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1、一、介词as短语As a consequence(of)结果,作为(.的)结果As a matter of fact事实上,其实As a result因此,结果As a result (of)由于;作为.的结果As a whole总体来说,作为整体As to=As for至于,关于二、介词at短语At a high price以高价At a time每次,一次At a distance从远处At all全然,根本At birth出生At breakfast早餐时At college在上大学At dawn在黎明At daybreak在拂晓At dusk在黄昏At first开始时At first

2、 sight乍一看,初见之下,立即At hand近在手边;在附近At home在家(里)At length终于,最后,详细地At last最后;终于At night在夜里At noon在中午At once立刻;马上At one time以前;曾经At ones own expense自费At present现在,目前At rest静止;不动At school有危险,冒险At stake在学校,在求学At sea在大海上,在航海At sunrise日出时At sunset/sundown日落时At table在用餐At the age of在岁时At the beginning of起初;开始A

3、t the bottom在底部At the cost of以为代价At the end of在的尽头At the foot of在的脚下At the head of在的前面At the latest最迟At the mercy of在的支配下;任由摆布At the moment此刻At (the) least至少,起码At (the) most至多,不超过At the same time同时At times有时;间或At work在工作三、介词by短语By and by不久以后By accident偶然By day日间;白日里By the day按天(计)By land由陆路By mistak

4、e由疏忽所致By the light of借助的光By the side of在的旁边/附近By the way顺便说,顺便问一下By volume按体积By weight按重量四、介词in短语1. in+n.+ofIn advance of在的前面;超过In case of假如,万一In charge of主管,掌管,照管In consequence of由于的缘故In danger of处于的危险中In control of管理In face of面对;纵然In favour of赞成,支持;有利于In fear of害怕In front of在的前面(外部)In the front of

5、在的前面(内部)In honor of为向表示敬意,为庆祝,为纪念In memory of纪念In need/want/demand of需要In respect of关于,涉及In search of寻找;寻求In possession of拥有In place of代替In praise of称赞,歌颂In spite of尽管;不顾;虽然In support of支援;支持;拥护In terms of就.而言In the case of就.来说;至于In the course of在.期间,在.过程中In the direction of向.方向,在.方向In the form of以.

6、形式In the hope of怀着.的希望In the middle of在.的中间In the eyes of在.看来In the way of就.而言,关于In the name of以.的名义;代表In view of鉴于,考虑到;由于2.其他In a few days几天以后In a few weeks time几周后In a flash一刹那间In a hurry匆忙地;很快地In a minute一会儿,立刻In a row一个接一个的,连续不断地In a short time不久,一会儿后In a sense从某种意义上说In a way在某种程度上In a word总而言之,

7、总之In accordance with与.一致;按照,根据In addition to除.之外(还有)In advance在前面;预先In (actual) fact事实上In all总计,总共,全部,总之In any case无论如何,总之In any event不管怎样,无论如何In brief简言之;以简洁的形式In battle在战斗中In bed睡觉In case以防;以防万一In common公用,公有,共同In comparison with 与.比较In chains上着镣铐,在囚禁中In danger处在危险(状态)中,垂危In debt欠债;欠账In detail详细地I

8、n doubt拿不准,不肯定In exchange for交换,互换In effect实际上;有效In error错误地In fear在恐惧中In flower在开花In force有效,生效,在实施中In front在前方(面);在正对面In full充足,十足In future从今以后In general一般地,大体上In good health身体好In half成两半In hand现有,在手头;在掌握中In high/poor/bad spirits情绪高涨/低落/差In harmony with与.协调In line排成一行,成直线In love热恋中In modern times现

9、代In nature本质上;实际上In no case决不,无论如何不In no time立即,立刻;马上In no way决不,一点也不In ones honour向.表示歉意In ones opinion以某人的看法In ones search for寻找;寻求In or around附近,内外In (good) order整齐;有条理;按顺序In order that以便;为了In order to do以便;为了In other words换句话说;换言之In pairs成对的In particular特别,尤其In peace平静地,和平In person亲自,本人In place在

10、适当的位置In practice 在实践中In preparation for为.准备In print(指书)已印好;(指作品)已出版In public当众,公开地In reality事实上,实际上In regard to关于In relation to关于,有关;与.相比In return作为回报,作为报答In ruins成为废墟,遭到严重破坏In safety很安全In season(水果等)应时的In secret秘密地,私下地In shape处于.状态In short总之,总而言之In sight被看到,看得见;在望In silence沉默,无声地,静静地In space在太空In s

