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1、南安一中20162017学年度上学期第二次阶段考高一英语科试卷本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷,共12页,满分分,考试时间分钟。注意事项:1答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号填、涂在答题卡上并同时填写在答题纸上。2考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效。按照题号在各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效。3答案使用05毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚(英语科选择题答案使用2B铅笔填涂,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号)。4答题卡请保持整洁,不折叠、不破损。考试结束后,将本试卷自行保存,答题卡上交。第I卷 (选择题部分,满分100

2、分)第一部分:听力(满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Who broke the glasses?A. The man B. The mans baby C. The womans baby2. What color of sweater does the woman want to buy?A. Pink B. Blue C. Yellow3. What was th

3、e man doing at this time yesterday?A. Playing football B. Watching a match C. Visiting his brother4. Where is Charlotte now?A. At home B. In the library C. In a health club5. What does the man seem to care about most?A. The size B. The price C. The location第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白

4、后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What are the speakers mainly discussing?A. A gas bill. B. A phone bill. C. An electricity bill.7. Why might the woman make a call?A. To request a repair. B. To ask about a price incr

5、ease. C. To complain about her electricity.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. How much is the short blue jacket? A. 30 pounds. B. 20 pounds. C. 15 pounds.9. What is the mans size? A. 42 B. 40 C. 38听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. How are the speakers likely related? A. They are married. B. They are neighbors. C. They work toget

6、her.11. What did the woman bring over? A. Some cookies she baked. B. Some curtains she made. C. Something for dinner.12. How does the man act toward the woman? A. Hes friendly. B. Hes a little sad. C. Hes very annoyed.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Whats the big lion doing now? A. Sleeping. B. Making loud noi

7、ses. C. Moving back and forth.14. How many times a day are the lions fed? A. 1 B. 2 C. 315. Whats different for lions in the wild? A. They eat more often. B. Their food might last a week. C. They only eat during the day.16. How does the man feel about what lions eat? A. Excited. B. Uninterested. C.

8、Disgusted (厌恶的). 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Originally, how many questions did people have to answer?A. 15. B. 14. C. 13. 18. In what year did the show begin?A. In 2010. B. In 2000. C. In 1999.19. Who was the first person to win one million dollars? A. John Carpenter. B. Regis Philbin. C. Chris Harrison

9、. 20. What is true about the show? A. It won 6 daytime Emmy Awards.B. 7 people won the prize in 2011.C. Its one of the highest-rated (评价) game shows in the U.S.第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AThe recent government announcement of an increase

10、 in university fees for the coming school year has angered young people planning to go to university. In addition, it has caused some of them quite understandably to question the value of a university education.In an ideal(理想的) world, university education would be free and open to all. However in mo

11、st western countries, students do contribute(贡献)to the cost of going to university, and most accept that they should pay something towards the benefits they receive from a university education. These benefits include the opportunity to get good jobs in the future, and this course leads to higher pay

12、 and a more comfortable lifestyle.But is it that simple? Its true that university graduates may get better jobs, but this clearly means that they will then pay higher taxes (税), which contribute to the economy of the whole country. So, isnt adding further increases to university fees in effect askin

13、g students to pay twice? Many students already have to take out loans (贷款) to pay for general living costs. This can result in them getting heavily into debt. A report shows that the average student debt already runs into thousands of pounds. Furthermore (而且), many students have to depend on their p

14、arents to pay for their education.On the other hand, the recent increase in university fees has come at the wrong time. It will discourage some students from going to university because they simply cant afford it. Already many young people are questioning the value of a university educaion. Everyone

15、 seems to have a degree these days, they say, so when they graduate from university, they cant be sure they will get a well-paid job. Therefore the decision to raise university fees will almost certainly affect the student intake, leading to a drop in numbers.The suggested increase in fees is unfair

16、 to students. Many are already having problems dealing withy debt. Theres nothing wrong with asking students to contribute to the costs of a university education, but the suggested increase is too much. We should call on the Government to reconsider their decision or risk losing a generation of educ

17、ated young people.21. Paragraph 2 is mainly about _. A. education in western countries.B. why university fees have increased.C. the benefits of a university education.D. how to get a good university education.22. We learn from Paragraph 3 that _. A. many parents refuse to pay for students education.

