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1、一、 语音知识1 food A soon B look C classroom D good 2 favor A important B north C short D doctor3 dumpling A during B junk C put D popular4 ice A rice B fish C pizza D chip5 health A tea B cream C eat D breakfast二 单选题1 What he did was different _ what he said. A in B from C at D with2 _ north of China, p

2、eople eat dumplings during the Spring Festival. A In B To C In the D On the 3 Would you _ dumplings with us on Sunday? A make B do C set D take4 Doing morning exercises _ good for your health. A are B do C does D is5 Our country is becoming _. A more and more strong B stronger and stronger C more an

3、d more stronger D strong and strong6 My mother told me _ fast food. A dont eat B not eat C not to eat D didnt eat7 He is _ careless and always makes many mistakes in his homework. A too much B much too C too D so8 Reading in the sun _ not good _ your eyes. A are, at B is, at C is, for D are, for9 It

4、 is necessary _ us _ some natural food. A of, to eat B for, to eat C of, eating D for, eating10 Some kinds of drinking _ rich in minerals. A is B are C has D have11 I would like _ rice and _ milk. A a, a B a bowl of, a C a bowl of, a glass of D a , a glass of 12 She likes _, but she doesnt like _ th

5、is afternoon. A to sing, to sing B singing, singing C to sing, singing D singing, to sing13 _ New Years Day, there will be a celebration. A In B On C During D At14 They can mend the car _. A on themselves B at themselves C by themselves D in themselves15 Taiji is popular _ old people. A with B in C

6、at D during16 _ earth we live on is bigger than _ moon. A The, a B The, the C An, a D An, the17 -Wheres _ nearest shopping center? -Its over there, just around the corner. A a B an C the D /18 _ young should respect _ old. A The, the B A, a C The, a D A, the19 Tiananmen Square and _ Great Wall are t

7、wo of the places everyone should see in _ Peoples Republic of China. A the, the B /, / C the, / D/, the20 We are going to dine tomorrow with _ to celebrate Christmas Day. A the Brown B Browns C the Browns D Browns21 If you go there by _ train, youll have _ comfortable journey. A a, a B the, / C /, t

8、he D /, a22 My cousin is _ 18-year-old girl. She entered _ university last year. A a, a B an, a C an, an D the, a23 _ China is _ old country with _ long history. A The, an, a B The, a, a C /, an the D /, an , a24 We always have _ rice for _ lunch. A /, / B the, / C /, a D the, the25 He hit his siste

9、r in _ face. A the B her C / D his三 单词拼写1 My _ (最喜爱的) food is dumplings.2 I liked all the children, Tom _(尤其,特别).3 Christmas is one of the major _(节日) in the United States of American.4 He invited her to dinner at a French _(餐馆).5 Several _ (成员) of the family got involved in the game.四 词形变换1 _(fry)c

10、hicken is not a health food.2 _(order) books online is very convenient for us.3 That drink is not _(health) for a child.4 The _(hunger) child asked for a piece of bread.5 He is talking with two _(Englishman) over there.五 改错题1 Ordering food to a restaurant is a way to save time.2 Reading English story books help to improve your written English.3 He usually does his homework at the home on weekends.4 I like swimming in the summer, so does he.5 The Greens live in a A-shaped house in summer.

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