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1、Unit 3Is this yours?Lesson 5第第1页页Dictation听写1.参观者参观者2.嘈杂嘈杂3.电影电影4.城镇城镇5.城市城市6.村庄村庄7.学英语学英语8.期望期望9.平静平静10.听收音机听收音机1.visitor2.noisy3.film4.town5.city6.village7.learn English8.look forward to9.quiet10.listen to the radio第第2页页Lets practice!第第3页页Lets tryvisit visitorlistlistenlistenercityspiritexhibitexh

2、ibitorcompetecompetitorvillagefilmreporterluckbugfunhunhundredlaughnoisyhousethousandnowcowtowncentcentre第第4页页New Words and Expressions:luck n.laugh v.reporter petitor n.centre n.listener n.visit v.look forward to trade fair n.spirit n.noisy adj.film n.hundreds of say v.exhibitor n.town n.thousands

3、of city n.visitor n.village n.运气运气记者记者中心中心参观,访问参观,访问贸易博览会贸易博览会嘈杂,喧闹嘈杂,喧闹数以百计数以百计参展者参展者数以千计数以千计参观者参观者村庄村庄大笑大笑竞争者竞争者听众听众期望,期望期望,期望精神精神电影电影说说市镇,城镇市镇,城镇城市城市第第5页页Quick GamenoisyvisitorLook forward tocityhundreds ofnewslaughlearn Englishlisten togo outvisitListen to the radiohave lunchthousands of第第6页页Vid

4、eo Time-Unit1第第7页页Video Time-Unit 2第第8页页课文注释课文注释This is the Trade Fair of the London Marathon.名词全部格,表示名词全部格,表示“”。形式形式s全部格形式:表示全部格形式:表示有生命有生命东西全部格。东西全部格。of全部格形式:表示无全部格形式:表示无生命生命东西全部格。东西全部格。组成组成单数名词,直接在词尾加单数名词,直接在词尾加s复数名词,词尾如无复数名词,词尾如无s,直接在词尾加,直接在词尾加s复数名词,词尾如有复数名词,词尾如有s,直接在词尾加,直接在词尾加表示几个主语表示几个主语共有共有一样

5、东西,在一样东西,在最终一个主语最终一个主语后加后加s表示几个主语表示几个主语各有各有一样东西,在一样东西,在每个主语每个主语后加后加s表示表示无生命无生命东西,应用东西,应用“n.+of+n.”全部格全部格第第9页页Practice1、That is not my dog.It is _(Linda).2、The library has many _(children)books.3、She studies at a _(girl)school nearby.4、I met _(Kiki)mother in the market.5、Those _(students)classroom is

6、 over there.6、Im _(Lucy and Julie)English teacher.7、_(window/room)face to the south.Lindaschildrens0girls5Kikis2students2Lucy and Julies3The windows of the room82第第10页页课文注释课文注释There are hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of visitors here.成百上千成百上千,数以计百数以计百结构结构hundreds of+可数名词复数可数名词复数成千上万成千上万,数以计千数以

7、计千thousands of+可数名词复数可数名词复数扩展扩展hundreds of thousands of 成千上万成千上万,几十万几十万hundreds and thousands of 数以十亿计数以十亿计第第11页页Practice _ farmers go to work in the south every year.This year,five_ the farmers went to Guangzhou.A.thousands;hundreds of B.thousands of;hundred of C.thousand of;hundred D.thousand;hund

8、red 选选B。当当hundred前面有前面有一个具体数词作定语修饰一个具体数词作定语修饰时,只有它后边名词是复时,只有它后边名词是复数。例:数。例:two hundred cows 两百头奶牛两百头奶牛 hundred本身不用加本身不用加s。hundreds of 是一个概是一个概数,表示数,表示“数以百计数以百计”。(以此类推,(以此类推,thousands of数以千计、数以千计、millions of数以百万计)所以前面不数以百万计)所以前面不用加数字。用加数字。第第12页页动词动词 v.名词名词 n.visit(参观)(参观)visitor(参观者)(参观者)exhibit(参展)(

9、参展)_(参展者)(参展者)compete(竞争)(竞争)_(竞争者)(竞争者)speak speaker listen teach sing +orexhibitorcompetitor+erlistenerteachersinger第第13页页课文注释课文注释This is your first Marathon,isnt it?反义疑问句反义疑问句意义意义附加疑问句,当提问人对前面所叙述事实不敢必定,附加疑问句,当提问人对前面所叙述事实不敢必定,而需要向对方加以证实时所提出疑问。而需要向对方加以证实时所提出疑问。结构结构当陈说句为当陈说句为必定式必定式时,附加疑问句用时,附加疑问句用否定

10、否定形式,即形式,即必定陈说句必定陈说句 +否定附加疑问句否定附加疑问句当陈说句为否定时,附加疑问句用必定形式,即当陈说句为否定时,附加疑问句用必定形式,即否定陈说句否定陈说句 +必定附加疑问句必定附加疑问句回答回答答案与事实相符时即回答答案与事实相符时即回答YesYes,答案与事实不相符时,答案与事实不相符时即回答即回答NoNo。第第14页页Practice1、Hes speaking from the Excel Centre,isnt he?2、Theyre visiting the Marathon Expo,arent they?3、There are hundreds of exh

11、ibitors,arent there?4、This is a big international event,isnt it?5、People are talking like old friends,arent they?Yes,he is.Yes,they are.Yes,there are.Yes,it is.Yes,they are.21235第第15页页课文注释课文注释Are you looking forward to Sunday?非常期待某事非常期待某事结构结构look forward to+名词名词/动名词动名词介词介词归纳归纳look after 照料照料look ahe

