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1、第第1页页第第2页页 What do you know about“farming”?wheat sorghumrice corn Potatoes grainspeanutfarmersunburnt facePlough/plow第第3页页First,buy or select the seeds from the store.第第4页页Second,we need to plough or turn over the soil.第第5页页Third,we sow the seeds in the soil.第第6页页Finally,we can harvest our grain/sor

2、ghum/peanuts.第第7页页In order to improve the output of the crop,we need to rid the soil of the weed,water the crop,fertilize the soil and kill off the pest.water the croprid the soil of the weedfertilize the soilkill off the pest害虫害虫 to improve the output of the crop 第第8页页What problem do they show?How

3、do you feel when you see the pictures?第第9页页Brown,(1990s)China wont feed themselves because of its large population!We can solve the problem and we can help world to solve the problem!Super hybrid rice(Special strain of rice)Yuan Longping(He has struggled for the past five decades.He is circulating h

4、is knowledge in many countries.)How to rid the world of hunger?第第10页页A Pioneer for all PeopleA Pioneer for all PeoplePioneer n.person who is the first to study a new area of knowledge.Young Pioneer第第11页页Who is Yuan Longping?Name:_ Nationality:_Age:_ Occupation(job):_Education:_Dream:_Achievement:_ _

5、Hobbies:_Yuan LongpingChina80Southwest Agricultural CollegeTo export his rice so that it can be grown around the globe.His super hybrid rice(this hybrid strain has a high output)Farmer/ScientistListening to violin music,playing mah-jong,swimming and reading.Fast reading第第12页页体裁体裁climaxtopicdevelopme

6、ntconclusion人物传记人物传记Biography:Biography:basic informationbasic informationtime and eventstime and eventsachievement or dreams-evaluationachievement or dreams-evaluationSummaryDetailsABC概括概括细节细节主题主题扩展扩展结论结论细节细节高潮高潮Details第第13页页Match the following headings(标标题)题)to each paragraph.Para1 A.dreams.Para2

7、B.personality.Para3 C.biography(time and events).Para4 D.appearance and achievement.Para1 appearance and achievement Para2 biography(time and events)Para3 personality Para4 dreams第第14页页Paragraph 1 Yuan Longping thinks he is a _ as well as a scientist.He has _ face and arms and a _,_ body.He works ha

8、rd and grows super _ rice.In 1974,he became a pioneer to grow rice that has a _.farmersunburntslimstronghybridoutputAppearanceAchievementCareful reading第第15页页Pargraph 2Timeinformation19301953As a young man1950In a recent harvestnowBorn in Beijing Southwest Agriculture College Hunger was a disturbing

9、 problem.Saw the great need for increasing the rice output 200 million tons produced Circulating his knowledgeOnly fifty million tons producedMeans?22%7%UNrid the world of hungerbiography第第16页页Paragraph 3Topic sentence?Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life.He doesnt care about _ and _.He likes fr

10、eedom for his search and hobbies.famemoneyParagraph 4Topic sentence?Just dreaming for things,however,costs nothing.Dr Yuans dreamsPersonalitydreams第第17页页Para 4:his dreamsHis first dreamHis second dream(rice plants)As tall as sorghum(each ear)As big as an ear of corn(each grain)As huge as a peanutTo

11、export his rice so that it can be grown all over the world第第18页页For example:He is selfless.Because he gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture.He is Thanks to him,we can feed ourselves now.Discuss in group of four:What can we learn from Dr Yuan?pioneeringpioneeringpio

12、neeringpioneeringcreativecreativecreativecreativeconsiderateconsiderateconsiderateconsideratemodestmodestmodestmodestplainplainplainplaindevoteddevoteddevoteddevoted straight forwardstraight forwardstraight forwardstraight forwardopen-mindedopen-mindedopen-mindedopen-mindedintelligentintelligentintelligentintelligentdetermineddetermineddetermineddeterminedgenerousgenerousgenerousgenerousstrong-willedstrong-willedstrong-willedstrong-willedPersonalitiesselflessselflessselflessselfless第第19页页第第20页页Thank you!第第21页页

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