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1、Unit 5Why do you like pandas?Section A 第第1课时课时第1页Words reviewpandazootigerelephantkoalaliongiraffen.熊猫熊猫n.动物园动物园n.老虎老虎n.大象大象n.树袋熊;考拉树袋熊;考拉n.狮子狮子n.长颈鹿长颈鹿第2页animalcutelazysmartbeautifulscarykindkind ofn.动物动物adj.可爱;灵巧可爱;灵巧adj.懒散;懒惰懒散;懒惰adj.聪明聪明adj.漂亮;美好漂亮;美好adj.吓人;恐怖吓人;恐怖n.种类种类稍微;有点儿稍微;有点儿第3页Australias

2、outhAfricaSouth Africapetlegcatsleepn.澳大利亚澳大利亚adj.南方南方 n.南;南方南;南方n.非洲非洲南非南非n.宠物宠物n.腿腿n.猫猫v.&n.睡觉睡觉第4页Lead-inKnow more about tiger!第5页Guessing gameListen and guess第6页What animals do you like?Why?What animals dont you like?Why?第7页What animals do you like?I like pandas.Why do you like pandas?Because th

3、eyre cute.第8页What animals dont you like?I dont like tigers.Why dont you like tigers?Because theyre scary.第9页1aMatch the words with the animals in the picture.1.tiger _2.elephant _3.koala _4.panda _5.lion _6.giraffe _afcedb第10页Listen and check()the animals you hear in 1a.1b1.tiger _2.elephant _3.koal

4、a _4.panda _5.lion _6.giraffe _第11页Listen again and answer questions.1.Whats the girls favorite animal?Why?2.What animals does the boy want to see?Why?3.What animals does the girl want to see now?Why?Pandas.Because theyre very cute.Giraffes.Because theyre beautiful.Koalas.Because theyre interesting.

5、第12页Conversation 1Girl:Lets see the pandas first.Theyre my favorite animals.Boy:Why?Girl:Because theyre very cute.Tapescripts 第13页Conversation 2Boy:Lets see the giraffes.Girl:Why do you want to see them?Boy:Because theyre beautiful.Conversation 3Girl:Lets see the koalas now.I like koalas.Boy:Why?Gir

6、l:Because theyre interesting.第14页1cPractice the conversation with your partner.Then make conversations about the other animals in 1a.Use the words in the box.cute interesting fun smart lazy beautiful第15页Can you list more description words?beautiful 漂亮漂亮friendly 友好友好lovely 可爱可爱boring 无聊无聊scary 可怕可怕no

7、isy 喧华喧华dirty 脏脏形容词前能够加形容词前能够加程度副词程度副词,如,如“very(非常)(非常)kind of(有点)(有点)really(真正)(真正)”等进行修饰。等进行修饰。第16页Lets see the lions.Why do you want to see them?Because theyre interesting.第17页Lets see the giraffes first.Why do you want to see them?Because they are beautiful.第18页Lets see the koalas first.Why do y

8、ou want to see them?Because they are very cute.第19页Where are they from?第20页 Where are pandas from?Theyre from China.China第21页 Where are koalas from?Theyre from Australia.Australia第22页 Where are from?Theyre from.第23页2aListen and write the animals you hear.Draw a line from the animals to the descripti

9、on words and the countries they are from.第24页AnimalsDescription wordsCountries1._really scaryAustralia2._kind of interestingSouth Africa3._very cuteChinapandaslionskoalas第25页AnimalsDescription wordsCountries1._really scaryAustralia2._kind of interestingSouth Africa3._very cuteChinapandaslionskoalasL

10、isten again and draw a line from the animals to the description words and the countries they are from.第26页2bListen again.Complete the conversation with the words in 2a.Julie:Lets see the _.John:Why do you like them?Julie:Because theyre _ interesting.John:Where are they from?Julie:Theyre from _.kind

11、ofpandasChina 第27页Tapescripts Julie:Lets see the pandas,John.John:Why do you like them,Julie?Julie:Because theyre kind of interesting.John:Where are they from?Julie:Theyre from China.John:Well,I like koalas.第28页Julie:Why do you like them?John:Because theyre very cute and theyre from Australia.Julie:

12、Well,I dont like lions.John:Why dont you like them?Julie:Because theyre really scary.John:Where are they from?Julie:Most of them are from South Africa.第29页pandasinterestingChinakoalascuteAustralialionsscarySouth Africa第30页2cTalk about the other two animals in 2a with a partner.Do John and Julie like

13、 them?Do you like them?Why or why not?A:Do you like koalas?B:Yes,I do.A:Why?B:Because theyre very cute.第31页Make your own conversation.A:Lets go to the zoo.B:That sounds great.A:Whats your favorite animal?B:Its the panda.A:Why do you like pandas?B:Because theyre very cute.Do you like pandas?A:No,I do

