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1、必修一必修一必修一必修一第第1页页Unit11.累计累计 add up 2.使使平静下来平静下来 calmdown3.关心;牵挂关心;牵挂 be concerned about4.遛狗遛狗 walk the dog5.经历;经受经历;经受 go through6.记下;放下;登记记下;放下;登记 set down7.一系列;一连串;一系列;一连串;a series of8.有意有意 on purpose9.为了为了 in order to do/that+句子句子10.在黄昏时刻在黄昏时刻 at dusk11.面对面地面对面地 face to face12.不再不再 no longer/not

2、 any longer13.遭受;患病遭受;患病 suffer from第第2页页14.对对厌烦厌烦 get/be tired of 因因而感到疲惫而感到疲惫 get/be tired from15.将将装箱打包装箱打包 pack sth.up16.与与相处相处;进展进展 get along with17.相爱;爱上相爱;爱上 fall in love with18.加入;参加加入;参加 join in19.保持醒着状态保持醒着状态 stay awake20.对对痴迷痴迷/疯狂疯狂 be crazy about21.曾有段时间曾有段时间 there was a time when22不是乐趣不

3、是乐趣 It is no pleasure doing23.从病中恢复过来从病中恢复过来 recover from ones illness24.对对持不一样意见持不一样意见 disagree with sb about/over sth.25.对对感激感激 be grateful to26.第一次第一次 It is the first time that(have/has+done)It was the first time that(had+done)第第3页页Unit 21.因为;因为因为;因为 because of2.走进;上来;提出走进;上来;提出 come up3.现在;当前现在;

4、当前 at present4.利用;使用利用;使用 make use of5.比如比如 such as6.饰演一个角色;参加饰演一个角色;参加 play a part in7.基于基于 be based on8.命令某人做某事命令某人做某事 command sb.to do sth.9.精通;掌握精通;掌握 have a good command of10.命令某事命令某事 command that(should+do)11.请求某人做某事请求某人做某事 request sb.to do sth.12.请求某事请求某事 request that(should+do)13.不止一个不止一个 mo

5、re than one(谓单)谓单)第第4页页14.不一样于不一样于 be different from15.七百万人七百万人 seven million people16.进行航行进行航行 make voyages17.比以往任何时候比以往任何时候 than ever before18.尽管;即使尽管;即使 even if/though19.使英语语言丰富起来使英语语言丰富起来 enrich the English language20.形成自己特色形成自己特色 develop its own identity21.大量大量 a large number of(谓复(谓复)22.总数总数 t

6、he number of(谓单)谓单)23.信不信由你信不信由你 believe it or not24.相邻城镇相邻城镇 neighbouring towns25.标准英语标准英语 standard English26.本应该本应该 should have done第第5页页Unit 31.从那以后从那以后 ever since2.说服某人做某事说服某人做某事 persuade sb.to do sth.persuade sb.into doing sth.3.从从毕业毕业 graduate from4.提前提前 ahead of schedule/time5.喜欢;喜爱喜欢;喜爱 be f

7、ond of6.关心;忧虑;惦念关心;忧虑;惦念 care about7.改变主意改变主意 change ones mind8.一个坚定表情一个坚定表情 a determined look9.下决心;决定下决心;决定 make up ones mind10.投降;屈服;让步投降;屈服;让步 give in11.对对态度态度 attitude to/towards12.照常照常 as uausal第第6页页13.在午夜在午夜 at midnight14.比起比起B更喜欢更喜欢A prefer A to B15.宁愿做而不愿做宁愿做而不愿做 prefer to do rather than do

8、would rather do than do would do rather than do16.利与弊利与弊 advantages and disadvantages17.利用利用 take advantage of18.做做方法方法 the way to do/of doing sth.19.中国南海中国南海 the South China Sea20.落日落日 the setting sun21.搭起帐篷搭起帐篷 put up the tent22.躺在星空下躺在星空下 lie beneath the stars23.迫不及待做某事迫不及待做某事 can hardly wait to

