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1、(word完整版)as it is句式的意义as it is句式的意义用法及其他与其类似的句式一 as it is通常位于句首,有时也位于句中或句尾其含义为“实际上”“照目前情况”其中it不代表任何具体事物,也不能随意改变;而is则可以有过去时态was as it was意为“照当时实际情况”例如: 1)。I thought he would be better, but as it is he is getting worse。 我原以为他会好起来,事实上,他的情况更糟了2).If he were not ill, he would go to see the play。 As it is,

2、 he has to stay at home. 如果他不生病的话,他是要去看戏的照目前情况,他只好呆在家里不出来 3) As it is, we cannot do anything to help。 在现在这种情况下,我们是无能为力的 4) As it was, I knew nothing about it。 事实上,我对此一无所知 二 as it is位于句末时,前面常有单数名词或代词,意为“照旧照原来的样子 这样使用的as it is句式并非固定不变如果所指代的事物或人是复数意义,则应将it改为they, 而is也需根据所指人称和数的变化而变化如果时间上需要, is也可变成was/w

3、ere 例如: 5)Carry out the plan as it is. 请按照原计划执行 6)Leave the guns as they are。 别动那些枪 7)Paint me as I am. 照我现在的样子画 8)He took the bundle just as it was to the police station. 他把那包裹原封不动地送到警察局去了 三 英语中,表达“照目前情况看”意义的短语还有很多,其中常见的有as matters stand, as the matter/case stands, as things go/are/stand等例如: 9)As t

4、hings go, it is not safe to live here. 照目前的情况来看,住在此地是不安全的 10)As the matter stands, we are going to win the match。 就目前情况而论,我们将在这场比赛中获胜 四 as it were是一个固定不变的习语,意为“好像仿佛可以说” as it were是一种固定的句式,用作插入语,适用于任何时态的句子,意为“好像可以说”例如: 11)That little bird is, as it were, his close friend。 那只小鸟好像是他的亲密朋友 12)The sunlight on the icy branches made, as it were, delicate lacy cobwebs from tree to tree. 阳光照在结冰的树枝上,宛如美妙的丝带蜘蛛网从一棵树连到另一棵树 13)He is, as it were, a walking dictionary。他好像是个活字典。 14) You are, as it were, a grown-up baby。你仿佛是个大孩子。

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