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1、Unit2Unit 2 Space Invaders第第1页页Watch the video and answer the following questions.1.How is the“getting through the door”movement understood by many people?Pre-reading Activities-Audiovisual supplement 1Audiovisual supplementCultural informationMany view this apparently light-hearted tussle as a sign

2、 that Arafat and Barak were getting on well.Arafat and Barak are struggling to get through the door after the other party in order to show“I am in control”.2.What is the hidden message behind the scene?Body language is very important,but often complex and easily misunderstood.3.What does this story

3、tell us?第第2页页Pre-reading Activities-Audiovisual supplement 2Audiovisual supplementCultural informationFrom Secret of Body Language第第3页页Voiceover:But body language is often complex,and easily misunderstood.Here,President Clinton leads the Israeli and Palestinian leaders Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat u

4、p before the press during peace negotiations.Its all smiles for the cameras,but behind the faade of bonhomie,theres a power struggle going on.Clinton jokingly explains that none of them will take any questions.Clinton:We promise to each other we will answer no question and offer no comments,so I hav

5、e to set a good example.Voiceover:The body language then reveals just why that works.Expert A:Wow.Its almost a physical fight.Video Script1Audiovisual supplementCultural information第第4页页Voiceover:Many view this apparently light-hearted tussle as a sign that Arafat and Barak were getting on well.Thin

6、k again.Expert A:There is a great meaning behind who goes through the door first.Now of course here in the West,letting someone through the door first doesnt really matter.Polite maybe.But in the Middle East,it has significant cultural impact.Expert B:The host,the power person,says,“Im in control.Il

7、l help you through the door.Ill show you the way.”Arafat:Thank you.Thank you.Voiceover:Throw in the fear and tension present in most Middle East negotiations,and suddenly,the desire of Video Script1Audiovisual supplementCultural information第第5页页 both Arafat and Barak not to go through that door befo

8、re the other starts to make sense.Expert C:This is a classic example in its extreme way of how the last man through the door is the winner.So Barak reaches for Yasser Arafat.Arafat literally grasps his arm,moves on,and starts waggling his finger at Barak,who,then,Barak,uses this opportunity as a wre

9、stling match to move around,to actually be behind Arafat,and then literally grasps Arafat,holds him by the arm,and shoves him through the door.Expert B:So youve got fear and power struggle,showing in big big big big bold body language with it.Video Script1Audiovisual supplementCultural information第第

10、6页页Personal space can be imagined as a kind of bubble surrounding a person that protects his or her privacy and which other people may not normally enter.Allowing somebody to get very close and enter your personal space may be a sign of trust or love.On the other hand,intruding others personal space

11、 can be rather offensive.The amount of space people need to feel around them varies with various factors,such as culture,sex,familiarity between people,crowdedness of the situation,etc.For example:Cultural information 1Audiovisual supplementCultural information第第7页页 people from cultures that like a

12、lot of personal space feel awkward and embarrassed when somebody comes too close to them;people of the same sex may sit or stand closer to each other than to somebody of the opposite sex;strangers and casual acquaintances usually need more space than friends and members of the same family who know e

13、ach other well;in a noisy street people may need to stand closer than they would normally,simply in order to hear each other.Cultural information 2Audiovisual supplementCultural information第第8页页Structural analysis In the text,the writer first points out the fact that nowadays people are more concern

14、ed about themselves and want to have a larger personal space than decades ago,and then he analyzes the causes of space invasion.The text can be divided into three parts.Part I(Paragraphs 1 2):The writer calls the readers attention to the invasion of personal space by relating an experience of how hi

15、s personal space was invaded.Rhetorical featuresStructural analysisPart II(Paragraphs 3 7):The writer analyzes some likely causes of the shrinkage of personal space,and attributes the invasion of personal space to the general decline of good manners.第第9页页Structural analysisRhetorical featuresStructu

16、ral analysisPart III(Paragraphs 8 9):The author presents his view about the essence of personal space,i.e.it is psychological,rather than physical,and urges people to“expand the contracting boundaries of personal space”.第第10页页Rhetorical Features 1 A vivid and accurate description of the behaviour of

17、 the space invaders and those whose personal space is being invaded is achieved by a delicate selection of verbs.Some of the examples are as follows.Rhetorical featuresStructural analysis a man started inching toward me (Paragraph 1)In elevators,people are wedging themselves in just before the doors

18、 close.(Paragraph 3)In movie theatres these days,people are staking a claim to both armrests,annexing all the elbow room.(Paragraph 7)Verbs and verbal phrases used to describe the behaviour of space invaders:第第11页页Rhetorical Features 1Verbs and verbal phrases used to describe the reaction of those w

19、hose space is being invaded:I minutely advanced toward the woman in front of me.(Paragraph 1)who absent-mindedly shuffled toward the white-haired lady ahead of him.(Paragraph 1)Rhetorical featuresStructural analysisPractice:Please find more examples to illustrate the authors careful choice of verbs.