9、do 第第7页页Unit41.立刻;马上立刻;马上 right away2.突然突然 burst into+n.=burst out doing3.好像;好像好像;好像 as if/though4.结束;终止结束;终止 at an end5.严重受损;破败不堪严重受损;破败不堪 in ruins6.发觉;掘出发觉;掘出 dig out7.从从中营救出来中营救出来 rescue from8.埋头于;专心于埋头于;专心于 be buried in9.对对.感到震惊感到震惊 be shocked at10.害怕做某事害怕做某事 be frightened to do11.陷入陷入 be trappe

10、d into12.切断电源切断电源 cut off electricity13.依据依据来判断来判断 judging from/by第第8页页14.表示某人观点表示某人观点 express ones views15.为某事向某人祝贺为某事向某人祝贺 congratulate sb.on sth.16.受伤了受伤了 get injured17.对对有害有害 do damage/harm to18.养活一大家子养活一大家子 raise a large family20.数以万计数以万计 tens of thousands of 21.占地占地面积面积 cover an area of22.难怪难怪

11、 It is no wonder that/no wonder23.并不是全部希望都被破灭了。并不是全部希望都被破灭了。All the hope was not lost.=Not all the hope was lost.24.以以为豪为豪 be proud of/take pride in25.为了向为了向表示敬意表示敬意 in honour of26.是极大荣幸是极大荣幸 It is a great honour to do sth.第第9页页Unit51.贡献于贡献于 devote ones time/life/energy/oneself to2.失业失业 out of work

12、3.实际上实际上 as a matter of fact/in fact4.使充气;爆炸使充气;爆炸 blow up5.与与相等;适合相等;适合 be equal to6.在危险处境中在危险处境中 in trouble7.求援于;致力于求援于;致力于 turn to 8.从从中逃脱出来中逃脱出来 escape from9.愿意做某事愿意做某事 be willing to 10.防止;免去(不愉快事)防止;免去(不愉快事)escape doing11.建立;设置建立;设置 set up 12.被判处被判处 be sentenced to13.奖励给某人某物奖励给某人某物 reward sb.wi

13、th sth.第第10页页14.以某人观点看以某人观点看 in ones opinion15.为为而死而死 die for16.日本侵略者日本侵略者 Japanese invaders17.坚信坚信 strongly believe in18.脱离脱离 be free from19.为为.而战而战 fight for20.在月球上着陆第一人在月球上着陆第一人 the first man to land on the moon21.对对寄予厚望寄予厚望 be hopeful about22.以暴力回以暴力以暴力回以暴力 answer violence with violence23.给某人提供指

14、导给某人提供指导 offer guidance to sb.24.每当每当/每次每次 each time;every time25.一一就就 the minute/the second/the instant/the moment/immediately/directly/instantly26.第一次第一次 the first time第第11页页必修二必修二第第12页页Unit11.寻找寻找 in search of2.属于属于 belong to3.作为报答;回报作为报答;回报 in return 4.处于交战状态处于交战状态 at war5.少于少于 less than6.拆开拆开 t

15、ake apart7.看重;器重看重;器重 think highly of8.想象做想象做 fancy doing9.值得做某事值得做某事 be worth doing be worthy of being done be worthy to be done10.本能够;本能够本能够;本能够 could have done11.一段令人诧异历史一段令人诧异历史 an amazing history第第13页页12.充当;担当充当;担当 serve as13.是毫无疑问是毫无疑问 there is no doubt that14.依然是一个秘密依然是一个秘密 remain a mystery15

16、.有待于被有待于被 remain to be done16.入口入口 the entrance to17.证实是成功证实是成功 prove(to be)successful18.考虑做某事考虑做某事 consider doing19.被认为是被认为是 be considered to be20.而不是而不是 rather than21.除了除了 other than22.就某事与某人争辩就某事与某人争辩 debate with sb.over/about sth.23.庆贺第三百个生日庆贺第三百个生日 celebrate the 300th birthday第第14页页Unit21.与与竞争;

17、比赛竞争;比赛 compete with2.为为竞争;比赛竞争;比赛 compete for3.参加;加入参加;加入 take part in4.代表;象征代表;象征 stand for5.认可做认可做 admit doing6.被录用被录用 be admitted into7.也;又;还也;又;还 as well8.主管;看管主管;看管 in charge 由由看管;主管看管;主管 in the charge of9.陆续地;一个接一地陆续地;一个接一地 one after another10.代替代替 replace sth.in place of take the place of11.

