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1、Unit 1 Learning a Language第1页1.Warm-up QuestionsDo you think it is necessary to learn another language besides your mother tongue?How long have you been learning English?Do you think English is very difficult to learn?If possible,what other foreign languages do you want to learn?Why?Speaking from yo

2、ur own experience,what effective ways would you like to suggest to help others learn English?第2页2.Fast-readingTask one:Answer the following questions1)According to Will Pidcroft,the writer of this text,can English be mastered within a very short period of time?Does he provide any evidence to support

3、 his view?No,Will Pidcroft doesnt think that English can be mastered within a short period of time.He says that in fact English is not that easy to learn;otherwise,he wouldnt be working as an English teacher any more as there would be far less demand for trained English teachers.第3页2)Does he support

4、 the idea that a language is best learned where it is spoken?Yes,he does.第4页3)What is the belief held by behaviorists in terms of language learning?Behaviorists believed that language learning is a kind of habit formation.So they are fond of making students repeat phrases and do exercises where they

5、 continually have to change one word in a sentence.They assume that people learn things very much like parrots and chimpanzees.第5页4)What does Pidcroft say about ones interest in language learning?Pidcroft thinks that interest is a very important factor in language learning.No one can ever learn to s

6、peak english or any other language unless he or she is interested in it.第6页5)What distinguishes human beings from parrots and chimpanzees according to Pidcroft?Parrots and chimpanzees make noises that are meaningless while the speech sounds human beings make are meaningful and they can relate them t

7、o their own lives.In other words,human beings use language to communicate.第7页Main ideas for each paragraph Para.1 Advertisement often give the false impression that learning English is easy and does not need much effort.Para.2 There is no such thing as a good method that suits all students in every

8、situation.第8页Para.3 People used to believe that the only way to learn a language was to spend a lot of time in a country where it was spoken.The other extreme is that some think that they can learn a foreign language at home relying solely on dictionaries.第9页Para.4 Teaching methods based on the beha

9、viorists theory may not work,as human beings are not parrots or chimpanzees.Para.5 Interests is the key to learning a language,which is a means of communication.第10页Para.6To learn a language well,it is important that we have other people to talk to and listen to.第11页Task two:Finish the exercises on

10、P101)T2)T3)F4)T5)F6)F第12页Detailed ReadingDifficult sentences Para.1 1.There is often a reference to William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens to encourage him even more.Who are“William Shakespeare”and“Charles Dickens”?(=Shakespeare is the worlds most popular playwright while Dickens is the greatest Eng

11、lish novelist of the 19th century.)Why are they mentioned in the advertisements?(=The people who run the advertisements just want to use quotations to support their points.)第13页E-C广告还经常提到威廉莎士比亚和查尔斯狄更斯等英语文学大师名号来增强吸引力。2.If it were as easy to learn English as they say,I would have to look for another j

12、ob,because very few qualified teachers would be needed.If it were as easy to learn English as they say是条件句,表示一个假设,所以主句用虚是条件句,表示一个假设,所以主句用虚拟语气。拟语气。假如学英语真像广告所说那么轻松,我恐怕得假如学英语真像广告所说那么轻松,我恐怕得另谋出路了,因为不需要那么多合格英语教师另谋出路了,因为不需要那么多合格英语教师了。了。第14页1.personal:adj.concerning,belonging to,or for the use of a particu

13、lar person;private*My personal view is that the students should be doing more work outside the classroom.*When I went to her room all her personal belongings had gone.第15页2.advertisement:n.a picture,short film,song,etc.which tries to persuade people to buy a product or service*a television/newspaper

14、 advertisement for a new car*They put an advertisement in The Morning News,offering a high salary for the right person.*The organizers of the concert had taken out a full page advertisement in The New York Times.Collocation:answer an advertisement 应广告之聘应广告之聘put an advertisement in/on 在在做广告做广告run an

15、advertisement 做广告做广告buy things from/in advertisements 购置广告上宣传购置广告上宣传商品商品第16页3.claim:1)vt.state that sth.is true,even though it has not been proved*All parties have claimed success in yesterdays elections.*The company claims that their product“makes you thin without dieting”.战斗结束后战斗结束后,双方均宣称获胜。双方均宣称获

