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1、及时制(JIT)一、 及时制简介 及时制(Just In Time,简称JIT),是由日本丰田汽车公司在20世纪60年代实行的一种生产方式,1973年以后,这种方式对丰田公司渡过第一次能源危机起到了突出的作用,后引起其它国家生产企业的重视,并逐渐在欧洲和美国的日资企业及当地企业中推行开来,现在这一方式与源自日本的其它生产、流通方式一起被西方企业称为日本化模式,其中,日本生产、流通企业的物流模式对欧美的物流产生了重要影响,近年来,JIT不仅作为一种生产方式,也作为一种物流模式在欧美物流界得到推行。JIT指的是,将必要的零件以必要的数量在必要的时间送到生产线,并且只将所需要的零件、只以所需要的数量

2、、只在正好需要的时间送到生产。这是为适应20世纪60年代消费需要变得多样化、个性化而建立的一种生产体系及为此生产体系服务的物流体系。 在JIT生产方式倡导以前,世界汽车生产企业包括丰田公司均采取福特式的总动员生产方式,即一半时间人员和设备、流水线等待零件,另一半时间等零件一运到,全体人员总动员,紧急生产产品。这种方式造成了生产过程中的物流不合理现象,尤以库存积压和短缺为特征,生产线要么不开机,要么一开机就大量生产,这种模式导致了严重的资源浪费。丰田公司的JIT在这种情况下就问世了,它采取的是多品种少批量、短周期的生产方式,大大消除了库存,优化了生产物流,减少了浪费。 二、 JIT生产方式消除库

3、存、改善物流的关键做法 JIT生产方式的主要目的是使生产过程中物品(零部件、半成品及制成品)有秩序地流动并且不产生物品库存积压、短缺和浪费,因此有几个关键的做法,即生产流程化、作业均衡化、看板管理,在这所有做法中,改进物流均是中心任务之一,现分述如下: 1、 生产流程化 即按生产汽车所需的工序从最后一个工序开始往前推,确定前面一个工序的类别,并依次的恰当安排生产流程,根据流程与每个环节所需库存数量和时间先后来安排库存和组织物流。尽量减少物资在生产现场的停滞与搬运,让物资在生产流程上毫无阻碍地流动。 2、 生产的均衡化 即将一周或一日的生产量按分秒时间进行平均,所有生产流程都按此来组织生产,这样

4、一条流水线上每个作业环节上单位时间必须完成多少何种作业就有了标准定额,所在环节都按标准定额组织生产,因此要按此生产定额均衡地组织物质的供应、安排物品的流动。因为JIT生产方式的生产是按周或按日平均了的,所以与传统的大生产、按批量生产的方式不同,JIT的均衡化生产中无批次生产的概念。 3、 看板管理 即把工厂中潜在的问题或需要作的工业显现或写在一块显示板表示板上,让任何人一看表示板就知道出现了何种问题或应采取何种措施。看板管理需借助一系列手段来进行,比如告示板、带颜色的灯、带颜色的标记等,不同的表示方法具有不同的含义,以下的就看板管理中有助于使库存降低为零的表示方法加以说明: (1) 红条。在物

5、品上贴上红条表示该种物品在日常生产活动中不需要。 (2) 看板。是为了让每个人容易看出物品旋转地点而制成的表示板,该板标明什么物品在什么地方、库存数量是多少。 (3) 警示灯。是让现场管理者随时了解生产过程中何处出现异常情况、某个环节的作业进度、何处请示供应零件等的工具。 (4) 标准作业表。是将人、机械有效地组合起来,以决定工作方法的表。 (5) 错误的示范。为了让工人了解何谓不良品,而把不良品陈列出来的方法。 (6) 错误防止板。为了减少错误而做的自我管理的防止板。 (7) 红线。表示仓库及储存场所货物堆放的最大值标记,以此简便方法来控制物品的最大库存数量。 在实际生产过程中还有其它不同的