18、就某物与某人讨价还价就某物与某人讨价还价 bargain with sb.about/over/for sth.第第15页页12.许诺做某事许诺做某事 promise to do13.与某人结婚与某人结婚 get married to14.应受;值得应受;值得 deserve doing/to be done15.进行一次魔幻旅行进行一次魔幻旅行 come on a magical journey16.当代奥林匹克运动会当代奥林匹克运动会 the modern Olympics17.每两年每两年 every two years every second year every other yea

19、r18.每隔几天每隔几天 every few days19.搞清相关搞清相关.情况情况 find out about20.过去经常做某事过去经常做某事 used to do 21.习惯于做某事习惯于做某事 be used to doing22.留宿某人过夜留宿某人过夜 house sb.for the night23.允许某人做某事允许某人做某事 allow sb.to do sth.24.与与一起一起 together with第第16页页25.捡起;收到(节目);捡起;收到(节目);pick up 接(乘客);接(乘客);偶然学会(语言偶然学会(语言)26.费神费劲做某事费神费劲做某事 t

20、ake pains to do sth.27.接收某人提议接收某人提议 take ones advice28.观点一致时表示:观点一致时表示:1)必定)必定 so+情态动词情态动词/助动词助动词/系动词系动词+主语主语 so+主语主语+情态动词情态动词/助动词助动词/系动词系动词 2)否定)否定 neither/nor+情态动词情态动词/助动词助动词/系动词系动词+主语主语 3)现有必定又有否定)现有必定又有否定 so it is with sth./sb;it is the same with sth./sb.第第17页页Unit 31.依赖;依靠依赖;依靠 calculate on/upo

21、n2.一部计算机器一部计算机器 a calculating machine3.伴随科学与技术发展伴随科学与技术发展 with the development of science and technology 4.人工智能人工智能 artificial intelligence5.问题处理方法问题处理方法 the solution to the problem6.从那时起从那时起 from then on7.结果结果 as a result 因为因为.原因原因 as a result of8.在某种程度上在某种程度上 in a/one way9.在在帮助下帮助下 with the help o

22、f 10.如此如此以至于以至于 so.that/suchthat11.处理;应付;处理;应付;deal with-how do with-what第第18页页12.禁不住禁不住 cant help doing 不能帮忙做不能帮忙做 cant help to do13.看管;监视;照看看管;监视;照看 watch over14.编造;化装;整理;填补编造;化装;整理;填补 make up15.毕竟;终究;别忘了毕竟;终究;别忘了 after all 16.让某人做某事让某人做某事 make sb.do被动被动 be made to do17.在某人六十多岁时候在某人六十多岁时候 in ones

23、sixties18.有一些共同处有一些共同处 have something in common第第19页页21.经过世界宽带网经过世界宽带网 through the World Wide Web22.发展迟缓发展迟缓 develop slowly23.聚在一起做某事聚在一起做某事 get together to do24.看起来像看起来像 look like 听起来像听起来像 sound like25.是足球队一员是足球队一员 on the football team26.向某人发出信号向某人发出信号 signal to sb.27.赢得第二名赢得第二名 win second place28.

