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1、Module 3 Daily lifeModule 3 Daily lifeUnit 5 Where is Ben?Unit 5 Where is Ben?Lets talkLets talk第1页Lets read:I always play music in the music room.I usually take exercise in the gym.I often do my homework in the classroom.I sometimes go swimming at the swimming pool.I never eat ice cream at the scho

2、ol shop.第2页Lets read:Ben always plays music in the music room.Ben usually takes exercise in the gym.Ben often does my homework in the classroom.Ben sometimes goes swimming at the swimming pool.Ben never eats ice cream at the school shop.第3页请划出以下短划出以下短语:talk withat the swimming poolgo swimmingat the

3、libraryon weekdayslook for第4页请划出以下重点句:划出以下重点句:Maybe he is at the swimming pool.I think you can find him there.Let me go and look for him there.第5页选词填空:填空:at in to on for withIts time _ go to school.Sometimes he swims _ the swimming pool.Ben usually plays football _ his friends_ the playground.towith

4、atin第6页选词填空:填空:at in to on for withLets go and look _ him.My father takes exercise _ the morning.Its time _ class.forinfor第7页选词填空:填空:at in to on for withLook _ the picture.The boy is good _ jumping.He jumps well.My brother never goes _ the park _ seven thirty_ Sunday morning.attoonatat第8页第9页This is

5、my music room.I often play music in the music room.第10页This is our gym.We usuallytake exercise in the gym.第11页This is my classroom.Sometimes I do my homework in the classroom.第12页This is our school shop.Sometimes I eat ice cream at the school shop.第13页This is my playground.I sometimes play football

6、in the playground.第14页This is our scool library.I always read books at the library.第15页This is our swimming pool.We usually go swimming at the swimming pool.第16页描述自己或他人日常生活习惯:主主语语+时间频时间频度副度副词词(always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,never)+活活动动(动词动词短短语语)+地点地点(介介词词短短语语).Practise:请同学们用以上句式造句。第17页Exercis

7、e:Ben _(like)swimming.He sometimes _(swim)at the swimming pool.Ben often_(play)music _(in,on,at)the music room.Ben loves _(eat)ice cream.He often eats_(in,on,at)the school shop.第18页Ben sometimes _(play)football with Mike_(in,on,at)the playground._ Ben _(do)his homework every evening at home?No,he usually _(do)his homework in the classroom.第19页

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