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1、6BEnglish notesU1The first period1. great adj. 伟大;较好 city 都市 cities 复数 great cities 大都市2. Asia 亚洲 in Asia 在亚洲 Asian n. 亚洲人 adj. 亚洲;亚洲人 an Asian3. China 中华人民共和国 Chinese n. 中华人民共和国人;汉语 adj. 中华人民共和国;中华人民共和国人;汉语4. Japan 日本 Japanese n. 日本人;日语 adj. 日本;日本人;日语5. Thailand 泰国 Thai n.泰国人;泰语 adj. 泰国;泰国人;泰语6. tr

2、avel to different cities 去不同都市旅行 two Thais 两个泰国人7. a few Chinese / Japanese 某些中华人民共和国人/日本人(Chinese和Japanese单复数相似)8. Canada 加拿大 Canadian n. 加拿大人 adj. 加拿大;加拿大人9. Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中华人民共和国首都。 band 乐队10. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. 曼谷是泰国首都。 keeper 饲养员;管理员11. Tokyo is the capita

3、l of Japan. 东京是日本首都。 get good grades 获得好成绩12. east 东(E) west 西(W) south 南 (S) north 北(N) south-east 东南 south-west 西南 north-west 西北 north-east 东北13. A in the+方位 of B 表达A在B内部 A to the+方位 of B 表达A在B外部不接壤(to the可以省略) A on the+方位 of B 表达A在B外部接壤14. Beijing is in the north of China. 北京在中华人民共和国北部。 (北京在中华人民共

4、和国内部)15. Tokyo is to the north-east of Shanghai. = Tokyo is north-east of Shanghai.东京在上海东北部。(东京在上海外部和上海不接壤)16. Kunshan is on the west of Jiading.昆山在嘉定西部。(昆山在嘉定外部和嘉定接壤)17. at an exhibition 在一种展览会 chance 机会 about = on 关于18. look at=have a look at=take a look at 看一看,看着 catch on 变得流行19. Thats right.那是对

5、Youre right.你是对 All right.好 Thats all right.没关系20. destroy v. 毁坏 injure v.伤害=hurt be badly injured/hurt 被严重伤害(受伤严重)The second period1. by plane=by air=on a plane 坐飞机 by ship=by sea=on a ship 坐轮船2. by train=on a train 坐火车 fromto从到 How far is it fromto?3. It takes sb time to do sth=sb spend time doing

6、 sth 某人花时间做某事4. distance n.距离 distant adj. 遥远 in the past 在过去(普通过去时)5. We worked hard in the past.在过去咱们努力学习。 in the past+一段时间(当前完毕时)We have worked hard in the past two years. 在过去两年咱们努力学习。6. two days and a half=two and a half days 两天半 be made up of 由什么构成7. some other places 某些其她地方(不限定范畴)another place

7、此外一种地方(3者)8. read about阅读关于 information 信息(不可数名词)a piece of information9. look for 寻找 find 找到人或物 find out 查明事情真相 increase 增长10. palace 宫殿 place 地方 the Childrens Palace 少年宫 the Summer Palace颐和园 the Palace Museum 故宫(博物馆) in the 1960s 在20世纪60年代11. tourist=traveler=visitor 游客 like doing=love doing=enjoy

8、 doing喜欢做某事12. the Great Wall 长城 more than=over 超过 about 大概=around13. million 百万 hundred百 thousand千(与数字连用不加s) three million三百万 a few thousand 几千 several hundred 几百 (more than/over/about+详细数字) 14. millions of成百万 thousands of 成千 hundreds of 成百 (表达预计数字)15. huge=giant 巨大 big=large 大 famous=well-known=kn

9、own adj. 有名16. be famous for 有而出名 be famous as 作为而出名 sushi 寿司(不可数n)17. do some shopping 购物 beach 海滩 beaches(复数)at the beach在海滩18. Russia 俄罗斯 Russian n.俄罗斯人;俄语 adj.俄罗斯;俄罗斯人;俄语19. custom 习俗 Iran 伊朗 South Korea 南韩 North Korea 北朝鲜 level 水平(面)20. novel 故事 works 作品 science 科学 engineer 工程师 separate 分离;隔开Th

