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1、(完整版)英语代词讲解及习题(附答案)代词代词的分类:英语中代词分为:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、关系代词、疑问代词、连接代词和不定代词等等. 一、用适当的人称代词填空:1._ismyaunt.Weoftenvisit_。 ( she )2.Chinaisadevelopingcountry._isintheeastofAsia。 ( its )3。Whatdayis_today?_isThursday. (its)5。Iownabluebike。Theredoneisnt_。 ( I )6。Thesenewhousesaresonice。_areveryexpensive.(th

2、em )7。Thefishermencaughtalotoffish,didnt_? ( them )8.LingLingisagirl。_studiesinaprimaryschool。_brother liveswith_andhelps_with_ lessons. ( she )9。Mikeismyclassmate。_isgoodatEngliush. ( his )10.Katewantsaglassofmilk.Willyoupassitto_? ( she )11。Whatstheweatherliketoday?_iscloudy. ( its )二、用形容词性物主代词和名词

3、性物主代词填空1。Iateall_sandwichesyesterday。( I )CanIhaveoneof_? ( you )2.Georgehaslost_ ( his )pen。AskMaryif(是否)shewilllendhim_. ( she )3.。JackhasadogandsohaveI._(he)dogand_( I )hadafight。4。Theteacherwantsyoutoreturnthatbookof_( he )5。Mr。andMrs。Greenandafriendof_arecomingtoseeus. ( they )6。WearegoingtoPar

4、istostaywithaFrenchfriendof_。 (we )7.Thisisnt_knife._isgreen。 ( she )8。Theseareyourbooks Kate.Put_inthedesk,please.(they )9。_mustlookafter_things。 ( you )10.WeiFang,isthat_ruler?Yes,its.( you )11。Theywantafootball.Give_thegreenone,please。 ( they)12。ItsLinTaosbag.Giveitto_. ( he )13.Isthispencil-boxL

5、iLeis?No,_isverynew. ( he )14。Thisboxistooheavy。Icantcarry_。( it )Dontworry,Let_( I )help_。 ( you)15._isaboy_nameisMike。Mikesfriendslike_verymuch. ( he )16。Mysisterisin_room._isateacher。 ( she )17。Janeisalittlegirl。_motherisanurse。 ( she )18。Wearein_classroom._classroomisbig。 ( we)19.Myfatherandmoth

6、erareteachers._arebusy ( them)20。Youareapupil.Is_brotherapupil,too? ( you )三。从括号内选择正确的代词填空1.Yourfootballclothesareonthedesk. Pleaseput_(they,them,their,theirs)away。2。(We,Us,Our,Ours)_EnglishteacherisMrs.Green.Wealllike_(she,her,hers)。3.(I,Me,My,Mine)_cantgetmykite.Couldyouhelp_(I,me,my,mine)?4。Tomca

7、ntgetdownfromthetree。Canyouhelp_(he,him,his)?5。Wecantfindourbikes.Canyouhelp_(we,us,our,ours)?6.Theseare_(he,him,his)planes。Thewhiteonesare_(I,me,mine)。四、用括号中的适当形式填空1 Arethese_(you)pencils?Yes,theyare_(our)。2 Whoseisthispencil? -Its_(I)。3 Ilove_(they)verymuch.4 Sheis_(I)classmate.5 MissLioftenlooksa

8、fter_(she)brother.6 Arethese_(they)bags?No,theyarent_(their).Theyare_(we)。答案:一、1、she her 2、it 3、it it 5、mine 6、they 7、they 8、she her her her her 9、he 10、her 11、it 二、1、my yours 2、his hers 3、his mine 4、his 5、them 6、ours 7、her her 8、them 9、you your 10、your 11、them 12、him 13、his 14、it me you 15、he his h

9、im 16、her she 17、her 18、our our 19、they 20、your 三、1、them 2、our her 3、i me 4、him 5、us 6、his mine 四、1、your ours 2、mine 3、them 4、my 5、her 6、their their ours反身代词1. Those girls enjoyed _ in the party last night. A. them B. they C. themselves D. herself 2. Help _ to some fish, children。 A. yourself B. you

