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1、 Unit 3 Reading:Thats cool 一、教学内容: “Thats cool. ”这篇文章中提出了一些对cool的解释 Cool means a popular and successful life style. “酷”意味着紧随流行的,成功的生活方式。 Cool means what they want to do and dont care if other people like it or not. “酷”意味着做他们想做的事情不管其它人喜欢还是不喜欢。 Cool means new technology that make our lives easier. “酷”

2、意味着使我们的生活变得更轻松的新科技。 To realize your dream through great effort is really being cool. 通过艰苦的努力实现自己的梦想才是真正的“酷”。 Personality , independence , and freedom , all these things are cool. 个性、独立、自由这些才是酷。 Young people who can find their dream on their own are the ones who are really cool. 那些自己去实现梦想的人们才是真正的酷。 文

3、中的前三个观点是针对于material things (物质上的东西)来说的,而后三个观点是针对于精神方 面去讲的,我们可以看出: 作者倾向于后三个观点,这也是“Thats cool”的所指 二. 重点、难点: 1. the latest (means the most recent)最近的 She always dressed in the latest fashion. 她总是穿最新款时装。 His latest novel is a great success. 他最近出版的小说十分成功。 2. chat with 和聊天 He often chats on line with stra

4、ngers. 他经常在网上和陌生人聊天。 3. include包括 (第一段第3行) Cool includes fun stuff , nice clothes The tour included a visit to the Science Museum. 旅游项目包括参观科学博物馆。 4. find out 经研究或询问获知 A recent survey on yahoo. com found out Can you find out what time the train leaves ? 你能查问出火车什么时候开吗? 5. be cool by 通过摆酷 Some students

5、 want to be cool by wearing jeans 一些同学想通过穿牛仔摆酷。 6. as well (as sb / sth )即、又、也 Its good that the young have their own ideas about life as well as being cool. The child is lively as well as healthy. 这个孩子既健康、又活泼 当这个词组用在句尾时,应用as well He likes playing football and basketball as well. 他喜欢踢足球,也喜欢打篮球。 7. I

6、ts natural for sb to do sth. 做对某人来说很正常 Its natural these days for young people to want material things 这个句型其实是Its 形for sb to do sth 的一种形式。it为形式主语,真正主语为不定式。 8. build on sth 把建立在上 Dont build your hope on his help. 不要把希望寄托在他的帮助上。 9. To realize your dream through great effort is really being cool. 这句话中,

7、to realize 为不定式作主语 through意为“通过”此句话应译为:通过艰苦的努力来实现你的梦想才是真正的酷。 10. the same as 和一样 We watched the same movies as our parents. I think the same as you do about the matter. 我对此事的看法和你一样。 same相同的、同一的 Dont make the same mistake again. 不要再犯同样的错误 all the same 还是仍然 Thank you all the same. 但还是谢谢你。 look the sam

8、e. 看起来很像。 Tom and Jack look much the same because they are twins. 11. be proud of 对感到骄傲,自豪 The young should be proud of their own culture. They were proud of their success. 他们为自己的成功而骄傲。 be proud to do sth . He is a famous personI am proud to know him. 他是个名人认识他我感到很荣幸。 12. value 重视 Youth today value p

9、ersonality value 作名词时意为价值 value 作动词讲时意为重视某物(某人) Do you value her as a friend ? 你把她当好朋友吗? 13. on ones own 独自,独立地 find their dreams on their own are the ones who are really cool. Im all on my own today. 今天我是独自一人。 She got the job on her own. 她的那份工作是靠自己得到的。 14. Other people are cool because they dont fo

10、llow what everyone else does. 划线部分为宾语从句,follow意为“追随” 此句话应译为:其他人想通过我行我素来显酷。 15. For some people , new technology that makes our lives easier is cool. 本句中:that makes our lives easier 为定语从句,修饰technology , make easier 意为使变得更简单 此句应译为:对于一些人来说,使我们的生活变得更简单的新科技是酷。 16. young people today show that they are co

11、ol with their personality. 此句中with应译为“用”“借助于” 今天的年轻人借助于他们的个性来展示什么是“酷” 17. Instead , young people who can find their dream on their own are the ones who are really cool. 本句中Who are really cool 是个定语从句 the ones是个代词,指前文中的young people 此句应译为:相反,那些能自己实现梦想的人才是真正的酷。 单词、词组总结: material 物质的 life style 生活方式 incl