20、第第12页页Detailed reading1Detailed readingSPACE INVADERS Richard Stengel 1 At my bank the other day,I was standing in a line snaking around some tired velvet ropes when a man in a sweat-suit started inching toward me in his eagerness to deposit his Social Security check.As he did so,I minutely advanced

21、 toward the woman reading the Wall Street Journal in front of me,who,in mild annoyance,began to sidle up to the man scribbling a check in front of her,who absent-mindedly shuffled toward the white-haired lady ahead of him,until we were all hugger-mugger against each other,the original lazy line havi

22、ng collapsed in on itself like a Slinky.第第13页页Detailed reading2Detailed reading2 I estimate that my personal space extends eighteen inches in front of my face,one foot to each side,and about ten inches in back though it is nearly impossible to measure exactly how far behind you someone is standing.T

23、he phrase“personal space”has a quaint,seventies ring to it(“Youre invading my space,man”),but it is one of those gratifying expressions that are intuitively understood by all human beings.Like the twelve-mile limit around our national shores,personal space is our individual border beyond which no st

24、ranger can penetrate without making us uneasy.第第14页页Detailed reading33 Lately,Ive found that my personal space is being invaded more than ever before.In elevators,people are wedging themselves in just before the doors close;on the street,pedestrians are zigzagging through the human traffic,jostling

25、others,refusing to give way;on the subway,riders are no longer taking pains to carve out little zones of space between themselves and fellow-passengers;in lines at airports,people are pressing forward like fidgety taxis at red lights.Detailed reading第第15页页Detailed reading44 At first,I attributed thi

26、s tendency to the“population explosion”and the relentless Malthusian logic that if twice as many people inhabit the planet now as did twenty years ago,each of us has half as much space.Recently,Ive wondered if its the season:T-shirt weather can make proximity more alluring(or much,much less).Or perh

27、aps the proliferation of coffee bars in Manhattan the number seems to double every three months is infusing so much caffeine into the already jangling locals that people can no longer keep to themselves.Detailed reading第第16页页Detailed reading55 Personal space is mostly a public matter;we allow all ki

28、nds of invasions of personal space in private.(Humanity wouldnt exist without them.)The logistics of it vary according to geography.People who live in Calcutta have less personal space than folks in Colorado.“Dont tread on me”could have been coined only by someone with a spread.I would wager that pe

29、ople in the Northern Hemisphere have roomier conceptions of personal space than those in the Southern.To an Englishman,a handshake can seem like trespassing,whereas to a Brazilian,anything less than a hug may come across as chilliness.Detailed reading第第17页页Detailed reading6-76 Like drivers who plow

30、into your parked and empty car and dont leave a note,people no longer mutter“Excuse me”when they bump into you.The decline of manners has been widely lamented.Manners,it seems to me,are about giving people space,not stepping on toes,granting people their private domain.7 Ive also noticed an increase

31、 in the ranks of what I think of as space invaders,mini-territorial expansionists who seize public space with a sense of manifest destiny.In movie theatres these days,people are staking a claim to both armrests,annexing all the elbow room,while at coffee shops and on the Long Island Railroad,individ

32、uals routinely commandeer booths and sets of facing seats meant for foursomes.Detailed reading第第18页页Detailed reading88 Ultimately,personal space is psychological,not physical:it has less to do with the space outside us than with our inner space.I suspect that the shrinking of personal space is direc

33、tly proportional to the expansion of self-absorption:people whose attention is inward do not bother to look outward.Even the focus of science these days is micro,not macro.The Human Genome Project is mapping the universe of the genetic code,while neuroscientists are using souped-up M.R.I.machines to

34、 chart the flight of neurons in our brains.Detailed reading第第19页页Detailed reading99 In the same way that the breeze from a butterflys wings in Japan may eventually produce a tidal wave in California,I have decided to expand the contracting boundaries of personal space.In the line at my bank,I now re

