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1、(完整word版)比较劳工政策期末笔记(英文版)1.Employer: strongly resistedGovernment: use legal means to restrict labor conflicts.a) Sharp class confrontationb) Intense class conflict eg:结社法英国In general, the labor conflicts were mainly in the improvement of labor conditions, the activities2.Characteristics of Fordism:a)

2、 Economies of scaleb) Uniformity and standardizationc) Large enterprisesd) Keynesiane) Collective wage bargaining3.New ideas of contemporary industrial relationsThe labor world is facing unprecedented challenges because of the capital globalizationEconomic operation mechanism economic structure4.The

3、 theoretical systemRicardo to Benthams utilitarianism as the starting point, to establish a labor theory of valueas the basis, to the distribution theory as the center of the theoretical system5.Ideological and cultural factors that influenced Smith:(1)Scientific revolution and the enlightenment(2)P

4、hysiocratic school economic liberalism(3)Economic individualism of David Hume12.Muller Jentsch,Distinguishes ontologically between system theoryMarxist theory, institutionalism, action theory and economic approachesThe primacy of market The state behaves essential as an agent of maket forcesPolitica

5、l forces are equally important to market forces,the labor market is seen as a political as well s an economic forumThe state is regarded as an independent actor and the subordinate to the market13.convergence theories:kerrBackground:common technologies and cross-national markets would create converg

6、enceGlobal economyForces:Homogenizing pressure of new technologies which was thought to be central to the logic of industrialismsh of progress. education, equality and the lon of comparisonsthe Labor Theory of valueLabour only source of valueFocus is on unique aspects of labour with respect to all o

7、ther commoditiesOnly commodity with difference between commodityandcommodity-powerA corollary: if labour only source of value, then capital merely contributes stored labour-value to productTheoretical perspectives on comparative employment relationsintroductionEmployment relations: interdisciplinary

8、 empirical methodologiesEmpirical bias: Conceptual development,Theoretical innovation,Comparative research,Empirical comparisons of emplovment modelsColling and TerryThe indeterminacy of the labor contractThe inequality or asymmetry of power resources of the actors involved the dynamic nature of the

9、 relationship and the co-existence of conflict and cooperationthe influence of globalizationFirstly:,globalization has expanded the boundaries of the market placeSecondly, globalization has disturbed the status quo betweencapitaland laborin each countryThirdly.,globalization is having a contradictor

10、y Impact on IRFourth,liberalization leads to competition hich could increase econimic InequalitiesFifth. The strength of workers continues to be Weakened in economic globalization. Labororganizations and its bargaining power weakenedSixth. The development of economic globalization Is also pregnant w

11、ith a newmechanism to restrain the power of capital,to provide a new opportunity for rebuilding the relative balance betwveen employers and employeesThe political economy or employment relationsHumans beings and citizens of political democraciesA political processA more institutional sensePower reso

12、urce theory: Previous research InadequateAn important comparative research modelbackgroundIn 1929 the American Great DepressionRooseveltUnemploymentlabor movementNew Deal erao large-scale intervention in public lifeo labor policy that favors to trade unionso the coordination of labor relations and t

13、he labor standards to determine the basis of the legal policy in US is laid in this erao a large wave of strikesBig businesslarge scale of productionHeavy overhead costsRequire new form of publicRegulation to protect consumers and workers from exploitationo1935 Congress passed the National Labor Rel

14、ations Act01935 Wagner acto1947 Taft-Hartley act01959 Landrum-Griffin ActUnion1) New deal eraunionism transformed life for many workersAssure workers of a fair share of productivity gainsCorporatist model, the implementation of labor, employers and government tripartite cooperation mechanism3)During

15、 1970sUnion rate is getting lower and lowerThe number ot strikes decreased year by yearPolItical Intluence was diminishingthe reason:First, the suppress from government and enterprisesand enterprisesSecond, the impact of economic globalizationThird, the policy focuses changed from the corporatism to