18、B. many students are deeply in debt due to university fees.C. university graduates contribute the most to the economy.D. university graduates pay twice as much tax as other people.23. If the university fees are increased, _. A. more students will want to get a university education.B. the Government

19、will provide support to poor students.C. students may wonder if its worth going to university.D. the Government will reduce the living costs of students.24. What is the authors attitude toward the increase in university fees? A. Encouraging. B. Unconcerned. C. Optimistic. D. Unfavorable.BHannah Levi

20、ne decided she wanted to give hugs (拥抱) to all of the children and families in need at local hospitals.Because she couldnt give them one by one, Levine, then a sixth-grader, decided she would use her talents to do the next best thing. She began to knit (编织) hats, scarves, and blankets for families s

21、taying at the Ronald McDonald House at Stanford. Her creations also went to Bundle of Joy, a program that provides newborn baby items (物品) for families in need, and to Knitting Pals by the Bay, a local organization that provides hand-knitted caps to cancer patients.“I love to knit, and I thought it

22、would be a great idea to make all these handmade items for kids and adults who need them. It would be like a hug for them,” Levine explained.Levine started the project about a year ago. “I think its just really fun to do, and it keeps me busy,” said Levine, now 13.Once she got started, Levine realiz

23、ed that her project could be much bigger than the goods she was able to produce with just her own two hands. So she sent emails to her school and communities (社区),asking for knitted donations (捐赠物) to the project she named “Hannahs Warm Hugs”. She also posted advertisements at Starbucks and other lo

24、cations in her area. The warm goods began to gush in.“It was amazing, more strangers than people she knew started dropping donations at our door,” said Levines mother, Laura Levine. “We ended up with this huge box of items she was donating.”The knitted items numbered in the hundreds. Levine made her

25、 first round of donations around Hanukkah (an eight-day Jewish holiday in November or December) and later received thank-you letters from the organizations. Levine is still knitting, and she said the project will continue.“It has turned into a bigger thing than she had thought,” her mother said. “It

26、 made her feel pretty good; it made us feel pretty good.”25. Hannah Levine knitted hats and scarves _. A. to earn some pocket money. B. to raise money for cancer patients.C. for children and families in difficulty. D. for the homeless in her neighborhood.26. The underline part “gush in” in Paragraph

27、 5 can best be replaced by “_”. A. take off. B. flood in. C. run out. D. break in.27. What would be Laura Levines attitude toward Hannah Levines project?A. Proud and supportive. B. Optimistic but worried.C. Concerned but doubtful. D. Unfavorable and uncaring.28. What would be the best title for the

28、text?A. Be ready to lend a helping hand. B. Start a project to show your support.C. 13-year-old girl becomes US best knitter. D. Teen turns knitting hobby into heartwarming project. CDid you know that something as simple as the wallpaper on your computer can tell people a lot about you? According to

29、 researcher Donna Dawson, our computers say something about what we re like because they are part of our “personal space.”A picture of a child or family on the screen often means the person cares deeply about their loved ones. A photo of the person surrounded by friends shows they value their popula

30、rity and probably work well with other people. On the other hand, pictures showing examples of past successes, like winning a prize may mean a person is only interested in themselves.Pictures of nature and natural scenery tell people that you are driven to succeed and use the pictures to relax and r

31、emove the pressure (压力) in your life. Cityscapes, pictures of cities or towns, show that you enjoy travel and adventure. Most people with cityscapes as their wallpaper are optimistic (乐观的), happy people who feel even better thinking about the places theyve visited or want to visit.Pictures of animal

32、s show that you are optimistic and kind-hearted. You are often happy and you enjoy life and act young. Cartoons (漫画) or drawings show that you are a multitasker, someone who does many things at once. You have many responsibilities, but you deal with them well. Thats one reason you like having someth