11、tore贮藏着,准备着,就要到来In stock在贮存中;现有,备有In surprise惊奇地In tears流着泪;含泪In that既然;因为In the air在空中;未定In the distance在远处,在远方In the end最后,终于In the future将来In that case假如那样的话In the 17th century在十七世纪In the first place首先,第一;原先In the near future在不久的将来In the open air在露天In the past在过去(常用于一般过去时)In the least一点,丝毫In the

12、long run从长远看来,最后In the world究竟,到底;在世界上In truth事实上,的确In touch with保持联系;了解In the past few years在过去几年里(常用于现在完成时)In the same way用同样的方法In this way用这种方法In the wild在自然环境下In time及时In total总共In trouble处于困境(或苦恼)中In turn依次,轮流;反过来In vain徒劳,白辛苦五、介词of短语Of value有价值的Of importance重要的Of use有用的Of help有帮助的Of interest有兴

13、趣的Of ability有能力的六、介词on短语On account of因为,由于On all sides在各方面,到处On an open fire在篝火上On a large scale大规模(或大范围)地On average平均,按平均数计算On behalf of代表.,为了.On board在船上;上船(或火车、飞机、公交车等)On business因事,因公On condition that如果.;在.条件下On earth在世界上;究竟,到底On end直立;竖着On duty值日On fire着火,失火On foot步行,徒步On guard站岗,值班On hand现有(尤指

14、帮助)On holiday在度假(休假)On no account决不On ones own独立地,独自On ones way home回家的路上On ones way to去.的路上On principle根据原则,按照原则On purpose故意On sale出售;减价On show展览;展出,陈列On the air(无线电、电视)播送On the basis of在.的基础上On the earth在地球上On the contrary正相反On the farm在农场On the left在左边On the other hand另一方面On the point of正要.时候On t

15、he right在右边On the radio通过无线电(广播)On the way在途中,在路上On the whole总的来说,大体上On time准时,按时On top of在.上面七、out of短语Out of sight看不到Out of mind发狂Out of danger脱离危险Out of trouble摆脱困难Out of office在野,不执政Out of business失业Out of fashion不流行Out of order出故障Out of debt不欠债Out of control不受控制Out of question毫无疑问Out of breath气

16、喘吁吁Out of condition身体不佳Out of date过时Out of ones reach够不着Out of work失业,没有工作八、介词under短语Under discussion在讨论中Under treatment在治疗中Under control被控制Under attack被袭击Under consideration正在考虑中九、介词with短语With pleasure(客气地接受或同意)当然了;很愿意With delight高兴地With fear吓得With satisfaction满意地With difficulty困难地With ease轻而易举地Wit

17、h pride骄傲地With ones help在某人的帮助下十、from.to.构成的短语From beginning to end从头到尾From head to foot从头到脚,浑身From bad to worse越来越糟From morning to night从早到晚From time to time不时地From place to place各处From door to door挨家挨户地From top to bottom整个地,彻底地From cover to cover(指书)从头到尾From hand to mouth勉强糊口From generation to gen

18、eration一代一代地From day to day日复一日十一、短语1.n.+by+n.Side by side肩并肩地Step by step一步一步地One by one一个接一个地Little by little一点一点地Day by day一天一天地2.n.+after+n.Year after year年复一年地3.n.+in+n.Arm in arm臂挽臂地Hand in hand手牵手地4.n.+to+n.Heart to heart互相交心地Face to face面对面地Back to back背靠背地Shoulder to shoulder肩并肩地十二、其他介词短语Ac

19、cording to根据.所说;按照After a (short) while不久以后After all毕竟Ahead of在.前面(以前),优胜于,超过All in all总的来说,总计All of a sudden突然地,冷不防地,意外地All over the country遍及全国All over the world全世界Apart from除.外(都);除.外(尚有)Around to the corner即将来临,在拐角处Be suited to合适,适宜Dozens of几十,许多Except for除了.之外Far from远离,完全不,绝非First of all首先Free

20、 of change免费From dawn till dusk从黎明到天黑From.on从.时开始,从.以后Lots of许多Masses of大量,许多Next to贴近;仅次于Nothing but (=except)只是,仅仅Of course当然;自然Of late最近,近来Of ones own属于某人自己的Off duty下班Once in a while有时,偶尔,间或Once upon a time很久以前;从前One after another相继,顺次Or so大约Over and over反复;再三Over and over again反复不断,一再,多次Over the