16、 a free competitive market economyFourth the cause of the union itself split and corruptionconclusion1. The special relationship between trade unions and political partiesObamas policies:o Higher taxes, higher energy costs, mandatory organizations of labor union, and Obama-style health care reformo

17、Repeated extension of the long-term unemployment benefit policyo The tensions between Obama and unions are also resisted2. Labor unions play an important role in American politics, economy and social life3. Labor union is a double-edged swordo positive significance improve the economic treatment of

18、workers, safeguard their rights and interests, promote the rationalization of income distribution and political democratizationo Government Employee Union is an important weight for the political balance of the cityo Maintaining the dynamic balance of the capitalist society.o Negative significance:

19、Disrupting the economic and social ordercomparisono high taxes-hard for employerso Cut taxes-good for employerso better economy-less needs of Trade uniono Crisis-more needso Liberalism(positive, big gov, small society)o Conservatism, Nationalism, populismbackgroundA 4B 41979: Collective bargaining w

20、as the dominant method of pay determination2010 norm and collective agreements declinedThe power resources of workers had substantially declinedThe actors of the processes in employment relationsEarly 19CLate 19CPost-second world war:voluntarist1960s,this system began to unravel1968-1970s,unsuccessf

21、ul1979-1997(2)trade unions and collective bargainingthe state of trade union must be measured along a number of dimensionsmembership has declined and the scale has declined2011:a single confed1979-2010: slumpedthree main reason p173unions response to the p174(3)employers and employer organizationsem

22、ployer associatedearly 1980: the bargaining function of associations disappearedThe contracts have changed with a decline in the proportion of full-time contracts1980-2004: consultation has declinedThe literature on IRCombusion(4)governmentdistinct roles1970s: Keynesian views influence p1761979 cons

23、ervative government p176neo-liberal policy1997-2010: labor governmentdeparted from conservative governmen p177(5)employment relations outcomesConclusion: the growth of individual legal claims against employersThatchers union pressure policy1. Limiting and depriving trade union powers through legisla

24、tive and administrative ways.2. Take an uncompromising position against the unions strike action and demands3. Indirectly weakening trade unions through economic and social policiesThe effect of labor policy(1) Economic effectThe British economy has regained its vitality(2) Political effectThe influ

25、ence of Thatchers tough policy against trade union on the Conservative Partys mainly manifested in terms of significant ruling performance of the ConservativeParty (won the longest continuous post-war period of administration).(3)Social effectsPoverty and unemployment () the wealth gap between emplo

26、yers and employeesInstitutions and actor choices。 institutions are important variables for comparative employment relations research。 Actor choices could shape Industrial relations structures, processes and outcomesCharacteristics of British labor relations after World War IIThe tradition of volunta

27、rismWeakness of legal systemThe growing role of government (mainly limited trade unions)Labor Relations under the Reform of Labor Party after 1998corporatismlabor relations reform planachieve the partnership between employers and employeesa third road: transcending social democracy and neoliberalism

28、Its core is to emphasize change and innovation to seek the balance between development any justice, rights and obligationsThis stage of the British trade unions, actively explore the road to revivalTrade union membership in the UK reached a peak of 13 million in 1979 and then declined steadily until

29、 the end of the twentieth century. The numbers stabilized ataround 7.3 million between 2000 and 2012, and have been increasing again, particularly among private sector workersTrade unions still remain among the biggest membership organizations in the country.According to Fulton, in 2011, over a quar

30、ter(27%)of all UK employees were members of a trade union, though union density was much higher in the public sector (57%)thanin the private sector(15%)The origin of the union (Swedish)The swedish trade union is the most powerful union among all Western trade union organizationsThe Swedish Confedera

31、tion of Trade Unions(LO)was established in 1898.The Swedish Employers Confederation(SAF) was established in 1902.conclusionAt the end of 1960s, Sweden had the widest range of social welfare programs in the Western countries, the largest public sector and the most powerful state intervention.As a res

32、ult, trade unions and governments which represented the alienation forces of market economics had began to play a role.Strategies of employers, unions, and workersMarket forces, institutional imperatives, and state policies are either reflected by or implemented through employer strategiesBoth to sa