24、勉励某人做某事勉励某人做某事 encourage sb.to do sth.29.研制一个新型研制一个新型 develop a new type of30.像我们教练像我们教练 be like our coach31.除了做某事别无选择除了做某事别无选择 have no choice but to do 第第20页页Unit4.1.灭绝灭绝 die out2.不知所措不知所措 at a loss 3.蒙受一笔蒙受一笔.损失损失 suffer a loss of4.自然保护区自然保护区 nature reserve5.去打猎去打猎 go hunting6.搜寻;搜着搜寻;搜着 hunt for/

25、after7.和睦;和平和睦;和平 in peace8.处于处于样危险之中样危险之中 in danger of9.对对.是一个危险人或物是一个危险人或物 a danger to10.对对.回应回应 respond to11.如释重负如释重负 in relief 令某人宽慰是令某人宽慰是 to ones relief12.保护保护不受不受 protect from第第21页页13.把更多注意力集中在把更多注意力集中在 pay more attention to14.重视;感激重视;感激 appreciate doing 意识到意识到 appreciate that 假如假如将不胜感激将不胜感激

26、I would appreciate it if15.继承某人继承某人 succeed sb.16.在做在做是成功是成功 succeed in doing sth.be successful in doing sth.17.忙于;从事于忙于;从事于 be employed in18.对对有害有害 do harm to be harmful to19.被被深深地感动或影响深深地感动或影响 be deeply affected20.对对.有影响有影响 have an effect on21.形成;产生形成;产生 come into being/exsitence22.依据某人所说依据某人所说 ac

27、cording to sb.第第22页页23.渴望做某事渴望做某事 long to do24.濒临灭绝物种濒临灭绝物种 an endangered species25.飞走了飞走了 fly away26.转过身来转过身来 turn around27.给某人摄影给某人摄影 take ones photo28.无情地无情地 without mercy29.一定数量一定数量 a certain number of30.拯救当地野生生物拯救当地野生生物 save local wildlife31.确切地确切地 for sure32.对对有把握有把握 be sure/certain of/about33

28、.一定会一定会 be sure/certain to do34是确定无疑是确定无疑 It is certain that35.过多久才过多久才 It will be long before.36.过不了多久就会过不了多久就会 It wont be long before第第23页页Unit5 1.梦见;梦想梦见;梦想 dream of/about2.实话说实话说 to be honest3.认为认为是主要是主要 attach importance to4.以以形式形式 in the form of5.形成形成习惯习惯 form the habit of6.乐器乐器 musical instru

29、ments7.靠靠谋生谋生 earn ones living by doing8.用现金用现金 in cash9.戏弄戏弄 play jokes/tricks on10.依赖;依靠依赖;依靠 rely on/count on/depend on11.大约大约 or so+数词;数词;about/around+数词数词12.打坏;分裂;解体;放假;驱散打坏;分裂;解体;放假;驱散 break up13.(身体(身体)累垮了;(东西)弄坏了;(车,船累垮了;(东西)弄坏了;(车,船)抛锚了)抛锚了break down第第24页页14.除了除了还有还有 in addition to15.另外;也另外

30、;也 in addition/besides/whats more16.分类分类 sort out17.简明地说简明地说 briefly speaking18.对对有信心有信心 be confident of/about19邀请邀请 an invitation to20.对对敏感敏感 be sensitive to/about21.最主要;首先最主要;首先 above all22.假装做某事假装做某事 pretend to do sth.假装正在做某事假装正在做某事 pretend to be doing 假装已经做完了某事假装已经做完了某事 pretend to have done23.上演

31、节目上演节目 put on a performance/performances24.某人(不)熟悉某物某人(不)熟悉某物 sb.be(un)familiar with sth.某物(不)被某人所熟悉某物(不)被某人所熟悉sth.be(un)familiar to sb.第第25页页25.成名第一步成名第一步 the first step to fame26.在工作室里制作唱片在工作室里制作唱片 make records in a studio27.偶然;意外偶然;意外 by chance/accident28.认真对待认真对待 be serious about29.组建乐队组建乐队 form a band30.坚持坚持 stick to31.出故障出故障 go wrong32.做短暂旅行做短暂旅行 on a brief tour33.在报纸上登广告在报纸上登广告 put an advertisement in a newspaper34.指望某人做某事指望某人做某事 rely on sb.to do sth 相信;指望相信;指望 rely on it that35.为为专门设定一个时间专门设定一个时间 make a special time for.第第26页页

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