35、fuse to move closer than three feet to the person in front of me,even if it means that the fellow behind me starts breathing down my neck.Detailed reading第第20页页Is“personal space”a term of the seventies?Is it out of date nowadays?Why or why not?(Paragraph 2)Detailed reading2-Quesion“Personal space”wa

36、s a term popularly used in the seventies but seldom mentioned nowadays.However,it doesnt mean that it is out of date.People,whatever periods they are in,need personal space,which is not to be penetrated.The only problem is that the world is becoming so crowded that it is impossible for people to pro

37、tect their personal space as well as they used to do.Detailed reading第第21页页What does the author mean by saying“personal space is mostly a public matter”?(Paragraph 5)Detailed reading5-QuesionPersonal space,first of all,is the space you expect and are expected to keep between you and other people in

38、public places in order to maintain an appropriate interpersonal relationship.Edward T.Hall in TheDetailed readingHidden Dimension,for example,describes the social values applied by Americans to certain distances between people as falling into four main categories:“Intimate distance(0 1&1/2 feet),Per

39、sonal distance(1&1/2 4 feet),Social/Consultative distance(4 10 feet),and Public distance(10 or more feet).”第第22页页Do you agree with the writers view that the contraction of the outer,personal space is proportional to the expansion of the inner-space of modern man?(Paragraph 8)Detailed reading8-Quesio

40、nYes,people in the present society tend to be more self-centered,concentrating on their private affairs and ignoring the outer world around them.They say they have no time or energy to care about others in a society of fast tempo.As a matter of fact,they do not want to bother about it.Detailed readi

41、ng第第23页页Detailed reading8 ActivityGroup discussionsTopic A:Is personal space important to you?Why or why not?Topic B:According to your observation,does personal space vary in different places/relations/cultures?Give examples.Detailed reading第第24页页snake:v.move in a twisting wayDetailed reading1 snake

42、e.g.The train was snaking its way through the mountains.Detailed readingSynonym:meander第第25页页inch:v.move very slowly and carefullyDetailed reading1 inchDetailed readinge.g.Howard inched forward in the crowd.He inched his way through the narrow passage.第第26页页Detailed reading1-in mild annoyancein mild

43、 annoyance:with a little anger or impatience mild:a.not very great in degreee.g.We looked at each other in mild astonishment.Detailed readingSynonym:slight第第27页页Detailed reading1-sidlesidle:v.walk in a timid manner,esp.sideways or obliquelyDetailed readinge.g.A man sidled up to me and asked if I wan

44、ted a ticket for the match.第第28页页Detailed reading1-scribblescribble:1)v.write or draw(sth.)carelessly or hurriedly e.g.He scribbled a note to his sister before leaving.She scribbled down her phone number and pushed it into his hand.Throughout the interview,the journalists scribbled away furiously.De

45、tailed readingSynonym:scrawl2)n.U,sing.careless and untidy writinge.g.How do you expect me to read this scribble?第第29页页Detailed reading1-shuffleshuffle:v.walk by dragging ones feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground Detailed readinge.g.He slipped on his shoes and shuffled out of the

46、 room.A fat woman was shuffling along with a pushchair.Collocations:shuffle sth.off:avoid talking or thinking about sth.because it is not considered importantshuffle out of sth.:try to avoid some unpleasant task by acting dishonestlye.g.He shuffled the question off and changed the topic.e.g.I mistru

47、st the way in which they shuffle out of sustained efforts.第第30页页Detailed reading1-SlinkySlinky:n.A Slinky(“灵巧鬼”,一个用软弹簧做成会翻跟头玩具)is a coil-shaped spring invented by mechanical engineer Richard James in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.Slinkys come in various sizes and shapes.They can“walk”down stairs as the

48、coils stretch and reform as gravity moves them down each step,the springs momentum causing it to spill end over end from one step to the next.Detailed reading第第31页页Detailed reading2-ringring:n.a quality,or an impression of having the quality that is mentionede.g.Her story had a ring of truth about i

49、t.The books he mentioned had a familiar ring about them.Detailed reading第第32页页gratifying:a.giving pleasure or satisfaction Detailed reading2 gratifyinge.g.The new plan may be gratifying to the President.Detailed readingDerivations:gratify v.;gratification n.第第33页页Detailed reading2penetrateDetailed r

50、eadingpenetrate:v.succeed in forcing a way through(sth.)e.g.They penetrated into the territory where no man had ever gone before.The suns radiation penetrates the skin.第第34页页Detailed reading3wedge The people sitting close to me wedged me into the corner.Open the door wide and wedge it with a pad of

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