33、feguard the interests of workers and the overall interests of the country, both representing workers and representatives of the party and governmentAlthough union dependence on the party may grant unions certain olitical power, this may fundamentally affect their representative role in the long run3

34、.Changes in the internal environment of the unionChanges1. Unions have experienced a gradual decline during the past 15years, followed by a sharp drop from 2007 and onwards2. The transfer of workers from public to private sector has simultaneously implied a transfer from industry to the servicereaso

35、ns1.changes of workforce composition2. young people show critical attitudes to union3. the Liberal-Conservative government put pressure on the unionCHANGEBackground1 mass unemploymen2 industrial conflict3 new economic theories, state intervention4 measures against unemploymentemploymentI strong inte

36、rests in keeping wage down2 pushed strongly for centralization of collective bargainingResultThe unions and employers concluded the Basic Agreement of 1938. also called the Sotcherbaden AgreementChanges in the external environment of trade unionsCondition:The party-union relationship remained close

37、at the top levelReason:electoral platforms1970seconomy crisisConditions: Rising unemployment,political radicalization within the labor market, the possibility of bargaining for higher wages became restrictedMeasures: Unions turned to Social Democratic government for political reforms. Several laws o

38、n employment protect were introduceThe characteristics of trade union organizations1.low density and high coverage of the Nordic model2.LO and SAF signed theSotcherba Borg Agreement in 1938, formally established the principle ofconsultation and cooperation, the two sides are free to negotiate and re

39、fuse the government intervention in any case.3.United state and United Kingdom: low density,low courageBackground1.economic growth2.rapid and sustained GDP growth3.Workersincome has significantly increased4.the share of wages in GDP has steadily declined5.the share of labor remuneration in GDP also

40、declined6.The growth of income inequality7.Workers rights are frequently violated8.quitting their jobs and labour conflicts has skyrocketedNew Swedish model from 1980The third way: between tightening and expansionChanges in the external environment of trade unions1. the changes of domestic political

41、 conditionsConditions:The unions had to reconsider their strong links to the Social Democrats and be open for talks also with other parties.In 1980s. a looser party-union relationship emerged.2. the influences of EUEU legislation on minimum wages threatened to interfere in domestic labour legislatio

42、n and make collective agreements obsoleteReasons(1).The Social Democrats lost their hegemonic position(2).The open and strong links between the party and the blue-collar unions and LO, the union confederation were increasingly criticized(3).a growing urge for individual freedom among important parts

43、 of the electorate and discontent with the Strong Society(4).There was strong opposition from industry to socialist reforms initiated by the unionANALYSIS PERSPECTIVESMarketInstitutions: redistribution-basedState: the most powerful actorThe first is decentralized accumulation to liberalize local eco

44、nomiesThe second is legalistic legitimation of authoritarian rule to rule the country by law without political controlRelationship between DP and union1.Strategic trade unionism: a principle of decision-making, take full account of their own policies in line with the policies of ruling Social Democr

45、atic Party,and their overall responsibility for the national economy and the relevance of policies2.This is a strategic cooperation challenge and reformismDiscussion1. Please evaluate the Swedish model Adjust the contradiction between capital and equalityHave so many blocks, such as high taxes on la

46、bor and consumption, then its hard to continue welfare policiesErosion of social work motivation and ethics2. Were the Changes in trade unions of Sweden radical and revolutionary, or a continuous adjustmentYou can use the comparison methods to explain the ideasDiscussion 1Discussion 2Comparison of C

47、hinese and American Trade UnionsAdministration vs. many typesResponsibilities of the ruling party and the laborersThe relationship between party and US unions, both cooperation and competition.Participants in US labor relation include employers, unions and government. Vs, not clear three subjects.Discussion 3Discussion the persona of Chinese Differences in and British trade unionFirst, the difference in income sourcesSecond, the difference in the right to strikeThird, the difference in the tripartite coordination mechanismFourth, the n

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