16、胜。(=After the battle both sides claimed victory.)2)n.a statement that sth.is true,even though it has not been proved*They made claims they couldnt live up to.她对这块土地产权提出要求最终得到法庭认可。她对这块土地产权提出要求最终得到法庭认可。(=Her claim to the ownership of the land was finally recognized by the court.)第17页4.on ones part:of

17、or by someone*There has never been any jealousy on my part.(=我从没有感到忌妒。我从没有感到忌妒。)*It was probably just a mistake on her part.5.fluently:adv.fluent:adj.often used with in(of a person)speaking,writing,or playing a musical instrument in an easy smooth manner*The company will give priority to an applican

18、t who is fluent in English.*He speaks fluent Spanish.第18页6.reference:n.1)a mention of sth.*Knowing what had happened,I avoided making any reference to weddings.他最近出书中提到了中东问题。他最近出书中提到了中东问题。(=His recent book makes references to the issue of the Mideast.)2)sth.that shows you where else to look for info

19、rmation,for example the page number of another place in a book*Make a note of the reference number shown on the form.3)the act of looking at sth.for information*Use the dictionary for easy reference.*Keep their price list for further reference.Collocation:a reference book参考书,工具书参考书,工具书a reference li

20、brary(不外借书)参考书阅览室(不外借书)参考书阅览室for reference 作参考作参考in/with reference to关于关于第19页Para.2 3.,and it is no use pretending that anyone has discovered a perfect way of teaching English in every possible situation.What are the meaning and the usage of the phrase“it is no use”?(=1)The phrase means“it has no ef

21、fect”.2)Whenever we use this phrase we should always use the V-ing form after it.More examples:*Its no use complaining.*Its no use crying over spilt milk,hes spent all the money,and theres nothing you can do about it.)Translate this part into Chinese.(=而且也无需装模作样地声称有什么人已经找到了一而且也无需装模作样地声称有什么人已经找到了一个万能

22、适合全部学习环境教学方法。个万能适合全部学习环境教学方法。)第20页7.efficiently:adv.efficient:adj.working well,quickly,and without waste*an efficient secretary(=能干秘书能干秘书)*an efficient heating system(=高效能供暖系统高效能供暖系统)CF:efficient&effective 这两个形容词都有这两个形容词都有“有效有效”之意。之意。efficient指主动有效,效率高,效果好,节约精力。指人时,强调指主动有效,效率高,效果好,节约精力。指人时,强调其能干、熟练技

23、巧。其能干、熟练技巧。effective强调产生实际效果、效力或含有取得预期效果能力,指强调产生实际效果、效力或含有取得预期效果能力,指人指物都适用。人指物都适用。Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words above.Change the form where necessary.1)The local government has taken some _ measures to reduce unemployment.(=effective)2)We need someone really _ who can organize the off

24、ice and make it run smoothly.(=efficient)3)The citys transport system is one of the most _ in Europe.(=efficient)4)An _ teacher will always produce better exam results.(=effective)第21页8.argue:1)vi.disagree with someone in words,often in an angry way我们听到邻居正在争吵。我们听到邻居正在争吵。(=We could hear the neighbors

25、 arguing.)*Theyre always arguing about/over money.2)v.give the reasons for ones opinion,idea,belief,etc.*The lawyers argued the case for hours.*Baker argued against cutting the military budget.Collocation:argue down 驳倒驳倒*They argued him down fiercely.他们狠狠地驳得他哑口无言。他们狠狠地驳得他哑口无言。argue out 辩论清楚辩论清楚*The

26、teacher and his class argued the whole matter out.老老师和学生透彻地论证了这个问题。师和学生透彻地论证了这个问题。argue the toss反对某项已成定局决定反对某项已成定局决定*Lets not argue the toss we have to accept his choice.我我们无须争论已经决定事们无须争论已经决定事只好听他。只好听他。第22页9.individual:1)n.a single person or thing,especially when compared to the group or set to whic

27、h they belong每一个人都有永远不可剥夺权利。每一个人都有永远不可剥夺权利。(=Every individual has rights which must never be taken away.)2)adj.single;separate*Each individual person is responsible for his own arrangements.of or for one person;by or from one person*food served in individual portions(=按一人一份供给食物按一人一份供给食物)*an individu