12、ude 包括 stuff要素 recent 最近的 equipment 装备 notebook computer 笔记本电脑 personal 个人的 digital 数字的 PDA 掌上电脑 tropical 热带的 island 岛屿 develop发展,使发达 developed country 发达国家 Matrix 黑客帝国 net 网 animation 动画片 technology技术 direction指导,指引 natural 自然的 effort 努力 value重视 independence 独立 freedom自由 normal 正常的 the latest 最新的 c

13、hat with 和聊天 a recent survey of 最近的一次的调查 find out 获知 be cool by doing 通过摆酷 in fact 事实上 as well as 和,又 give direction 引导 Its natural for sb to 做对来说是很自然的事情 build on 把建立在上 the same as 和一样 be proud of 以为骄傲/自豪 on ones own 独自,独立地 参考练习: 一. 根据中文完成英文句子。(用所学过的词组) 1. 她总是穿最新款的时装。 She always dresses in _ _ fashi

14、on. 2. Some students want to _ _ _ dying their hair. 一些同学想通过染头发来摆酷。 3. You can go there by train _ _ _ by plane. 你可以乘火车或飞机去那儿。 4. Can you finish the homework _ _ _ 你能独立完成作业吗? 5. I like _ _ movie _ he does. 我和他喜欢同样的电影。 6. He often _ _ his grandmother on weekends. 他经常在周末和他父母聊天。 7. Dont _ your hope _ h

15、is help. 不要把你的希望建立在他的帮助上。 1. the latest 2. be cool by 3. as well as 4. on your own 5. the same as 6. chats with 7. build on 二. 阅读理解: “Cool”is a word with many meanings . Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed , the word has had many diffe

16、rent meanings. “Cool”can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything. When you see a famous car in the street , maybe you will say , “Its cool. ”You may think , “Hes so cool , ”when you see your favorite footballer. We all maximize the meaning of “cool”. You can use it instead of many

17、 words such as “new”or “surprising”. Heres an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used . A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall they had visited . On one students paper was just the one sentence , “Its so cool .”Maybe he thought it was the best way to show wha

18、t he saw and felt. But the story also shows a scarcity of words. Without“cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning . So it is quite important to keep some credibility . Can you think of many other words that make your life as colourful as the word“cool”? I can . And I think they are

19、also very cool. 注:maximize扩大;waterfall瀑布;scarcity缺乏;credibility 可信性;suggests暗示 根据短文内容选择正确答案: 1. We know that the word “cool”has had _. A. only one meaning B. no meanings C. many different meanings D. the same meaning 2. In the passage , the word “express”means “_”. A. see B. show C. know D. feel 3.

20、If you are _ something , you may say , “Its cool.” A. interested in B. angry about C. afraid of D. unhappy with 4. The writer takes an example to show he is _ the way the word is used. A. pleased with B. strange to C. worried about D. careful with 5. In the passage , the writer suggests that the wor

21、d “cool”_. A. can be used instead of many words B. usually means something interesting C. can make your life colourful D. may not be as cool as it seems 答案: C B A C D 阅读理解要求: 生词不超过2,每分钟5060个词,理解正确率70 题材:人物传记、寓言故事,活动记述,简单科普小品及部分应用文(信函、便条、简单表格和标志) 阅读理解题的考查内容 作为一种综合性很强的题目,阅读理解题主要考查以下几个方面的内容: 1. 考查文章的主旨

22、和大意。 包括对文章主题的理解,对文章中心大意的理解,对作者意图或文章中人物观点的理解,以及从文章内 容中可推断出的结论和作者的弦外之音等。 2. 考查文章的细节和事实。 包括事实识别、有关数字方面的计算或识图、排列次序等。 3. 考查对文章中词语的意思或句子意义的理解。 这些词句一般不只是体现其表层涵义,而往往具有深层意义,同学们要根据文章的上下文来判断其意 义,或根据句子的语法关系分析,并挖掘其含义。 4. 考查拟选题目的能力。 文章标题的拟选不但取决于文章的内容,而且还取决于标题的特点。英语文章标题的特点一般是省略冠 词、be动词或作定语用的人称代词,且多以短语或简单句为主。选择标题的一