10、e third period1. some quiz cards 某些测试卡片 ask questions 问问题 metre=meter 米2. kilometre=kilometer 千米(km) build(built built)v. 建造 building n.建筑物3. have been to sp twice 去过某地两次(次数用于当前完毕时) collect stamps集邮4. Which city哪一种都市 hate doing sth讨厌做某事 dislike doing sth不喜欢做某事5. be located in 位于(某地内部) Singapore 新加坡

11、Malaysia 马来西亚6. be called/named 被称作 symbol n.象征 all over 所有 all over the world全世界7. can+动词原形 someothers=someother+n复数 某些另某些(不限定范畴)8. leave sp 离开某地 leave for sp=go to sp 动身去某地 skate skating 滑冰9. win (won won)获胜 winner 获胜者 in warm weather 在温暖天气10. go in for 参加=take part in;喜欢=care for Chile 智利 equator

12、 赤道11. opposite 在对面;相反 glove 手套 gloves 复数 twin 双胞胎之一 12. chat v. 闲聊 chatted chatting(双写t) beside 在旁边 behind 在背面13. put everything in good order 把一切放得很整洁(order 顺序) ancient 古老 14. civilization 文明 four ancient and civilization countries 四大文明古国15. in the world 在世界上 coast 海岸 cover v.覆盖n.封面 be covered wit

13、h 被覆盖16. for sightseeing and fun 为了观光和乐趣 places of interest 名胜17. be proud of doing=be proud to do对感到骄傲 motherland=hometown故乡18. comfort v/n 安慰;舒服 comfortable adj. 舒服 comfortably adv. 舒服地19. subway=underground 地铁 leave Italy for America离开意大利去美国20. He is five years old.=He is a five-year-old boy. (五岁

14、) attitude 态度连字符是一种词,形容词,中间名词只能用单数,不可单用,必要背面有名词。The fourth period1. bridge 桥 play bridge 打桥牌 in bed 卧床;在床上;睡着 tears 眼泪(复)2. far 远 farther 更远 the farthest 最远 private 私人 necessary 必要3. a number of+可数复数 某些 attraction 吸引物 tourist attractions 旅游胜地4. population 人口(指数字,用large/small修饰)Whats the population o

15、f sp?某地人口多少? 用Its +数字回答 the number of 什么总数 5. wide 野生;野蛮;荒芜 rare 稀有;罕见 rarely=hardly 几乎没有6. a railway station 火车站 draw sb 吸引某人 hear from sb 收到某人来信 7. go boating 去划船 Sydney 悉尼 look forward to sth/doing sth 期待某事/做某事8. cry 大叫;哭 introduce v.简介 Europe 欧洲 wrong 错 go wrong 出错9. address 地址 Whats your addres

16、s?=Where do you live?你住哪里?10. fly(flew flown)飞;坐飞机 fly to sp=go to sp by plane/air 坐飞机去某地11. among 在(3者范畴)之间 between 在(两者)之间 landmark 地标12. Yu Garden 豫园 the City God Temple 城隍庙 history and culture 历史和文化13. convenient 以便 all types of=all kinds of 各种各样 gather v.汇集14. Shanghainese n.上海人;沪语 adj.上海;上海人;沪

17、语 hear heard heard 听见15. desert 沙漠 dessert 甜点 mud 泥土 fossil 化石 press 按;压 16. scientist 科学家 wonder v.想懂得;n.奇迹 problem 问题 publish 出版17. science fiction 科幻故事 teenager 青少年 teenage 青少年in the army 在军队18. heat n.热量;v.加热 gas 气体;煤气 electricity 电 in many ways用许多办法19. an oven 一种炉子 servant 仆人 master 主人;大师 a say

18、ing 一句格言 20. give heat and light 给出热和光 drive away 赶走 catch fire 着火U1范文 My favorite cityShanghai is my favorite city. Its in the east of China. Its one of the biggest cities in China. Its also an international(国际) city in the world. There are many tall buildings and department stores in Shanghai. Man

