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1、语法填空一.There 1_(be) a new modern art exhibition downtown for the last three days, which 2_(close) this coming Sunday. Having got two tickets for it, I 3_(consider) inviting my friend Tony to go along with me. I know that he 4_(finish) his final paper by Sunday and can afford the time. He once 5_ (tel

2、l) me that he likes modern art, so I think he will be interested in this exhibition. Just this morning, when I entered my office, my colleagues 6_(talk) about it, and some of them said they 7_(go) to see it already, The exhibition 8_(hold) in ten more big cities in America after it goes to San Franc

3、isco next week. Ive just called Tony and he has agreed to go with me, saying that he 9_(look) forward to going to an exhibition for months. I will call for him this Sunday. Ill go home for lunch now, as I 10_(starve).答案:1. has been 2.will close 3.am considering 4.will have finished 5.told 6.were tal

4、king 7.had gone 8.will be held 9.has been looking 10.am starving二1_(stand) at the window of an expensive shop was a young woman 2_(dress) in blue jeans. She went in and asked 3_(see) a dress that was in the window. The assistant 4_(serve) her didnt like the way she was dressed and told her the dress

5、 was sold in advance. The woman walked out of the shop angrily. 5_(decide) to punish the assistant, the woman returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in her hand. Finding the rude assistant, she asked for the same dress. Not realizing who she was, he was eage

6、r 6_(serve) her this time. With great difficulty, he climbed into the shop window to get the dress. Seeing this, the woman said that she didnt like it. She enjoyed herself by making the assistant 7_(bring) almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had at first asked for. Sh

7、e was very 8_(please) with what she had done. Taking the dress, she left the shop. 9_(recognize) the woman by now, the assistant didnt feel angry. Instead, he felt sorry for what he had done the day before, and apologized to her for what he had done. The woman forgave him and later is said 10_(becom

8、e) a regular customer of the shop.答案:1. Standing 2.dressed 3.to see 4.serving 5.Deciding/ Having decided 6. to serve 7.bring 8.pleased 9.Having recognized 10.to have become三. As we know, water is very important 1_ man. However, when my classmates and I went to town together 2_ bike on Saturday, we f

9、ound many car washes on both sides of the road. Now towns are badly short 3_ fresh water. We should save every drop of water 4_ our daily life. Water, especially fresh water, is very important to us. We should be clear5 _ the fact and I hope the government can take measures to solve the problem as s

10、oon as possible. Do you agree 6_ me about this point?As a student, we should do our part 7_ protecting water. Firstly, we should know that in our daily life, we should save water electricity and paper. Moreover, recycle whatever we can, 8_ the water that has been used. Last but not least, dont forge

11、t to influence those 9_ you to follow, and raise their awareness of saving water! If we dont act now to protect water, it will fun out one day, which will be a threat 10_ the survival of us human beings.答案:1. to 2. by 3. of 4. in 5. about/ on 6.with 7. in 8. including 9. around 10. to 四.Last month,

12、I stayed in 1_ countryside for some time. Each evening I would take 2_ walk in the fields. During 3_ day, I sometimes stayed indoors and did some reading. Actually, we should have 4_ patience to read a book so that well have 5_ better understanding of life. Im working in a large company and have a b

13、usy life. Thomas lee, 6_ newly elected president of our company, thinks highly of me and gets me to be in charge of two departments. But I have to make 7_ compromise with him to have a chance once in 8_ while of some time free from work. Just yesterday, Thomas called me. He said on 9_ phone that I w

14、ould get back to work soon, so that I could settle some problems that had been left unsettled in 10_ absence of me, one who should be in charge.答案:1. the 2.a 3. the 4. the 5. a 6. the 7. a 8. a 9.the 10.the 五. Look at this photo. Lucy went on her trip to the 1_ (mountain)! Shes really a born 2_(beau

15、tiful), isnt she? Well, Im just telling the 3_(true). She once told me that she usually put cucumber slices on her face, those little greenish 4_(thing). Havent you heard they say on TV that cucumbers soften the skin, wipe out the 5_(rough) and build 6_(strong)? Yeah! They wipe out tight, tired feel

16、ings and remove lines and age _(sign). As for me, I have a 8_(prefer) for a walk in the open. For one thing, the fresh air can help me get rid of those negative 9_(feel), thus making me refreshed for the days work again. Actually, staying energetic and keeping beautiful 10_ (be) a necessity for us in our career. Being energetic, we can pace ourselves and work more efficiently. Staying young with good looks, well be more confident in our daily work.答案:1. mountains 2.beauty 3.truth 4.things 5.roughness 6. strength 7.signs 8. preference 9. feelings 10.are

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