23、般原则是:一要切题,即概括 出全文的主旨;二是要简洁,即文字要简单明了。 “阅读理解”的解题步骤与思路点拨 1. 浏览全文,捕捉信息。 要求同学们通过浏览全文,掌握其大意,了解作者的观点和写作意图。 2. 细读思考题,分析信息。 通读(浏览全文)短文后,已对文章或段落大意有所了解,再读思考题,对要捕捉的信息进行分析、推 理,这样便可先解答与主题思想有关的问题。然而浏览全文只能对大意有所了解,对于细节性的问题还得带 着问题通过复读方法解决。 3. 复读全文,抓住细节。 带着问题去复读,可缩小复读的范围,更便于捕捉关键的信息。复读时可边读边用铅笔做些标记,把有 关的人物、事件、时间、地点、起因(即

24、5个W: who , what , when , where , why )划出来。例如:凡逢 人物就圈起来,看完一数,有几个圈就是几个人,一目了然。经过这样的处理,你对文章的内容和细节便清 楚了,对其中矛盾的产生、发展和解决心里就会有底了。 另外,在复读全文时,还应特别注意首段或每一自然段的首句,以及结尾句。因为短文的首句和首段往 往是作者要说明的对象或事件的起因;或作者阐述自己的观点;或事件发生的时间、地点与人物的联系。结 尾句、段是事件的结论或作者表达的态度、意图、目的等。这样一来便容易抓住中心,为准确、快速地解题 打下良好的基础。 4. 解答问题,选定答案。 对那些明显的,有把握的题可

25、以断然圈定。遇到不会做的问题可暂时不做,把每个问题阅读完毕,等会 做的题已做完,然后再回头做剩下的题目。在做题时,如果遇到困难,再重新查阅。这次复读,要针对问题 的要求,抓住重点,一次求得正确答案。 5. 再读全文,核对答案。 这是最后一步,也是重要的一步,不能疏忽。这一步骤要用全文的主题思想统率各思考题,把我们在阅 读和答题时所得到的信息归纳整理一遍后重新再读一遍短文,检查答案,看是否前后一致;意义和语言知识 是否和原文相符;是否符合逻辑等。发现前后矛盾、遗漏要点等错误,要立即纠正。 值得一提的是,改正原来选定的答案,一定要慎之又慎。因为在做过一段时间题目之后,大脑已有些疲 劳,如果不慎可能

26、会把本来选对的题目更改错。这也就要求同学们要相信自己的第一感觉,不可轻易改动答 案。一定要有充分的理由,脑海中有那么一种“柳暗花明又一村”的感觉或者觉得眼前一亮,有种豁然开朗 的境界,这才可改动答案,否则,十之八九会将本已做对的试题改错,下场后叫苦不迭,结果却于事无补。 做阅读理解题应注意的事项 1. 忌不带问题进行阅读。 做阅读理解题时,应先把文章后面所给的考查题浏览一遍,然后带着这些问题进行阅读。边阅读边选出 考查表层情况问题的答案,从而可大大提高阅读效率。 2. 忌草率行事。 在设计理解题时,设计者往往在四个选项中设置一个似是而非的答案。这样,答案的干扰性就特别强, 非常容易迷惑考生。如

27、果在发现一个看似正确的答案时就草率定案,往往会掉进设计者设置的陷阱里。处理 的方法是:对所给四个备选答案进行分析、比较,在理解阅读材料内容的基础上进行旁敲侧击,去伪存真, 方可选出正确答案。 3. 忌凭主观印象。 少数阅读不明确的题目只需根据生活常识就可选出答案,而绝大多数试题则不然,考生必须忠实于原文 来选定答案。这就要求考生在做后一种测试题时,一定要排除自身的生活经验、经历和已有的知识等主观因 素的干扰,按照文章实际反映的情况来选择答案,切不可想当然。 4. 忌囫囵定案。 所谓囫囵定案是指考生在未完全读懂文章时就匆忙将答案选定,结果往往会选错答案,等后来发现时再 作改动,结果弄得试卷非常不