19、y tourists enjoy shopping in Shanghai. You can buy anything you want. Whats more,its famous for its night views.(夜景)You can also visit many interesting places in Shanghai. There are about 18 million people in Shanghai. They love eating sweet food. U2The first period1. at an airport 在机场 a trip to sp

20、一次去某地旅行 a plane ticket 一张飞机票2. a ticket for 一张票 a suitcase 一种行李箱 a silk scarf 一条丝巾 3. scarf 围巾 scarves 复数 a red scarf 一条红领巾 be going to do=will do将来时4. the USA=America 美国 American n. 美国人(可数n) adj.美国;美国人5. Los Angeles 洛杉矶 for+一段时间 表持续 用于现完,用how long提问6. this Tuesday 本周二 that Saturday那个周六 last Wednesd

21、ay 上周三 next Thursday下周四 (this,that,last,next加时间前面不用介词)7. havent been to sp before 之前没去过某地 (before单独放句末用于现完) 8. plan to do 筹划做 (planned planning 双写n) make a plan 制定一种筹划9. stay there for two months 呆在那儿两个月(th结尾加s,ch/sh结尾加es)10. several 几种 however然而(后加,)=but但是(后不加,) pack v.打包,整顿11. enough space=enough

22、room 足够空间(不可数n) clothes 衣服(复数,没单数)12. answer v/n 回答,答案 the answer to 回答,答案 buy bought bought 买13. get got got得到 do did done做 I am=Im用Are you问 I was用Were you问14. passenger 乘客 flight 航班;飞行 a flight number = Flight No. 航班号15. depart v. 离开=leave depart for=leave for=go to 动身去 departure n.离开16. arrive v.

23、 到达 arrival n. 到达 economy 经济 class 班级;阶级;级别17. drive sb to sp 开车载某人去某地=take sb to sp by car=take sb to sp in a car18. tomorrow 明天 today 今天 tonight 今晚 yesterday 昨天(前面不用介词)19. one and a half hours=one hour and a half 一种半小时 have to do必要,不得不做20. should do/ not do 应当做/不做 dont have to do 不需要做=dont need to

24、 doThe second period 1. must do 必要做 mustnt do 不准,禁止做 find a trolley 找到一种手推车(trolleys)2. worry about sb/sth 紧张某人/某事=be worried about sb/sth 3. worry sb 让某人紧张 worried adj. 感到紧张 worrying adj.令人紧张 4. in the morning 在上午 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在傍晚(每天如此)5. over there 在那儿 a toilet 一种厕所 a passpo

25、rt 一本护照 a name tag一张姓名牌6. a boarding card 一张登机牌 bring brought brought 带来 camera 相机7. dollar 美元 ten dollars 十美元 ten yuan 十元 a checklist 一份清单 8. write wrote written 写 write down 写下 go on a business trip进行一次商务旅行9. have had had 有;吃喝 eat ate eaten 吃 take took taken 带去;耗费;乘坐;拍照10. say said said 说 Where ha

26、ve you been?你去哪里了?(你已回来,在说话当场)11. Where is Mary?She has gone to the library. (玛丽已去了图书馆未回,不在说话当场)12. Britain =the UK =England英国 public 公开;公众 a changing room 更衣室13. danger n.危险 in danger 处在危险 dangerous adj. 自身危险 alone 单独一种人 14. be good for 对有益 be bad for 对有害 energy 能量;精力 wax 蜡15. balance v/n 平衡 balanc

27、ed adj.平衡 keep in balance 保持平衡16. talk happily 高兴地谈话 sothat+句子 如此以至于 guard 看守;警卫17. leave behind 留下;遗留 ladder 梯子 lose my way 迷路 Never mind. 没关系18. journey 旅行=trip Lets,shall we?/ Let us,will you? (反义疑问句)19. ride rode ridden 骑 put up tents 搭帐篷 camp 露营;营地 look around环顾四周20. walk on and on 始终走 mountain

