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1、(完整版)英语学习_英国文学试题_必备弃我去者,昨日之日不可留乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧英美文学史及选读样题:英国文学部分试卷 A (A/B/C) 考试方式 闭卷 (闭卷/开卷) 考试时间(120分钟)题 号一二三四五六总分得 分 得分一、选择题(在每个小题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,填在题末的括号中)(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,总计15分)1. Beowulf is a _ poem, describing an allround picture of the tribal society。A。 pagan B。 Christain C。 romantic D. lyric2. The

2、 work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely_。A. William Langlands Piers the PlowmanB。 Geoffrey Chaucers The Canterbury TalesC. J

3、ohn Gowers Confessio AmantisD. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight3. Which of the following plays does NOT belong to Shakespeares great tragedies?A。 Othello B. Macbeth C. Romeo and Juliet D. Hamlet4. Which of the following poetic forms is the principle form of Shakespeares drama?A. lyric B。 sonnet C。 bl

4、ank verse D。 quatrain5. Which of the following statements best illustrate the theme of Shakespeares Sonnet 18?A. The speaker eulogizes the power of nature. B. The speaker satirizes human vanity. C。 The speaker praises the power of artistic creation. D。 The speaker meditates on mans salvation。6. Whic

5、h of the following place does Gulliver visit first in Gullivers Travels? A。 Lilliput B。 Brobdingnag C. Laputa D. Houyhnhnms7. Which of the following is NOT true about Robinson Crusoe?A. It is written in the autobiographical form.B. It is a record of Defoes own experiences。C. Robinson spends 28 years

6、 of isolated life on the island。D. It is set in the middle of the 17th century.8. Many of Burns songs deal with friendship._ has long become a universal partingsong of all the English speaking countries。A。 A Red, Red Rose B. Auld Lang SyneC。 My Hearts in the Highlands D. John Anderson, My Jo9. “Beau

7、ty is truth, truth beauty” is an epigrammatic line by_。A。 John Keats B. William Blake C。 William Wordsworth D。 Percy Shelley10. “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” is taken from_A。 The Solitary Reaper B. Ode to the West WindC。 To Autumn D. Song to the Man of England11. The revolutionary Rom

8、antic poet_ went to Greece to help that country in its struggle for liberty and died of fever there。A. Shelley B。 Byron C. Keats D. Burns12. At the beginning of Pride and Prejudice, the attitude of Darcy and Elizabeth toward each other is that of _.A。 mutual affection B. mutual repulsion C。 mutual h

9、atred D. mutual indifference13. “Ode to the West Wind is concluded with _ mood.A. triumphant and hopeful B。 pessimistic and skepticalC。 desperate and sad D。 indifferent14. The following are the common characters shared by the three Bronte sisters EXCEPT_。A. unmarried B。 literary C。 talented D。 dying

10、 young15. _ is the most outstanding stream-ofconsciousness novelist。A。 W.B. Yeats B。 John Galsworthy C。 James Joyce D. G。B Shaw得分二、填空(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,总计20分)1. Chaucer employed the_ couplet in writing his greatest work The Canterbury tales。2. Shakespeares plays have been traditionally divided into fou

11、r categories according to dramatic type: histories, _, tragedies and romances。3. A Shakespearean sonnet is composed of three quatrains and a concluding_。4. John Donne is the founder of the school of_。 His works are characterized by mysticism in content and fantasticality in form。5。 John Miltons Para

12、dise Lost opens with the description of a meeting among the fallen angels, and ends with the departure of Adam and_from the Garden of Eden。6. “ Till a the seas gang dry, my dear,And the roacks melt wi the sun:I will luve thee still, my dear,While the sands of life shall run”The above lines are taken

13、 from the famous poem “_”.7. In Gullivers Travels, Yahoos are the creatures living in_.8。 As an age of romantic enthusiasm, the Romantic Age began in 1798 when Wordsworth and _published Lyrical Ballads9. _are generally regarded as Keats most important and mature works.10. Wuthering Heights is writte

14、n by_. It is a morbid story of love, but a powerful attack on the bourgeois marriage system。 It shows true love ion a class society is impossible of attainment。得分三、诗歌分析(本大题共4个小题,每小题分值见各小题,共20分)Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the milky way,They stretched in neverending lineAlong the

15、margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.The waves beside them danced; but theyOut-did the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could not but be gay,In such a jocund company:I gazedand gazedbut little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought:1 Who is the p

16、oet of this part of a poem? What is the title of the poem?(4分)2 What is the meter and rhyme of each stanza? (4分3. Analyze the rhythm of the second stanza (The first line is done as a model).(5分)_ / _ / _ / _ /The waves | beside them danced; | but theyOutdid the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could n