28、整洁,以致于影响自己的成绩。因此,对于尚未读懂的地方,如果时间允许的 话,一定要慢速多读几遍,仔细揣摩,直到弄个水落石出再定答案。 5. 忌忽略时间。 做阅读理解题时,要从整体上控制时间,时间的分配要根据文章的难易程度来决定。文中一两处没弄懂 的地方可以暂时放置起来,等把全部题目做完了,再回过头来处理。因为做完别的题目,自己的心情相对放 松了,这时往往会产生新的思路、新的灵感。即使做完试卷后所剩时间无几了,再把所剩下的题目猜测一下 也不晚,因为这时还有选对的可能性。 客观信息题与主观判断题例析 中考阅读理解题一般有两种层次的试题:一种是客观信息题,即从阅读材料中直接获取试题考查的要 点;另一种

29、是主观信息题,即:试题的答案不能直接从原文中找到,必须经过推理和判断才能回答。显然, 第二种试题的难度一般大于第一种。下面就列举几种题型并举例分析其解题技巧。 (一)客观信息题 所谓“客观信息”,是指在供“阅读理解”的短文中客观存在的事实。客观信息的答案一般都可以在原 文中找到。一般来说,应在短文中找出相关信息的位置,确定试题测试的考点。当然,有的试题还得对原文 所提供的事实“去伪存真”,进行一定程度的比较,才能做出正确的选择。完成客观信息题应注意以下三 点: 1. 辨认事实,注意细节 2001年北京中考“阅读理解”题短文(A)中有这样一句话: There would be a school

30、party on Friday evening . The girls were talking about what they were going to wear. 短文后设有如下一个问题: On Friday evening there would be _. A. a school party B. a school meeting C. a sports meeting D. a birthday party 解题指导此题的题干On Friday evening there would be _. 如果与原文中叙述的事实: There would be a school party

31、on Friday evening. 相比较,可以说是“大同小异”。二者的差异仅是 词序不同。考生如果能正确理解原文中所叙述的事实,便不难看出空白处所缺少的正是A项:a school party。 又如该短文叙述的另一个细节: The party was held on Friday evening . Groups of students arrived . The music began . The girls stood in a line on one side , and the boys on another side. 短文后有下面一个问题:What happened when

32、the music began ? 与原文中叙述的细节The girls stood in a line on one side , and the boys on another side. 相比较,选择项:D. The girls stood on one side , and the boys on another side. 最为接近。答案中仅缺少短语“in a line”(站成一 列),显然,缺少这一短语,也不影响该事实的存在。 2. 同义转换,着重内涵 (1)词句同义。例如: 2000年广州中考“阅读理解”题短文(A)中有这样一句话: If you see a shark , sw

33、im slowly for the shore. 针对这句话短文后有下面一个问题: When a swimmer meets a shark , he should _. 此题的答案是:B. swim slowly to the shore. 解题指导根据此题的答案,不难看出:原文中的条件句(If you see a shark)在问句中转换成了 时间状语从句(When a swimmer meets a shark),原文中主体的动作也由“see a shark”,转换成了 “meet a shark”,但是语意的内涵并未发生变化,属于同义句转换。其答案swim slowly to the

34、shore与 原文中的swim slowly for the shore也完全同义。 (2)语段同义。例如: 2000年上海中考“阅读理解”题短文(A)中有这样两段话: Sally was a college student . It was going to be her mothers birthday soon . She wondered what she could buy her as a present. After she had looked for half an hour , she came into a shop that was selling cheap umbr

35、ellas , and decided to buy one , since her mother had lost her umbrella the month before. 短文之后有下面一道正误判断题:Sally wanted to buy an umbrella for her mother. 解题指导 尽管原文中没有“Sally wanted to buy an umbrella for her mother. ”这句话。但是原文中提到: Sally 的母亲快过生日了(It was going to be her mothers birthday soon. ),她很想为母亲买件礼

36、 物(She wondered what she could buy her as a present. )。她后来发现商店卖伞(she came into a shop that was selling umbrellas),而她母亲又需要一把雨伞(her mother had lost her umbrella the month before. )。上述两段话所表达的内容“Sally wanted to buy an umbrella for her mother. ”一语道破。显然,二者用语虽然各异,但内涵相同,所表达的意思完全吻合。 3. 把握数据,注意推算 中考“阅读理解”中的数据