33、ing to smile about when you look at your computer wallpaper.Then, what does plain blue wallpaper tell us about a person? According to Dawson, a person with plain blue wallpaper probably values their privacy and keeps work from becoming too personal.29. A prize photo as wallpaper suggests someone _.A

34、. cares only about himself or herself.B. has a strong wish to succeed.C. is confident about himself or herself.D. works very well with others.30. Those who look on the bright side of things are likely to have wallpaper like _ .A. pictures of nature and natural scenery.B. pictures showing their past

35、successes.C. city views or pictures of animals.D. photos of staying with friends.31. What can be the best title for the text?A. Where to Look for Your Computer Wallpaper.B. Computer Wallpaper Shows Your Personality.C. How to Place Wallpaper on Your Computer.D. Computer Wallpaper Interests Everyone.

36、DIts often hard to find family holidays that everyone will enjoy. Cruises (海上航游) can be fun, but may offer activities either for small children or adults, with not much for teenagers.Fifteen-year-old Josh Sandford and his 13-year-old sister Rowena took a cruise last year, on a ship called the Rega.

37、“ Before we left, Id spent ages looking at the brochure (宣传册) , and all the activities on offer, so I was really looking forward to it,” says Josh. “When we got on, I could see they had activities that teenagers could join in, so we couldnt really say the brochure was wrong. But they were a bit bori

38、ng things like old movies wed seen before. I wish thered been somewhere for people my age to just hang out together. My parents really enjoyed it, but they were disappointed that we didnt.” Joshs parents had almost decided theyd never take their family on a cruise again when they heard about some ne

39、w cruises that were specially for families with teenagers. So earlier this year the Sandford family set off again, this time on a ship called the Flora. “We did some tours organised by the Flora when the ship stopped in different ports (港口) ,” says Josh. “We went off and explored some old ruins. I w

40、as worried it d be boring, but I have to admit the ruins were actually quite cool.”“The biggest difference was the activities on board, though, like a great gym and two pools. There was a fantastic rock-climbing wall, too, although lots of the teenagers on board didn t seem to want to try it. Maybe

41、they were too scared (害怕的) , as it was really high. But my sister immediately managed to get all the way up it, so I just had to do the same!”Josh and Rowena s family had such a good time on their last cruise that theyre thinking of going again 一 in fact,they re already saving up for it!32. It seems

42、 that the Rega _.A. provided wrong information in the travel brochure.B. didnt offer satisfying activities for teenagers.C. only provided activities suitable for adults.D. didn t satisfy the needs of Joshs parents.33. After the trip on the Rega, Joshs parents_.A. considered giving up cruise holidays

43、.B. started to look for adventurous cruises.C. found it hard to get along with teenagers.D. decided they would never take children along.34. What did Josh think of the tours organised by the Floral?A. He found them a little boring.B. He didnt think they were special.C. He was surprised to find he en

44、joyed them.D. He was worried that his parents wouldnt love them.35. What does the text mainly talk about?A. Teen cruises. B. Family holidays. C. Difficult teenagers. D. Special families.第二节 七选五阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(注意:本题答案请务必写在答题纸上)Happy Halloween!Halloween is

45、 celebrated by Western cultures every year on the night of 31 October. But did you know that it is one of the oldest holidays in history?Over 2000 years ago, people known as the Celts lived in Northern Europe. 36 On the night of 31 October, after their crops had been harvested and stored for winter,

46、 the Celts began a 3-day New Year holiday. 37 Later, when the Romans invaded(入侵) Europe, they adopted the Celts New Year customs and used them in their own festivals. After 835 AD, the Catholic Church in Europe invented a holiday on 1 November, All Hallows Day, to honor saints(圣人). 38 To celebrate All Souls Day, people made big bonfires and dressed up as angels, devils, saints and witches. 39 On this night, people also travelled from village to village to ask for food. It was believed that any village that did not give food would have bad luck.Gradually, over the years, the Celtic, Roma

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