28、 大山 hill 小山 lead(led led)带领 The third period1. lead to 通向;导致 stop 停止;制止 stopped stopping(双写p)be close接近;密切2. quarrel 争执 company 公司;陪伴 for pleasure 为了高兴消遣=for fun3. play cards 打牌 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 main 重要 safer 更安全4. understand 理解 in order to do为了做(用why提问) destination 目地5. take off 脱下;起飞 a bu

29、s stop 公交车站 at Christmas=on Christmas Day在圣诞6. Jesus Christ 耶稣 on Christmas Eve 在平安夜 sock 短袜 stocking 长袜7. at the end of 在末端/结尾 warm-hearted 热心 Merry Christmas. 圣诞高兴8. be interested in doing感兴趣做某事 check in 办理登记或入住手续 manger 经理9. luggage 行李(un) directly 直接地 go on holiday 去度假 hope to do 但愿做10. be busy

30、doing sth=be busy with sth 忙于做某事 except 除了之外(不涉及在内)11. own v. 拥有;adj.自己 owner 拥有者 lie lay lain lying 躺 attention 注意12. value 价值 in a soft voice 用温柔嗓音 a few minutes later 几分钟之后13. a few minutes late 迟到几分钟 agree 批准 so that+句子 为了;成果是14. sell sold sold 卖 possible 也许 impossible 不也许 out of work 失业15. mach

31、ine 机器 ask for 祈求得到 express 表达 temperature 温度16. instead of 代替 waterfall 瀑布 think of 想起;想到 colo(u)rful 丰富多彩17. ever 曾经(用于现完) last month 上个月(过去) next week 下周(将来)18. at 1316 Garden Street 在花园街1316号(at+门牌号) rude=impolite 没礼貌19. There is no need to do sth 没必要去做某事 It is no use doing sth做某事没用20. only/just

32、/quite/still+ a few/a little 只有/相称/依然+某些 very few/little 很少The fourth period1. up to 多达;直到 pretty 美丽 smart=clever 聪颖 solve 解决;解答2. know knew known 懂得;结识 mainland 大陆地区 fix=repair 修理3. break broke broken打破;打碎;摔断 break down 出故障 serve v. 服务4. be moved 受感动 move v.移动;感动;搬家 a great number of+cn复数 许多5. May

33、I speak to?打电话找某人 Speaking我就是。 news 新闻,消息(un)6. in hospital 生病住院 go to hospital 去医院看病 form n.表格;形式 v.形成7. offer 提供 offer sb sth=offer sth to sb course 课程;过程 of course 固然8. enjoyable =pleasant 令人高兴 exclaim 惊叫 use up=run out of 用完;耗尽9. smoke 烟;吸烟 cause a fire 引起火灾 for the first time 第一次10. 5234 five t

34、housand two hundred and thirty-four (只有个位或十位数前加and)11. marry 结婚 stupid 愚蠢=foolish=silly sight 视力;景象;眼界 accident 事故12. timid 胆小 rough 粗糙;粗鲁;汹涌 a big hit 大受欢迎;巨大成功13. in a hurry 匆匆地 forever 永远 for sale 出售 on sale 打折 sale n. 卖14. enemy 敌人 enemies 复数 increase 增长 ignore 忽视 editor 编辑(职业)15. ones other=the

35、 other2个中另一种 my other glove=the other glove另一只手套16. on the day 在这一天或那一天(不是每天均有) in the day 在白天(每天均有)17. use A to do B=use A for doing B=do B with A 用A去做B Venice 威尼斯18. Denmark 丹麦 prince 王子 lose ones life/lives 丧生 life 生命(cn)lives 复数19. borrow sth from sb 从某人那儿借进来某物 lend sth to sb 把某物借出去给某人20. lend l

36、ent lent 借出去 stage 舞台 education 教诲 performer 表演者 U2 范文1 A trip to Hainan(过去时)Last summer holidays I went to Hainan Island with my parents. We got there by air. The weather was very nice. We went swimming in the sea and played volleyball at the beaches. We visited many beautiful places. We also enjoy