28、al effort/contribution(=个人努力个人努力/贡献贡献)第23页10.personality:n.1)the whole nature or character of a particular person*Everyone loves her for her cheerful personality.他是个个性很强有理想人。他是个个性很强有理想人。(=He was an ambitious man with a strong personality.)2)a famous person*personalities from the film world(=影界名流影界名流

29、)费德勒是网球界最著名人物之一。费德勒是网球界最著名人物之一。(=Roger Federer is one of the best-known personalities in the world of tennis.)第24页CF:personality,character,nature&temper这些名词都有这些名词都有“性格、气质、性情、习性性格、气质、性情、习性”之意。之意。personality主要指一个人稳定心理特征。比如:主要指一个人稳定心理特征。比如:*Though their personalities differed,they got along as friends.

30、即使他们性格迥异,但却相处友好。即使他们性格迥异,但却相处友好。character指对个性或人格所作出客观评价,经常与道指对个性或人格所作出客观评价,经常与道德相关。比如:德相关。比如:*What does her handwriting tell you about her character?你从她书法中看出她有什么样个性?你从她书法中看出她有什么样个性?nature指天生、不可改变性格。比如:指天生、不可改变性格。比如:*Its his nature to be kind to people.他天生为人厚他天生为人厚道。道。temper指从感情方面表达出来、决定处理问题方式性指从感情方面

31、表达出来、决定处理问题方式性格或性情,这种性情能够是暂时也能够是长久。比如:格或性情,这种性情能够是暂时也能够是长久。比如:*The girl has a sweet temper.那女孩性情温婉。那女孩性情温婉。第25页11.no doubt:almost certainly,very probably*We will,no doubt,discuss these issues again at the next meeting.*想必你要在吃饭前打开行李休息一下。想必你要在吃饭前打开行李休息一下。(=No doubt youll want to unpack and have a rest

32、 before dinner.)12.to a certain extent:to the degree specified*They are financed to a certain extent by advertising revenue.(=他们资金在一定程度上来自广告收入。他们资金在一定程度上来自广告收入。)*I agree with what you say to a certain extent.第26页Para.34.But it is wrong to assume that each word in English has a precise equivalent in

33、another language and vice versa.Translate the sentence into Chinese.(=假如你认为英语中每一个词在另一语假如你认为英语中每一个词在另一语言中都有完全对等词(或反之亦然),那言中都有完全对等词(或反之亦然),那就错了。就错了。)第27页and it is impossible for any translation method to provide students with the natural forms of a language in speech,let alone produce good pronunciati

34、on and intonation.经过翻译法来给学生讲解口语自然形式是不可能,更不要说做到语音、语气地道了。第28页Para.4If we were parrots or chimpanzees,these methods might be successful.由if引导一个非真实条件句,所以主句和从句都使用虚拟语气,表示所提出假设与事实相反。If从句谓语动词用were,主句谓语动词由should/would/could/might+动词原形组成。如:If I were you,I wouldnt lose heart.E-C假如我们是鹦鹉或黑猩猩,那这些方法或许能奏效,可惜我们不是。第2

35、9页13.have an advantage(over):have sth.that helps one to be more successful than others*Her experience meant that she had a big advantage over her opponent.*People who have been to university have a big advantage when it comes to finding jobs.14.go to extremes:act too violently or behave in an extrem

36、e way他们往往持极端观点。他们往往持极端观点。(=They often go to extremes in their views.)Collocation:go from one extreme to the other 从一个极端走向另从一个极端走向另一个极端一个极端be driven/forced to extremes 被迫走极端被迫走极端*In the jungle,they were driven to extremes in order to survive.在丛林中在丛林中,他们为了生存被迫采取极他们为了生存被迫采取极端行动。端行动。in the extreme极端,极度,

37、非常极端,极度,非常*Her manner was friendly and welcoming in the extreme.她态度极其友好热情。她态度极其友好热情。第30页15.assume:vt.accept(sth.)as true before there is proof*我假定他说是真。我假定他说是真。(=I assumed his story to be true.)*The report was assumed to be valid.*I assumed that you knew each other because you went to the same school


39、:Fill in the blanks with the words above.Change the form where necessary.1)Many scientists _ the new damage to the forests to be the result of higher levels of pollution.(=presumed)2)I didnt see your car,so I _ youd gone out.(=assumed)3)We have no reason to _ that the girl is dead.(=suppose)第31页16.p

