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1、(完整word版)综合英语1ParaphraseUnit 11. When I was ten I was suddenly confronted with the anguish of moving from the only home. suddenly found myself faced with2. they all have one thing in common: sadness. share the same characteristic3. in that place in your heart where summer is an always time. summer i

2、s an everlasting season4. Dont ever give in to the sadness and the loneliness of that word. let yourself be overcame or conquered by5. Take that special hello and lock it away within you. keep it in your mind for everUnit 21. When youre through with the book, you just throw it away. have finished re

3、ading2. She read the book over his shoulder for a while. by looking from behind his shoulder3. Our television screen must have a million books on it and its good for plenty more. having the capability of providing4. Her mother sent for the County Inspector. sent a message asking for the help of5. He

4、 smiled at Margie and gave her an apple, then took the teacher apart. disassembled the machine into pieces6. Margie wasnt prepared to dispute that. didnt want to / was not ready toUnit 31. and I feel that much of the world has somehow gotten away from that. become different from what it should be li

5、ke2. never giving a wave or nod of appreciation when another motorist lets them pull out into traffic. showing their thanks by waving a hand or nodding the head move out into the main road3. But it can matter very much. be very important / significant / necessary4. Of course, saying “Thank you” doer

6、 wonders for the person on the receiving end too. who receives the “Thank you” note5. Similarly, bringing home the most insignificant little presents for people you cherish will go a long way. make unending effect6. Now, if we could just get everyone to catch them. have good mannersUnit 41. I had no

7、 worries and was just living life up. enjoying the life2. So I called him and he hung up on me. refused to take my phone call3. Also, I couldnt turn my back on him when he needed me the most. go away from / refuse to be with4. So I stuck it out and lost most of my friends. didnt give up although thi

8、s was unpleasant5. I went to doctor after doctor with him, and saw him go through so much. experience so much pain and distress6. I still had to be the strong one and keep everything in. bear all the hard experience by myselfUnit 51. and that is not relative to the situation at hand that is current2

9、. Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today. difficult to find or obtain3. And it is something we must demand of ourselves. make an effort to attain4. Stand firmly for your convictions in the face of personal pressure. Stick to in spite of5. Always give others credit that is rightfully their

10、s. Always praise and recognize others achievement6. So be yourself. behave in a natural or normal wayUnit 61. They have demanding jobs and limited time and financial resources. needing a lot of attention or effort2. A concern that is often heard with regard to single children is whether one child ne

11、cessarily means a lonely child. in connection with / on a subject of3. Many single-child parents feel a stigma associated with their decision to have only one child. feeling of being ashamed4. Many people believe that a single child will not have learned to negotiate with others, and respect the giv

12、e-andtake involved in many relationships. willingness of each person to satisfy others wishes5. The overall number of British children being born each year has declined. decreased6. With just one child there is no potential for family arguments arising from favoritism or sibling jealousy. the feelin

13、g of wanting to get what sb. else has among brothers and sistersUnit 71. The flight attendants, already strapped in, waved wildly for me to sit down. having the seat belt fastened on2. She was supposed to make a connecting flight when we landed in Newark. catch another plane to continue the flight3.

14、 When he was done, the voice of a flight attendant came on. he had completed his task4. I pulled myself together. controlled my feelings and began behaving calmly again5. I reached for her hand and reassured her that we were going to make it. land successfully and safely6. I am indebted to my fellow

15、 passengers and wish I could pay them back. am very grateful to do something good in returnUnit 81. Over the years I fondly thought of him as my “Valentine Man”. regarded him as2. That box and its contents ushered in a succession of bittersweet memories of my entrance into a would brought back to mi

16、nd a series of experiences, both happy and unhappy, one after another3. It was the kind of card that put a lump in your throat and tears in your eyes aroused your strong emotion and made you cry4. As I grew older, the gifts gave way to heart-shaped boxes filled with my favorite chocolates were gradu

17、ally replaced by5. In those years my thank-yous became more of a perfunctory response. to a greater degree / to some extentUnit 91. A few of them were left with nothing but emptiness and colossal debts. ended up with2. Hollywoods fame and fortune reached its peak in the 1930s and 1940s. was the most

18、 successful / was at its best3. Most of the famous motion picture corporations of those days are still very much in business. are still operating very well4. Most of them hoped in vain. didnt fulfill their dreams 5. who could make or break all but the stars with really big appeal. having great popul

19、arity among audience6. Many studio chiefs were tyrants, determined to get their own way at all costs. do whatever they want to do, regardless of all the dissatisfaction and opposition from others.Unit 101. I have long looked for an opportunity to pay a certain debt which I have owned since I was sev

20、en years old. for a long time2. She longed very much to have some of them to play with. wanted / desired3. First, you must picture to yourself that child, living quite solitary in a remote Chinese countryside, in a small mission bungalow perched upon a hill among the rice fields in the valleys below

21、. image / form a mental picture4. She took Oliver Twist out of his place and in great peril descended. in great danger5. He taught me to hate hypocrisy and pious mouthing of unctuous words. speaking in an insincere way6. If he saw everything black and white, it was because life rushed out of him strong and clear, full of love and hate. understood all things as either right or wrong

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