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1、(word完整版)北师大版必修一 unit 1 lesson1 lifestyle导学案Lesson 1Festivals命制: 余飞飞审核: lalazys【自主学习】 高一 班 姓名: Tip: United we stand, divided we fall. 【学习目标】1.认识并掌握一些关键单词;2。理解阅读文章的内容及思路,培养速读,查读的阅读技巧;3.运用英语熟练介绍中国的传统节日。.重点单词1。 _n. 奖学金2。 _n。 婚礼3。 _n。 场合4. _n. 电池5。 _adj。 粘的;粘性的6。 _n. 接待;招待会7. _n. 十几岁的青少年8。 _adv. 潇洒地;漂亮地

2、9。 _n。 典礼;仪式10。 _n。 信封11. _aux。 应当;应该12. _vt. 连接.重点短语1。 _ 烧毁2. _ 参加;参与3. _ 申请;请求4. _ 准时5. _ 一束 6. _ 即使7. _ 竖起;建造8。 _ 继续;坚持9. _ 也10. _ 扑灭。 教材佳句1He_three scholarships at college.(be过去分词不定式)据说他在上大学期间获得了三次奖学金。2This is a book_how to make money after graduation。(which 引导的定语从句)这是一本有关毕业后如何赚钱的书。3_,the Chines

3、e people all over the world have moon cakes to celebrate it.(when 引导的时间状语从句)中秋节到来时,全世界的华人都吃月饼来庆祝。4I was watching TV_.(when 作并列连词)我正在看电视突然停电了。5Make sure_all the doors and windows before you leave the office。(that引导的宾语从句)离开办公室前要确保关好所有的门窗。【知识探究】。重点单词1celebration n庆祝,庆典教材原句It marks the end of the Chines

4、e New Year celebrations。(P36)它标志着新年庆典的结束。Please take part in the party to celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary。请参加庆祝他们金婚纪念的聚会.How do you celebrate Independence Day?你们怎么庆祝独立日呢?对应训练Over two months ago,we happily gathered together_the 60th anniversary of our company。 In order to_it successfully

5、,we had spent a lot of time and effort to prepare the_。Li Ming held a party to_his admission to Tsinghua University, and his friends_him on it.2power n能力,权力,力量;控制力教材原句In one story,lanterns were lit to celebrate the power of light over darkness。(P36) 一种传说是,点灯笼是为了颂扬光明驱赶黑暗的力量.eg. He knew the power of t

6、he law。 他知道法律的力量。归纳拓展1)in power 当权,执政come to power(开始)掌权;上台in/within ones power 在某人能力所及的范围内beyond ones power 超出某人能力所及的范围come to/into power 开始掌权;上台;执政have the power to do sth。/of doing sth。 有做某事的能力(2)powerful adj。强大的;强有力的易混辨析power/strength/force/energypower指能力、权力,着重行动所根据的能力、本领或职权strength体力,是内部的能力,是在身

7、体内存在的体力;还有“优势,长处”之意force指物理学意义上的“力”也指为某事而使用的力量,还可指武力energy指生理上的“精力,物理学定义中的“能,能量” 对应训练Now Ive got him in my_;I can make him do anything I want。The girl was taken away by_。Old as he is,he still has _to do the work by himself.He pushed the big stone into the river with all his_。3destroy vt。破坏,毁坏教材原句In

8、another story,a town was almost destroyed but the light from many lanterns saved it.(P36)另一种传说则是,一座城镇几乎要毁灭了,但点燃的许多灯笼救了这座城镇。归纳拓展destroy ones health 有害健康destroy ones career/hopes 毁灭某人的事业/毁掉希望cause/do damage to 对造成破坏All hopes of a peaceful settlement were destroyed by the bomb。这个爆炸事件使一切和平解决的希望都破灭了。The

9、flood destroyed the houses and the power was out all through the night.洪水摧毁了房屋,整个晚上都停电。易混辨析damage/ruin/destroydamage一般指对物体或生命的局部损伤,使整体的价值或作用降低或变得无价值、无作用。这种操作可以是暴力的或一次性破坏的结果,也可以是非暴力的长期损害的结果ruin一般指对物体或生命彻底的破坏,但往往是非暴力的,也往往不是一次的打击结果,常指对美好的或希望中的事物的破坏destroy表示在肉体上、精神上或道义上彻底摧毁,使之无法复原,也可以表示对物体进行完全的毁坏 对应训练Al

10、l the enemys hopes _。The dishonest advertising _ the companys image among the consumers。 If no action is taken,the company will _ completely sooner or later.(destroy,damage)After the earthquake,the whole city lay in_.4decorate vt.装饰,布置教材原句In the past,lanterns were usually lit by candles and decorate

11、d with pictures of birds,animals and flowers,etc。(P36)过去,人们常用蜡烛点灯笼,用鸟、兽、花等图案装饰灯笼。归纳拓展be decorated with用装饰decoration n。装饰;装修;妆饰品The hall is decorated with flowers and pictures。大厅时装饰着鲜花和图画.May I help you decorate the room?我能帮你装饰房间吗?对应训练We _ the Christmas tree _ gifts and lights.The _ of the house had

