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1、1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Unit 3 Winter in Canada六年级上册 第1页第2页Story TimeOne day,John said to his mother,“I am going to play in the snow.”“Okay,”said his mother.“Put on your coat.”John put on his coat.“Dont forget your hat!”said his mother.John put on his hat.He p

2、layed in the snow.He made a big snowman.He said,“Poor snowman!Its cold!Put on a hat!”He took off his hat and put it on the snowman.The snowman opened his eyes!“Hello,”he said.“How are you?”第3页Story Time“Yikes!”said John.He took his hat off the snowman.The snowman was a snowman again.He put his hat o

3、n the snowman.“Hello,”said the snowman.“How are you?”“You can talk!”said John.“What s your name?”“I dont think I have a name,”said the snowman.“What a cold,snowy day!Wonderful!What do you want to do?”“Can you skate?”asked John.“Skate?I dont know,”said the snowman.“Do you want to learn?I can teach yo

4、u,”said John.“Let s go!”But the snowman couldnt go.He had no feet.John said,“Dont第4页Story Timeworry!I can help you.”John put his skates under the snowman.“Can you skate now?”asked John.Whoosh!The snowman could skate!He could skate very fast!“This is easy!This is fun!”he said.“Can we always skate?”th

5、e snowman asked.“No.Spring is coming.Then comes summer and autumn,”said John.“Why cant we skate in spring,summer and autumn?”asked thesnowman.“Because it is too warm.There is rain.there is wind,but there is第5页Story Timeno snow and no ice,”said John.“And no snowmen,”said the snowman sadly.“No,”said J

6、ohn.“But dont worry.I can help you.”At dinner time,John s mother opened the fridge.Hello.Nice to meet you!Read and talkWhat can the snowman do?Why is the snowman sad?What did John do for the snowman?第6页 forget/fet/v.忘记忘记知识点知识点 1 1讲解讲解I forgot to close the door.我忘记关门了。我忘记关门了。forgotremember 记得记得例句:例句:

7、过去式:过去式:对应词:对应词:for(为了)(为了)+get(得到)(得到)=forget加法记忆法:加法记忆法:第7页easy/izi/adj.轻易轻易【三会三会】知识点知识点 2 2讲解讲解This is easy.这很轻易。这很轻易。字母组合字母组合 ea 发音是发音是/i/。hard(adj.)困苦;艰难)困苦;艰难difficult(adj.)困难)困难easy meat 轻而易举事轻而易举事east 东方东方例句:例句:发音:发音:反义词:反义词:短语:短语:形近词:形近词:第8页wind/wnd/n.风风【三会三会】知识点知识点 3 3讲解讲解There is wind in

8、summer.夏天有风。夏天有风。windy(adj.)有风)有风kind 友好友好wine 葡萄酒葡萄酒例句:例句:词形改变:词形改变:形近词:形近词:win(赢)(赢)+d=wind(风)(风)加法记忆法:加法记忆法:第9页sadly/sdli/adv.悲伤地悲伤地知识点知识点 4 4讲解讲解The snowman said sadly.雪人悲伤地说。雪人悲伤地说。sad(adj.)悲伤)悲伤例句:例句:词形改变:词形改变:第10页一、选出以下单词中不一样类一项。一、选出以下单词中不一样类一项。()A.door B.forget C.get二、依据图片和句意写出所缺单词,补全句子。二、依据

9、图片和句意写出所缺单词,补全句子。The girl is very_.Because she cant find her dog.Asad点拨点拨:B项与项与C项均为动词,项均为动词,A项为名词。故选项为名词。故选A。习题习题第11页三、单项选择。三、单项选择。(1)This is an _ question.A.hard B.easy C.funnyB点拨点拨:依据句中不定冠词依据句中不定冠词an可知选可知选B。easy是以元音是以元音音素开头单词,与音素开头单词,与an连用。句意为连用。句意为“这是一个这是一个简单问题。简单问题。”习题习题第12页(2)There is _ in autu

10、mn.Its cool.A.windy B.wind C.cloudyB点拨点拨:there be 句型表示句型表示“某地有某物某地有某物”,某物要用名,某物要用名词来表示,词来表示,A项和项和C项都是形容词,项都是形容词,wind是名是名词,故选词,故选B。习题习题第13页这是一个非常有趣故事。故事中男孩名字叫作约翰,这是一个非常有趣故事。故事中男孩名字叫作约翰,他堆了一个雪人。雪人戴上他帽子后就能够说话了,还能他堆了一个雪人。雪人戴上他帽子后就能够说话了,还能够和约翰一起滑冰。他们玩得很开心。因为约翰怕春天来够和约翰一起滑冰。他们玩得很开心。因为约翰怕春天来了之后,雪人消失,他把雪人放进了冰箱里了之后,雪人消失,他把雪人放进了冰箱里。第14页 第15页

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