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1、Unit 1 Unit 1 Family MattersFamily Matters第1页Family Tree Family Tree grandparents=grandpa+grandma grandchildren=granddaughter+grandsonfather motheruncleauntdaughtersonhusbandwifesister brother第2页Who is he/she?Who is he/she?He is your fathers father.She is your mothers daughter.She is your fathers si

2、ster.He is your mothers husband.He is your mothers brother.第3页Pupils book page8Activity book page9-3第4页Talk about your familyTalk about your familyWhats your name?How old are you?How many people are there in your family?Have you got a brother or a sister?Have your got a pet?(Yes,Ive got./Not,I haven

3、t.)Do you live with your grandparents?Have you got a uncle or an aunt?第5页Activity Book page 8Activity Book page 8Mr.StarGrandpa grandma son daughter aunt uncleparents grandparentspeople man womangirl boy on the buson the bikein the boat in the helicopterin the lorryin the plane第6页Pupils Book page9-4

4、30 seconds to memorize!第7页playing footballplaying a gamereading a book taking a photopainting SimonStellaMrs.Stargrandpa StarGrandma StarActionspeople isTalk about the picture第8页Pupils Book page 9-5Pupils Book page 9-5with his unclewith her auntto her daughterof his sonof her granddaughter第9页Playing

5、 footballplaying a gamereading a book taking a photopainting SimonStellaMrs.StarGrandpa StarGrandma Starwith his unclewith her auntto her daughterof his sonof her granddaughterWrite down the sentences on your book.Read 3 times.Actionspeople is第10页11.27第11页Talk about your family tree第12页Talk about th

6、e Star family第13页Activity Book page9-4Activity Book page9-4differenttennisis/am/are good at.love _ingcameramake dinner第14页Where is Stella?Who is painting?Where is Stella?Who is painting?Is Dotty naughty?Why is Simon happy?Is Dotty naughty?Why is Simon happy?第15页Pupils Book Page10-8 Read&Fill the Pup

7、ils Book Page10-8 Read&Fill the FormFormWhat he/she doingWhat he/she doingWhat he/he lovesWhat he/he lovesOther informationOther informationStellaSimonSuzyGrandpaGrandmaDottyreadingenjoys reading about scienceridingriding his bikegiving her dog a bathstanding next to the bathpaintingpaintingwants to

8、 be a doctorwith his uncleplayingdoesnt liking having bathsnaughtya picture of her granddaughter第16页How to express likes and dislikes?How to express likes and dislikes?第17页Ask the students next to you:Ask the students next to you:Do you like?Do you like?Yes,I do.No,I dont Yes,I do.No,I dontNamesName

9、sPlaying a Playing a gamegameSinging Singing Reading Reading booksbooksListening Listening to musicto musicshoppingshopping第18页What do you want to be?What do you want to be?What do you want to do?What do you want to do?I want to be a I want to have a rest.Do you want to(be a)?Yes,I do.No,I dont第19页A

10、ctivity Book page11-8&9Activity Book page11-8&9第20页Pupils Book page10-9Pupils Book page10-9Activity Book page 10Activity Book page 10第21页like love enjoynot like/love/enjoy 第22页1.making phrases.V+N2.asking questions Do you like.ing.?Yes,I do.No,I dont.第23页taking photostaking photoslistening to musicl

11、istening to musicplaying basket ballplaying basket ballriding a bike riding a bike watching TVwatching TVwearing a hatwearing a hateating fruitseating fruitsdrinking milkdrinking milk第24页Do you like.ing.?Do you like.ing.?Nametaking photoswatching TVeating fruitslistening to musicplaying footballridi

12、ng a bikewearing a hatAnitayesnoyesyesnoyesnoAnita likes taking photos,.She doesnt like watching TV,.第25页学生用书学生用书 page 12-14 page 12-14syllables(音节)第26页Lock&KeyLock&KeyWhat does the pet thief look like?What is the thief wearing?What does Lock want to do?Is the person on the bench the pet thief?第27页学

13、生用书学生用书page14-1 page14-1 1.Read and match2.Read and answer the questions.What are portraits?第28页hairhair:straight/curly/black/blonde/long/shortclothes:clothes:old/new/dirty/cleanpeople:people:tall/short/strong/weak/young/old/good/bad/beautiful/ugly loud/quietfeelings:feelings:happy/sad/angry/tired/hungry/thirsty第29页学生用书学生用书page15-3page15-3第30页Family PortraitFamily Portrait第31页第32页

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