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1、四年级新标准英语 Module 5 Unit 1Can you run fast?第1页Can you run fast?Can you jump high?Sing a song:Can you throw high in the sky?in the sky?in the sky?Can you throw high in the sky?high,high,highCan you throw very far,very far,very far?Can you throw very far,like a racing car.第2页A brain storm第3页第4页Can you.?

2、Yes,I can.No,I cant.第5页Look at the birds.Can they fly so fast?Can they fly so high?第6页Lets say the chantLook at the birdsup in the skyHow can they fly so fast and so high?第7页 1.How many sports can you hear(听到听到)?What are they?I can hear_.They are_.Listen and answer:第8页Check the answers:run fastjump

3、highjump farride fast第9页Lets look at Picture 1-2Can Amy run fast?Who is the winner?第10页Can you.?Yes,I can.No,I cant.第11页What is she doing?jump high第12页Picture 3-4Can Sam jump high?Can Daming jump high?Who is the winner?Why?(为何为何)第13页Picture 5-6What does Lingling ask?(问了什问了什么?么?)Who is the winner?第14

4、页What is he doing?jump far第15页Can Lingling jump far?第16页Can you jump far?Yes,I canNo,I cant.第17页Can Sam ride fast?No,he cant第18页Picture 7-8What does Daming ask?Can Sam win this time?(这次这次Sam能能赢吗?赢吗?)Why?第19页After the story.Do you like the story?Do you like Sam?Why?第20页Say the chant:Can you run fast?

5、Yes,I can,yes,I can.Yes,I can.Can you jump high?Yes,I can,yes,I can.Yes,I can.Can you jump far?Yes,I can,yes,I can.Yes,I can.Can you ride a bike?No,I cant.No,I m afraid I cant第21页Can you.?runrun fastjump highjump farplay footballplay basketballCan cantOn sports Day,I can _.第22页Can you.?runrun fastju

6、mp highjump farplay footballplay basketballCan cantOn sports Day,I can run.第23页I can write:eg:On sports Day,I can _.I can _.But I cant _.Can you _?第24页Play a game:Do actions and guess(做动作并猜猜)in pairsA:Can you.?B:Yes,I can./No,I cant.第25页Homework1、read and try to act out the story.2、Finish writing what you can do and cant do 第26页

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