6、手段和方式来对作业进行提示或警示。 三、 JIT在物流中的作用 JIT是一种生产方式,但其核心消减库存,直至实现零库存,同时又能使生产过顺利进行。这种观念本身就是物流功能的一种反应,而JIT应用于物流领域,就是指要将正确的商品以正确的数量在正确的时间送到正确地点,这里的正确就是JUST的意思,既不多也不少、既不早也不晚,刚好按需要送货。这当然是一种理想化的状况,在多品种、小批量、多批次、短周期的消费需求的压力下,生产者、供应商及物流配送中心、零售商者要调整自己的生产、供应、流通流程,按下游的需求时间、数量、结构及其它要求组织好均衡生产、供应和流通,在这些作业内部采用看板管理中的一系列手段来水电

7、减库存,合理规划物流作业。 在此过程中,无论是生产者、供应商还是物流配送中心或零售商,均应对各自的下游客房的消费需要作精确的预测,否则就用不好JIT,因为JIT的作业基础是假定下游需求是固定的,即使实际上是变化的,但通过准确的统计预测,能把握下游需求的变化。 By Clint JohnsonJust-in-time manufacturing is a major innovation created and cited by the automotive industry for its ability to cut warehousing costs at the same time it

8、 improves quality.Manufacturers have found it isnt necessary to maintain warehouses full of parts or even keep many parts bins on the factory floor. Instead, a stream of suppliers trucks drive up to the auto makers loading docks, delivering everything necessary to manufacture vehicles on the line th

9、at day. In many cases, the auto factory ordered the parts in specific colors and sizes or with special options less than three hours before delivery.Such precision can happen - and is expected - when the supplier factory is located right next door to the automotive manufacturer.The just-in-time (JIT

10、) delivery that auto manufacturers require is one reason many suppliers are adopting right-next-door, right-up-the-road, or just-a-few-hours-away strategies when deciding where to locate their own new manufacturing plants. And, conversely, when automotive manufacturers start poring over maps to figu

11、re out where to site their own new factories, they usually push-pin the locations of their existing suppliers as a factor in their own decision-making process.Certainly, the supplier strategy of building factories and distribution centers near primary customers is not new. It is the reason the domes

12、tic auto supply industry grew strongest in Michigan. That was where the entrepreneurs who first developed Ford, Chrysler and General Motors lived, where they built their companies, and why Detroit became a synonym for the Big Three.These site selection rules, developed more than a hundred years ago,

13、 still seem to apply today. Be close to the primary customer so deliveries can be made on time. Be on a major road network so customer shipments can leave regularly. Find a trainable work force with both a strong work ethic and a sense of manufacturing, though not necessarily any knowledge or backgr

14、ound in automotive products.Today, most automotive manufacturers add another factor: Locate where a national distribution system can deliver the vehicles to every car lot in the country.A case in point is Honda of America, which has started construction on a $30 million all-terrain vehicle factory i

15、n rural Florence County, S.C., near Timmonsville, along I-95. The plant, on 500 acres with 175,000 square feet under roof, will start production in August 1998. Initial employment will be 300, with a projected employment of 600.Company officials plan production of 100,000 units a year. The Timmonsvi

16、lle plant will at first complement, and then may slowly replace the ATV line Honda maintains at its Marysville, Ohio, motorcycle plant, unless demand for the units overwhelms the South Carolina operation.This really is not a departure from Hondas siting process, says company official Roger Lambert.