37、推算并不要求高深的数学知识。在有关数据推算的试题中,根据短文所提供 的数据进行必要的运算时所涉及的数学知识一般都比较简单,关键在于理解原文。例如:2000年南京中考 “阅读理解”短文B中有这样一道题涉及数据推算: I won a prize for one of my paintings when I was fourteen . That may be why I went to an art school four years later When I left school , I got some money . I hope to become a full-time craftsw

38、oman. 短文后有如下一个问题: When finishing school studies , the writer was about _. A. 14 B. 16 C. 18 D. 21 解题指导 原文中提到:作者(The writer)14岁时曾因绘画得奖(I won a prize for one of my paintings when I was fourteen. ),四年之后进美术学校(I went to art school four years later)。不难算出 该生入校时的年龄为14418(岁)。针对这段话,试卷所提出的问题是:作者毕业时(When finish

39、ing school studies)的年龄是多少。尽管短文没有谈到这所美术学校的学制,但是作者毕业时的年龄一定大于 18岁,故干扰项A、B、C均应排除。于是,选择项D是唯一可选的。该校的学制为3年(1821),也是完全 可能的。 【模拟试题】 A “Where are you going to spend your holiday ? ”Misha asked his friends when they were on their way home from school. “I dont know , ”Victor said . “My father and mother have no

40、t yet decided . This evening we are going to talk about it . ” “But I know , ”Lena said , “We usually spend our holidays at the seaside . We enjoy holidays at the Black Sea , we like to swim and sunburn and go on all kinds of interesting excursions (短途旅行). ” “We also go to the seaside in summer , ”V

41、era said , “but this year my parents decided to spend our holidays in Moscow. ” “Oh , its wonderful ! Youll see all the interesting places , exhibitions , museums and parks there , ”Misha said . “We were in Moscow last summer and we had a very good time there. ” “And where are you going to spend you

42、r holidays this summer , Misha ? ”Vera asked. “Ill stay in town for a month and then Ill go to my uncles . He lives in a small village on the Don River. ” “Why dont you go there now ? Its so hot in town in summer. ” “Because my cousin Sasha is coming to spend her holidays with us . Im so glad . We d

43、idnt meet for a long time. ” “Why dont you ask me about my plan for the holidays ? ”Slave asked. “Tell us , please ! ”all of them said at once. “I have a cousin , too. She lives in Leningrad (列宁格勒), and she is coming to stay with us this summer. ” “Then its very good . Lets spend our time together .

44、 You and me , and our cousins , ”Misha said. “And me ! ”said Kate , a girl from their class. “A very good idea ! ”Save said . “I like it very much . Well go on excursions together . Well play games , and swim in the river , and go for a walk in the woods . I think my parents will let us live in tent

45、s near the river. ” “I dont want to go to the Black Sea now , ”Lena said suddenly . “I want to stay here and spend my holidays with you . Its so nice to live in a tent near a river. ” “But its nice to live at a seaside , too ! ”Slave said. “Ill write to you from Moscow , ”Vera said . “I am so glad t

46、hat I go to Moscow. I want to see everything and I want to go everywhere. ” 1. Vera would spend his holidays with his parents in _. A. town B. Moscow C. Leningrad D. Black Sea 2. _ would stay in town during the beginning of the holidays. A. Misha B. Slave and Lena C. Kate D. A,B,and C 3. Misha didnt

47、 go to his uncles at last , because _. A. it was too hot there B. his parents hadnt decided yet C. his cousin was coming D. he wanted to live in a tent near a river 4. In this passage , you can know _ are girls. A. Kate and Slave B. Misha and Sasha C. Lena and Misha D. Sasha and Kate 5. Why did Lena

48、 decide not to go to the Black Sea ? A. Because he didnt like it . B. Because he wanted to go to Moscow. C. Because he wanted to spend his holidays in a tent near a river with his friends. D. Because he wanted to go to everywhere. B Hundreds of years ago , life was much harder than it is today . Peo

49、ple didnt have modern machines . There was no modern medicine , either. Life today has brought new problems . One of the biggest is pollution . Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty . It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water . Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily . Air pollu

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