为乙方使用甲方的网上支付系统提供高质量的网络传输 加密通道,包括为乙方提供订单信息传输的接口规范、配置安全传输协议、后台管理权限设定等。(二)网上安全支付服务为

2、提供在乙方商务网站 进行交易所需要的在线支付与结算功能。通过XX电子商城实现网上支付系统与银行交换信息,并将银行的确认信息反馈乙方。(三)提供在线查询服务为 乙方设立网上交易查询功能,为乙方提供商户信息管理和交易信息查询服务,并支持二十四(24)小时在线修改、查询功能。第二条 双方权利和义务(一) 甲方权利和义务1、甲方负责XX电子商城的运行和管理,保证向乙方提供第一条所述的各项服务。2、 甲方在工作时间内指定技术工程师随时为乙方服务,保证在乙方反映问题后一个小时内做出响应。3、 甲方负责受理涉及XX电子商城支付结算系统出现问题的投诉并解决相应的纠纷。4、甲方有权在乙方因业务或联络方式变更、终

3、止而未及时通知甲方,且 在甲方多次联络无回应的情况下,对持卡人提出的退款请求(此款未转账给乙方)进行处理,把持卡人在乙方网站已提交的订单款项转回持卡人账户。5、 甲方承担除因电信线路及银行系统问题之外造成的乙方交易信息通过XX电子商城安全传输系统出现问题的责任。6、 甲方不承担由于国家金融政策或银行内部系统升级以及银行系统故障等原因造成甲方的支付网关暂时不能或部分不能提供网上支付服务的责任。7、 甲方不承担由于电信运营商的通信线路故障等原因造成的甲方的支付网关暂时不能或部分不能提供网上支付服务的责任。 (二) 乙方权利和义务1、 乙方须严格遵守甲方的管理和运行规定,并享有XX电子商城为入驻商户

4、提供的各项服务和优惠条件。2、乙方应如实向甲 方提供有关资质资料,包括基本业务情况说明、营业执照复印件、税务登记证、法定代表人身份证明、公司业务介绍、企业邮箱(非个人Email信箱)等。乙方 独立承担因资质资料不准确、不真实而引发的一切责任。3、 乙方通过甲方提供的安全支付平台,在互联网上开 展 电子商务方面的活动,并为客户提供网站的客服电话。乙方不可以将甲方的服务电话作为乙方的客服电话刊登在乙方的网站上误导消费者,一经发现甲方将有权随时 终止为乙方提供的各项业务。4、 乙方在网上发布的所有信息和从事的商务活动必须严格遵守政府及工商管理部门的有关规定并承担与此相应的责任。乙方独立承担因其网站信

5、息虚假、陈旧或不详实 造成的投诉、退货、纠纷等的责任,并且在网站上不得出现下列行为:(1)、 违反宪法所确定的基本原则的;(2) 危害国家安全,泄露国家秘密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的;(3) 损害国家荣誉和利益的;(4) 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的;(5) 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的;(6) 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;(7) 散播淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖、传销、反动信息的;(8) 教唆犯罪的; (9)利用网络手段从事洗钱活动的;(10) 侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;(11) 从事欺骗性活动的;(12) 侵犯第三方的版权、专利、商标、

6、贸易秘密或其它专有权利、公共权利和隐私的;(13) 国家法律、行政法规禁止的其他内容。5、 在未得到甲方书面授权情况下,乙方不能擅自转载、复制、截取、再造甲方网站上内容,或创造与这些内容有关的派生产品。6、 乙方须使用甲方提供的支付平台管理系统,按照XX电子商城的结算流程,制定出相应的订单处理、发货或提供服务的程序。7、 乙方负责承担和处理因其自身原因造成的一切客户投诉或相关法律责任。8、乙方应在网站页面上如实描述甲方支付业务,乙方不得采用技术手段或其它非 法手段截获持卡人的卡信息,代替持卡人提交订单。乙方必须在乙方网站引导持卡人到甲方支付平台亲自提交订单。9、乙方终止服务或业务发生变更时,