12、taken months to complete。5boil vt.& vi。煮沸;沸腾教材原句Sweet dumplings are boiled and served in hot water。(P36)元宵用热水煮并且随汤一起吃.归纳拓展boiled adj。煮沸的,煮熟的 boiled water 白开水 boiling adj。沸腾的 boiling water 沸水 boiling point 沸点 对应训练Water should _or treated before use。_is the best way to kill these pests.6serve vt。送上;端上

13、;侍候;服役教材原句Sweet dumplings are boiled and served in hot water。(P36)元宵用热水煮,随汤一起吃。归纳拓展serve sth。with sth.用搭配serve sb。with sth.供应某人某物serve as sth.适合用于service n。服务be at your service 听候你的吩咐What kind of wine should we serve?请问要上什么酒?Serve the dish with rice and a green salad。用米饭和蔬菜沙拉配这道菜。对应训练Why arent you o

14、ut there_the guests?Breakfast_between 7 and 9 am.One large fish should_two to three people。The old man_in the army for ten years.And lets not forget the women who_their countries in the war。II。重点短语1burn down 烧毁;烧成平地;烧光;火力减弱教材原句The story was about a god who wanted to burn down the town.(P36)故事说的是有一个神

15、仙想烧毁这座城镇.归纳拓展The building was burnt to the ground。大楼被烧为平地。If a fire burns down,the flames become weaker and it produces less heat.火力变弱,火头变小且产生更少的热量.对应训练Many houses in the village_by the enemies.Be careful not to_by the fire.2take part in参与,参加教材原句However,in recent years,people from other cultures hav

16、e also taken part in the races and enjoyed the fun。(P36)然而,近几年越来越多的外国人也来参加赛龙舟,共享其中乐趣.归纳拓展I suggest those taking part in the competition should be praised.我建议表扬那些参加比赛的人。易混辨析join/join in/join sb.in(doing)sth。/take part in/attendjoin“参加”,指加入党派、社会团体、军队等并成为其中一员join in表示“参加某种活动,in既可为介词,也可为副词join sb.in (do

17、ing)sth.表示“参加某人所从事的活动”take part in指参加群众性的活动、会议并在其中起作用attend是正式用语,指参加会议、婚礼、典礼,听报告、讲座等.一般指成为观众或听众He joined the Party in 1980.他是1980年入的党.They danced until a lot of us joined in.他们不停地跳舞,直到我们中许多人都参加了进去.对应训练The Swiss didnt_the two World Wars。My grandpa_the Long March.In early days,only male athletes were

18、allowed to _the Olympic Games。All the family _ me _ wishing you a happy future。Our children_the same school。III. 经典句型1On this day,the moon is said to be its biggest and brightest.(P36)在这一天,据说月亮是最大最圆的。归纳拓展Sb/sth is said to do 据说干某事(Sb/sth is said to be doing 据说正在干某事Sb/sth is said to have done 据说已经干某事

19、Sb。/Sth。is said/reported/believed to do sth。It is said/reported/believed that sb.does sth。据说/据报道/据信It is said that。.。据说His house was said to be burned down in the big fire last night.It was said that his house was burned down in the big fire last night。据说他的房子在昨晚的大火中被烧毁了。She is said to be studying ab

20、road now.据说她现在正在国外学习。This book is said to_(translate) into several foreign languages.The traffic is reported to be rather heavy during the golden week this year._the traffic is rather heavy during the golden week this year。The famous man was said to _ (give)a large sum of money to help the poor and

21、was highly praised。2.Traditional moon cakes are usually made with bean paste,but nowadays,there are many different kinds of moon cakes including fruit,coffee,chocolate and even ice。cream moon cakes.(P36)传统的月饼通常用豆酱制作,但是,现今有很多不同种类的月饼,包括蔬菜、咖啡、巧克力月饼,甚至还有冰激凌的。归纳拓展including(用作介词,“包括”sth。/sb。included某人或某物被

22、包括在内He included a large number of funny stories in the speech.他在讲话中加进了许多引人发笑的故事。The university includes ten colleges。该大学有10个学院。Include:通常表示把某物作为其中的一部分包含在内contain:通常用来指某种容器中盛有某物,还指某种物质中含有某成分。指作为组成部分而被“包含”或“容纳”在内对应训练Price 14.90,postage_.It costs17.99,_postage and packing。The traffic accident caused te

23、n deaths,three children_。Your duties will _putting the children to bed。【课后检测】。句型转换1The moon is said to be its biggest and brightest that night.(it is said that。.)_2There are many different kinds of moon cakes including fruit,coffee,chocolate and even icecream moon cakes。(something included)_3Dragon

24、boat festival races were organized only by Chinese people.(变为主动语态)_4Traditional moon cakes are usually made with bean paste.(变为主动语态)_5There are many lanterns lit to celebrate the festival.(变为定语从句)_Lesson 2 Parties命制: 余飞飞审核: 郭 芸【自主学习】 高一 班 姓名: Tip: Care and diligence bring luck. 【学习目标】1。认识并掌握一些关键单词;2

