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1、(你永远不会忘记)(你永远不会忘记)Period 4 Section B 2a-2dUnit 9 Unit 9 Singapore-A Place You will never ForgetSingapore-A Place You will never Forget第1页to国国 花花第2页第3页(女神)(女神)第4页第5页Southeast Asia第6页equator赤道赤道新加坡新加坡Southeast Asia东南亚东南亚第7页马来西亚马来西亚印度尼西亚印度尼西亚islandThis small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and

2、safe place to _.take a holiday 马来西亚马来西亚第8页this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to _.take a holiday For a tourist from China,中国游客中国游客第9页this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to _.take a holiday For tourists from China,中国游客中国游客thousands of 数以千计数

3、以千计第10页Chinese 76.2Malays 13.8Indians 8.3Others 1.7 three quarters 四分之三四分之三 More than three quarters of the population are Chinese.四分之三人口四分之三人口第11页on the one hand首先首先on the other hand其次(Putonghua)(English)第12页on the one hand,首先首先you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of the time.仅仅仅仅(You can simply sp

4、eak English in Singapore every day.)Putonghua第13页on the other hand其次is an English-speaking country 一一个说英语个说英语国家国家Englishits also a good place to practice your English!第14页You _ that you cant find _.Chinese food(害怕害怕)fear第15页The boy _ this tiger.fearsThe boy _ this tiger.fears to see害怕看见害怕看见fears see

5、ing第16页have some problem Chinese foodgetting第17页_ you like rice,noodles _ dumplings,youll find it all in Singapore!?Whetheror不论不论还是还是第18页 Indian foodWestern foodJapanese foodan excellent place第19页_ you like,._ ,youll find it all in Singapore!?Whetheror Indian foodWestern foodJapanese food第20页Night S

6、afari:夜间野生动物园:夜间野生动物园It might _ to go to a zoo when its dark.seem strange(at night)第21页probably be asleep第22页probably be asleeplions foxestigers第23页wake up第24页第25页almost the sameall year round第26页You can choose to go in第27页You can choose to go _.whenever you like你喜欢任何时候你喜欢任何时候第28页on the one hand首先首先

7、on the other hand其次not far from第29页第30页China,Singapore,Southeast Asia,zoo,Night Safarilions,tigers,foxesnames of placesanimalsComplete the word map with the words from the reading.第31页seasons Putonghua(Chinese),EnglishChinese food,rice,noodles,dumplings,Indian/Western/Japanese foodlanguageskinds of

8、foodsummer,spring,autumn,winter第32页Have you ever been to Singapore?For thousands of tourists from China,this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday.On the one hand,more than three quarters of the population are Chinese,so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot o

9、f the time.On the other hand,Singapore is an English-speaking country,so its also a good place to practice your English!Singapore A Place You Will Never Forget!第33页Have you ever tried Chinese food outside of China?Maybe you fear that you wont be able to find anything good to eat when you travel.In S

10、ingapore,however,youll find a lot of food from China;you wont have any problem getting rice,noodles or dumplings.Singapore is also an excellent place to try new food.Whether you like Indian food,Western food or Japanese food,youll find it all in Singapore!第34页Most large cities have zoos,but have you

11、 ever been to a zoo at night?Singapore has a Night Safari.It might seem strange to go to a zoo when its dark.However,if you go to see lions,tigers or foxes during the daytime,theyll probably be asleep!A lot of animals only wake up at night,so this is the best time to watch them.At the Night Safari,y

12、ou can watch these animals in a more natural environment than in a normal zoo.第35页One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almost the same all year round.This is because the island is so close to the equator.So you can choose to go whenever you like spring,summer,autumn or winter.A

13、nd,of course,its not too far from China!第36页第37页A:Singapore is a beautiful country._ you ever _ there before?B:Yes,Ive _ to Singapore many times.Its my favorite country in _ Asia.A:What languages do people _there?B:Mostly Chinese and_.A:What about the food?Is it good?B:Its excellent!There are _ food

14、 in Singapore._ you like Indian food,Western food _ Japanese food,youll find it all in Singapore!Fill in the conversation.Have beenbeenSoutheast speakEnglish all kinds of Whether or(主要地,通常)(主要地,通常)第38页A:Great.I hear that Singapore has a Night Safari,it is interesting to _ the animals _.B:Yes!Ive vis

15、ited it twice.At the Night Safari,you can watch these animals in a _ natural environment than in a normal zoo.A:Can you tell me the temperature in Singapore?B:Oh,it is almost the same all _ round!Its always summer there!A:And which is the best time to visit Singapore?B:You can go _ you like!watch mo

16、rewheneveryearat night 第39页These animals are in _ in a normal zoo.a natrual environment(一个自然环境)(一个自然环境)(普通动物园)(普通动物园)PisZoo第40页These animals are in _.a more natrual environment(一个(一个愈加愈加自然环境)自然环境)第41页If you are a guide,a tourist named Tom wants to get some information about Singapore,try your best to introduce Singapore to him.(注意:(注意:能够能够介绍介绍Singapore一个一个或或多个多个特色。特色。)第42页at nighta第43页All in allSoutheastthere第44页will (陈佳铱陈佳铱)第45页visit第46页countriesmorea刘思琪刘思琪第47页other countriesgohere第48页第49页第50页

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