10、r C. yours D. yourselves 3. The film _ is very fun。 A。 its B. itself C。 it D. its 4. Who teaches _ math? I teach _. A。 your, my self B. you, myself C。 you, me D。 you, herself 5. The father will make _ a bike _。 A. her, himself B。 she, himself C。 her, herself D. she, herself 6。 6. The scarf is _, she

11、 made it_。 A。 herself, her B。 herself, hers C。 hers, herself D. her, herself 7. 。 Liu Hulans death was great。 She thought more of others than _. A。 her B。 she C. hers D。 herself 8. Luckily, he didnt hurt _ terribly yesterday。 A。 him B。 themselves C。 himself D. they 9. I cant mend my shoe _. Can you

12、mend it for _? A。 myself, me B。 myself, I C。 me, I D. I, me 10。 I like watching _ in the mirror. A。 me B. I C。 my D。 myself Key: 1. C 2. D 3。 B 4。 B 5. A 6。 C 7。 D 8. C 9. A 10。 D 指示代词( ) 1 Whos that at the door? _ is the postman.A. She B。 This C。 It D。 He( ) 2 -Whos that in the picture? A. Its me B

13、. Thats I C. This is a boy D。 Its I( ) 3 Look, who is coming? _ must be our English teacher。A. She B。 He C。 It D。 This( ) 4 Someone is knocking at the door, but who can_ be?A. one B。 he C。 she D。 it14 D A D D 数词练习I。 用英语写出数词及数词词组并填空。1) There are_ days in a week。2) There are_ months in a year。3) There

14、 are usually _or_days in one month except_ . And there are usually_ or_ days in one year。4) There are_ seconds in one minute and_hours in one day。5) There are_ years in a century (世纪)。6) New Years Day is_ day of each year.7) December is_ month of the year.8) Spring Festival is usually in_ or_ month

15、of the year.9)_of May is Labour Day (劳动节)。10)_ is Childrens Day。11) The Chinese Communist Party was founded on _ 。12)_ is International Womens Day (国际妇女节)。13)_is Army Day。14) The Peoples Republic of China was founded on_ .15) Christmas Day is on_each year.16) Saturday is_day of the week。17) Septembe

16、r is_month of the year.18) There are_seasons in a year, and autumn is_ season of the year.19) Whats the date today? Its_.20) What time is it? Its _ .21) “M” is _ letter in the word “autumn”。22) Twentysix and fourteen is (are) _。 Thirty-one and nineteen are _ . Fortytwo and forty-eight is _。II。用英语写出下

17、列词组1)半小时 2)刻钟3)一个半小时 4)6点12分5)差5分12点 6)第12课7)第57页 8)第28页9)第16行 10)第57中学11)14路公共汽车 12)第7医院13)403房间 14)电话号码6889325915)1949年10月1日16)2000年17)在1952年 18)在5月19)在3月8日 20)20米宽21)10米长 22)30米深23)1万 24)1亿25) 第二层 26) 五分之四27) 三分之一 28) 在二十世纪三十年代III完成下列句子。1) Tom left home _ (20年前 ).2) Youve been watching TV for _ (

18、半小时).3) We went to the Palace Museum by _ (52路公共汽车).4) Peter was born in Paris on _ (1975 年3 月4 日).5) To tell you the truth, weve been there _ (仅仅一次).6) It took _ (两万多) workers _ (14年) to finish the building。7) He bought _ _(6片面包、一盘鱼、一杯牛奶和两杯茶)。8) That box is about _ (3米长、2米宽).9) There is a big stone

19、 _(前方大约40米处).10) Its _(9点1刻 )。1l) He studies at _(第35中学 )。12) _ (三分之一的医生) in this hospital are old doctors。13) It took us_(3刻钟) to get there.14) _ (第100位) student is the tallest。15) Now lets turn to _ (43页 ).数词练习答案I。 1)seven 2)twelve 3)thirty, thirty-one, February, three hundred and sixtyfive, three