25、.训练提取具体信息的听力水平;3。运用英语熟练表达聚会活动;I 重点单词1。 _vt. 吞下;吞咽2. _n. 成年人3。 _adj。 高兴的;愉快的4. _n. 毕业_v. 毕业5. _n. 传统_adj。 传统的6. _vt。 包括;包含_prep。 包括7. _n. 庆祝;庆典_v. 庆祝8。 _n。 权力;力量_adj. 有力量的9。 _n. 黑暗_adj。 黑暗的 II 重点短语: 1. _ 通过考试2. _ 赢得奖学金3。 _ 化妆;打扮教材佳句:?IV 单词精讲1. retireHe retired last month and now lives a quiet life.通过

26、观察以上句子,我们发现retire可作(1)_词,意思是“(2)_”。 retired adj。 退休的;退役的 retirement n。 退役;退休retire from 从中退出完成句子 (1)The _(退休的) man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yaan, enabling the students to return to their classrooms. (2)After he _ _(从退休)office, Rogers took up painting for

27、 a while, but soon lost interest. (3)Most US citizens _ (退休) around the age of 62, which is the national minimum _ (退休) age。 2salaryLi Lei is on a salary of $1500。通过观察以上句子,我们发现salary可作(1)_词,意思“(2)_” 拓展:pay ,salary, wages ,fee和income的辩析pay普通用语,指所有为某人付出的劳动或服务而支付的报酬,如: They are demanding higher pay. sa

28、lary指按月发放专业技术人员或管理人员的工资 His salary is $1000.wages通常指按周发放给非专业技术人员的,短期工作者的工资,如: She gets wages of ¥100 a week。 fee通常指为获取某一专业技术服务而支付给律师、医师等专业技术人 员的服务费、酬金、手续费工等,如:Lawyers often charge too high fees。income指所有的收入 The government must help people on low incomes. 3.contribute vt. vi。 捐献,贡献;投稿;有助于;促成教材原句But d

29、ont worry, you dont have to contribute a lot of money。但是不必担心,你不用出很多钱。contribute 。. to 。. 向捐献;把贡献给;把投到 contribute to 。 有助于;促成;导致 contribution n. 捐助;贡献make a contribution to/towards 。为做出贡献He contributed many articles on education to the local newspaper.他曾给当地报纸撰写了多篇有关教育的文章.补全句子(1)(2012湖北听力)How did the

30、mans mother _ _ _ _(促成他的成功) in poetry?(2)He _ _ _ _ _ _(将积蓄的一半捐献) the Red Cross。V重点短语 1、apply for申请;应用教材原句There were twenty other people applying for the job。另外还有二十个工作申请者。apply to sb。 for sth。 向某人申请某物apply to sb。 to do sth。 向某人申请做某事apply to .。适用;有效;涉及;有关apply 。.。 to 。.。 把应用于;把涂/敷到apply oneself to .。

31、 致力于application n。申请;应用applicant n.申请人;申请者Apply some medicine to his wound.在他的伤口上敷一些药。He applied himself to his new duties with great energy.他以极大的热情投入到新的工作中去。apply的过去式、过去分词和现在分词分别为applied, applied, applying. 2。depend on/upon 依靠;依赖;相信;信赖;取决于;视而定教材原句Well, of course it depends on what kind of party it

32、is。嗯,当然这取决于聚会的形式.depend on sb。 to do sth。 指望/依靠某人做某事depend on/upon sb。/sth。 for sth. 指望/依靠获取某物depend on it that 。.。 相信(it为形式宾语,that.为真正的宾语从句)It/That(all) depends。 视情况而定;很用depend 相关短语填空 (1)Sometimes we are busy and sometimes we are not。 _ _ _, you see。 (2)How much is produced _ _how hard we work. 补全句

33、子。(1)If our parents do everything for us children, we wont learn to _ _ _(依靠我们自己)(2)Its a comfort to know that I can always _ _ _ _ _(依靠你的帮助)。3。 from time to time 时常,不时拓展:“ 时常 ” 的表达还有 at times; sometimes; now and then 带有time的词组还有许多,常见的有: (1) ahead of time 提前 (2) as time goes on/passes by 随着时间的推移 (3)

34、 all the time 总是,一直 (4)at a time 一次(5) at no time 决不(句首时,主谓要倒装。)(6) at any time 在任何时候 (7) in no time很快就 (8) for the fist time 初次,第一次(作状语,for 可省略)(9) the fist time (连词)第一次(引导时间状语从句,前面不能有for (10) at one time 曾经(1)用the first time或for the first time填空_I saw him,I found him very clever。They tasted defeat_ 。It is _I have been to Beijing。(2)_,she was busy (in) preparing for the exam。我们第一次见到她的时候,她正忙于准备考试。(3)_,he would come to help me.每当我处于困境,他就会来帮助我。- 9 - / 9

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