17、ot but be gay,In such a jocund company:I gazed-and gazed-but little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought:4. Translate the second stanza into Chinese in verse form。(7分)得分四、小说分析(本大题共5个小题,每小题分值见每小题,共20分)I came down as soon as I thought there was a prospect of breakfast. Entering the room very

18、softly, I had a view of him before he discovered my presence。 It was mournful, indeed, to witness the subjugation of that vigorous spirit to a corporeal infirmity. He sat in his chairstill, but not at rest: expectant evidently; the lines of now habitual sadness marking his strong features. His count

19、enance reminded one of a lamp quenched, waiting to be relit- and alas! it was not himself that could now kindle the lustre of animated expression: he was dependent on another for that office! I had meant to be gay and careless, but the powerlessness of the strong man touched my heart to the quick: s

20、till I accosted him with what vivacity I could。 ”It is a bright, sunny morning, sir, I said. ”The rain is over and gone, and there is a tender shining after it: you shall have a walk soon.” I had wakened the glow: his features beamed。 ”Oh, you are indeed there, my sky-lark! Come to me。 You are not g

21、one: not vanished? I heard one of your kind an hour ago, singing high over the wood: but its song had no music for me, any more than the rising sun had rays. All the melody on earth is concentrated in my Janes tongue to my ear (I am glad it is not naturally a silent one): all the sunshine I can feel

22、 is in her presence。” The water stood in my eyes to hear this avowal of his dependence; just as if a royal eagle, chained to a perch, should be forced to entreat a sparrow to become its purveyor。 But I would not be lachrymose: I dashed off the salt drops, and busied myself with preparing breakfast。

23、Most of the morning was spent in the open air。 I led him out of the wet and wild wood into some cheerful fields: I described to him how brilliantly green they were; how the flowers and hedges looked refreshed; how sparklingly blue was the sky. I sought a seat for him in a hidden and lovely spot, a d

24、ry stump of a tree; nor did I refuse to let him, when seated, place me on his knee. Why should I, when both he and I were happier near than apart? Pilot lay beside us: all was quiet。 He broke out suddenly while clasping me in his arms - ”Cruel, cruel deserter! Oh, Jane, what did I feel when I discov

25、ered you had fled from Thornfield, and when I could nowhere find you; and, after examining your apartment, ascertained that you had taken no money, nor anything which could serve as an equivalent! A pearl necklace I had given you lay untouched in its little casket; your trunks were left corded and l

26、ocked as they had been prepared for the bridal tour. What could my darling do, I asked, left destitute and penniless? And what did she do? Let me hear now. Thus urged, I began the narrative of my experience for the last year. I softened considerably what related to the three days of wandering and st

27、arvation, because to have told him all would have been to inflict unnecessary pain: the little I did say lacerated his faithful heart deeper than I wished。 I should not have left him thus, he said, without any means of making my way: I should have told him my intention。 I should have confided in him

28、: he would never have forced me to be his mistress。 Violent as he had seemed in his despair, he, in truth, loved me far too well and too tenderly to constitute himself my tyrant: he would have given me half his fortune, without demanding so much as a kiss in return, rather than I should have flung m

29、yself friendless on the wide world. I had endured, he was certain, more than I had confessed to him。 Well, whatever my sufferings had been, they were very short,” I answered: and then I proceeded to tell him how I had been received at Moor House; how I had obtained the office of schoolmistress, &c。

30、The accession of fortune, the discovery of my relations, followed in due order. Of course, St. John Rivers name came in frequently in the progress of my tale。 When I had done, that name was immediately taken up。 This St. John, then, is your cousin? Yes。 You have spoken of him often: do you like him?

31、 ”He was a very good man, sir; I could not help liking him。” A good man。 Does that mean a respectable well-conducted man of fifty? Or what does it mean?” ”St John was only twenty-nine, sir。 1 From what novel is this passage chosen? Who is the author of the novel? (2分)2 Here Mr. Rochesters vigorous s

32、pirit has changed to a corporeal infirmity. According to the novel, what has happened to him? (4分)3Why did Mr。 Rochester call Jane “Cruel, cruel deserter”?(4 分)4According to the novel, what was her experience for the last year?( 5分)5What can you learn from her and him or from the whole novel? (5分)得分五、文学术语解释(共5个术语,每个2分,共10分)1Ballad:2Couplet:3Soliloquy:4Elegy:5Lyric:得分六、简答题 (本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分)1. Comment briefly on the fate of Tess in Tess of the DUrbervilles。2. What are the unique features of Shakespeares sonnets?3What are the themes of Pride and Prejudice?第 8 页 共 8 页

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