20、 hunderd and sixtysix 4)sixty, twenty-four 5)one hundred 6)the first 7)twelfth 8)first, second 9)The first 10)The first of June (June the first) 11)July the first, nineteen twenty-one 12)March the eighth (The eighth of March) 13)August the first (The first of August) 14)October the first, nineteen f

21、orty-nine 15)December the twenty-fifth 16)the seventh 17)the ninth 18)four, third 19)略 20)略 21)fifth 22)forty, fifty, ninetyII. 1)half an hour 2)three quarters 3)an hour and a half 4)twelve past six 5)five to twelve 6)Lesson Twelve 7)page fifty-seven 8)pages two to eight 9)line sixteen 10)the number

22、 fifty-seven Middle School 11)Bus number fourteen 12)the number seven Hospital 13)Room four 0 three 14)telephone number six eight eight nine three two five nine 15)October the first, nieneteen forty-nine 16)year two thousand 17)in nineteen fifty-two 18)in May 19)on March the eighth 20)twenty meters

23、wide 21)ten meters long 22)thirty meters deep 23)ten thousand 24)one hundred million 25 the second floor 26 four fifths 27 one third 28 in the 1930s III. 1)twenty years ago 2)half an hour 3)Bus No。52 (the No。52 Bus) 4)March 4, 1975 5)only one 6)over (more than) twenty thousand, fourteen years 7)six

24、pieces of bread, a plate of fish, a glass of milk and two cups of tea 8)three meters long and two meters wide 9)about forty meters ahead 10)a quarter past nine 11)the No。35 High School 12)one third of the doctors 13)three quarters 14)The 100th 15)page 43形容词、副词一、选择题( )1 Who gets home usually _ in you

25、r family? A。 the latest B。 later C. early D。 as late( )2 The more we looked at the picture, _. A。 we like it less B. the less we liked it C。 better we liked it D。 it looked better( )3 What a pity。 Lucy ran _ than Lily。 A. a few more slowly B. a little more slowly C。 much more slowly D. little slowli

26、er( )4 Dont worry. Your baby is looked after _ here, the nurse are very _。 A。 careful, carefully B。 carefully, careful C. care, careless D。 careless, care二、用词的适当形式填空1 He works very _。 He _ has a rest on Sunday. (hard)2 _, he didnt fail in the exam。(luck)3 He was so _ that he couldnt believe this _ n

27、ews。 (surprise)4 He wont do it. I wont do it, _。 (too)三、提高题:1. The air in Beijing is getting much _ now than a few years ago. A。 clean B. cleaner C。 cleanest D。 the cleanest 2。 My cousin has changed a lot。 She used to be _ but now she is tall. A. short B. thin C. pretty D。heavy 3。 Mobile phones are

28、very popular now and they are _ than before. A。 cheap B。 cheaper C. cheapest D。 the cheapest 4。 -We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town. Why didnt you stay at _ one? A. a cheap B. a cheaper C。 the cheap D. the cheaper 5。 Do you like western food? No. The food of

29、 our country is _ that of western countries. A. rather good than B. much better than C。 more better than D. not so good as 6. This is _ that all of us believe its very important. A. such useful information B. so useful an information C. so useful information D。 such a useful information 7。 - Mum, co

30、uld I have an MP3 Certainly, we can buy _ one, but as good as this。 A. a cheap B. a cheapest C。 a cheaper D. the cheapest 8. The harder we work, the _ result we will get. A. faster B. fewer C. better D. the cheapest 9。 We should keep our eyes _ while doing eye exercises。 A. close B. closed C. open D。 opened 10。 Tom is good at drawing. How about Mike? - Mike is _, I think。 He has got more prizes than Tom。 A. well B. OK C. good D。 better 一、1-4 ABBB 二、1 hard hardly 2 luckily 3 surprised surprising 4 either三15 BABBB 6-10 ACCBD 第 6 页 共 6 页

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