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1、 Me and My ClassUnit 1 Jennys WeekLesson 6 第1页 同学们,上一课学习单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大同学们,上一课学习单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面音频开始听写吧!家来检验一下,点击下面音频开始听写吧!第2页What do you like to do on weekends?第3页THINK ABOUT ITWhat do you like to do after school or on weekends/holidays?Do you like to watch movies?What is your favourite movie

2、?Date:September 10Weather:No rain today,but cloudy,windy and cool.Dear Diary,Today Danny introduced us to his new friend,Sandra.We played football together after school.Steven and I were第4页 on one team,and Sandra and Danny were on the other.It was a fair competition.The score was four to three.We lo

3、st.I hate to lose.I like winning !Last Saturday,my mother bought a pair of jeans for me.She and I love to shop for clothes!She also bought me a purple blouse.I wore my new clothes to school on Monday.Everyone liked them.In English class this morning,we talked to our classmates.I had the pleasure of

4、talking to Mary a girl from Hong Kong.Her English is very good.She invited第5页me to go to the movies with her next Sunday.Marys parents work in a local restaurant.After the movie,we will have supper there.On Wednesday,my cousin Brian is arriving from the UK.He will stay with my family for the next tw

5、o years.Time for bed!第6页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点1 1win/wn/v.赢赢 win 后面跟比赛项目或奖项后面跟比赛项目或奖项(the first prize,the gold medal),beat后面跟比赛对手。后面跟比赛对手。eg:They won the football match last week.上周他们赢了那场足球比赛。They beat Class One in the football match last time.他们在上次足球比赛中击败了一班。考向【重难点重难点】第7页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点2 2buy.for.给给

6、买买 eg:I am going to buy some flowers for my mother on Mothers Day.母亲节我将为我母亲买些花。buy sth.for sb.buy sb.sth.“给某人买给某人买某物某物”。eg:She often buys toys for her child.She often buys her child toys.她经常给她孩子买玩具。考向【重点重点】第8页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点3 3pleasure/ple/n.高兴;满足高兴;满足考向【易错点易错点】常见短语:常见短语:have the pleasure of doin

7、g sth.意为意为“很荣幸很荣幸/高兴做某事高兴做某事”;with pleasure 意为意为“十分愿意十分愿意”,惯用来表示客气地接收或同,惯用来表示客气地接收或同意帮助他人时答语。意帮助他人时答语。Its my pleasure.意为意为“不客不客气气”。惯用于在帮助他人之后他人感激你时答语。惯用于在帮助他人之后他人感激你时答语。eg:He had the pleasure of playing tennis with Nat.他很荣幸和纳特打网球。第9页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨拓展拓展for pleasure 为享乐,为消遣;take a pleasure in 以为乐典例典例John

8、,its very nice of you to help me carry such a heavy box.Thanks a lot._AThank you very much.BYes,thats right.CNever mind.DIts my pleasure.D【点拨点拨】语境推理法语境推理法,考查交际用语。句意:,考查交际用语。句意:约翰,约翰,你帮我提这么重箱子真是太好了。十分感激你。你帮我提这么重箱子真是太好了。十分感激你。哦,哦,不值一提。我很愿意。不值一提。我很愿意。A.非常感激你。非常感激你。B.是,那是正确。是,那是正确。C.不要介意。不要介意。D.我很愿意。我很愿

9、意。Its my pleasure.惯用于回答他惯用于回答他人感激,由上下文语境分析可知应选人感激,由上下文语境分析可知应选D。第10页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点4 4arrive/rav/v.抵达,抵达抵达,抵达考向一辨析辨析arrive,reach和和get抵达;抵达抵达;抵达arrive(vi.)(1)后跟in大地点eg:arrive in Hangzhou 抵达杭州(2)后跟at小地点eg:arrive at the village 抵达那个村子(3)后直接跟地点副词(如home,here,there等)eg:arrive home/there 到家/到那儿第11页魔法魔法记

10、忆记忆讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨reach(vt.)后直接跟地点名后直接跟地点名词词eg:reach the station 抵达抵达车车站站get(vi.)(1)后接to地点名词eg:get to Shandong 抵达山东(2)后直接跟地点副词(同arrive)arrive进行时能够表示未来。类似词还有进行时能够表示未来。类似词还有come,go,leave,start等。等。eg:The train is arriving.火车就要到了。考向二 第12页典例典例 用arrive,reach,get适当形式填空:(1)Mikes father _ at a small village las

11、t night.(2)We _ the beautiful“Spring City”Kunming last Sunday.(3)When the two girls _ to the airport,the famous singer had already left.arrived讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨reachedgot第13页1)Listen and tick the correct answers.1Jennys team _ the football game.wonlost2Last Saturday,Jennys mother bought her _.a pair of p

12、ants and a blue dress a pair of jeans and a purple blouse3In English class,Jenny talked to a girl from _.Hong Kongthe UK.Lets Do It!第14页4Jenny will go to _ with Mary next Sunday.buy some new clothes watch a movie5Jennys cousin Brian will stay in Canada for _.one year two years第15页2)Read the lesson a