37、ed eating seafood there. I had a good time and I will never forget it.U2 范文2 A trip to Beijing(将来时)I will have a trip to Beijing this weekend. I will get there by air. I have bought my plane ticket and a big suitcase for this trip. I will visit my uncle and aunt in Beijing. They will show me around(

38、带领我参观)some places of interest. I will visit the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. I plan to stay there for two weeks. I will have a good time in Beijing. U3The first period1.at the Dragon Boat Festival 在端午节(festival不用on用at) a rice dumpling粽子2. have dragon boat races 举办龙舟赛 know something about 懂得关于某事

39、3. celebrate v. 庆祝 celebration n. 庆祝 the story of 故事 ago 此前(普通过去)4. was/were born 出生于 ones job is/was to do sth 某人工作是做某事 5. advice (un)建议=suggestion (cn)a piece of advice 一条建议= a suggestion6. give sb sth=give sth to sb 给某人某物 give advice to the king 给国王提建议7. take his advice 接受她建议 advise v. 建议 advise

40、doing advise sb to do8. die v. 死亡 death n.死亡(可数) dead adj. 已死 dying adj. 快死9. lose lost lost 丢失;输掉 lose a battle 输掉一场战役 sad=upset 伤心10. jump into a river 跳入河里 to remember him 为了纪念她 (用why提问)11. on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month 在农历五月初五 convenient 以便12. salty rice dumplings with meat 有肉咸粽子 one

41、代替名词单数ones代替名词复数13. sweet rice dumplings without beans 没有豆子甜粽子 some biscuits 某些饼干 14. moon cake 月饼(un) pudding 布丁(un) sandwich 三明治 sandwiches 复数15. an e-mail 一封电邮 a foreign friend 一种外国朋友 write sth to sb 给某人写什么16. send sb sth=send sth to sb 寄给/发送给某人某物 send sent sent17. would rather do/not do宁愿做/不做 lo

42、ok+ adj.看起来 look+ adv.+ at 怎么地看着 18. in January 在一月 on February 1 在二月一号 (in+年或月 on+特定某一天)19. March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月20 . poem 诗歌 poet 诗人 an honest boy 一种诚实男孩 honesty n. 诚实The second period1 a few seconds 几秒 remind sb of sth

43、 使某人想起某事 get into trouble 陷入麻烦2. Worst of all,最糟是 have been in sp for+一段时间 在某地一段时间3. remember/forget 记得/忘掉 (1)+doing 已经做过 (2)+to do 将要去做4. take photos of 给什么拍照 without doing sth 没有做某事 afraid 胆怯;恐怕5. bring/take sb sth=bring/take sth to sb带来/带去某物给某人 conductor 售票员6. Thank goodness. 谢天谢地 fall down 落下 fa

44、ll fell fallen musician 音乐家7. Germany 德国 German n. 德国人;德语 adj. 德国;德国人;德语 Germans8. president 总统;总裁 get up 站起来;起床 be good at doing 擅长做9. get together 约会 in the open air 在户外 watch the moon 赏月10. decorate v. 装饰 decorate A with B 用B装饰A decoration n 装饰品(cn)11. according to 依照 in memory of 作为对什么纪念 wise 有智

45、慧12. bring his country peace 给她国家带来和平 at any time 在任何时间13. help yourself/yourselves to sth 请随意吃点喝点什么 hit hit hit 打击;碰撞14. hole 洞 too weak to go on 太弱以至于不能继续 insist 坚持 beg 乞讨;乞求16. of course = certainly 固然 see sb doing 看见某人正在做 leap year 闰年17. tell sb stories 给某人讲故事 explain v. 解释 an explanation 一种解释n.18. for what reason 由于什么因素 a reason for 一种什么因素 19. instead of doing sth 代替做;而不是做 invent 创造 a university 一种大学20. graduate 毕业 the Forbidden City 紫禁城 even if 虽然 realize 意识到;实现The third period1. notu

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