17、We looked at the sales market and wanted to be at the heart of it. The whole southeastern corridor from Florida to the Carolinas to Tennessee is the heart of the ATV market, and it just makes sense to build there. These ATVs are often working vehicles and used extensively in that region.Tim Garrett,

18、 Hondas assistant vice president of administration says, The siting analysis for the South Carolina factory was not unlike what we did in Ohio 20 years ago when we built there, because of the excellent transportation network Ohio had. That carries through into South Carolina. Well be able to access

19、the new plant from Honda of America by four-lane interstate highways all the way. And, by putting it in South Carolina, well be much closer to export ports like Charleston, Baltimore and Jacksonville. Thats the type of infrastructure we evaluate.Some major automotive suppliers this year have looked

20、past the issue of proximity to customers and suppliers to combine the advantages of other factors.Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. announced in late August that it would build a $435 million factory to produce passenger and light truck tires in Aiken County, S.C., along I-20. Tak Aoki, assistant to the pr

21、esident of Bridgestone/Firestone South Carolina, says though this new plant will be nearly 300 miles from an existing company factory in Warren County, Tenn., just off I-24, the opportunities at the South Carolina site were apparent to company officials.We were attracted by the quality and quantity

22、of the work force, the interstate system, the infrastructure that was available, the help the state will provide in training and the overall attractiveness of the site, Aoki says. Many of the initial 300 workers at the plant will likely be ex-employees from nearby nuclear weapons plants that contrac

23、ted as the Cold War came to an end.While details are not firm, since the plant wont start production until the spring of 1999, Aoki says, Asian rubber for the tires will likely be shipped into the Port of Savannah, Ga., about 130 miles from the factory site. Most other raw materials, such as steel c

24、ord, will be produced in the U.S. Southeast. This will be the ninth U.S. factory for Bridgestone/Firestone and the second built since 1991. A Tennessee plant valued at $350 million in 1991 underwent a $110 million expansion in 1994.Theres plenty of other evidence of the industrys southern movement:

25、The Toyota T100 pickup plant under construction in Princeton, Ind., the Toyota engine plant being built in Putnam County, W.V., the new Mercedes-Benz M-class utility vehicle plant outside of Tuscaloosa, Ala., along I-20/I-59, and the two-year-old BMW Z-3 factory in Greer, S.C., along I-85.Until rece

26、nt years and before overseasbased manufacturers moved their factories into the United States, domestic manufacturers and suppliers had built their facilities in proximity to high-speed interstate highways and good rail transportation systems. That led to whats been described as the I-65/I-75 automot

27、ive corridor, which happened to be close to Detroit, the ancestral home of the automobile. When the older factories were built, just-in-time manufacturing had not yet emerged, but it made good sense to be able to ship from one warehouse to another.As Honda, Toyota and Nissan started moving into the

28、United States 20 years ago, they also tended to settle into the nations heartland, though Toyota points out that its Fremont, Calif., facility profitably manufactures the Geo Prism and Toyota Corolla and Tacoma truck. According to a 1995 Federal Reserve Bank study of the clustering effect of automot

29、ive suppliers, the new automotive factories strengthened the Midwests hold on the industry.Suppliers would locate within a days shipping time of their primary customer to meet the requirements of just-in-time delivery, explains Thomas H. Klier, senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

30、, and author of the study. Some of the products, such as small electronic modules, might be shipped in bulk from a distance and held at the automotive factory, but it seems the suppliers always want to be where their main customers are, says Klier, who studied data from 1,400 suppliers.He found that

31、 the Japanese companies and Saturn had helped drive some of the automotive industry further south from Michigan and Northern Ohio into middle Ohio, middle Kentucky and middle Tennessee, but had not shifted the industry much in an east or west direction. His research snapshot of the industry suggests

32、 that manufacturers and their suppliers pay close attention to what each is doing in order to maintain mutual proximity.Chrysler Corp. stayed very close to its suppliers and employees in Toledo, Ohio (on I-75) when it announced in late July that it would build a new 1.1 million-square-foot Jeep fact

33、ory within spitting distance of two antiquated, existing facilities, one of which is right across the street from the site of the new plant. Instead of shuttering the old urban factories, and moving out to some place in the country as most new factories have done, Chrysler will spend $600 million on

34、 a new factory that will open by 2001. It will also refurbish the two old plants. Total investment will top $1.2 billion. Chrysler has known for years that a new facility would have to be built to replace the 90-year-old factory with its five floors.One of the most critical elements in siting was th