7、应提前一个月通知甲方,否则须承担由此给甲方造成的一切损失。10、乙方应妥善保管商户编号及网上结账操作密码,并承担因其商户编号和密码保管及 使用不当而造成的一切损失的责任。未经甲方书面授权,乙方不得在多个域名不同的网站上使用同一商户编号的支付接口。11、乙方不得把甲方提供的接 口技术、安全协议及证书等转交其它网站和企业使用。12、乙方不得使用其商户编号的支付接口为其他网站或企业提供支付服务,第三条 服务费用(一) 接口程序费乙方在签订本协议时需交纳一次性接口程序费人民币二千元整(2000元)。(二) 会员年服务费乙方需交纳会员年服务费人民币三千元整(3000元/年)。第一年的会员年服务费须在本协

8、议签订时交纳,随后每年的会员年服务费须 在每个协议年度开始后十日内交纳。(三) 人民币交易手续费甲方按乙方网上成功交易额的百分之 ( %)的比率从乙方每笔交易中直接扣除其应交纳的人民币交易手续费。第四条 信用保证金(一) 为保障XX电子商城会员的整体利益和网上支付交易效率,乙方需按规定于本协议签署后十日内向甲方交纳网上支付信用保证金人民币 元整。信 用保证金将按如下方式返还:1、 本协议到期前六个月无成功交易,信用保证金于本协议到期日后的第十个工作日返还。2、 本协议到期前六个月中有成功交易,信用保证金于最后一笔成功交易完成后的第一百八十天(180天)后返还。3、 无论本协议是否终止,除甲方书

9、面通知外,甲方返还乙方信用保证金或任何其他行为,并不表示甲方同意免除乙方依照本协议或相关补充协议应承担的责任,甲方仍 有权向乙方追偿因持卡人拒绝付款(简称拒付)给甲方造成的损失。(二) 在网上交易中,若乙方在发货、送货、退货等环节上经常出现退款、持卡人无故拒付等情况,甲方有权随时提高其信用保证金数额或执行本协议第十条的有关规定。(三) 由于乙方过错或违约行为致使甲方受损,甲方有权以乙方的信用保证金弥补甲方所受损失;当信用保证金数额不足以弥补甲方损失时,乙方须追加信用保证金对甲方 进行赔偿。(四) 在甲方两次书面通知乙方追加信用保证金未果的情况下,甲方有权单方面执行本协议第十条的有关规定。第五条

10、 结算和退款(一) XX电子商城订单结算的依据是银行提供的进账单。(二) 结算方式甲方以支票(或网上) 转账的方式将相应交易款划转到乙方在XX电子商城商户网上支付操作初始单中提供的法定账号中。若乙方账户发生变更,乙方须及时向甲方提供带有公司印章 的账号变更通知,否则,乙方将独自承担因此而造成的一切损失。(三) 结算周期甲方在接到银行扣款成功信息的第二天制作XX电子商城转 账明细表,并据此为乙方转账。乙方的交易款将在订单提交日起算的三至五个工作日内到达乙方账号(遇法定节假日顺延)。如乙方系北京地区商户,其交易款累 计少于人民币二百元(200元)时,需等待交易金额累计达到人民币二百元(200元)以

11、上时再予结算;如乙方系异地商户,其交易款累计少于人民币六百元 (600元)时,需等待交易金额累计达到人民币六百元(600元)以上时再予结算。(四)关于退款根据银行有关规定,对于网上交易流程中 由于乙方原因造成,缺货、无法运货、重复订单等不能为消费者提供服务而需做退款处理的情况,乙方选 择 方式进行退款操作。1、乙方自行解决选择此方式进行退款操作时乙方应自行 解决需做退款处理的订单,并承担全部责任。2、甲方代乙方完成退款操作乙方通过甲方系统提交退款请求时,甲方有权从乙方存于甲方账户的 未结转款中直接扣除退款款项。若乙方未结转款不足以支付退款款项时,乙方须在甲方规定时限内将足够金额转至甲方账户,并