40、recise:adj.exact in form,detail,measurements,time,etc.*It was difficult to get precise information on when the war broke out.就在我昏倒之时,他一把拉住了我。就在我昏倒之时,他一把拉住了我。(=He caught me at the precise moment that I fainted.)NB:注意该词词性改变,它副词形式、名词形式与反义词分别为:注意该词词性改变,它副词形式、名词形式与反义词分别为:precisely,precision和和imprecise。17

41、.equivalent:1)n.sth.that has the same value,purpose,function,etc.as sth.else*There is no English equivalent for“bon apptit”so we have adopted the French expression.2)adj.having the same amount,value,purpose,qualities,etc.*I had no dollars,but offered him an equivalent amount of sterling.美国国会大致相当于英国议

42、会。美国国会大致相当于英国议会。(=The US Congress is roughly equivalent to the British Parliament.)第32页18.vice versa:used to state that it is also true with the main items in the preceding statement the other way round*He doesnt trust her,and vice versa.男孩可能会拒绝与女孩一起玩,女孩也一样。男孩可能会拒绝与女孩一起玩,女孩也一样。(=The boys may refuse

43、to play with the girls,and vice versa.)19.provide:vt.give sth.to someone or make it available to them,because they need it or want it*Putting more police on patrol doesnt provide a real solution to the problem of increasing violence.这本小册子提供了当地各类服务有用信息。这本小册子提供了当地各类服务有用信息。(=This booklet provides usefu

44、l information about local services.)Pattern:provide sb.with sth.provide sth.for sb.*The project is designed to provide young people with work.旅馆为客人们提供擦鞋服务。旅馆为客人们提供擦鞋服务。(=The hotel provides a shoe-cleaning service for guests.)第33页20.let alone:not to mention;much less*We have no hospital,let alone an

45、isolation ward.*He hasnt enough money for food,let alone amusements.21.base 1)vt.usu.pass.place or establish;provide with a base or center*Their relationship was based on/upon mutual respect.这个电影是以马克这个电影是以马克吐温小说为题材。吐温小说为题材。(=The film is based on a novel by Mark Twain.)2)n.the lowest part of somethin

46、g,esp.the part on which something stands*There is a hole in the base of the tree.*There is a door at the base of the tower.a place where people in a military organization live and work*a military base(=军事基地军事基地)*a naval base(=海军基地海军基地)*an air base(=空军基地空军基地)第34页CF:base,basis&foundation 这几个名词都有这几个名词都

47、有“基础,根基基础,根基”意思。意思。base指组成或支撑某一详细物体基础,也可指军事基地或用作比指组成或支撑某一详细物体基础,也可指军事基地或用作比喻意义。比如:喻意义。比如:*The lamp stands on a circular base.(=落地灯由圆形底座支撑。落地灯由圆形底座支撑。)*Some of the military bases on this island were built in the 19th century.(=这个岛上一些军事基地建于这个岛上一些军事基地建于19世纪。世纪。)basis主要用作抽象或引申意义。比如:主要用作抽象或引申意义。比如:*Chari

48、ty toward others is the basis of her philosophy.(=慈善待人是她人生观基点。慈善待人是她人生观基点。)foundation用于详细意义时,指坚固坚固建筑物基础或地基;用用于详细意义时,指坚固坚固建筑物基础或地基;用作比喻意义时,与作比喻意义时,与basis基本相同。比如:基本相同。比如:*The earthquake shook the foundations of the house.(=地震连屋基都震动了。地震连屋基都震动了。)*Those thoughts rocked her belief to its foundations.(=那些想

49、法从根本上动摇了她信念。那些想法从根本上动摇了她信念。)第35页Para.5 5.It is worth remembering that language is a means of communication.Pay attention to the usage of the word“worth”.(=When we use this expression we should always use the V-ing form after the word“worth”,never an infinitive.More examples:The book is worth reading

50、/Its worth reading the book.)Paraphrase the sentence.(=It is likely to give a satisfactory or rewarding return for us to keep in mind that language is a way to communicate.)第36页23.means:n.a method or way(of doing)*We need to find some other means of transportation.没有方法查明发生了什么。没有方法查明发生了什么。(=There is

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