14、nt.I like koalas best.B:Why?A:Because theyre kind of interesting.第32页Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions.1.Whats the name of Peters pet?2.What can Dingding do?Dingding.He can walk on two legs.He can dance,too.第33页3.What does Peter think of his pet?4.Does Jenny like the cat?Why?He th

15、inks his pet is very smart.No,she doesnt.Because the cat is kind of boring.第34页2dRole-play the conversation.Jenny:Your dog is really cute,Peter!Peter:Hes my new pet,Dingding.Hes very smart.Jenny:Really?What can he do?Peter:He can walk on two legs.He can dance,too.Jenny:Wow!Peter:Does you family have

16、 a pet?第35页Jenny:My mom has a big cat,but I dont like her.Peter:Why dont you like the cat?Jenny:Well,because shes kind of boring.She sleeps all day,and her name is Lazy.Peter:Haha,then thats a good name for her!第36页Jenny:Your dog is really cute,Peter!Peter:Hes my new pet,Dingding.Hes _.Jenny:Really?

17、_?Peter:He _ on two legs.He _,too.Jenny:Wow!Peter:_ have a pet?Jenny:My mom has a big cat,but I dont like her.Peter:_ like the cat?Jenny:Well,_ shes kind of boring.She sleeps _,and her name is Lazy.Peter:Haha,then thats a good name for her!very smartWhat can he docan walkcan danceDoes your family Wh

18、y dont youbecauseall dayRead the dialogue in 2d,then fill in the blanks.第37页Fill in the blanks to finish the summary of the text and then try to retell it.Jenny and Peter are talking about pets.Peter has a cute pet,Dingding.Hes so _.Because he can _ and dance.Jennys mom has a pet,too.It is a big cat

19、.But Jenny _ her.Because the cat is _ boring and she sleeps _.Her name is lazy.smartwalk on two legsdoesnt likekind ofall day第38页1.Lets see the lions.Lets do sth.:祈使句祈使句,用于提出提议用于提出提议,“让我们做让我们做 某事吧某事吧”,(lets 是是let us缩写缩写)let sb.do sth.:“让某人做某事让某人做某事”咱们先做作业吧。咱们先做作业吧。_Lets do our homework first.Languag

20、e points第39页2.Why dont you like her?你为何不喜欢她呢?你为何不喜欢她呢?Why dont you+动词原形动词原形,还是一个提提议句型。还是一个提提议句型。意为意为“为何不为何不呢呢?”比如:你为何不去散步呢?比如:你为何不去散步呢?Why dont you take a walk?第40页【拓展拓展】“Why dont you+动词原形动词原形”同义句:同义句:Lets Lets take a walk.让我们去散步吧。让我们去散步吧。Lets drink some tea.让我们喝点茶吧。让我们喝点茶吧。第41页比如:他们有点可怕。比如:他们有点可怕。T

21、heyre kind of scary.熊猫有点可爱。熊猫有点可爱。The pandas are kind of cute.3.kind of:“稍微、有点儿稍微、有点儿”,修饰形容词,修饰形容词 或副词,表示程度,相当于或副词,表示程度,相当于a little。第42页【拓展拓展】(1)kind:“种类种类”,名词,名词 a kind of+n.:“一个一个”,all kinds of+n.:“各种各样各种各样”(2)kind:“友好、和善友好、和善”,形容词形容词 be kind to sb.:“对某人友好对某人友好”第43页翻译句子。翻译句子。1.1.树袋熊是一个有趣动物。树袋熊是一个有

22、趣动物。_2.2.玛丽祖母非常和善。玛丽祖母非常和善。_Koala is a kind of interesting animal.Marys grandmother is very kind.第44页1.Kate is a _ girl.She can speak Chinese well.2.Lets play tennis after school.That sounds _.3.Bob is too _.He never gets up early.4.Today Tina looks very _ in the red dress.5.Im afraid of the dog.Its

23、 kind of _.beautifulsmartinterestinglazy依据句意从方框中选择适当形容词完成句子。依据句意从方框中选择适当形容词完成句子。scary,lazy,smart,beautiful,interestingscaryExercise 第45页1.这两只树袋熊来自澳大利亚。这两只树袋熊来自澳大利亚。These two koalas _ _ Australia.2.我以为他有点胖。我以为他有点胖。I think he is _ _ fat.are fromkind of依据所给汉语完成以下英语句子,每空一词。依据所给汉语完成以下英语句子,每空一词。第46页3.我父亲整

24、天都忙。我父亲整天都忙。My father is busy _ _.4.你为何不喜欢猫?你为何不喜欢猫?_ _ you like cats?5.看!它能两条腿走路。看!它能两条腿走路。Look!It can walk _ two_.Why dontall dayon legs第47页1.A:Where are lions from?B:_.(South Africa)2.A:_?(not like,tigers)B:Because theyre too scary.3.A:Why do you like elephants?B:_.(cute)Because they are very cuteTheyre from South AfricaWhy dont you like tigers依据提醒词填入恰当句子完成对话。依据提醒词填入恰当句子完成对话。第48页

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