21、 centuries经过几个世纪Over there在那边(指较远处)Packs of大量的,成捆的Piles of成堆的Plenty of充足的,相当多的;许多的;大量的Since then自那以后(常用于完成时)Tens of thousands好几万Through thick and thin不顾艰难To the point中肯;扼要,切中要害Up and down上上下下,来回地Up to直到;从事于Up to date现代的,时新的,据目前所知的Up to time准时Upon ones word一定;绝不虚言十三、be+adj.+介词1.be+adj.+aboutBe anxiou

22、s about为.而忧虑Be certain/sure about对.有把握Be careful about当心;小心Be concerned about担心Be doubtful about对.怀疑Be enthusiastic about对.热情的/热心的Be hopeful about对.抱有希望Be sorry about对.感到惭愧Be worried about对.担心Be curious about对.好奇2.be+adj.+asBe considered as被看做(认为)Be regarded as被当做Be thought of as被当做Be famous as作为.而著

23、名3.be+adj.+atBe aimed at目的是,旨在,针对Be good at擅长Be quick at做.敏捷Be slow at对.反应慢Be surprised at对.吃惊Be bad at不擅长Be terrified at受到.恐吓Be shocked at对.感到震惊Be present at出席4.be+adj.+fromBe absent from缺席Be away from远离.Be free from不受.影响Be safe from面受.危害Be different from与.不同Be made from由.制成5. be+adj.+forBe anxious

24、 for渴望Be good for对.有益Be bad for对.有害Be fit for适合Be unfit for不适合Be late for迟到Be thankful for因.而感激Be famous for因.而著名Be ready for为.做好准备Be responsible for对.负责Be short for是.的缩略形式6.be+adj.+inBe active in积极从事与Be weak in不擅长.Be strict in对.严格Be rich in含有丰富的.Be interested in对.感兴趣Be dressed in穿着.Be engaged in使从事

25、于,使忙于Be high/low in.含量高/低Be successful in在.上成功Be absorbed/deep/buried in专心于Be disappointed in对.感到失望Be experienced in对.有经验Be expert in在.方面熟练Be fortunate in有幸Be measured in以.计算7.be+adj.+ofBe afraid of害怕Be ashamed of为.感到羞耻Be aware of知道Be capable of能够Be conscious of意识到Be fond of喜欢,爱好Be full of充满.的Be gui

26、lty of有.罪的Be made out of由.构成Be made up of由.组成Be proud of因.骄傲Be short of缺乏Be sick of厌烦Be sure of/about确信,有把握Be tired of (=be bored with)厌倦Be worthy of值得Be free of免于Be shy of对.感到害羞8.be+adj.+toBe contrary to与.相反Be equal to等于Be familiar to对.熟悉Be favorable to对.有利Be harmful to对.有害Be polite to对.有礼貌Be rude

27、to对.无礼Be married to与.结婚Be suitable to适合Be addicted to沉溺于Be admitted to/into获准进入,被.录取Be bound to必定,必然Be devoted to doing致力于,献身于Be engaged to与.订婚Be essential to/be essential to/be fundamental for对.必不可少;对.非常重要Be faithful to忠诚于Be home to为.的所在地Be related/linked to与.有关Be similar to与.相似Be superior to比.优越,超

28、过.Be/get/become used to/be accustomed to对.习以为常,习惯于,适应于9.be+adj.+withBe popular with受.欢迎Be busy with忙于.Be careful with对.很小心Be strict with对.苛刻Be patient with对.有耐心Be pleased with对.感到满意Be crowded with充满.Be content with对.满足Be annoyed with对.烦恼Be familiar with对.熟悉Be friendly with与.友好Be nervous with对.紧张Be s

29、atisfied with对.满意Be angry with生某人的气Be concerned with关心,挂念Be connected/associated with与.有关Be cross with sb.生某人的气Be drunk with醉心于.,沉溺于.Be equipped with配备有.Be faced with面临,面对Be filled with充满.Be flooded with被.所淹没;充满,充斥Be tired with doing因做.而疲惫Be wrong with有毛病10.be+adj.+onBe dependant on依靠Be keen on热衷于.Be severe on对.严格/严厉Be based on以.为基础,基于.之上Be hard on对.苛刻,对.严格要求

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