12、承担此间的一切损失,甲方在收到款 项后向持卡人退款。甲方不向乙方收取退款手续费,也不向乙方退还扣款过程中收取的手续费。(五)其它1、 乙方的订单交易数据在XX电子商城的支付平台上保留半年,半年以上的数据查询可与甲方结算人员联系。2、XX电子商城结算系统按照每笔订单金额计 算手续费,双方认可因小数点后两位进位而导致手续费存在的微小差异。3、 当甲方以传真方式向乙方确认有关业务时,乙方应在收到传真后二十四小时(24小时)内签字确认并传真回复。传真件作为甲乙双方联系业务的主要方式和依据, 具有法律效力。第六条 知识产权甲方拥有网络服务内容的所有权。甲方网站XX电子商城定义的网络服务内容包括:文字、软

13、件、声音、图片、录像、图 表、广告中的全部内容;电子邮件的全部内容;甲方网站为用户提供的其他信息等。所有这些内容均受版权、商标、标签和其它财产所有权等有关法律的保护。第七条 保密义务甲乙双方在履行本协议期间对于所获知的另一方的商业和技术秘密负有保密义务,任何一方不得将已获知的另一方的商业和技术 秘密泄露给任何第三方。第八条 不可抗力(一) 因受不可抗力影响而不能履行或不能完全履行本协议的一方可以部分或全部免除履行其责任。“不可抗力” 是指在本协议签订后发生的、受影响一方无法预见、无法避免并无法克服的客观情况。此等事件包括但不限于水灾、火灾、旱灾、台风、地震及其它自然灾害、罢 工、骚动、暴乱及战

14、争(不论宣战与否)以及政府部门的作为或不作为。(二) 不可抗力发生后,甲乙双方须在一日内协商继续履行本协议之相关事宜,并签订临时协议。临时协议的效力在该等不可抗力及其影响终止或消除时止。如不可抗力及 其影响在发生一个月后仍未终止或消除,则甲乙双方可协商终止本协议。第九条 违约责任(一) 甲乙双方中的任何一方违反在本协议中所做的保证、承诺或其他条款,均构成违约。因违约而给另一方造成损失,违约方应承担赔偿责任。(二) 因甲方过错致使XX电子商城网上支付系统不能为乙方提供及时有效的支付服务时,双方应友好协商解决,甲方承诺将优先满足乙方的交易需要。(三) 因非本协议双方过错所造成的损失,双方应按照公平

15、的原则分担损失并共同向过错方寻求赔偿。第十条 协议终止发生下列情形,甲方可以立即终止本协议。(一) 乙方违反本协议第二条规定,未履行相关义务。(二) 乙方未按本协议第三条规定按时交纳接口服务费和会员年服务费。(三) 乙方未按本协议第四条规定按时交纳信用保证金或补足信用保证金差额。(四) 乙方在协议期间内存在其他严重违反本协议规定的行为。第十一条 免责条款(一) 乙方充分认识到,目前国内电子商务环境尚未成熟,电子商务立法及信用体制还不完善,在这种情况下开展电子商务业务会存在一定的风险性,主要风险可能包括但 不限于以下情形:1、 不法分子盗用他人银行卡通过网络进行支付活动;2、 持卡人拒绝付款等行

16、为;3、 因银行支付网关信息传递故障所造成的在线支付的订单反馈信息被延误或遗漏。乙方须独立承担由此引发的一切风险和造成的一切损失。(二)在 甲方系统正常运行的情况下,乙方须独立承担因其服务器受到攻击(未托管于甲方处)而造成的一切损失。第十二条 权利的保留与后继立法(一) 甲乙双方中任何一方涉及权利放弃等事宜必须出具书面信函。(二) 甲乙双方中任何一方没有行使其权利或没有就对方的违约行为采取任何行动都不应被视为是对该等权利的放弃(三) 因国家后继立法或法律规定变更而导致本协议的有关条款无效或无法实施时,甲乙双方可根据国家后继立法或法律规定变更的情况,对本协议进行修改或补充。第十三条 争议解决和法