35、at the employees there have been super, and there was a general feeling that we wanted to retain their employment, says Fred Hoffman, Chryslers state relations director. We have 5,400 employees, and we wanted to maintain those people wherever we put a new facility. The existing Jeep plants are so cl

36、ose to Toledo neighborhoods that some employees walk to work.Hoffman says that early media reports of the site selection process erroneously reported that the company was willing to look as far away as 50 miles from Toledo. He says negotiations with the City of Toledo went so well there was no need

37、to go elsewhere.Part of Chryslers consideration for locating a new factory did concern how any move would affect supplier deliveries to the plant. Chrysler has 185 suppliers located right in Toledo that provide more than $100 million worth of parts per year. Hoffman estimates the vast majority of Je

38、eps other suppliers are within an hours drive of the existing factory. Staying near Toledo was a given. We wanted to retain the existing work force and wanted the supply base to be the same, Hoffman says.Chryslers decision may have an impact outside the automotive industry, as it gives new hope to u

39、rban mayors who have grown weary of waving goodbye to all types of heavy industry departing for rural greenfields. The financial package given to Chrysler was $6 million for training programs, a $97 million tax credit based on projected investment, a $1.5 million brownfield cleanup tax credit, a $10

40、 million, 20-year loan at four percent interest and several million dollars worth of grants to install infrastructure improvements.While urban Toledo might have conceivably lost the Jeep plant, it probably would not have moved far. Ohio has too much automotive infrastructure to ignore. The state has

41、 more than 600 automotive plants employing more than 140,000 people. All of the Big Three and Honda manufacture vehicles there, together accounting for almost one million units a year. The state estimates at least 20 percent of its manufacturing activity is related to the production of motor vehicle

42、s, and employment in the industry has been climbing.Honda no doubt started that trend upward 20 years ago when it built its 260,000-square-foot Goldwing motorcycle plant on land bought from Ohios 8,500-acre Transportation Research Center (TRC) near Marysville. Three years later, the company added a

43、3.1 million-square-foot Accord plant on the same grounds. Three years after that Honda built an engine plant 40 miles away in Anna. In 1989, the company came back to East Liberty, next to Marysville, to construct its largest plant yet, the 1.4 million-square-foot Civic and Acura plant. Every 20 minu

44、tes, a truck leaves the Anna engine plant bound for Marysville with a load of 60 automotive and motorcycle engines.We started as any manufacturer does, by looking at the market for the product, to keep our production facilities close to the market, says Hondas Lambert. Research showed that three-qua

45、rters of the population was within 24 hours of Ohio, so that drew us, as did the good infrastructure, good environmental attainment and the fact that we did not have to buy a lot of land at once.He adds that the existence of the TRC was a major draw because it demonstrated Ohio state governments wil

46、lingness to invest its own resources into the automotive industry. In 1988, Honda bought the rest of the acreage from Ohio, which includes a 7.5-mile oval test track.As Honda has settled in, so have its U.S. suppliers.Starting with a core of fewer than two dozen suppliers in 1977, Honda now has more

47、 than 400, with the bulk located in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. There are enough U.S. suppliers to make the Accord more than 80 percent American made. While most suppliers are within a few hours delivery, Honda does not make this a requirement.That is not necessary. Our style is to challenge our sup

48、pliers to be able to work within Hondas quality and production requirements, but they do not have to be close by, says assistant Vice President Garrett.Required or not, many suppliers are nevertheless making sure they are near their customers. When Toyota announced plans in the fall of 1995 to build

49、 a $700 million, 1.5 million-square-foot T100 pickup truck plant in Gibson County in southwest Indiana off I-64 near the Illinois border, suppliers took notice. Toyota did not ask them to set up shop there, but several did anyway.Dana Corp. announced in February it would build a 100,000-square-foot frame factory in Owensboro, Ky., less than 60 miles south of the Toyota plant. Dana expects the 150-person plant to be in product

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