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1、Module 6 Unit 1You can play basketball You can play basketball wellwell.第1页听听动词词组动词词组做动作:做动作:scare the people;swim;have lunchdrink water;go home;play with toys第2页看看动词词组动词词组做做动动作:作:run fast;jump high;jump far;take photos;play the flute;row the boat;第3页 你能用以下你能用以下词组词组或学或学过词组过词组描述自己描述自己吗吗?快来?快来试试试试吧!吧!

2、I can I cant run fast;jump far;play football;jump high;draw pictures;sing songs;dance;play basketball;第4页Can you?Yes,I can.No,I cant.你周围同学都能做什么?你周围同学都能做什么?想知道吗?心动不如行动想知道吗?心动不如行动!第5页Well 好;好;_can sing well._ can dance wellLi YuchunLi Yugangbe good at擅长于第6页What game Lingling wants to play?want tocatch

3、 the ballNot very wellThats true想要;想要;接球接球不太会不太会正确,很对正确,很对后接后接动词原形动词原形She want to play basketball.第7页1.Can you run fast,Lingling?2.Can you catch the ball,Lingling?No,I cant.Not very well.3.Can Lingling jump high?4.Can Lingling play basketball well?Yes,she can.I cant catch the ball very well.Yes,she

4、can.“You can jump high.”Amy says.“You can jump high.”Amy says.第8页Read and write:well;high;fast ;catch the ball;Lingling can play basketball_.She cant run _.She can _.She can jump _.wellfastcatch the ballhigh第9页知知识识屋屋 play well;run _;jump_;jump_;sing_;dance_;你能把学过副词词组总结一下吗?如:你能把学过副词词组总结一下吗?如:play wel

5、lrun_.fasthighfarwellwellbadly第10页1.Can he run fast?No,he cant.2.Is she a good jumper?No,she isnt.3.Are you good at basketball?Yes,I am.4.Can she catch the ball well?Yes,she can.5.Do you want to play baketball?Yes,I do.问答句练习6.Whose T-shirt is it?Its mine.7.Thank you!Youre welcome.8.Were going to go

6、to the supermarket.Great!Lets go!9.This bag is heavy.I cant lift it.Let me help you.10.Can you catch the ball?Not very well.第11页听听问问句句选选答句答句A.Its mine.B.Not very well.C.Great!Lets go!D.Let me help you.E.Youre welcome!第12页大连电视台要举行大型选秀活动,大连电视台要举行大型选秀活动,需要需要各种各种有专长有专长人才人才,不限学习,不限学习成绩,快来介绍一下自己吧!成绩,快来介绍一

7、下自己吧!(最最少少3句话句话 )My name is 人名.I can high/well/fast/far.第13页儿童儿童们说们说都非常好,你想在网上投一都非常好,你想在网上投一份稿件份稿件报报名名吗吗?快?快动动笔打个初稿吧!笔打个初稿吧!相信你相信你们们能行!(能行!(最少最少5句句话话)提醒词:run fast;play football well;jump high;play basketball well;jump far;draw pictures well;sing well;take photos well;dance well;play the flute well;第

8、14页后接后接动词动词原形:原形:want tobe going to/willcan/cantdidnt/doesnt祈使句祈使句Lets/Dont普通普通现现在在时时中第一人称中第一人称时时第15页Read and choose()1.She want to _basketball.A.play B.played C.playing()2.You can _ high.A.jumped B.jump C.jumping()3.He is a good footballer.He plays football very _.A.bad B.dirty C.well()4.Lets _ a class party!A.have B.had C.having ()5.We are going to _at the party.A.dance B.dancing C.dances D.danced ()6.I usually _ up at 7:00.A.got B.getting C.get ABCAAC第16页

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