17、律适用(一) 甲乙双方应以友好协商方式解决本协议履行过程中产生的争议,经协商无法解决争议时,提请北京市仲裁委员会仲裁解决。(二) 本协议适用中华人民共和国法律。第十四条 其他条款(一) 本协议的任何补充和修改仅能以甲乙双方签字盖章的书面文件进行。(二) 本协议有效期为一年,自甲乙双方签字盖章之日起生效。本协议一式四份,双方各执两份,具有同等法律效力。甲方:XX信息发展股份有限公司 (XX电子商城主体企业)地 址: 联系电话:传 真:邮政编码: (盖章)法定代表人(或授权代表人)签字: 日期: 年 月 日乙方:商户编号:地 址:联系电话:传 真:邮政编码:(盖章)法定代表人(或授权代表)签字:

18、日期: 年 月 日Customer Reference No.XX ELECTRONIC SHOPPING MALL ONLINE PAYMENT SERVICE AGREEMENTParty A:XXXParty B:OnXX Electronic Shopping Mall(XX电子商城在线) Online Payment Service AgreementParty A: XXXParty B:Whereas Party A is the enterprise representing XX ElectronicShopping Mall which provides users wit

19、h e-commerce application services; Party B is an enterprise stationed in XX electronic shopping mall for the purpose of carrying out e-commerce business; Under the principle of mutual benefit and co-development and upon amicable consultation, Party A and Party B hereby enter into and sign this agree

20、ment on affairs with respect to joint-development of e-commerce.Article 1 Description of ServicesParty A shall provide Party B with services set out below:1.1Enciphering for safety and identity authenticationProviding Party B with high-quality enciphered network transmission channels for the applica

21、tion of Party As online payment system by Party B, including interface specifications, configuration and safety transfer protocols and background administrative limit settings and so on, which relate to Party Bs order information transmission.1.2 Secure online payment serviceFurnishing Party B with

22、online payment and settlement functions required by transactions conducted in Party Bs business website; Effecting information exchanges between online payment system and banks and feeding back banks confirmation to Party B through XX Electronic Shopping Mall.1.3 Online query serviceEstablishing the

23、 function of online transaction query for Party B; Providing Party B with customer information management and transaction information query services and supporting online modifications and queries on a 24 hour/day basis.Articles 2 Rights and Obligations2.1 Rights and Obligations of Party A2.1.1 Part

24、y A shall be responsible for the operation and management of XX Electronic Shopping Mall and shall provide Party B with various services specified in Article 1 herein.2.1.2 Party A shall appoint technicians to serve Party B within one hour upon Party Bs request as long as such time is within the wor

25、king hours of Party A.2.1.3 Party A shall accept complaints in ration to the payment and settlement system of XX Electronic Shopping Mall and resolve relevant disputes.2.1.4 Party A is entitled to deal with cardholders request for refunding the amount with respect to the order submitted by the cardh

26、older through Party Bs website (in case that such amount has not been transferred to Party Bs account) and return the amount to the cardholders account, in the event that Party B fails to promptly notify Party A of changes or termination of its business and contact information and fails to respond t

27、o Party A for many times.2.1.5 Party A shall be liable for problems occurred in the course of transmission of Party Bs transaction information through XX Electronic Shopping Mall secure transmission system except such problems are caused by the communication line or bank system.2.1.6 Party A shall n

28、ot be liable for the payment gateways failing to provide online payment service temporarily or partly due to causes such as state financial policies or upgrade and malfunction of bank internal system.2.1.7 Party A shall not be liable for the payment gateways failing to provide online payment service

29、 temporarily or partly due to causes such as malfunction of telecommunication carriers communication line.2. 2 Rights and Obligations of Party B2.2.1 Party B shall fully comply with Party As requirements dealing with administration and operation and shall enjoy various services and privileges offere

30、d by XX Electronic Shopping Mall for stationed enterprises.2.2.2 Party B shall faithfully provide Party A with relevant materials, including but not limited to business statement, copy of business license, taxation register, ID certification of legal representative, introduction of the enterprises b

31、usiness, and e-mail account of the enterprise (non-personal e-mail). Any liabilities in relation to or arising out of inaccuracy and/or inauthenticity of the materials provided by Party B shall be solely borne by Party B.2.2.3 Party B shall, through the secure payment platform provided by Party A, p