13、nd answer the questions.Lets Do It!1What did Jenny do after school today?2Who was on the same team as Danny?3Which team won the game?What was the score?She played football.Sandra.Sandra and Dannys.The score was four to three.第16页4What will Jenny do next Sunday?5Who will come from the UK.to stay with

14、 Jennys family?Jenny will go to the movies with Mary.Brian.第17页 3)Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.sports local pleasure restaurant Hello everyone.My name is Mary.Its my _ to talk to you.I moved here from Hong Kong with my parents.My parents and I like reading the _

15、newspaper.My parents got jobs in a _ by reading an ad in the paper.I often read the _ news.Football is my favourite sport.pleasurelocalLets Do It!restaurantsports第18页4)Write a letter to a friend.Tell him or her something about your first two weeks of school.Lets Do It!Task tips:You can talk about yo

16、ur subjects,teachers,classmates or classrooms.Maybe you can tell a funny story!第19页范文:范文:Dear Wang Hua,My school life is colourful.At school,I am busy with my studies.Im interested in English.Because my English teacher,Miss Wang,is kind and helpful.I like playing basketball and reading books.After c

17、lass,my classmates and I play games together.There are 50 students in my class.My classroom is big and bright.What about you?Yours,Lucy第20页一、单项选择一、单项选择1.When will Mr.Green_ Beijing?In a week.(贵港)A.reach Bget C.arrive Dcome来自来自点拨点拨A【点拨点拨】本题用本题用词语辨析法词语辨析法。句意为:。句意为:格林先生什么时候格林先生什么时候到北京?到北京?一周后。一周后。reach

18、,get和和arrive都有都有“抵达抵达”之意,之意,reach是及物动词,后可直接跟宾语;是及物动词,后可直接跟宾语;get和和arrive是不及物动词,是不及物动词,不能直接跟宾语;不能直接跟宾语;come意为意为“来来”,也是不及物动词,后不能,也是不及物动词,后不能直接跟宾语,故选直接跟宾语,故选A。第21页2.Your coat fits you well.Thank you.I _ it when I was on vacation.(长沙)A.have bought BbuyCbought3.Thanks a million for your help._(衡阳)A.Never

19、 mind BMy pleasure C.Good ideaC来自来自点拨点拨【点拨点拨】本题用本题用交际法交际法。句意:。句意:多谢你帮助。多谢你帮助。不客气。不客气。My pleasure回答感激,表示回答感激,表示“很荣幸;别客气很荣幸;别客气”。故选故选B。B第22页4._played badminton last Friday.He did much better than _.A.I and Bob;I BBob and I;I C.Me and Bob;me DBob and me;me5.The shy girl never invites her classmates_dan

20、cing.A.practice Bpractices C.practicing Dto practice来自来自点拨点拨BD【点拨点拨】本题用本题用语法判定法语法判定法。考查人称代词次序。句意:上周。考查人称代词次序。句意:上周五我和鲍勃打羽毛球了。他打得比我好得多。当第一人称代词五我和鲍勃打羽毛球了。他打得比我好得多。当第一人称代词和其它人称代词同时作主语时,普通第一人称代词在后面,如:和其它人称代词同时作主语时,普通第一人称代词在后面,如:you and I,Tom and I。综合分析可知。综合分析可知 B 正确正确。第23页二、依据句意及汉语提醒完成句子二、依据句意及汉语提醒完成句子6

21、.My friend Lily often_(邀请)me to her home.7.We listened to a report on how to save endangered(濒危)animals last_(星期三)(烟台)8.I have the_(乐趣)of reading books.9.The_(当地)people like to eat this kind of fruit very much.10.Young people like to wear_(牛仔裤).invites 来自来自点拨点拨Wednesdaypleasurelocaljeans第24页三、按要求完成以

22、下各题三、按要求完成以下各题 11.I talked to a girl named Mary(对画线部分提问)_ girl did you _ _?12.To fly kites in the square is fun.(改为同义句)_ _ _ fly kites in the square.Which来自来自点拨点拨 Its fun to talk to【点拨点拨】本题采取本题采取一判二变三去法一判二变三去法。一判断所用特殊疑问词为。一判断所用特殊疑问词为which,二变成普通疑问句,三去掉画线部分,二变成普通疑问句,三去掉画线部分named Mary。【点拨点拨】句式转化为句式转化为“

23、Itsadj.to do sth.”意为意为“做做 是是”。第25页13.John has two interests.(对画线部分提问)_ _ interests _ John _?14.The score was two to three(对画线部分提问)_ was the score?15.You shouldnt be late for class.(改为祈使句)_ _ late for class.来自来自点拨点拨 doesHow many Dont be haveWhat第26页本节课主要学习了以下重点内容本节课主要学习了以下重点内容:(1)重点单词:)重点单词:lose,win,pleasure,invite,arrive等。等。(2)重点短语:)重点短语:buy for等。等。第27页课后作业课后作业A A(选自典中点选自典中点)课后作业课后作业B B(选自选自点拨训练点拨训练)1.熟记本课时词汇熟记本课时词汇 2.完成本课时课后作完成本课时课后作业业 第28页

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