12、ad 向前看,着眼未来向前看,着眼未来look at 看着看着look as if 看上去好像看上去好像look around/about 四处看看四处看看/四下环视四下环视look back 回头看,回顾回头看,回顾look into 朝朝看,调查看,调查look on 旁观,观望旁观,观望look like 看上去像看上去像look out 当心,小心,留神当心,小心,留神look up 查阅,查找,抬头看查阅,查找,抬头看第第16页页1.C2.B3.D4.B5.C6.C7.DListening P17Multiple Choice选择填空选择填空1.D2.B3.A4.D5.C第第17页页

13、This is my book.=This book is mine.That is her bag.=That bag is hers.These are our pens.=These pens are ours.第第18页页This is _ mobile.Its _.It belongs to _.myminemeThis is _ book.Its _.It belongs to _.hishishimThis is _ car.Its _.It belongs to _.ouroursusThis is _ house.Its _.It belongs to _.theirthei

14、rsthem第第19页页These are _ CDs.Theyre _.They belong to _.youryoursyouThese are _ gloves.Theyre _.They belong to _.herhersherThese are _ shirts.Theyre _.They belong to _.youryoursyouThese are _ CDs.Theyre _.They belong to _.ouroursus第第20页页 Julia has a computer.Who has a computer?This is Julias computer.

15、This computer is Julias.Whose is this computer?This computer belongs to Julia.Who does this computer belong to?第第21页页 Who has _?Whose is/are _?Who does/do _belong to?第第22页页yoursstrange note mine你(们)你(们)奇怪奇怪便条便条 我(全部物)我(全部物)pocket口袋,衣袋口袋,衣袋第第23页页yoursstrange note mine你(们)你(们)奇怪奇怪便条便条 我(全部物)我(全部物)pock

16、et口袋,衣袋口袋,衣袋第第24页页belong tohandwritingto-dolisthis 属于属于字迹字迹工作任务清单工作任务清单他他airport 飞机场飞机场第第25页页belong tohandwritingto-dolisthis 属于属于字迹字迹工作任务清单工作任务清单他他airport飞机场飞机场第第26页页back Why on earth?回原处回原处终究,到底终究,到底pick up接(某人)接(某人)training run 长跑训练长跑训练第第27页页back Why on earth?回原处回原处终究,到底终究,到底pick up接(某人)接(某人)trai

17、ning run 长跑训练长跑训练第第28页页第第29页页第第30页页第第31页页第第32页页第第33页页第第34页页QUESTIONSWhose note is it?Why is it in Jacks pocket?第第35页页Jack:Thats strange.Whats this note in my pocket?It isnt mine.Is it yours,Daisy?that指是在时间或指是在时间或空间上距离说话人空间上距离说话人较远东西,而较远东西,而this指是较近指是较近。mine:第一人称单数名第一人称单数名词性物主代词,意思是词性物主代词,意思是“我我”在这里在

18、这里mine=my noteThis is my book.This book is mine.yours:第二人称单第二人称单数数/复数名词性物主复数名词性物主代词,意思是代词,意思是“你你/你们你们”第第36页页Jack:strange.Whats this in my?It isnt .Is it ,Daisy?Thatsnotepocketmineyours第第37页页Daisy:No,it isnt mine.Let me see.Oh,it belongs to Paul.The handwriting is his.let+宾格代词宾格代词+do Let me open the

19、door.belong to+名词或者名词或者代词表示归属代词表示归属This book belongs to me.This book is mine.This is my book.his第三人称单第三人称单数名词性物主数名词性物主代词代词第第38页页Daisy:No,it isnt .me .Oh,it Paul.The is .mineLetseebelongstohishandwriting第第39页页Jack:So why is it in my pocket?Daisy:I dont know.It looks like Pauls to-do list.Let me read

20、it.看起来像看起来像This picture doesnt look like her at all.第第40页页Jack:So is it in my?Daisy:I dont know.It Pauls .me read it.whypocketlooksliketo-dolistLet第第41页页pick sb.up接接(某人)(某人)drive to开车去开车去第第42页页第第43页页Jack:Hmm.Give it to me,Daisy.Yes,it is Pauls,isnt it?给某人某物给某人某物 give sth.to sb.give sb.sth.反义疑问反义疑问句句

21、第第44页页Jack:Hmm.it me,Daisy.Yes,it is ,it?GivetoPaulsisnt第第45页页Daisy:Yes,Jack.Put it back.Jack:But why on earth is it in my pocket?终究,到底终究,到底put back放回去放回去第第46页页Daisy:Yes,Jack.it .Jack:But is it in my?Putbackwhy on earthpocket第第47页页Listen again.Then read the dialogue with you partner.Imitate.第第48页页Wh

22、ats in Jacks pocket?Is it strange?Is it his?Is it Daisys?Who does it belong to?Whose handwriting is it?Does Daisy know why it is in Jacks pocket?What does it look like?Thats strange.There is a note in Jacks pocket.It isnt his.It isnt Daisys.Oh,it belongs to Paul.The handwriting is his.Daisy doesnt k

23、now why it is in Jacks pocket.It looks like Pauls to-do list.第第49页页Whats on the list?Does Daisy give the note to Jack?Is it Pauls?Does Jack put it back?Daisy reads the note.Wednesday,18 April8 a.m.-airport 10 a.m.-Mum,Barnet1 p.m.-training run 5 p.m.-ClaireDaisy gives the note to Jack.It is Pauls.Jack puts it back to his packet.But he doesnt know why on earth it is in his pocket.第第50页页

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