32、erform e-commerce activities on Internet with respect to_, and inform its customers of its customer service telephone number on its website. Party B can not mislead customers by publishing Party As customer service telephone number on its website as that of its own. Once Party A finds that Party A h

33、as conducted like that, Party A has right to terminate all services offered to Party B at any time.2.2.4 All information published on Party Bs website and commercial activities conducted by Party B shall be fully consistent with relevant provisions of the government and industrial and commercial adm

34、inistrations, and Party B shall bear corresponding responsibilities. Party B shall be solely responsible for complaints, goods returned and disputes caused by its false, out-of-date and lack-of-detail information on its website, and shall not conduct following activities on its website:1) Those in v

35、iolation of basic principles set forth in the constitution;2) Those with the intention of jeopardizing national security, divulging national secrets, overthrowing state government and undermining national unification;3) Those impairing national honors and benefits;4) Those provoking hostility and di

36、scrimination among nationalities and undermining unity of nationalities;5) Those damaging state religion policies and advocating heathendom and feudalistic superstition;6) Disseminating rumors and disrupting social order and stability;7) Disseminating information containing or in relation to bawdry,

37、 eroticism, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism, pyramid sale and reactionism;8) Abetting the commission of crimes;9) Conducting launder by way of the web;10) Insulting or libeling others or offending others lawful rights and interests;11) Practicing fraud;12) Offending third partys copyrights, pa

38、tents, trademarks, trade secrets and/or other exclusive rights, public rights and privacies;13) Other activities that are prohibited by state laws and regulations.2.2.5 Without Party As written authorization, Party B can not reprint, duplicate, intercept and /or reproduce the information on Party As

39、 website,or create ramifications in relation to such information.2.2.6 Party B shall, through payment system provided by Party A and according to the settlement process of XX Electronic Shopping Mall, develop corresponding procedures for order disposal, goods delivery or service provision.2.2.7 Part

40、y B shall deal with all customers complaints due to its own causes and assume relevant legal liabilities.2.2.8 Party B shall faithfully descript Party As payment service on its website. Party B shall not intercept card information of cardholders and submit orders in place of cardholders by way of te

41、chnical or other illegal means. Party B shall, on its website, direct cardholders to submit their orders through Party As payment platform by themselves.2.2.9 In the event that Party B intends to terminate or change its services, a notice should be given to Party A one month in advance. If Party B f

42、ails to do so, it shall compensate Party A for corresponding losses.2.2.10 Party B shall keep well its enterprise reference number and password for online settlement. In the event that Party B fails to do so, it shall be fully responsible for corresponding losses. Without Party As written authorizat

43、ion, Party B shall not use the payment interface for one enterprise reference number on various websites with different domain names.2.2.11 Party B shall not transfer interface technologies, safety protocols and certificates provided by Party A to other websites and enterprises for their use.2.2.12

44、Party B shall not allow other websites or enterprises to enjoy Party As payment service using the payment interface for its enterprise reference number.Article 3 Service Charges3.1 Charges for interface proceduresParty B shall pay Party A the charge for interface procedures in the amount of RMB 2,00

45、0 yuan at the time of the conclusion of this agreement.3.2 Annual fee of membersParty B shall pay Party A the annual fee of members in the amount of RMB 3,000 yuan each year. Party B shall pay such fee for the first year at the time of the conclusion of this agreement and pay for ensuing years withi

46、n ten days after the day corresponding to the day of conclusion of each year.3.3 Handling charge for transactions in RMBParty A will deduct handling charge for transactions in RMB from each transaction successfully fulfilled on the website of Party B as per the rate of _ percent of the transaction a

47、mount.Article 4 Credit security4.1 With a view to safeguard the overall interests of members of XX Electronic Shopping Mall and ensure the efficiency of online transactions, Party B shall pay Party A a credit security in the amount of RMB_yuan for online payment within ten days after the conclusion of this agreement.Party A shall refund Party B such credit security in light of various circumstances set forth below:1) Where no successful t

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